An Eternal Flame in Memory of:
Our father Yosef Leib Klinger Who were murdered in the Holocaust by the Nazis, may their names be blotted out
Perpetuated by Baruch and Dov Klinger
In Eternal Memory
My Uncle Mordechai Spiegel
Perpetuated by Tzila Fetman nee Krigel
A Candle for the Soul
In memory of my father Moshe Michael Kornbleut Perpetuated by the sister Chana Hoffman nee Kornbleut
In Eternal Memory
In memory of my sister Klara Chaiche, her husband Yitzchak Kacman, their children Heni, Yaakov, Tzvi Who perished in the Holocaust at the hands of the German enemies may their names be blotted out Perpetuated by A. A. Diamand, Raanana, Rechov Hameyasdim
In Eternal Memory
To those of our family who perished, as follows:
My mother Roze Heisler the daughter of Shlomo Yungerman
My neighbors and friends: Perpetuated by Yehudit Heisler-Friedman
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Updated 7 Oct 2006 by LA