Yizkor Book in Memory of Rozniatow
(Rozhnyativ, Ukraine)

48°56' / 24°9'

Translation of Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Rozniatow

Edited by Shimon Kanc

Published in Tel Aviv, 1974
Rozniatow, Perehinsko, Broszniow and environs societies in Israel and the USA


Project Coordinator

Thomas F. Weiss


This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Rozniatow, Perehinsko, Broszniow, Swaryczow ve-ha-seviva
Yizkor-book in memory of Rozniatow, Perehinsko, Broszniow, Swaryczow and environs,
Editors: Shimon Kanc, Tel Aviv, Rozniatow, Perehinsko, Broszniow
and Environs Societies in Israel and the USA, 1974 (H,Y,E, 595 pages).

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Rozhnyativ.html

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Translated by Jerrold Landau

May G-d Remember
A map of Rozniatow8
My Town a poem by Yechezkel Neubauer of Petach Tikva14
The Town and its Walls (photo)15
The City and its Walls16
Our Town by Z. Friedler17
Chapters of History by P. Kanner18
Rabbis Hassidim and Influential People
Rabbis by Yehuda Har Zohar23
The House of the Rabbi by M. Fruchter35
Yisrael Leizer Bencer – One of the Thirty-Six Tzadikim
Rabbi Hamerling, The Rabbinic Judge Rabbi Y. Tz. Korn, Clergy, Ritual Slaughterers, Ritual Circumcisors, Rabbis, Scribes by Y. Rechtschaffen
The Old Kloiz and its Worshippers by M. Stern46
The Zionist Movement
Rozniatow During the Days of the Zionist Vision by Dr. Ch. Berger of blessed memory53
The Zionist Organizations - The General Zionists, Poale Zion, Mizrachi,
Achva, Bnei Akiva, Gordonia, Hashomer Hatzair, Betar, Stam Chalutz,
The Kazinu by Y. Rechtschaffen[1]
The Hebrew Library by Avraham Friedler-Scharf of blessed memory62
Reb Bendet Elimelech – "Hamevaser Zion" by Y. Har-Zohar65
Jewish Education
My Teachers and Educators by Ben-David Schwartz69
Reb Yechiel Mechel by D. Faasberg73
Youth of Rozniatow by Y. Neubauer74
The Teachers in our City by Y. Rechtschaffen76
Educational Institutes by Y. Friedler80
Events in the Public School by Sima Letichevski82
Characters and Personalities
Impressions and Happenings by Y. Rechtschaffen-Ritz89
Jews of my Old Town by Z. Friedler[2]98
After the First World War by B. Z. Horowitz of blessed memory103
In Memory of Chanina Weisman by P. Kanner110
My Father Moshe Branik by Yitzchak Barkai-Branik113
Baruch Keller by A. Friedler-Scharf118
Avraham Zavierberg – the Man and his Activities by Y. Har-Zohar119
Avraham Zauerberg 123
My Grandfather Avraham by Esther Har-Zohar124
Righteous Women by Miriam Har-Zohar126
Maskilim by M. Fruchter131
Sh. Shalom in Rozniatow by Sh. Gross132
The Beloved and Pleasant Ones by M. Stern133
From Generation to Generation by D. Stern142
My Parents by M. Stern149
Yaakov the Lame by Z. Weinfeld153
In Memory of Those that have Passed by Y. Neubauer154
Destruction and Annihilation
During the Years of the Holocaust by Yeshaya Lutwak [4]
The Invasion of 1939
The Expulsion
Exile In Dolina
Hirsh Gelobter
In the Valley of Murder
A Monument to a Dear Soul
My Wanderings
Reb Moshele the Shochet – Weiser
In the Stryj Ghetto
Rabbi Shlomo Perlow,the rabbi of Bolekhov
The Escape from the Camp
In the Forests of Dolina
High Holy Day Prayers in the Forest of Dolina
The Battle and Murder in the Forests of Dolina
The Budding of Freedom
Our Mighty Ones
About Another Brave Person
What happened to me during the Holocaust by B. Z. Horowitz [5]207
In the Place of Murder by Z. Weinfeld215
Righteous Gentiles by Z. Weinfeld217
The Town of Perehinsko by A. Winkler222
Rabbi David Rosenbaum of holy blessed memory by A. Brandwein224
Yehuda Berelfein by Yonah Yungerman232
Father's House by Yehuda Langnauer 237
Yiddish Section of the Yizkor Book
Our Yizkor Book by Z. Friedler241
The History of Our Shtetl by M. D. Lutwak of blessed memory
The End Came
My Years in Rozniatow
The Beginning
The Great Fire
Jewish Livelihood
Communal Relations between the Jewish and Christian Communities
Hassidim and Maskilim
First Drama Circle
A Torah Scroll is Carried to the Synagogue
The Activity of the Jewish Community and its Head Vove Hoffmann
The Synagogue, the Kloiz, and the Beis Midrash
Shamashim (Beadles)
The Maskil Chaim Yoel Taneh
The Parliament of Yossel Kasner
Chanina Weissmann
Feivel Reisler
Mordechai Kriegel
Hersch Rechtschaffen
The Mobilization
Surprising Events
The Jewish National Council
Sport Clubs
Yad Charutzim
Yiddish Theater
Jewish Victims of World War I
In Perehinsko
Going Back in Time and Years by B. D. Horowitz of blessed memory319
Groups and Organizations
Parties and Organizations by Y. Rechtschaffen [1]324
The Zionist Movement by B. Z. Horowitz of blessed memory331
Planting in the Land of Israel a poem by Avraham Zauerberg334
Personalities and Ways of Life
Jews of my Old Town by Z. Friedler [2]336
There Once Was a Town by A. Friedler-Scharf of blessed memory341
Rozniatow my Shtetl by Y. Neubauer342
Times and Surroundings by Sh. Gross of blessed memory343
The Rabbi's Son in Vienna by Sh. Gross of blessed memory348
Prayer Houses by B. Z. Horowitz353
The Third Sabbath Meal in the Old Kloiz by M. Fruchter362
A Winter Sabbath by Sh. Kirshenbaum364
Fires in the Town by Y. Rechtschaffen365
Vove Hoffman by T. Weisman-Hoffman370
Home Sickness and Duty by S. Enis375
The Lamed-Vovnik by Y. Axelrad [3]376
To Our Land by M. Hoiftman378
My Shtetl by M. Auslender381
The First Jews in the Town by B. Nirenberg384
Jews in the Town by Z. Weinfeld389
A Tear for the Beautiful Murdered People by Yehudit Heisler-Friedman391
Holocaust and Murder
In the Vale of Lament and Anguish[4] by Y. Lutwak394
Through Fire and Blood in the Years 1939-1956 by B. Z. Horowitz of blessed memory [5]445
Our Heroes by Y. Lutwak [4]455
The Priest and the Rabbi by Y. Har-Zohar460
And Thus it Was… by Z. Friedler463
In Memoriam – Yitzchak Spiegel, Shmuel-Leib Rosenbaum, Reb Yechezkel Nussbaum, Reb David Glass468
The Children From Whom We Were Bereaved – Eliahu Hausler, Mordechai Schnitzer Yosef Friedler, Yoel Friedler, Eliezer Sternberg, Michael Dingut471
A Memorial for Those Who Left Us474
Memorial Lights475
Family Tree of the Weinfeld Family476
Memorial dedications477-518
Translation of photo captions from the Hebrew-Yiddish section
The English section

Rozniatow by Simon Lieberman3-14
My First Visit to Rozniatow15-19
Rozniatow by Pinio Kanner – Moshe David Lutwak20-47

Translator’s Footnotes

  1. There is significant overlap between these Hebrew and Yiddish sections. However, the overlap is not complete – for example, the Yiddish section has a description of the Communists which is not in the Hebrew, and the Hebrew section includes a description of Kazinu and Bnei Akiva which is not in the Yiddish.  The Yiddish section’s subheadings are not listed in the table of contents.  They are:  Achva, Hitachdut – Poale Zion, Mizrachi, Gordonia, Hashomer Hatzair, Betar, Stam Chalutz, Communists, Activists.
  2. There is a significant overlap between these Hebrew and Yiddish sections, but once again, they do not seem to be exactly equivalent.
  3. A Lamed-Vovnik (literally, ‘one of the thirty six’), is a reference to a special righteous person who conceals his righteousness. Jewish legend has it that there are always 36 such special righteous people in the world.
  4. This long chapter of Holocaust history is equivalent in Hebrew and Yiddish, with the exception of a short preface to the Yiddish chapter. The Yiddish chapter on ‘Our Heroes’ which begins on page 455 and forms a separate chapter in the Yiddish, is included in the single Hebrew chapter under a subheading.  In the Hebrew it starts on page 201 and goes to the end. The Hebrew version does not have an entry in the table of contents.
  5. There is apparently much overlap of history in these two sections, but they are not equivalent.  The Yiddish section goes into much detail of events after the war.

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Thomas F. Weiss
This web page created by Carol Monosson Edan and Mike Kalt

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Updated 10 Feb 2021 by LA