In Eternal Memory
For the Weinfeld family of the village of Swaryczow
My father Reb Elyakim David the son of Yisrael HaLevi and Feiga
Uncle Lipa and his wife Freida Weinfeld
Aunt Dvora Freier (nee Weinfeld) and husband Salomon
Uncle Zeev Wolf and his wife Malka of the family of Reb Itzikel of Rozniatow
Uncle Itzio-Yitzchak and his wife Esther nee Archer Uncle Mozes-Moshe Weinfeld Perpetuated by Wilhelm-Zeev Weinfeld of Hadera, Israel
In Eternal MemoryOf the Fishman family of Wygoda
My father Godel the son of Reb Hersh and Rachel
Perpetuated by Chana the daughter of Godel and Leah, nee Fishman,
In Eternal Memory
My father Shmuel Rosenberg
Perpetuated by Beila Sabel nee Rosenberg
Perpetuated by Beila Sabel nee Rosenberg
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