For These We Weep
Perpetuated by Moshe Fruchter of the USA
Their Memory Will Not Depart From UsThe family of Reb Shmuel Wirt of Rozniatow, who was murdered in the Dolina Ghetto by the Nazis may their names be blotted out on the 17th of Elul 5702 (1942) The father of the family Reb Shmuel, his wife Frieda and their descendents Mamchia married to Reb Yosef Shimon Stern
and their children:
Sara Rivka married to Reb Binyamin Spiegel
Feiga Leah married to Reb Kalman Halperin Their children: Gitele, her husband and 2 children Weizer and 2 children Chana and her husband Her children Yaakov and Yitzchak Yisrael Wirt, his wife Malka and their 5 children
Tila married to Reb Avraham Tzvi Zauerberg, and their children: Chana, Yossi and Pinchas
In eternal memoryAll of them were Hassidim and people of good deeds, involved in charitable deeds at all times. Their homes were wide open. They were a wide branched family. They were murdered by the enemy through all sorts of strange deaths.
Weeping bitterly over the great loss
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Rozhnyatov, Ukraine
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