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[Page 579]

In Remembrance (cont.)

And our brother

Moshe Zelig Karabuz

who died [serving] in the
South African Army
in the year 1944.

We, Yossel Chayim
Ozer Yitzchak Bezalel
Liebeh Gordon
Mineh Medin
Slava Paul

Will always remember you!

In hallowed memory of our sister

Reizel and her husband Moshe Hesselkowitz

who perished in the graves together with all the Rakishok Jews.
We will never forget you!


Rivka, Naomi, Soreh-Leikeh
and Aaron Nochumowitz and their families

  We, daughters and sons.

perpetuate with this Hazkarah

[the memory] of our parents



Soreh Karabuz

who died in Cape Town

[Page 580]

We will never forget our parents

Moshe and Goldeh Zageh,

and our mother and mother-in-law

Tzviah Zageh and children,

who perished in Rakishok.


Reuven Zageh and family,
South Africa
Rochel Roszhner-Zageh

May this be an everlasting


for my sister

Soreh-Mineh and her husband

Shmuel Charmatz,

and for my sister

Feigeh-Rochel and her husband

Yisroel-Moshe Grif,

who perished in Rakishok.


Hindeh Koppelowitch
and family

In memory of
our father
and grandfather,

the important [an illustrious] man,
exalted [very learned] in his knowledge of Torah,

Moshe Ya'akov B”R Nochum Leib
Ha Kohein Farber

who passed away [was gathered to his people]
in Yerushalayim
on 2nd Kislev Tashyäg,

at a full age [a ripe old age] being
97 years old.

We erect this memorial to him.

[Page 581]

In memory of
our father
and grandfather,
the important [an illustrious] man,
exalted [very learned] in his knowledge of Torah,

Moshe Ya'akov B”R Nochum Leib Ha Kohein Farber

who passed away [was gathered to his people]
in Yerushalayim
on 2nd Kislev Tashyäg,

at a full age [a ripe old age] being
97 years old.

We erect this memorial to him.


Nochum Leib and Necha Farber, children and
Port Elizabeth

Fanya Rubinshtein and daughters,

Zalman Michal and Matlah Cohen and family

Rochel, Meilech, Yerachmiel, Blumah
Abraham and David Arsh
and their families

[Page 582]

As an illuminated memorial

Of our father Avraham Yitzchak Eidelman

who died 12th Adar 1920 in Abel,

of our mother Simeh Eidelman

of our sister Chyeneh and brother-in-law

Tuvia Radeh, and children, Yitzchak, Chaya-Henyeh,
Leib, Peretz, Chana, and Ben-Zion,

who perished in Abel together with our
whole extended family.


Aryeh and Rochel Eidelman and family
Rochel Hurwitz,

San Francisco

May this be an unforgettable reminder of our brother

Yechezkel, his wife Soreh, and son Immanuel Jacobson,

who perished in Ezhereni.


sister and brother-in-law
Rochel and Aryeh Eidelman and sons

[Page 583]


I will never forget even to the
last minute of my life
that August dawn in 1942,
under the hail of the Hitler-Fascist bullets, at the ghetto
fences, that we parted finally
[fatally] and after that you
perished tragically in the
slaughter of Vohlin, Ukraine.

You my dearly loved

Devorah [Dora] Bat
Shlomo Chayim


Rodel Eizenshtein from Pinsk,
and my only daughter

Feigeh [Felinkeh]
Bat Eli Melech,

and Devorah Bakalczuk.

You are, for me, deeply engraved in my soul and spirit.

The memory is unforgettable and holy of my dear and quaint mother

Soreh Bat Meir

whose soul expired on the first day of Rosh Hashanah 1940
in Sernik [Palesia].

Until I go into eternity, I will
remember you in great holiness [I will remember you until I die].


Elimelech [Meilech] Bakalczuk

[Page 584]

We perpetuate hereby

our mother

Sarah-Riveh Bat Ettel Levin,

our father

Reb Aryeh B”R Yisroel Levin,

our mother

Chana-Riveh Bat Tzireh Kriel,

our father

Reb Yitzchak-Boruch B”R Zisheh Kriel


Chana and Bunem-Idel Kriel
and their children

For my brother

Chatziah-Leib Ashkenazi,

and his wife Soreh-Leah,

and their children Chayim, Yishayahu, Chaikeh, Hirshel, and Bashkeh,
who perished in the destruction of
Rakishok [the Rakishker Holocaust],

for our sister Mersh

with her husband Eliyahu Segal

who perished in Utian,

for their five children
who perished with their families in
the Kovno Ghetto.

May this be an eternal remembrance.


Ittel and
Yerachmiel Genn and family

May this be a memorial

for our husband and father

Michael Podlass,

who died in Johannesburg,
South Africa,

for my sister Braineh
with her five married children
and her grandchildren,

for my brother
Yankel, wife, children, and grandchildren,

who all perished in Melitopol
[Ukraine] by hand of the
Hitler murderers.


Leah Podlass and children

May this serve as a holy
memorial [rememberance] of

my mother Rikleh,

who died in Johannesburg
31st July 1941 5 days in Adar,

my sister Goldeh Gordon and her husband Nottel, and their children Yosef, Leib, Zeldeh and Itzik,

my sister-in-law Beileh Jacobson and brother-in-law Yankel,
and their children,

and of all our relatives, who perished in the last Great Holocaust.


Taibie Gordon and children

[Page 585]

In holy remembrance

of wife and mother

Pereh-Ida Ruch ,

who died in remote [far away] Siberia 16th Sivan 1952

of our son and brother

Elchanan Zelig Ruch

who died in Rakishok 14th Adar 1931,

and his wife Chaya-Zeldeh and daughter Chana
who perished in the Rakishker Holocaust,

of our son and brother

Meier and daughter Soreh Ruch,

of our brothers
David and Yissacher Ruch,

who were the first martyrs in Kovno, shot
by the Nazi executioners [hangmen] 21st June 1941,

of our daughter and sister
Tzipporah, who perished in the destruction
of Alita, with her husband Yitzchak Krengel
and their children, Chana and Yisroel,

for our brother and uncle Shmuel Ruch
and his wife Leah and their daughter Michleh,
who perished in Rakishok,

for our father, brother, and uncle,
the beloved Rosh Yeshiva, The Rabbi

Reb Yehoshuah Zelig Ruch,

with his wife Esther

and daughters Chaitzeh and Pereleh,
who perished in the Vilna Holocaust.


Pesach Ruch, Leibeh, and Gitteh Ruch
Berel and Chaya-Laykeh Ruch
and children
Batya Ruch
Meier-Leib and Soreh Ruch and children

[Page 586]

May this memorial page be a headstone

for our father Yisroel Itzikman who died
in Rakishok 10th Iyar, 13th May 1927,

for our mother Chiyeneh Itzikman

and sister Liebeh Shulman and husband Yisroel
and their two children, who were killed by a
bomb dropped from a German plane
as they were escaping from Kovno,

for our sister Bassel Gamburg, husband Velveh,
and children, who perished during the slaughter in Rakishok,

for our sister Chaya-Devorah, who died
suddenly in Worcester, America on the
5th Candle, Channukah, year 1928,

for our uncle Yerachmiel Itzikman and family,

and for our aunt Mineh Wineberg
who were massacred by the hand of the
German executioners.

We will be reminded and remember you.


Rivka and Nochum Blacher and Sons
Yisroel and Abbo (Solly and Abe)

Reichel and Avrohom Gordon and children

[Page 587]

In memoriam
for our parents

father Shmerel
died in Abel,
Lithuania, 1924,

mother Soreh,
murdered by the Germans,

our brother

our sisters
Dobbeh, Riveh, Mineh

Who perished tragically during the national catastrophe.
May Hashem avenge their blood!


Yosef Shneider and family

[Page 588]

For our father

Mendel Leib Griz

who died in Johannesburg 1930,

for our mother

Ella Griz

who perished in September 1941
in the Kovner Ghetto.


Yitzchk and Winfred Griz and sons, Mendel-Leib and Zossel

We mourn our parents,
Zaida and Bobba

Zalkeh and Soreh-Buneh Shapiro

who perished in the
Ponevezher Holocaust.


daughter Tzvia and
Hirshe-Michael Segal
Chaya-Liebeh and Berel Ruch
and children

May these lines stand
in eternal memory
of our parents, Zaide and Bobba,

Faivush Segal

died 23rd Tamuz 1941,

of our mother

Tziviah Segal

who died
in Kovno 29th Tishrei 1932.


Hirshe-Michoel and Tzivia Segal
Chaya-Liebeh and Berel Ruch
and children

We will always remember
our parents
Zaida and Bobba

Michoel and Tzeppeh Klug,

sister and aunt Liebeh,

husband Chayim, and children,

brothers and uncles

Nechemiah and Moshe Klug

who perished in Rakishok.


Chayah-Ettel and husband Tzemach Salomon, Pretoria

Leah Klug and family, Kovno
Feigeleh Lapp


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