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[Page 569]

In Remembrance (cont.)

May this be a holy memorial
for our unforgettable parents

Meyer Berzack

born in 1883 and died 17th Iyar 1949


born in 1889 and died 19th Adar 1948.

Both were buried in Cape Town, South Africa.

Your shining memory will never be forgotten.
Our ties to you are still very strong.
[The feelings of being connected to you are for us,
your children, still very strong.]

Their charity and good deeds have embedded themselves in the
hearts of Johannesburg Jewry and in us.


Mordechai, Leibeh, Yehuda, Moshe and Heinech Berzack, wives,
and children in Johannesburg and Cape Town

[Page 570]

For our father Sh'merel Saitowitz
who died in Rakishok on 22nd Adar Tarpät,

and our mother Soreh-Rasheh who passed away in
Johannesburg 8th Shevat, 10th January 1946.

May these lines serve as a memorial.


Rochel-Tziviah and Yitzchak Zinman children and grandchildren
Genendel and Motteh Goott
Pinyeh and Pessiah-Gittel Saitowitz children and grandchildren
Dovid-Berel and Esther Saitowitz and children
Aharon and Soreh-Leah Saitowitz and children

May this be in memory of our parents

Avrohom-Ya'akov and Mineh Saitowitz

and brother Gershon, who was martyred [in sanctifying Hashem] in Rakishok
and brother Zundel Saitowitz, wife and children, who perished in Shavli [Shavel],
and sister Rochel-Frumeh, who died in Rakishok 14th Elul 1921
and sister Genendel, who died in Vilna.


Yisroel-Moshe and Tzipporah Saitowitz and children [in Kiryat-Chayim, Israel]
Soreh-Leah and Aharon Saitowitz and children [in South Africa]
Menucha-Rivka and Velvel Saitowitz and children [in South Africa]

We will always cherish the memory of our parents
Yosef and Chaya-Soreh Dubiansky, who died in Abel,

and of our brother Nottel and his wife
Reizel Dubiansky and sons, who perished in Ezhereni,

of our sisters Chana-Elkeh, Feigetshkeh and
Merel, and her husband Aharon Levin,
of our brother Sholem Dubiansky and his wife
of our uncle and aunt Hirsheh and Toibeh Yosselowitz
who all perished in Abel.

Your memory is holy.


Esther and Dovid-Berel Saitowitz and children

[Page 571]

May this Hazkorah be an Eternal Light

for our father

Chayim-Itzeh Fulman

who died in S'vadoshtz on 21st March 1929,

for our mother Ida-Feigeh Fulman,

for our sister Mereh, husband Leibeh and children,

for our sister Rivkah Fulman,

who all perished in Sviadoshitz,

for our sister
Soreh-Leah, husband Bentzieh Miller, and
Chashkeh, who perished in Rakishok.

The memory of all of you is holy!

We will never forget you!

Hindeh and Avrohom Merkel and children


Dinah Merkel, Chaya and Chayim
Lipschitz, and children [Cape Town]

Leibeh and Rochel-Leah Fulman and
children [Boston, America]

Avrohom-Gershon and Fenyah Fulman and
children [Boston, America]

Chana and Yisroel Fushner and
daughters [Boston, America]

[Page 572]

For our unforgettable parents

Reuven and Rochel Ruch

we, the sons and daughters, erect here
on this Yizkor Page, a memorial

in honour of your holy memory.

In sorrow, your children who remained behind:


Tuviah Ruch and family, Johannesburg, South Africa

Ahuva Ruch and family, Israel

Leah Ruch and family, Johannesburg

Latteh Ruch and family, Cape Town

Elchanan Ruch and family, Canada

Reizel Ruch and family, Canada

Sorrel Ruch and family, Canada

Avrohom Ruch and family, Canada

Ittel Ruch and family, America

Yerachmiel Ruch and family, Riga, Soviet Union

[Page 573]

Let this be a memorial and

an everlasting memory [remembrance]

for our Father and Zaida

Chayim Shimshon Swartzberg

who died in Worcester, America
24th Teivet Tartzä
13th January 1931,

for our mother

Riveh-Giteh Swartzberg
[Bat Reb Yisroel-Tzvi]

who died in Rakishok 26th Adar Tarsä.


Hessel and Chana-Leah Swartzberg
children and grandchildren

We, Moshe and Chaya-Soreh Klavier, express our great
sorrow over the cruel death

of our parents Zelig-Dovid and Tileh-Ida Klavier,

of our brother Ya'akov Klavier,

who were murdered by the German gangsters [bandits] in Abel.

May these lines be an eternal memorial light
for our father
Mendel Klatzkin, who died in Yanishok in 1939,
for our mother
Chassel Klatzkin,
for our brother Avrohom Klatzkin and wife,
for our sister
Rivka Galperin, husband, and children,

who all perished in Yanishok.

We will never forget all of you.

Your names will be engraved in our hearts forever.


Moshe and Chaya-Soreh Klavier and children

[Page 574]

May this be
in everlasting memory

of our father
Mordechai-Peretz Berzack,

who perished in Bagoslavishok,

of our mother Chaya Berzack, who
died in Bagoslavishok in 1929,

of our brother Gedaliah Berzack,
who perished in Keidan,

of our sister Gittel,
who perished in Bagoslavishok.


Reizel and Yisroel Michel-Michalewitz
and children, Johannesburg

Yentel and Reuven Novick and children, Pretoria

May this be a memorial

for my husband and the father
of our children

Mendel Witz [Yosselowitz]

We will always remember you, who
are unforgettable.


Malkah Witz and her children
Berel Witz and wife
Liebeh and David Kaplan
Binyomin Witz and wife
Beileh and Leah Witz

[Page 575]

A hallowed memorial for our mother

Rikle Smilg

who died in Johannesburg 5th [Menachem] Av Tarsät, 31st July 1944

and for our sister and brother-in-law
Goldeh and Nottel Gordon, and children,
who perished in the Rakishok Holocaust,
and for all our relatives
who perished in the Holocaust of Lithuania.


Moshe and Leah Smiedt [Smilg] and children

May this be a memorial for my
beloved parents

Dovid and Sheineh Sabel

who passed away in Vryheid, Natal.
Your memory is holy and precious to me!


Sarah Jacobson

For Katriel and Sheineh Sommer
Beileh-Tzindel and her children,

who all perished by the hand of the
German murderers in Rakishok.

May this be an everlasting memorial for them!


Avrohom-Yisroel and Rochel Tzeredines
Miller, Oudtshoorn, Capetown

[Page 576]

On the new [fresh] grave of
my devoted wife and mother of our children

Soreh Moskowitz

who died suddenly
Shabbat 7th Teivet Tashyäv 5th January 1952

May these lines be a hallowed and an
everlasting memory!

We will never forget her and always
remember her!


Chayim-Refael Moskowitz and
sons Shmuel [Sam] and Zalman [Zummy]
daugher Tamara and son-in-law Avraham [Arnold]
Tannenbaum and granddaughter Hayley

[Page 577]

I am deeply shattered by the gruesome murder
of my cousins

Mottel Katz and family

Hertzl Shapiro,

wife Rochel-Gittel and family,

and of the tragic deaths of all my friends
who were brutally murdered by the Nazi-cannibals
in Rakishok.


Rochel Herr [Shapiro]

In Memoriam
of my beloved sister


with her husband and children,
son-in-law and grandchildren.

I will never forget you.


Mirch and Yudel Riback

I will never forget and
always remember
my beloved sister

Soreh Tzadok,

brother-in-law, and three sons,

Pesach, Yankel and Lazar


Yudel and Mireh Riback

[Page 578]

Hereby, we erect a memorial
for our parents

Meyer-Leizer and Dobra Orelowitz

for our sisters

Freida, husband Avraham, and their children,
Rochel-Ita, husband, and children,

for our brothers

Pesach and his wife and children,
Choneh and his wife and children,
and for our brother Ben Zion.

Your memory is holy to us!


Chayim Leib and Beileh Orelowitz and children

May this be a memorial

for our parents

Chatzkel and Chaya Tzukernick,

for our sister

who perished tragically by the hand of the Nazi murderers.

We will never forget your tragic death!


Beileh and Chayim Leib Orelowitz and children


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