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22  Glossary of People (cont.)

Last-Name Name Date Desc Chapter Seq
Saina  return Ghita(l) Saina n/d Renters list; widow 16.14 0823
Sandu Sturza Ionita Sandu Sturza   Ruler 7 0019
Sanielevici Michel Sanielevici 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; president 16.17 1155
Sanielevici Sanielevici 1922+ Mayor 7 0194
Sanilovici Michel Sanilovici 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; president 16.17 1156
Saper Hescu sin Itic Saper n/d Renters list; trades cattle 16.14 1016
Sapira Iosub Sapira 1898 Handyman 16.16 2292
Sapira Rabbi Smuel Aba Sapira c 1868 From Slavuta; father-in-law of Ghedalia Aharaon 12 0438
Schapira Iosl Schapira 1916 Son-in-law of Rabbi Ira Landman; great grandson of Rabbi Levi Itzac of Berdicev 15.2 0508
Schipor major Schipor 1916 Policeman 7 0177
Schneer I. Schneer 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; cashier (treasurer) 16.17 1159
Schneier Moses Schneier 1911 Vice-president Mata-Baseiter society 7 0170
Schonhaus Nathan Schonhaus 1891 Scholar prize winner 10 0374
Schor M. I. Schor 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; vice president 16.17 1158
Schor M. I. Schor 1936 President of community 10 0426
Schor M. Schor 1919 Community committee 7 0189
Schor M.H. Schor 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0211
Schor Michel Schor 1936 President of the school's committee 10 0427
Schor Mr. Z. Schor 1903 School committee mixed Jewish-Romanian primary school 10 0387
Schor Zelman Schor 1917 Hahnusas Orhim synagogue congregant 11 0432
Schwartz Herscu Schwartz 1911 Cashier Mata-Baseiter society 7 0171
Schwartz Iulian Schwartz 1910 b, 1975, 1977 d Writer 15 0485
Schwartz Julian Schwartz 1910-1977 bd Birth and death; actor; cultural activist; author 9 0357
Schwartz S. Schwartz 1894 Tenant; sponsored hospital 7 0133
Schwartz Simcha Schwartz 1890-1974 Birth and death; actor, writer, sculptor 9 0358
Schwartz Simcha Schwartz 1900-1974 bd Writer; sculptor; published novel 15 0488
Schwartz Simcha Schwartz 1919, 1900-1974 bd Sculptor; wrote revue 15.4 0523
Schwartz Simha Schwartz 1919 Performed readings 9 0331
Schwartz Zeida Schwartz 1907 Tradesman 7 0153
Schwarzfeld Moses Schwarzfeld 1882 Published letter in The Brotherhood 13 0471
Scortaru Leiba Scortaru 1898 Weaver (rugs) 16.16 2402
Scuitiviti Nuta Scuitiviti 1898 Merchant 16.16 2039
Segal Buium Segal 1898 Laborer 16.16 2398
Segal Moise Segal 1898 Laborer 16.16 2717
Seinova Ghiza Seinova 1842 Renters list 16.13 0711
Sfarlester Mose Sfarlester 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1110
Sfart David Herscu Sfart 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2175
Sfart Herscu Sfart 1898   16.16 2081
Sfart Iosub Sfart 1898 Merchant 16.16 2080
Sfart Leiba Sfart n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Boidinesti 16.14 0972
Sfart Mihai Sfart 1898   16.16 2555
Sfart Pincu Sfart 1898 Merchant 16.16 2275
Sfart Smil H. Sfart 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2176
Sfart Zeida Sfart 1898 Merchant 16.16 2274
Sfart sin Bercu Iosub Sfart sin Bercu 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2134
Sfarti Basea Sfarti 1898 Merchant 16.16 2286
Silda Andrei Silda 1898 Laborer 16.16 2105
Simelanski Antin Simelanski 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2101
Simeleanski Iosef Simeleanski 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2100
Simionovici Dvaire Simionovici 1898   16.16 2324
Simon Feiga Simon 1898   16.16 2377
Simon Zalman Simon 1914 Gave speech at school; student 10 0411
sin Aizic Avram sin Aizic n/d Renters list 16.14 0875
sin Aizic Mihail sin Aizic n/d Renters list; from Drancea in Iasi 16.14 0784
sin Alter Mendel sin Alter 1898 Tailor 16.16 2589
sin Alter Strul sin Alter 1898 Laborer 16.16 2651
sin Ancel David sin Ancel n/d Renters list; butcher 16.14 0806
sin Aron Avram Leiba sin Aron n/d Renters list 16.14 0812
sin Aron David sin Aron 1898 Tailor 16.16 2503
sin Aron David sin Aron n/d Renters list; horse trading, from Botosani 16.14 0820
sin Aron Haniel sin Aron n/d Renters list; Iancu's nephew 16.14 0894
sin Aron Moisa sin Aron n/d Renters list; from Malaesti 16.14 0790
sin Aron Moisa sin Aron n/d Renters list; merchant 16.14 0960
sin Avram Bercu sin Avram n/d Renters list 16.14 0925
sin Avram Danila sin Avram n/d Renters list; sells things of small value 16.14 0883
sin Avram David sin Avram 1842 Renters list 16.13 0712
sin Avram Enta sin Avram 1898   16.16 2648
sin Avram Faibis sin Avram 1898 Tailor 16.16 2594
sin Avram Frima sin Avram 1898   16.16 2023
sin Avram Haim Nuham sin Avram n/d Renters list; wagoner 16.14 0839
sin Avram Haim sin Avram 1898 Merchant 16.16 2168
sin Avram Herscu sin Avram n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Hoisesti 16.14 0997
sin Avram Iancu sin Avram 1898 Furrier 16.16 2052
sin Avram Ili sin Avram n/d Renters list; cotton seller, from Iasi 16.14 0881
sin Avram Iosap sin Avram 1831 census, undertaker 16.5 0611
sin Avram Isac sin Avram n/d Renters list; lives in Balcani 16.14 0879
sin Avram Leizer sin Avram 1898   16.16 2416
sin Avram Lupu sin Avram 1898 Laborer 16.16 2656
sin Avram Marcu sin Avram 1842 Renters list 16.13 0707
sin Avram Marcu sin Avram n/d Renters list; brandy maker, grocer 16.14 0843
sin Avram Mendel sin Avram n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Sinesti 16.14 0856
sin Avram Nisal sin Avram n/d Renters list 16.14 0786
sin Avram Nusam sin Avram 1842 Renters list 16.13 0706
sin Avram Reiza sin Avram 1898   16.16 2166
sin Avram Rifca sin Avram 1898   16.16 2022
sin Avram Solomon sin Avram 1898   16.16 2591
sin Avram Solomon sin Avram n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Cosateni 16.14 0824
sin Avram Zelda sin Avram 1898 Merchant 16.16 2169
sin Bentin Pascal sin Bentin n/d Renters list; cattle trading business, from Esi 16.14 0896
sin Bercu Elie Itic sin Bercu 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0120
sin Bercu Herscu sin Bercu n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0932
sin Bercu Iancu sin Bercu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2214
sin Bercu Iosap sin Bercu n/d Renters list; also named Ursul 16.14 0813
sin Bercu Itic sin Bercu 1898 Laborer 16.16 2670
sin Bercu Itic sin Bercu n/d Renters list; teacher, from Esi 16.14 0911
sin Bercu Itic sin Bercu from Iasi 1845 teacher 10 0365
sin Bercu Leibu Itic sin Bercu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Butuliac 16.14 0998
sin Bercu Zamvel sin Bercu n/d Renters list; 16.14 0864
sin Bercu Zamvel sin Bercu 1852 Commercial transaction 7 0094
sin Burah Haim Hers sin Burah 1898 Merchant 16.16 2248
sin Calman Avram sin Calman n/d Renters list 16.14 0853
sin Calman Iancu sin Calman n/d Renters list; joiner, from Popesti 16.14 0867
sin Chisil Nuta sin Chisil 1898   16.16 2520
sin Copil Avram sin Copil n/d Renters list; butcher, from Esi 16.14 0909
sin Croitoru Haim sin Croitoru n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0799
sin Danila Itic sin Danila n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Tirgu Frumos 16.14 0974
sin Dascal Avram sin Dascal n/d Renters list; no business 16.14 0919
sin David Basa sin David 1898 Tailor 16.16 2634
sin David Iancu sin David n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0850
sin David Marcu sin David n/d Renters list; fur cap maker, from Lazareni 16.14 1000
sin David Moisa Haim sin David n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0971
sin David Moisa sin David n/d Renters list 16.14 0939
sin David Moise sin David n/d Renters list; also known as Moscu Barlic, brandy maker 16.14 0833
sin David Pascal sin David n/d Renters list 16.14 0776
sin David Strule sin David n/d Renters list 16.14 0944
sin Faibis Meer sin Faibis n/d Renters list; brandy maker, grocer, from Sirca 16.14 0821
sin Fisel Herscu sin Fisel 1831 census, undertaker 16.5 0613
sin Fisel Meer sin Fisel 1845 teacher 10 0364
sin Fisil Meer sin Fisil n/d Renters list; teacher, from Iasi 16.14 0880
sin Froim Gaina sin Froim n/d Renters list; also named Herscu Gaina 16.14 0795
sin Froim Herscu sin Froim 1831 census 16.5 0609
sin Gersin Nuham sin Gersin n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0975
sin Ghedale Iancu sin Ghedale 1842 Renters list 16.13 0721
sin Haim Alta sin Haim 1898   16.16 2674
sin Haim Aron David sin Haim n/d Renters list; from Bulbucani. tenant in Lipova 16.14 0895
sin Haim Haim sin Haim 1898 Tailor 16.16 2442
sin Haim Haim sin Haim 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17 1164
sin Haim Hana sin Haim 1898   16.16 2675
sin Haim Iancu sin Haim n/d Renters list; moneylender 16.14 0797
sin Haim Leizer sin Haim 1898 Innkeeper 16.16 2607
sin Haim Lemel sin Haim 1898 Tailor 16.16 2673
sin Haim Lupu sin Haim n/d Renters list 16.14 0931
sin Haim Pincu sin Haim 1898 Tailor 16.16 2441
sin Haim Smil sin Haim 1842 Renters list 16.13 0713
sin Haim Solomon sin Haim n/d Renters list 16.14 0825
sin Haim Zeilic sin Haim 1842 Renters list 16.13 0714
sin Haim Zeilic sin Haim n/d Renters list; signatore 16.14 1027
sin Haim Zelic sin Haim n/d Renters list 16.14 0826
sin Haim Zelic sin Haim n/d Renters list; signatore 16.14 0947
sin Haim Fisel Itic sin Haim Fisel n/d Renters list; from Sulita 16.14 0865
sin Haimovici Itic sin Haimovici n/d Renters list; baker, from Esi 16.14 1022
sin Hers Haim Moise sin Hers 1830 d 1982, gravestone 7 0034
sin Hers Nuham sin Hers 1849 Census; great great grandfather of I. Kara 15.5 0537
sin Herscu Aron sin Herscu n/d Renters list; tailor, from Esi 16.14 0819
sin Herscu Faibis sin Herscu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Sirca 16.14 0846
sin Herscu Falic sin Herscu n/d Renters list; butcher, house in Tirgu Frumos 16.14 0800
sin Herscu Haim sin Herscu 1858 Delegate of the Great Synagogue; sale of properties 7 0099
sin Herscu Herscu sin Herscu 1898   16.16 2715
sin Herscu Iosap sin Herscu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Lungani 16.14 0991
sin Herscu Itic sin Herscu n/d Renters list; lime maker, from Borseni in Neamt 16.14 0780
sin Herscu Leiba Haim sin Herscu 1898 Joiner 16.16 2698
sin Herscu Leiba sin Herscu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0977
sin Herscu Lupu sin Herscu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2710
sin Herscu Lupu sin Herscu 1869 Fiddler 7 0107
sin Herscu Moisa sin Herscu n/d Renters list; tax collector, from Madarjaca Fetii 16.14 0774
sin Herscu Solomon sin Herscu 1836 Proposal for taxes 7 0061
sin Herscu Naftule Ghitla sin Herscu Naftule 1898   16.16 2554
sin I. Avram Meer sin I. Avram 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2053
sin Iancu Avram sin Iancu 1898 Shoemaker 16.16 2250
sin Iancu Avram sin Iancu 1898 Laborer 16.16 2448
sin Iancu Fisel sin Iancu n/d Renters list; no business 16.14 0869
sin Iancu Freida sin Iancu 1898   16.16 2036
sin Iancu Herscu sin Iancu n/d Renters list; bar owner, from Glodurile 16.14 0773
sin Iancu Herscu sin Iancu n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0938
sin Iancu Herscu sin Iancu n/d Renters list; horse seller 16.14 0952
sin Iancu Leia sin Iancu 1898 . 16.16 2449
sin Iancu Leiba sin Iancu 1898 Laborer 16.16 2662
sin Iancu Leiba sin Iancu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0739
sin Iancu Marcu sin Iancu n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0900
sin Iancu Marcu sin Iancu n/d Renters list 16.14 0902
sin Iancu Meer sin Iancu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Albesti 16.14 0934
sin Iancu Moise sin Iancu 1898   16.16 2580
sin Iancu Pinhas sin Iancu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0970
sin Iancu Solomon sin Iancu n/d Renters list 16.14 0787
sin Iancu Strule sin Iancu n/d Renters list 16.14 0945
sin Iancu Sura sin Iancu 1898 . 16.16 2660
sin Iancu Toba sin Iancu 1898   16.16 2273
sin Iancu Zeilic sin Iancu 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2095
sin Iancu Zeilic sin Iancu n/d Renters list; purveyor of wine and brandy, from Harpagesti 16.14 0874
sin Iancu Belcescu Ghidale sin Iancu Belcescu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0847
sin Iancu Calman Moisa sin Iancu Calman n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0868
sin Iancu Leib Moise sin Iancu Leib from Targu Frumos 1845 Complaint 8 0282
sin Ida Leiba sin Ida n/d Renters list; tobacco seller 16.14 0958
sin Ilie Moise sin Ilie 1898 Merchant 16.16 2321
sin Ilie Smil sin Ilie 1842 Renters list 16.13 0703
sin Iodos Smil sin Iodos n/d Renters list 16.14 0923
sin Ioise Froim sin Ioise n/d Renters list; brandy maker, rented house 16.14 0976
sin Iosap Avram sin Iosap n/d Renters list; joiner, bachelor 16.14 1014
sin Iosap Haim sin Iosap n/d Renters list; shochet 16.14 0985
sin Iosap Haim Sulim sin Iosap n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 1002
sin Iosap Iosap sin Iosap n/d Renters list; shoemaker 16.14 0926
sin Iosap Izdrail sin Iosap n/d Renters list 16.14 0809
sin Iosap Izrail sin Iosap 1842 Renters list 16.13 0694
sin Iosap Izrail sin Iosap 1842 Renters list 16.13 0697
sin Iosap Mihail sin Iosap n/d Renters list; sieve man, from Esi 16.14 0999
sin Iosap Moisa sin Iosap 1831 census, undertaker 16.5 0605
sin Iosap Saia Leiba sin Iosap n/d Renters list; no business 16.14 0993
sin Iosap Zisu sin Iosap n/d Renters list; procession candle carrier, from Erghiceni 16.14 0882
sin Iosap Chetrariu Strule sin Iosap Chetrariu n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0912
sin Iosef Moise sin Iosef 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0123
sin Iosub Alter sin Iosub 1898 Tailor 16.16 2508
sin Iosub Bercu sin Iosub 1898 Laborer 16.16 2370
sin Iosub Beris sin Iosub 1898 Private tutor 16.16 2611
sin Iosub David sin Iosub 1898 Laborer 16.16 2538
sin Iosub Herscu sin Iosub 1898 Furrier 16.16 2631
sin Iosub Itic sin Iosub 1898 Merchant 16.16 2300
sin Iosub Talic sin Iosub 1898 Merchant 16.16 2084
sin Iosup David sin Iosup 1842 Renters list 16.13 0729
sin Iosup Haim sin Iosup 1845, 1848 d Shochet, census, died of cholera 12 0451
sin Iosup Strul Avram sin Iosup n/d Renters list; from Sulita 16.14 0886
sin Irimia Croitoriu Sender sin Irimia Croitoriu n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0898
sin Isar Izrail sin Isar 1838 Agreement 7 0069
sin Isar Izrail sin Isar 1838 commercial contract 16.8 0643
sin Itic Avram sin Itic n/d Renters list 16.14 0906
sin Itic Haim sin Itic n/d Renters list; soles maker 16.14 0973
sin Itic Ham sin Itic 1898 Tailor 16.16 2215
sin Itic Iosap sin Itic n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from ?iganesti 16.14 0996
sin Itic Leiba sin Itic n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 1021
sin Itic Smil sin Itic 1834 Taxpayers list, porter 16.12 0667
sin Itic Strule sin Itic n/d Renters list; bartender, brandy maker 16.14 0802
sin Lazar Alter sin Lazar 1898 Tailor 16.16 2606
sin Leiba Alta sin Leiba 1898   16.16 2209
sin Leiba Avram sin Leiba n/d Renters list 16.14 0794
sin Leiba Avram sin Leiba n/d Renters list 16.14 0992
sin Leiba Haim sin Leiba 1898 Laborer 16.16 2384
sin Leiba Iosap sin Leiba 1831 census 16.5 0606
sin Leiba Iosap sin Leiba n/d Renters list; barber 16.14 0910
sin Leiba Ita sin Leiba 1898   16.16 2208
sin Leiba Marcu sin Leiba n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0861
sin Leiba Meier sin Leiba 1831 census, synagogue janitor 16.5 0610
sin Leiba Mendel sin Leiba n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0987
sin Leiba Moise sin Leiba n/d Renters list; from Totoesti 16.14 0837
sin Leiba Perla sin Leiba 1898   16.16 2249
sin Leiba Ruhla sin Leiba 1898   16.16 2386
sin Leiba Smil sin Leiba 1898 Laborer 16.16 2385
sin Leiba Smil sin Leiba 1831 census, undertaker 16.5 0612
sin Leiba Solomon sin Leiba n/d Renters list 16.14 0877
sin Leibis Avram sin Leibis 1842 Renters list 16.13 0709
sin Leibu Avram sin Leibu n/d Renters list; wagoner 16.14 0792
sin Leibu Iancu sin Leibu n/d Renters list; silver lines metallic objects, from Esi 16.14 0891
sin Leizer Iancu sin Leizer 1898 Stone mason 16.16 2200
sin Leizer Moise sin Leizer 1831 census, brandy maker, seller 16.5 0607
sin Leizer Rabbi Moise sin Leizer 1823, 1831, 1834, 1835 Led community; census 12 0435
sin Leizer Rabbi Moise sin Leizer 1831 census, rabbi 16.5 0616
sin Liebu Hoisie sin Liebu 1845 teacher 10 0368
sin Lupu Aron sin Lupu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Esi 16.14 0965
sin Lupu Avram sin Lupu n/d Renters list; 16.14 0816
sin Lupu David sin Lupu 1862 d Death certificate; third degree tradesman 7 0104
sin Lupu Heilic sin Lupu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2708
sin Lupu Herscu sin Lupu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0789
sin Lupu Nuta sin Lupu n/d Renters list; trader 16.14 0793
sin Lupu Simon sin Lupu n/d Renters list; teacher 16.14 0916
sin Lupu Simon sin Lupu 1845 teacher 10 0367
sin Lupu Smil Itic sin Lupu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0969
sin Lupu Smil sin Lupu 1898 Coachman 16.16 2148
sin Lupu Zeilic sin Lupu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2312
sin M. Solomon Moise sin M. Solomon 1898 Laborer 16.16 2012
sin Marcu Basa Lea sin Marcu 1898   16.16 2458
sin Marcu Froim sin Marcu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0855
sin Marcu Haim sin Marcu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Popesti 16.14 1004
sin Marcu Iancu a Muchioaiei sin Marcu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0893
sin Marcu Moise sin Marcu 1898 Tailor 16.16 2559
sin Marcu Solomon sin Marcu n/d Renters list; merchant 16.14 0963
sin Marcu Sulim sin Marcu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0731
sin Marcu Zamvel sin Marcu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0979
sin Marcu Froim Faibis sin Marcu Froim n/d Renters list; no business 16.14 0982
sin Marcu Iosap Strule sin Marcu Iosap n/d Renters list; wagoner 16.14 1006
sin Meer Altar sin Meer n/d Renters list; owns alcohol-making machine 16.14 0914
sin Meer Dvoira sin Meer 1898   16.16 2629
sin Meer Haim sin Meer 1829 d 1982, gravestone 7 0030
sin Meer Hana sin Meer 1898 Laborer 16.16 2626
sin Meier Meier sin Meier 1898 Laborer 16.16 2625
sin Mende Moscu sin Mende n/d Renters list; brandy and wine maker 16.14 0897
sin Mendel Aron sin Mendel n/d Renters list 16.14 0901
sin Mendel Iancu sin Mendel 1831 census, shoichet 16.5 0615
sin Mendel Leiba sin Mendel 1898 Midwife 16.16 2098
sin Mendel Mendel sin Mendel 1898   16.16 2420
sin Mendel Moisa sin Mendel n/d Renters list; teacher 16.14 1019
sin Mendel Moise sin Mendel 1845 teacher 10 0370
sin Mendel Nuhem sin Mendel 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0116
sin Mer David sin Mer n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Hanaseni 16.14 1001
sin Mihailovici Strule sin Mihailovici n/d Renters list; wagoner 16.14 0928
sin Moisa Calman Ber sin Moisa n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Sinesti 16.14 0859
sin Moisa Haim Herscu sin Moisa n/d Renters list; brandy maker, own shop 16.14 0890
sin Moisa Herscu sin Moisa 1862 Representative of Jewish community 7 0101
sin Moisa Itic sin Moisa n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0863
sin Moisa Itic sin Moisa n/d Renters list; teacher 16.14 0984
sin Moisa Izdrail sin Moisa n/d Renters list; trades cattle, from Zahorna 16.14 1010
sin Moisa?? Calman Ber 1834 Taxpayers list; shop owner 16.12 0687
sin Moise Avram sin Moise 1829 d 1982, gravestone 7 0031
sin Moise Bercu sin Moise 1898 Huckster 16.16 2016
sin Moise Bercu sin Moise 1898 Bootmaker 16.16 2561
sin Moise Copel sin Moise 1898 Merchant 16.16 2015
sin Moise Estera sin Moise 1898   16.16 2017
sin Moise Etla sin Moise 1898   16.16 2375
sin Moise Herscu sin Moise 1898 Merchant 16.16 2376
sin Moise Iancu sin Moise 1898 Bootmaker 16.16 2560
sin Moise Itic sin Moise 1845 teacher 10 0369
sin Moise Meir sin Moise 1898 Merchant 16.16 2244
sin Moise Michel sin Moise 1898 Merchant 16.16 2032
sin Moise Rifca sin Moise 1898   16.16 2532
sin Moise Solomon sin Moise 1898 Huckster 16.16 2011
sin Naftule Heilek sin Naftule n/d Renters list; merchant 16.14 0962
sin Naftule Samson sin Naftule 1855 Brother of Moise Itic; estate business 7 0096
sin Nedelcu Gheorghe sin Nedelcu 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1087
sin Nisim Avram sin Nisim n/d Renters list; tailor, from Esi 16.14 0905
sin Nuham Ghersin sin Nuham n/d Renters list; merchant 16.14 0961
sin Nuhim Zambel sin Nuhim n/d Renters list; soles maker, own shop 16.14 0954
sin Nusam Ilie sin Nusam n/d Renters list; merchant, trades cattle 16.14 0981
sin Nusam Ilie Ilie sin Nusam Ilie 1898 Laborer 16.16 2500
sin Nusem Smil sin Nusem 1898 Merchant 16.16 2374
sin Oizer Heim sin Oizer n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Zahorna 16.14 0968
sin Pascal Ioina sin Pascal n/d Renters list; from Esi 16.14 0785
sin Pascal Marcu sin Pascal 1845 Guardian Iosup's orphans 7 0086
sin Pascal Marcu sin Pascal n/d Renters list 16.14 0803
sin Pascal Moisa sin Pascal n/d Renters list; shoemaker, from Esi 16.14 0903
sin Pascal Nuham sin Pascal n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0829
sin Peisic Smil sin Peisic 1898   16.16 2702
sin Peisie Bercu sin Peisie 1898 Carter 16.16 2700
sin Rivel Smerl sin Rivel n/d Renters list; fur cap maker, lives with father-in-law 16.14 0899
sin Rubin Huna sin Rubin n/d Renters list; butcher, from Tirgu Frumos 16.14 1012
sin Sasului Lazar sin Sasului 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1085
sin Simon Buium sin Simon n/d Renters list; water carrier 16.14 0922
sin Simon Leiba sin Simon 1831 census, baker 16.5 0604
sin Simon Leiba sin Simon n/d Renters list 16.14 0930
sin Simon Chitariul Leiba sin Simon Chitariul n/d Renters list; baker 16.14 0835
sin Smil Avram sin Smil 1898 Merchant 16.16 2141
sin Smil Avram sin Smil 1898 Tailor 16.16 2666
sin Smil Herscu sin Smil n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Tirgu Frumos, owns inn 16.14 0807
sin Smil Iancu sin Smil n/d Renters list; huckster, from Esi 16.14 0983
sin Smil Iosap sin Smil n/d Renters list; fur cap maker 16.14 1005
sin Smil Solomon sin Smil n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Romanesti 16.14 0941
sin Smil Usar Iancu sin Smil n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0935
sin Smil Herscu Lupu sin Smil Herscu n/d Renters list; wagoner 16.14 0940
sin Solomon David sin Solomon n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0920
sin Solomon Itic Zamvel sin Solomon n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 0917
sin Solomon Leiba sin Solomon 1898 Furrier 16.16 2567
sin Solomon Leizer sin Solomon n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0988
sin Solomon Mendel sin Solomon n/d Renters list; huckster, from Sculeni 16.14 1011
sin Solomon Ruhla sin Solomon 1898 . 16.16 2387
sin Strul Avram sin Strul n/d Renters list. 16.14 0778
sin Strul Idla B. sin Strul 1898   16.16 2581
sin Strul Ilie sin Strul 1898 Carter 16.16 2615
sin Strul Itic sin Strul 1831 census 16.5 0608
sin Strule Altar sin Strule n/d Renters list; Jewish leader 16.14 0907
sin Strule Altar sin Strule n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0956
sin Strule Alter sin Strule 1847 Jewish leader 7 0089
sin Strule Ancel sin Strule n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0836
sin Strule Bercu sin Strule n/d Renters list 16.14 0804
sin Strule Herscu Avram sin Strule n/d Renters list 16.14 0777
sin Strule Lupu sin Strule n/d Renters list; also named Padurariul, flour seller 16.14 0872
sin Strule Mendel sin Strule n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0957
sin Strule, zet Iosap Herscu sin Strule, zet Iosap n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0994
sin Sulin Strule sin Sulin n/d Renters list; glass seller 16.14 0980
sin Toderos Strule sin Toderos n/d Renters list; teacher 16.14 0913
sin Usar Rafail sin Usar n/d Renters list; bar owner, from Mircesti 16.14 0937
Sion Gheorghe Sion 1822 Appointed chiefs of administration 7 0021
Slatineanu Dr. Slatineanu 20th century Author 8 0269
Sloim Iancu Sloim 1898 Furrier 16.16 2191
Slomo Mr. Slomo 1845 real estate trans.; son of Avraham 16.11 0654
Smarie Altar Smarie 1898 Huckster 16.16 2142
Smil Iancu Smil 1831 census 16.5 0620
Smil Ita Smil Lupu 1898 Laborer 16.16 2120
Smil Ruhla Maria Smil 1898 Laborer 16.16 2663
Smilovici Baruch Smilovici 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0126
Smilovici Freida Smilovici 1898 Dyer 16.16 2086
Smilovici Haim Smilovici 1898 Laborer 16.16 2180
Smilovici Itic Smilovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2331
Sneer I. Sneer 1906 School principal 7 0147
Sneer Manea Sneer 1898 Merchant 16.16 2262
Sneer Moise Sneer 1898 Merchant 16.16 2261
Sneier Iancu Sneier 1928 Grain market manager 8 0299
Solomon Alter Solomon 1898 Water carrier 16.16 2701
Solomon Avram Solomon 1898 Laborer 16.16 2464
Solomon Avram Solomon 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17 1160
Solomon Beno Solomon 1934 Author; publisher 15 0482
Solomon Bercu Solomon 1898 Laborer 16.16 2003
Solomon Bruha Solomon 1898   16.16 2227
Solomon Cerbu Solomon 1914 Gave violin concerto; delegate from Lyra society in Iasi 10 0417
Solomon Elias Solomon 1907 Campaign to aid poor 7 0160
Solomon Ghizela Solomon 1924 Shalom Aleichem society 9 0345
Solomon Haim Hers Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2189
Solomon Haim Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2252
Solomon Herscu Solomon 1898 Furrier 16.16 2225
Solomon Herscu Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2325
Solomon Iancu Solomon 1898 Furrier 16.16 2210
Solomon Ilie Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2229
Solomon Ioli Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2232
Solomon Iosef Solomon 1902 Chair, Maccabea branch Carmel society 9 0316
Solomon Iosef Solomon 1902 Led Zionist society Macabei 17 1202
Solomon Iosub Solomon 1898 Coffee house 16.16 2207
Solomon Iosub Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2230
Solomon Ita Solomon 1898   16.16 2051
Solomon Leizer Solomon 1898 Laborer 16.16 2677
Solomon M. Solomon 1907 Distributed funds 7 0158
Solomon Marcu Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2371
Solomon Mendel Solomon 1898 Shoemaker 16.16 2030
Solomon Michel Solomon 1898 Laborer 16.16 2013
Solomon Moise Solomon 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17 1161
Solomon Moise Solomon 1928 Vice president ad-interim commission 7 0207
Solomon Moise Solomon 1915 Member "The Light" society; mayor's assistant 9 0325
Solomon Seindle Solomon 1898   16.16 2008
Solomon Sloim Solomon 1898   16.16 2568
Solomon Solomon Solomon 1898 Merchant 16.16 2072
Solomon Sura Solomon 1898 Laborer 16.16 2705
Solomon Svoire Solomon 1898   16.16 2190
son of David Slomo Iosef Leib - son of David 1834 d Died in Iasi; gravestone 7 0049
son of Iaakov Tvi son of Iaakov 1845 Complaint 8 0284
son of Iehuda Leib Efraim — son of Iehuda Leib from Tismenita 1830 d 1982, gravestone 7 0033
son of Iosef Zisu Tvi son of Iosef 1845 Complaint 8 0283
son of Smuel Iaakov, son of Smuel 1826 Land sale 7 0025
son of Smuel Iaakov, son of Smuel 1829 land sale; vendor 16.3 0585
Sor Avram Marcu Sor 1898 Merchant 16.16 2265
Sor Froim Zalman Sor 1898 Merchant 16.16 2326
Sor Herscu L. Sor 1898 Merchant 16.16 2288
Sor Herscu Sor 1898 Merchant 16.16 2021
Sor Leon Sor 1915 Member "The Light" society 9 0327
Sor Michel Sor 1902, 1935 Dr. Herzl's Youngsters; Jewish school committee 7 0233
Sor Michel Sor 1921 Mayor's assistant; mayor 7 0181
Sor Michel Sor 1923-1924 Mayor's assistant; community president; related incident 12 0462
Sor Moise Sor 1922, 1924 Maccabi society; Shalom Aleichem society 9 0333
Sor Moise Sor 1901 b, 1977 d Intellectual 12 0461
Sor Moise Sor 1908-1968 bd   9 0332
Sor Moise Sor   Related event 7 0256
Sor Strul Sor 1898 Merchant 16.16 2058
Spaier Asbert Spaier 1902 Led Zionist society Macabei 17 1203
Spiegler Ghersan Spiegler 1898 Carter 16.16 2590
Spiegler Haim Spiegler 1938 Community leader 7 0246
Spirit Albert Spirit 1902 Medical student; lecturer 9 0317
Spirt David Haim Spirt 1898 Handyman 16.16 2118
Spirt H. Spirt 1894 Achim organization committee 9 0313
Spirt Talic Spirt 1898 Merchant 16.16 2115
Sraier Blima Sraier 1898 Handywoman 16.16 2295
Sraier M. Sraier 1901 Student; led Carmel society 17 1200
Sraier Moise Sraier 1898 Merchant 16.16 2119
Sraier Sraier 1900 Jewish representative 8 0294
Sraier Sraier 1901 Delegate of the Jews 17 1194
Staher Iancu Staher 1898 Minor official 16.16 2150
Stalei Petre a Stalei 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1101
Steclaritii Iancu Steclaritii 1842 Renters list 16.13 0724
Stefan Gheorghe Stefan 1655 Ruler of Moldova 7 0007
Stefan Lippovan Stefan 1847 Shop owner 7 0092
Steinberg Saie Steinberg 1889, 1894 Chair, Tomhei Ani'im society; Hovevei Zion 9 0310
Steinberg Saie Steinberg 1906 Chair school committee 10 0389
Steinberg Saie Steinberg 1894 Delegate from "Hoveve Sion" to Galati congress 17 1197
Steinberg Sch. Steinberg 1914 Jewish school; Jewish community resident 16.19 1180
Steinberg Schaia Steinberg 1914 Gave speech at school; president of community 10 0397
Stejar Golda Stejar 1898   16.16 2718
Sterinberg Meir Sterinberg 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2097
Sternberg I.Sternberg 1914 Entertainer 15.4 0519
Sternberg Saia Sternberg 1907 Campaign to aid poor 7 0161
Stoleriu Iancu Stoleriu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0744
Stoleru Etla N. Stoleru 1898   16.16 2126
Stoleru Hava Stoleru 1898 Joiner 16.16 2417
Stoleru Hinde N. Stoleru 1898   16.16 2124
Stoleru Ider Marcu Stoleru 1898 Joiner 16.16 2455
Stoleru Iosub N. Stoleru 1898 Joiner 16.16 2125
Stoleru Iuclea Stoleru 1898 Joiner 16.16 2706
Stoleru Noes Marcu Stoleru 1898 Joiner 16.16 2123
Streinberg Saia Streinberg 1898 Merchant 16.16 2184
Strul Alter Strul 1862 Representative of Jewish community 7 0103
Strul Leiba Strul 1898 Merchant 16.16 2407
Strulovici Haim Strulovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2294
Strulovici Heim Strulovici 1897, 1958 Settled in Podu Iloaiei; related story to I. Kara 13 0472
Strulovici Herscu Strulovici 1845 Shochet; purchase of business 7 0087
Strulovici Iancu L. Strulovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2309
Strulovici Ioina Strulovici 1898 Huckster 16.16 2612
Strulovici Marcu Strulovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2019
Strulovici Seina Strulovici 1898   16.16 2087
Sufrin Roza Sufrin 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0415
Sugarovici Hanta Sugarovici 1898   16.16 2110
Suharovici Smil Suharovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2688
Sulim Altar Sulim 1898   16.16 2574
Surdu Mendel Surdu n/d Renters list; from Malaesti 16.14 0889
Svart Burah Svart 1935 Shochet 7 0028
Svart Burah Svart 1924 Dayan 7 0197
Svart Burah Svart 1923 Shochet; dayan; last congregational leader 12 0448
Svart Hers Svart 1916 Organized civil marriages 7 0175
Svart Iosef Svart 1914 Vice president of community 10 0408
Svart Itic Svart 1906 b, 1924 Later known as I. Kara; Shalom Aleichem society 9 0340
Svart Pincu Svart 1900 Teacher; founder mixed Jewish-Romanian primary school 10 0381
Svart Rabbi Burah Svart 1938 Dayan 7 0242
Svart Simcha Svart c 1923 Brother of I. Kara 12 0463
Svat Ion Svat 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1082
Swars Hers Swars c 1919 Businessman 15.4 0531
Tacsieru return Solomon Tacsieru n/d Renters list; brandy maker, grocer 16.14 0854
Taigman Faiga Solomon Taigman 1898   16.16 2038
Tamburu V. Tamburu   Writer 15 0501
Taranu Petre Taranu c 1917 Activist 9 0335
Taubes Rabbi Taubes from Iasi 1877 Dismissed shochet 7 0127
Taxieru Solomon Taxieru 1842 Renters list 16.13 0727
Tenenbaum Dr. Tenenbaum c 1935 d Physician 7 0235
Teodoru Ion Teodoru 1834 Taxpayers list; treasury inspector 16.12 0664
Teodoru Ion Teodoru 1834 Treasury inspector 8 0272
Tercaser Isac Tercaser 1898 Merchant 16.16 2063
Thenen Rabbi Dr. Mayer Thenen from Iasi 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0398
Thenen Rabbi Dr. Thenen 1914 Jewish school; rabbi 16.19 1181
Tincu. Vasile Tincu. 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1109
Tinichigita Malca Tinichigita 1898   16.16 2073
Tinichigiu Itic Lupu Tinichigiu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2423
Tinichigiu Marcu Tinichigiu 1898 Tinsmith 16.16 2074
Toluer David Toluer c 1892 Famous tzadik 13 0467
Tomas Mihai Tomas 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2333
Totoescu Iosub M. Totoescu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2020
Trit Ilie Trit 1898 Merchant 16.16 2246
Trit Moise Trit 1898 Merchant 16.16 2430
Turner Solomon Turner 1898 Furrier 16.16 2539
Ungur return Sura Leia Ungur 1898 Huckster 16.16 2147
Ungureauu Gheorghe Ungureauu 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2723
Ungurianul Ion Ungurianul 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1088
Unguru Hana Unguru 1898 Laborer 16.16 2154
Usar Ilie Iancu Usar 1898 Huckster 16.16 2404
User Leizer User 1938 Community leader 7 0249
User Pincu User 1898 Carter 16.16 2608
Vadana return Sosia Vadana n/d Renters list; 16.14 1023
Vadanii Zaida a Vadanii 1898 Fisherman 16.16 2065
Vaidenfeld I. Vaidenfeld 1884 b, 1966 d Writer 15 0497
Vainberg Ruhla Vainberg 1898   16.16 2478
Vainberg Strul Vainberg 1898 belfer (see list) 16.16 2685
Vainstein Wiess Vainstein 1914 Gave violin concerto; delegate from Lyra society in Iasi 10 0418
Vaisler Sura Vaisler 1898   16.16 2422
Vaisman Froica Vaisman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2338
Vaisman Iancu Vaisman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2340
Vaisman Ioil Vaisman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2460
Vaisman Lea Vaisman 1898   16.16 2337
Vaisman Meilesc Vaisman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2201
Vaisman Strul Vaisman 1898 Laborer 16.16 2693
Vanberg Malka Vanberg 1898   16.16 2479
Vasilescu M. Vasilescu 1912 Businessman 7 0173
Vecsler Avram I. Vecsler 1898 Merchant 16.16 2269
Vecsler Avram Vecsler 1898 Merchant 16.16 2235
Vecsler German Vecsler 1898   16.16 2483
Vecsler Gottfried Vecsler 1898 Merchant 16.16 2543
Vecsler Hana Vecsler 1898   16.16 2281
Vecsler Ichil Vecsler 1898 Merchant 16.16 2482
Vecsler Isac Vecsler 1870 Commercial transaction 7 0110
Vecsler Maica Vecsler 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2237
Vecsler Sura Vecsler 1898   16.16 2243
Veinberg Strul Veinberg 1904 School inspection; melamed 16.18 1174
Velciu Vasile Velciu 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1084
Velciul Christian Gheorghe sin Vasile Velciul 1839 Guarantor 7 0072
Vigder Litman Vigder 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0212
Vigder Litman Vigder 1928 Elected auditor 8 0302
Vigder Litman Vigder 1901-1972 Birth and death; community activist; writer 9 0359
Vigder Litman Vigder 1901 b, 1972 d Writer 12 0444
Vigder Litman Vigder 1901-1972 bd Writer 15.3 0517
Viger Haim Viger 1898 Merchant 16.16 2481
Vitner Carol Vitner 1909 Physician 7 0167
Vittner Dr. Carol Vittner 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0403
Vittner Dr. Vittner 1914 Jewish school; communal hospital physician 16.19 1187
Vlaste Xenofon Vlaste 1880 Collected donations 7 0129
Vlaste Xenofon Vlaste 1908 Counselor; mechanic mill owner 7 0163
Voitinovici Iosif Voitinovici 1898 Miller 16.16 2099
Volf Hana Volf 1898 Merchant 16.16 2351
Volf Lupu Volf 1842 Renters list 16.13 0741
Wachtel return Moritz Wachtel 1914 Jewish school 16.19 1182
Wachtel Moritz Wachtel 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0399
Wechsler Ghizela Wechsler 1914 Jewish school; Building committee president 16.19 1185
Wechsler Ghizela Wechsler 1914 President of school building committee 10 0404
Wechsler Herman Wechsler 1894 Achim organization committee 9 0312
Wechsler Samuel Wechsler 1915 Member "The Light" society 9 0329
Wecsler Moise Wecsler 1880 Collected donations 7 0130
Weissmantel Weissmantel 1709-1714 Swedish officer 7 0013
Westler Gedale Westler 1906-1978, 1924 Birth and death; Shalom Aleichem society 9 0339
Westler Ghedale Westler 1906-1978 Birth and death; cultural activist; reciter 9 0360
Zaharovici return Ana Zaharovici 1924 Shalom Aleichem society 9 0344
Zaitler Smil Zaitler 1898 Merchant 16.16 2145
Zaitler Strul Zaitler 1898 Merchant 16.16 2144
Zalman Avram Zalman 1891 Scholar prize winner 10 0377
Zalman Strul I. Zalman 1898 Tailor 16.16 2671
Zan Ancel Volf Zan 1898   16.16 2202
Zaraf Leiba Zaraf 1842 Renters list 16.13 0736
Zaraf Leiba Zaraf n/d Renters list; brandy maker, shop owner 16.14 0885
Zaraf Leiba Zaraf n/d Renters list 16.14 1015
Zaraf Leiba Zaraf 1842 Renters list 16.13 0726
Zauber Herjel Zauber 1898 Laborer 16.16 2529
Zbarjer Velvl Zbarjer 1938 Well known 7 0241
Zeilic Avram Zeilic 1898 Merchant 16.16 2322
Zeilic Haim Zeilic 1898 Laborer 16.16 2094
Zeilig Itic Zeilig 1898 Merchant 16.16 2047
Zeilig Itic Zeilig 1898 Merchant 16.16 2093
Zigler Basa Zigler 1898   16.16 2078
Zilberman Besa Zilberman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2291
Zilberman Haim Avram Zilberman 1898 Bookkeeper 16.16 2431
Zilberman Itic Con Zilberman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2432
Zisman Marcus Zisman 1898 Shoemaker 16.16 2470
Zisu Haia Dvoira Malca Zisu 1898   16.16 2566
Zoil Itahak Zoil from Lint c 1868 Father of Ghedalia Aharaon 12 0437
Zoni Sofia Mendel Zoni 1898   16.16 2408
ZZZ Adam 1941 Prefect 7 0259
ZZZ Andrei 1830, 1831 Municipal income; gardener. 16.4 0595
ZZZ Aron 1834 teacher 10 0362
ZZZ Aron c 1910 Son of Elie Rosental; scholar; worked in Hebrew journalism 12 0459
ZZZ Avram 1834 Taxpayers list; brother of Iosip 16.12 0668
ZZZ Avram 1834 Taxpayers list; teacher 16.12 0676
ZZZ Avram 1834 Taxpayers list; teacher 16.12 0678
ZZZ Avram 1834 Taxpayers list; tailor 16.12 0679
ZZZ Avram 1965 Smith; elder 7 0264
ZZZ Avram 1834 teacher 10 0361
ZZZ Avram 1896 Owned brick factory 17 1193
ZZZ Avram from the huts c 1860 Moneylender 15.2 0507
ZZZ Basie c 1849 Great grandmother of I. Kara 15.5 0539
ZZZ Beiris 1898 Foreigner's list; teacher 12 0456
ZZZ Bokai 1919 Pseudonym; see Iakob 15.4 0530
ZZZ Bratianu c 1860 Forced abdication of Cuza 15.3 0516
ZZZ Brudariu 1907 Institutor; revolt initiator 7 0150
ZZZ Bruha n/d Renters list; widow 16.14 0791
ZZZ Burah 1898 Foreigner's list; shochet 12 0455
ZZZ Burah .... [exactly as appears] 1898 Bootmaker 16.16 2642
ZZZ Calimah 1818 Ruler 7 0014
ZZZ Calman 1912 Medicine man for cows 15.6 0552
ZZZ Constandin 1853 From Targu Frumos; brickmaker 8 0291
ZZZ Csango 19th century Artist 8 0270
ZZZ Cuza 1926 Leader liberal party 7 0199
ZZZ David 1912 Sieve maker 15.6 0553
ZZZ Dimitri 1914 Gave speech at school; principal of Medie school 10 0412
ZZZ Doroftei 1931 Former gendarmes' lieutenant; chair ad-interim commission 7 0210
ZZZ Dvoira [no surname noted] 1898   16.16 2152
ZZZ Efraim 1844 Community Petition; from Tirgu Frumos 16.15 1132
ZZZ Eliahu 1845 real estate trans.; nephew of Iaakov 16.11 0656
ZZZ Elie 1898 Foreigner's list; shochet 12 0453
ZZZ Eliezer n/d Renters list; signatore, from Esi 16.14 1026
ZZZ Ester n/d Renters list; widow 16.14 1008
ZZZ Ester 1913, 1928, 1940 Mother of I. Kara; widow 15.5 0545
ZZZ Fisel's daughter n/d Renters list 16.14 0871
ZZZ Flodam 1914 See Adolf Magder; authored booklet 10 0409
ZZZ Froim 1835, 1836 Conflict with Gavrilas 7 0056
ZZZ Froim 1834 Taxpayers list; bar owner 16.12 0680
ZZZ Gavrilas 1835, 1836 Captain of town; administrator of royal vineyards 7 0055
ZZZ Gheorghe 1653 Chancellor; fought battle in area 7 0005
ZZZ Gheorghe 1912 Miss Pascanita's shepherd 15.6 0554
ZZZ Gheorghe's nephew 1844 Community Petition; from Toma 16.15 1102
ZZZ Ghidale 1834 Taxpayers list; son of Iancu Belcescu; trade business 16.12 0673
ZZZ Gligore 1844 Community Petition; community leader 16.15 1079
ZZZ Godal n/d Renters list; also named Leiba Grosul, brandy maker 16.14 0967
ZZZ Goga 1932 Politician 7 0226
ZZZ Golda n/d Renters list; Ilie Croitoriu's widow 16.14 0927
ZZZ Grinbaum 1833, 1836 Sudit; arrested 7 0046
ZZZ Haia n/d Renters list; Ilie's widow 16.14 0918
ZZZ Haim 1828 Business transaction 7 0026
ZZZ Haim 1842 Renters list; from Popesti 16.13 0742
ZZZ Haim 1898 Foreigner's list; shochet 12 0454
ZZZ Haim 19th century Performed Purim show 14 0477
ZZZ Hana c 1912 Cook 15.5 0540
ZZZ Heim c 1923 Shochet 12 0464
ZZZ Herscu 1842 Renters list; from the bar of Neculachi 16.13 0760
ZZZ Herscu the shochet 1834 Shochet; reader; teacher 12 0449
ZZZ Hersl 1913 Father of I. Kara 15.5 0548
ZZZ Iaacov 1844 Community Petition; from Tirgu Frumos 16.15 1111
ZZZ Iaakov 1845 real estate trans.; uncle of Eliahu 16.11 0657
ZZZ Iaakov n/d Renters list; signatore, tax collector, from Tirgu Frumos 16.14 1029
ZZZ Iaakov from Targu Frumos 1845 Complaint 8 0285
ZZZ Iacob 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1091
ZZZ Iancu 1830, 1831 Municipal income; carpenter 16.4 0597
ZZZ Iancu from Carazeni 1836 Businessman 8 0271
ZZZ Iancu from Popesti 1845 Complaint 8 0281
ZZZ Ilia and his sons 1664 Residents 7 0010
ZZZ Iloaia Early 1800s Wife of Ile or Ilie; built bridge over Bahlui River 7 0002
ZZZ Ionescu 1907 Gardener; revolt initiator 7 0152
ZZZ Iosl "belfer" c 1912 Teacher's substitute 15.5 0541
ZZZ Iosub 1898 Foreigner's list; shochet 12 0452
ZZZ Iosub c 1910 Son of Elie Rosental; scholar; Hebrew teacher 12 0458
ZZZ Iosup's orphans 1845 Guardianship 7 0085
ZZZ Itic 1828 Business transaction 7 0027
ZZZ Itic 1834 Taxpayers list; tailor 16.12 0670
ZZZ Itic from Roman n/d Renters list 16.14 0858
ZZZ Itikl c 1906 b, 1944 d Son and successor of Bention; killed in Iasi 13 0476
ZZZ Iuliana c 1873 Daughter of Ancel Hart 7 0115
ZZZ Izdrail n/d Renters list 16.14 0884
ZZZ Kiva Early 1900s Janitor 15.3 0512
ZZZ Lalu Early 1800s Husband of Iloaia 7 0001
ZZZ Lazar n/d Renters list; from Iasi, signatore 16.14 0946
ZZZ Leiba 1842 Renters list, from Totoesti 16.13 0717
ZZZ Leibu n/d Renters list 16.14 0840
ZZZ Leteg 1919 Pseudonym; see Ghetel Buchman 15.4 0529
ZZZ Lupu 1834 Taxpayers list 16.12 0675
ZZZ Malca n/d Renters list; widow 16.14 0908
ZZZ Malca n/d Renters list; widow 16.14 1017
ZZZ Manolache 1828 Captain of borough; first town clerk 7 0041
ZZZ Marcu 1842 Renters list; from Barbalata 16.13 0759
ZZZ Marcu n/d Renters list; shochet 16.14 0831
ZZZ Marcu n/d Renters list; shochet 16.14 0834
ZZZ Marcu n/d Renters list 16.14 0866
ZZZ Marcus 1845 Shochet; cencus 12 0450
ZZZ Meer from Larga n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Larga 16.14 0953
ZZZ Menase 1844 Community Petition; from Totoesti 16.15 1141
ZZZ Mitcovici 1836 Russian general; president of Moldova's divan 7 0048
ZZZ Moisa 1834 Taxpayers list; tailor 16.12 0669
ZZZ Moisa 1834 Taxpayers list; teacher 16.12 0677
ZZZ Moisa 1834 Taxpayers list; bar owner 16.12 0685
ZZZ Moise 1845 real estate trans.; rabbi 16.11 0660
ZZZ Moise 1834 teacher 10 0363
ZZZ Moise c 1923 Shochet 12 0465
ZZZ Moise from Berlesti 1845 Complaint 8 0280
ZZZ Mordechai… 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1117
ZZZ Motl c 1849 Great great grandfather of I. Kara 15.5 0538
ZZZ Munas 1842 Renters list 16.13 0702
ZZZ Munis n/d Renters list; from Tirgu Frumos . 16.14 0798
ZZZ Pinchas from Korzec c 1868 Hasidic leader; uncle of Ghedalia Aharaon 12 0439
ZZZ Popovici 1919 Mayor 7 0183
ZZZ Rabbi Apter Rav 1823 Famous rabbi of Iasi 12 0434
ZZZ Rabbi Ghedalia Aharaon son of Itahak Zoil from Lint 1814 b, 1878 d, 1868-1878 led community; son-in-law of Rabbi Smuel Aba Sapira; nephew of Pinchas from Korzec 12 0436
ZZZ Rabbi Ithak from Vijnita c 1838 Uncle of Uri Landman 12 0443
ZZZ Rabbi Levi Itzac of Berdicev Rabbi 15.2 0509
ZZZ Rabbi Meir from Premislean Father of Hasidic dynasty 15.2 0503
ZZZ Rabbi Mendel from Vijnita c 1850 Book dedication 12 0447
ZZZ Rabbi Mose from Podu Iloaiei 1845 Confirmation of house sale 7 0081
ZZZ Rabbi Moshe Rabenu c 1860 Rabbi 15.2 0504
ZZZ Rabbi Sifsei Hahamim c 1860 Aka Sabetai Bas from Prague; popularizer 15.2 0505
ZZZ Rota 1926 Public primary school principal 7 0198
ZZZ Saim 1834 Taxpayers list; furrier 16.12 0684
ZZZ Samsa 1842 Runaway; husband of Reiza Iosupovici 7 0080
ZZZ Seindla [no surname noted] 1898   16.16 2151
ZZZ Simcha n/d Renters list; signatore, from Tirgu Frumos 16.14 1028
ZZZ Simcha 1844 Community Petition; from Tirgu Frumos 16.15 1118
ZZZ Simcha 1923 ; 1924 Tinker; business owner 7 0195
ZZZ Simha n/d Renters list; from Tirgu Frumos, signatore 16.14 0948
ZZZ Simha from Targu Frumos 1836 Proposal for taxes 7 0065
ZZZ Simha from Targu Frumos 1845 Complaint 8 0279
ZZZ Sloim 1834 Taxpayers list; brother of Itic; orphan 16.12 0672
ZZZ Smil 1834 Taxpayers list; bar owner, shoemaker 16.12 0686
ZZZ Smule 1842 Renters list; from Tirgu Frumos 16.13 0693
ZZZ Sofia c 1873 Daughter of Ancel Hart 7 0113
ZZZ Solomon c 1836 Beaten by men 7 0057
ZZZ Solomon 1836 deposition; merchant 16.7 0632
ZZZ Solomon 1842 Native Moldavian Jew; emigrant; servant 8 0277
ZZZ Spirt 1902 Medical undergraduate; gave speech 17 1207
ZZZ Sruli n/d Renters list 16.14 0915
ZZZ Stefan the widow's son n/d Renters list 16.14 0878
ZZZ Strul melamed c 1912 Teacher 15.5 0542
ZZZ Strule from Todireni 1845 teacher 10 0366
ZZZ Sulim 1834 Taxpayers list; butcher 16.12 0674
ZZZ Sulim sin … n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0857
ZZZ Svart family c 1900 Important members of community 15.7 0559
ZZZ Tanase 1844 Community Petition; baker 16.15 1077
ZZZ Tanase n/d Renters list 16.14 0929
ZZZ Tereza c 1873 Daughter of Ancel Hart 7 0114
ZZZ Timofte n/d Renters list; winter coat maker 16.14 1003
ZZZ Todorachi 1834 Taxpayers list; chief policeman 16.12 0665
ZZZ Trofin n/d Renters list 16.14 0862
ZZZ Tudorache 1842 Litigation 7 0078
ZZZ Tudose 1932 Chaired ad-interim commission 7 0225
ZZZ Tvi 1844 Community Petition; from Botosani 16.15 1122
ZZZ Ursul n/d Renters list; also named Iosap sin Bercu 16.14 0814
ZZZ Vasile 1912 Bath-house attendant 15.6 0550
ZZZ Velvl clan c 1900 Includes great-great-grandson of Iancu Moise; shoe maker 15.7 0560
ZZZ Verax c 1831 Author 8 0266
ZZZ Vlaste 1904 Mill owner 7 0145
ZZZ Zeilic n/d Renters list 16.14 0828

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Updated 22 Dec 2007 by LA