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22  Glossary of People

The Glossary of People was not part of Kara's work. It's an added feature of this English edition. It does not appear in the PDF version; however it is available in HTML format at the JewishGen website or in Excel format from KME.


22.1  Overview

There are hundreds of names mentioned throughout the book, making it a treasure trove for Jewish genealogists. We hope this glossary will aid them in finding the names they are researching.

In its native form in MS Word, names of interest can be found in this document quite simply by doing a global search for the name. There is one drawback with this approach however. We may not be using the same spelling that appears in the book. For example, if we are looking for Cohen, we are not going to find “Cohn”, the way it is spelled in Romanian.

The search process becomes even more difficult when the document is hosted on JewishGen, with each of the 21 different chapters in a separate HTML file. That means if we are searching for Cohen we will have to do 21 searches. Using the glossary will make the job much simplier.

The glossary contains the following information:

Field Description
Surname The family name, as best we can ascertain from the Name.
Name Can contain first name, surname, occupation, place of origin or combination of the above.
Chapter Chapter in the book where the person can be found.
Sequence# Sequence number of the entry in the book. Two people with similar names, in close proximaty in the book, may be the same person or related persons. If the entry comes from the 1898 Census (Chapter 16.6) then the sequence number is the record number as it appears in the census plus 2000. For example, the 1898 census record# 246 appears in the glossary as sequence# 2246.

By default the glossary is sorted by Surname, Name and Sequence#. However other sort orders are possible.

In the description field we have captured only small pieces of information. It's usually worthwhile to go back to the appropriate chapter/s, in which the names of interest are found, to get the full information.

The glossary contains virtually all the people mentioned in the book, including the censuses in Chapter 16.

Please note that the Census of 1898 (Ch 16.16) is being hosted, in its entirety, at JewishGen as a separate entity with different search capabilities. Nevertheless some of the information is being included in the Glossary of People to allow for unified searches. If you do find names of interest in the glossary it's recommended that you go to the 1898 Census to get the additional information.

It should also be noted that some of the people listed in the glossary were not Jewish (eg. city officials, landowners, etc). Furthermore, the glossary is not restricted to Podu Iloiaiei residents. Some of the people listed had nothing to do with this town (eg. famous rabbis, writers, etc).

Some people appear to have multiple listings in the glossary. For example:

Name Date Description Chapter
Moise Berlescu 1836, 1842 From Berlesti; proposal for taxes; litigation 7
Moisa Birlescu n/d Renters list; tax collector, signatore 16.14
Iekel Blumenfeld 1938 Community leader 7
Iechil Blumenfeld 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17
Moise Iuster 1830 Municipal income 16.4
Moise Juster 1830 Business transaction 7

Notice the variations in spelling from one entry to the next.


22.2  Challenges in Finding Names in this Book

Some JewishGen/PoduIloaiei researchers have been disappointed not finding their ancestors in the various censuses in the book. I must caution that these censuses in their current form may not be complete. The material went through several different processes:

  1. Kara transcribing from the source documents (which themselves may have been incomplete)
  2. Printing of Kara's book
  3. Translation into English

But I wouldn't rush to any conclusions. I was also perplexed why the siblings of my great-grandparents were missing from the 1898 census, until I found other civic records showing them residing in some of the surrounding communities.

Another major obstacle in identifying ancestors is the fact that a large number of entries appear without surnames. Apparently the adoption of surnames was a rather late innovation in Podu Iloiaiei. Nat Abramowitz couldn't find his father on the census because he didn't adopt the name Abramowitz until he left Podu Iloiaiei for America.

Others were more successful in finding their ancestors amongst the non-surnamed entries such as Avram sin Moise. So look closely at all the entries.

Another issue is the fact that the letters in the Romanian alphabet do not always sound phonetically the same as they do in English. Consequently the Hebrew and Yiddish origins of many given names listed in the census may not be readily apparent. In a separate document titled “Introduction to the 1898 Podu Iloaiei Census” we have a table showing the Hebrew and Yiddish origins of many given names.


22.3  Dates

Code Meaning Example
C circa c 1857
B birth 1843 b
D death 1895 d
b&d birth & death 1843-1895 bd
n/d no date n/d
+ after 1843+


22.4  Surnames

Surnames are generally derived from one of four sources:

  1. the name of the person's father (patronymic) - eg. Abramovici, Nathansohn
  2. the person's locality - eg. Berliner
  3. the person's occupation[B-54] - eg. Tischler (carpenter)
  4. a descriptive nickname for the person - eg. Klein (small)

Many of the people listed in the census show only one name. They usually apear to be first names; however some may be surnames. And even with surnames, we can never indeed be certain that they are surnames.

Except for the 1898 census, most people in the censuses are listed by one name only and with many of these it is difficult to determine whether the name is a first name or surname. This is illustrated by the following examples.

The name David followed by one of the following:

  1. Abram
  2. Abramovici
  3. a lui Abram
  4. ben Abram
  5. sin Abram
  6. son of Abram[B-55]

In the first example, the name Abram may be a surname, however it may just be another given name for David (ie a middle name). With regards the other five examples, the question is whether they are patronymic surnames, derived from one of David's ancestors named Abram, or was Abram simply the father of David?[B-56]

The same question applies, if the name David is followed by names such as these: Berliner, Tischler, Klein. Are they surnames, derived from one of David's ancestors who was from Berlin or was a carpenter or was small? Or were these attributes of David himself?

Wherever a surname was in question, we considered it a surname. If there was no surname we put “ZZZ” in the surname field, so that it would appear at the end of the list.

To obtain a copy in Excel format, contact KM Elias.

Last-Name Name Date Desc Chapter Seq
a Iarmuchioaiei Leiba a Iarmuchioaiei n/d Renters list; trader 16.14 0933
a lui Iacob Gheorghe al lui Iacob 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1090
a lui Iacob Ion a lui Iacob 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1096
a Mendeloaie Herscu a Mendeloaie 1830 Business transaction 7 0036
a Mendeloaie Herscu a Mendeloaie c 1835 Town's income administrator 7 0059
Abramovici Alta Abramovici 1898   16.16 2644
Abramovici Isac Abramovici c 1919 Dramatist 15 0484
Abramovici Ruhla Abramovici 1898   16.16 2255
Abramovici Ruhla Abramovici 1898   16.16 2504
Abramovici Sura Abramovici 1898   16.16 2254
Abramovici Zeilic N. Abramovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2429
Agudlei Iosub Itic Agudlei 1898 Laborer 16.16 2696
Aizic Pesa Ruhla Aizic 1898 Merchant 16.16 2695
Alecsandri Vasile Alecsandri 1846 Visitor 15 0480
Aleichem Shalom Aleichem 1932 Author 7 0224
Aleichem Shalom Aleichem c 1907 Author 17 1209
Aliscenciuc Ion Aliscenciuc 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2356
Alpern Nusim Alpern 1898 Laborer 16.16 2471
Altar Bercu Herscu Altar 1898 Merchant 16.16 2092
Altar Chitla Altar 1898   16.16 2014
Altar Haike Altar 1898   16.16 2583
Alter Bention son of Rabbi Alter 1878 b, 1910, 1944 d Successor of Rabbi Alter; killed in Iasi 13 0475
Alter Iancu Iosub Alter 1898 Coachman 16.16 2509
Alter Marcu Alter 1898 Laborer 16.16 2391
Alter Rabbi Alter c 1800, 1910 d From Suceava; Hasidic rabbi 13 0474
Alter Strul Alter 1898 Coachman 16.16 2507
Amoki Iancu Amoki 1833, 1836 Sudit; arrested 7 0047
Ancel Beile Roza Ancel 1898   16.16 2113
Ancin Aron Ancin 1898 Merchant 16.16 2382
Anciu Anciu Aron Anciu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2383
Anciu Anciu S. Anciu 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17 1162
Anciu Avram Anciu 1898 Huckster 16.16 2547
Anciu Avram Anciu 1898 Hairdresser 16.16 2602
Anciu Avram Anciu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2657
Anciu Beris Anciu 1898 Huckster 16.16 2638
Anciu David Anciu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2406
Anciu Ghidole Anciu 1898 Tailor 16.16 2550
Anciu Golda Anciu 1898 Tailor 16.16 2549
Anciu Iancu Anciu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2251
Anciu Iancu User Anciu 1898 Furrier 16.16 2542
Anciu Leia Anciu 1898 Tailor 16.16 2548
Anciu Leiba Anciu 1898   16.16 2604
Anciu Leizer Anciu 1898   16.16 2603
Anciu Lupu Anciu 1898 Laborer 16.16 2445
Anciu Moise Haim Anciu 1898 Fisherman 16.16 2562
Anciu Z. Anciu 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0213
Aparu Solomon Aparu n/d Renters list 16.14 1018
Arie Rabbi Alter Aharov Arie c 1892 Hasidic rabbi 13 0468
Aron Debora Aron 1914 School banquet decorations 10 0420
Aronovici A. Aronovici 1938 Community leader 7 0252
Aronovici Aron Aronovici 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0217
Astruc I. Astruc 1913 School committee representative 10 0394
Auerbach Auerbach 1900 ICA delegate 8 0295
Auerbach Mr. Auerbach 1901 Representative of the I.C.A. in Paris 17 1195
Averescu Averescu 1926 Leader liberal party 7 0200
Avram Dina Avram 1898   16.16 2683
Avram Ghitla Avram 1898   16.16 2364
Avram Iancu Avram 1898 Fisherman 16.16 2720
Avram Malca Avram 1898   16.16 2363
Avram Sura Avram 1898   16.16 2365
Avram Sura Ita Avram 1898 Laborer 16.16 2434
Avram Volf Avram 1881 From Obrojeni 7 0131
Avramovici Moise Avramovici 1898 Laborer 16.16 2647
Babii  return Zeida a Babii c 1859 Town's taxes; collected tax for use of Bahlu river bridge 15.3 0510
Badiu Herscu Badiu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Stornesti 16.14 0782
Baetul Smil Baetul n/d Renters list; also named Burlacu 16.14 0810
Bahluiet Bahluiet 1830,1831 Municipal income; mill owner 16.4 0596
Balan C. Balan 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; commune commission president; honourary president 16.17 1154
Bamaruca Toader Bamaruca 1844 Bartender 7 0088
Barad Barad c 1903 School principal 10 0391
Barad Faibis ben m… Pesach Barad 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1114
Barat Herman Barat 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0216
Barbalata Barbalata 1832 Lawsuit 7 0039
Barbalata Froim Barbalata 1842 Renters list 16.13 0722
Barbalata Froim sin Moise Barbalata n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0848
Barbalata Herscu sin Moisa Barbalata n/d Renters list; from Darajeni 16.14 0887
Barbalata Lazar Barbalata 1842 Renters list 16.13 0720
Barbalata Mazar sin Moise Barbalata n/d Renters list; brandy maker, 16.14 0845
Barbalata Moisa Barbalata 1842 Renters list 16.13 0723
Barbalata Moise Barbalata 1833, 1836 Sudit; arrested 7 0045
Barbalata Moise sin Herscu Barbalata n/d Renters list 16.14 0849
Barbieru Feiga I. Barbieru 1898 Hairdresser 16.16 2601
Barbieru Iosub Avram Barbieru 1898 Hairdresser 16.16 2599
Barlacu Moscul Barlacu 1835, 1836 Leased town's income 7 0051
Barlescu Moisa Barlescu n/d Renters list; signatore 16.14 1030
Barlic Moise Barlic n/d Renters list 16.14 0830
Barlic Moscu Barlic n/d Renters list; also known as Moise sin David, brandy maker 16.14 0832
Barnovi Luca Barnovi n/d Renters list 16.14 0876
Baruner Haim Baruner 1898 Merchant 16.16 2537
Beiris Reb Beiris c 1900 Shochet 12 0457
Bejanu Ion Bejanu 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1092
Bekir Haim Bekir 1831 census, baker 16.5 0622
Belcescu Iancu Belcescu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0725
Belcescu Iancu sin Nisim Belcescu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0852
Belcescu Moise sin Iancu Belcescu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0851
Belcester Iancu Belcester c 1836 Likely chief of Jewish community 7 0058
Beldiman Beldiman 1821 Wrote for Tragodia 7 0020
ben Ancel Israel ben Ancel 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1116
ben Avraham David ben Avraham 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1119
ben Avraham Mordehai ben Avraham 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1130
ben Dov Iosif ben Dov 1844 Community Petition; from Roman 16.15 1139
ben Dov Ber Eliahu ben Dov Ber 1840 d Tombstone 7 0074
ben Froim Itchac Henich ben Froim Itchac 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1136
ben Haim Solomon ben Haim c 1882 Cashier, Israelite Alliance committee 9 0305
ben Iaacov Lectel ben Iaacov 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1144
ben Iaacov Tvi ben Iaacov 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1143
ben Iaakov Iehuda ben Iaakov 1829 d 1982, gravestone 7 0032
ben Iehuda Avraham ben Iehuda 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1125
ben Iosef Daniel ben Iosef 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1124
ben Iosif Azriel ben Iosif 1844 Community Petition; from Tirgu Frumos 16.15 1138
ben Israel Ancel Iehuda ben Israel 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1120
ben Israel Dob ben Israel 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1131
ben Israel Dov ben Israel 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1148
ben Israel Natan Avraham ben Israel 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1149
ben Itchak Dov ben Itchak c 1882 Secretary, Israelite Alliance committee 9 0306
ben Meir Alter ben Meir 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1134
ben Mose Haim Tvi ben Mose 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1121
ben Mose Itchac Leib ben Mose 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1133
ben Pesach Nachum ben Pesach 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1126
ben Pesach Nisan Iechiel Michel ben Pesach Nisan 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1147
ben Samuel Dov ben Samuel 1831 d Grave 7 0040
Bentin Inghel Bentin 1898 Merchant 16.16 2133
Benuce Const. Benuce 1912 Mayor 7 0172
Ber Haim Ber 1842 Renters list 16.13 0737
Ber Leiba Ber 1898 Water carrier 16.16 2553
Bercescu Moise Bercescu n/d Renters list 16.14 0978
Bercovici Aizic Bercovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2071
Bercovici Alter Bercovici 1898 Laborer 16.16 2472
Bercovici Ghitla Bercovici 1898   16.16 2521
Bercovici Gute Bercovici 1898   16.16 2173
Bercovici lancu Bercovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2263
Bercovici Leiba Bercovici 1898 Tailor 16.16 2522
Bercovici Noea Bercovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2193
Bercovici Simon Bercovici 1898 Laborer 16.16 2185
Bercovici Zeilic Bercovici 1898   16.16 2174
Bercu Avram Bercu n/d Renters list; grocer 16.14 0827
Berkenthal Elias Berkenthal 1845 Property sale 7 0084
Berl Moscu Berl 1839 Guarantor 7 0071
Berler Rebeca Berler 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2536
Berlescu Marcu Berlescu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0715
Berlescu Marcu Berlescu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0758
Berlescu Moise Berlescu 1836, 1842 From Berlesti; proposal for taxes; litigation 7 0060
Berstling Nuham Berstling 1898 Merchant 16.16 2341
Bertis Leon Bertis 1900 b, 1980 d Poet 15 0493
Birlescu Moisa Birlescu n/d Renters list; tax collector, signatore 16.14 0949
Birnbaun Seindla Birnbaun 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2258
Blanaru Estera Blanaru 1898   16.16 2557
Blumenfeld Aba Blumenfeld 1898 Baker 16.16 2302
Blumenfeld Aba Blumenfeld 1907 Tradesman 7 0155
Blumenfeld David Blumenfeld 1898 Huckster 16.16 2491
Blumenfeld Feiga Blumenfeld 1898   16.16 2297
Blumenfeld Iechil Blumenfeld 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17 1168
Blumenfeld Iekel Blumenfeld 1938 Community leader 7 0247
Blumenfeld Iosef Blumenfeld 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0218
Boan Boan brothers 1832 Sudits; from Bucovina; manufacturers 8 0268
Bodescu Constantin Bodescu 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1086
Boh Nunis Boh 1898 Merchant 16.16 2211
Boh Sifra Boh 1898   16.16 2212
Boiangiu Moise Boiangiu 1898 Dyer 16.16 2203
Bosie Aga Vasile Bosie 1858 Commercial transaction 7 0097
Bosie V. Bosie 1848 Owner of Sarca estate 8 0288
Botez Francisca Botez 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0124
Botez Gheorghe Botez 1904 Communal inspector of region; mayor 7 0146
Botez Pavel Botez 1908 Head of counsel 7 0162
Botez Pavel Botez 1931 Chair ad-interim commission 7 0209
Botosanski I.Botosanski 1914 Entertainer 15.4 0520
Braescu Gh. Braescu Early 20th century Humorist; author 15 0481
Branchfeld Osias Branchfeld 1914 Gave violin concerto; delegate from Lyra society in Iasi 10 0419
Brandman Dr. Fany Brandman 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0416
brat David Itic, brat David 1834 Taxpayers list; orphan 16.12 0671
Brill Leon Brill 1906 Engineer; president of school committee 10 0390
Brofman User Brofman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2238
Bronfman Golda Bronfman 1898   16.16 2241
Bronfman Ruhla Bronfman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2240
Bronstein Smil David Bronstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2285
Bronstein Avram Bronstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2242
Bronstein Haim Aron Bronstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2284
Buchman Ghetel Buchman 1935 Engineer 7 0237
Buchman Ghetel Buchman 1915 Son of Moise Buchman; "The Light" society; engineer 9 0320
Buchman Ghetel Buchman 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0410
Buchman Ghetel Buchman 1919, 1941 d Conceived satirical revue 15 0486
Buchman Ghetel Buchman 1941 Student; wrote revue; murdered during Iasi pogrom 15.4 0521
Buchman Ilic M. Buchman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2183
Buchman L. Buchman 1926 Club Iavne 9 0347
Buchman Lupu Buchman c 1921 Mayor's assistant 7 0182
Buchman Lupu Buchman 1935 Mayor's assistant 7 0231
Buchman Lupu Buchman 1915, 1919 Brother of Ghetel Buchman; "The Light" society; Baroness Clara de Hirsch society 9 0328
Buchman Moise Buchman 1919 Community committee 7 0184
Buchman Moise Buchman 1935 d Community leader 7 0236
Buchman Moise Buchman 1917 Iavne Synagogue congregant 11 0430
Buchman Velvl Buchman 1919 Performed in revue 15.4 0528
Bucmann Moses Bucmann 1911 President Mata-Baseiter society 7 0169
Bucur Vasile Bucur 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1083
Buhar Strul Buhar 1898   16.16 2137
Buium Fani Buium 1931 Teacher 7 0222
Buium Herscu Buium 1898   16.16 2652
Buium Lea Buium 1898 Furrier 16.16 2632
Buium Lupu Buium 1898 Merchant 16.16 2188
Bujor Mahal Bujor 1842 Renters list 16.13 0718
Buliu Dumitru Buliu from Targu Frumos 1853 Brick maker 8 0289
Burlacu Burlacu n/d Renters list; also named Smil Baetul 16.14 0811
Butnar Cos Butnar 1842 Renters list 16.13 0748
Butnaru Aizic Butnaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2256
Butnaru Avram Butnaru 1898 Barrelmaker 16.16 2461
Cahan  return Lupu Cahan 1898 Merchant 16.16 2395
Cahan Nahama Cahan 1898   16.16 2396
Cahane Avram Cahane 1896 Brick factory manager 7 0138
Cahos Herscu Cahos 1898 Baker 16.16 2689
Caldarariu Zelic Caldarariu n/d Renters list; brandy maker, from Tirgu Frumos 16.14 0808
Calimah King Scarlat Calimah VV 1816, 1823, 1826 Rights to sell liquor 16.1 0566
Callimachi Scarlat Callimachi 1818 Issued Act 7 0016
Can Mendel Can 1898   16.16 2551
Candel Faivel Candel 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0122
Candel Perla Candel 1898 Merchant 16.16 2319
Candel Tipra Candel 1898 Merchant 16.16 2318
Candel Velvl Candel 1942 Last secretary of school 10 0429
Canta Chancellor Neculai Canta 1838 commercial contract; landowner 16.8 0640
Canta N. Canta 1831 census, landowner 16.5 0617
Canta Neculai Canta 1839 Foreign affairs minister 7 0029
Canta Neculai Canta 1838 Land owner 7 0067
Cantacuzino Lascarache Cantacuzino 1838 Lascar; estate owner 8 0274
Cantacuzino N. Cantacuzino 1847 Owner of town 7 0090
Cantacuzino Neculai Cantacuzino 1831 census, landowner 16.5 0614
Cantacuzino Nicolae Cantacuzino 1838 Neculai; estate owner 8 0275
Cantacuzino-Pascanu Lucia Cantacuzino-Pascanu 1909 Heiress 7 0165
Cantacuzino-Pascanu Lucia Cantacuzino-Pascanu 1928 Land owner 7 0206
Cantemir Constantin Cantemir 1685-1692 Ruler 7 0011
Caramidaru Avram C. Caramidaru 1898 Brickmaker 16.16 2473
Caramidaru Estera Caramidaru 1898   16.16 2474
Caramidaru Herscu Caramidaru 1898   16.16 2476
Caramidaru Ita Caramidaru 1898   16.16 2475
Carina Herscu Carina 1898   16.16 2645
Carlateanu Vasile Carlateanu 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1099
Carol King Carol c 1930 King 7 0208
Casap David Casap 1836 Proposal for taxes 7 0063
Casap David Casap 1842 Renters list 16.13 0698
Casap David Casap 1845 Complaint 8 0286
Casap Izrail Casap's sister 1842 Renters list 16.13 0740
Casap Marcu Casap 1842 Renters list 16.13 0699
Casap Marcu Leizer Casap 1836 Proposal for taxes 7 0064
Casap Simon Casap n/d Renters list; butcher 16.14 0986
Casapu Iosup sin Lupu Casapu 1840 Estate guardian 7 0076
Cassian D. Cassian 1902, 1903, 1916 Commune's notary; magazine editor 7 0142
Cat Etla Cat 1898   16.16 2393
Cat Mendel Cat 1852 Commercial transaction 7 0093
Cazacu Leiba Cazacu n/d Renters list; cattle trading 16.14 0801
Cazacu Teodor Cazacu 1916 Mayor 7 0176
Ceacuz Ghika Ceacuz(?) 1841 rental agreement 16.9 0650
Ceaus Meer Ceaus 1842 Renters list 16.13 0747
Ceausul Nica Ceausul 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1089
Cernauti Cernauti 1885 Publisher Dismet Shlish 12 0466
Chetrar Iosap Chetrar 1842 Renters list 16.13 0763
Chetrariu Osap Chetrariu n/d Renters list 16.14 0924
Chioru Smile Chioru 1842 Renters list 16.13 0700
Chirita C. Chirita 1883 Depicted local tradition 7 0003
Chitar Leiba Chitar 1842 Renters list 16.13 0716
Chmelnitzki Bogdan Chmelnitzki 1593-1657 Hmil the Cossack ruler; father-in-law of Vasile Lupu 7 0006
Chon Smil Chon 1898 Shoemaker 16.16 2505
Ciobanu Axinte Ciobanu 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1105
Ciobotar Iuchel Ciobotar 1842 Renters list 16.13 0762
Ciobotariu Moisa Ciobotariu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0746
Ciobotaru Feiga Nuta Ciobotaru 1898   16.16 2669
Ciobotaru Ghitla Iancu Ciobotaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2205
Ciobotaru Herscu Ciobotaru 1898 Bootmaker 16.16 2515
Ciobotaru Mer Nuta Ciobotaru 1898 Bootmaker 16.16 2587
Ciobotaru Reiza Nuta Ciobotaru 1898   16.16 2668
Ciobotaru Seine Ghitla Ciobotaru 1898   16.16 2457
Ciubotar Toma a… Gheorghe Ciubotar 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1107
Cleiman Avram Idel Cleiman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2418
Cleiman Beila Cleiman 1898   16.16 2498
Cleiman Reiza Cleiman 1898   16.16 2497
Cleiman Sura Cleiman 1898   16.16 2499
Clingher Avram Clingher 1898   16.16 2037
Clingher Dvoira Ilie Clingher 1898   16.16 2622
Coda David Coda 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1115
Codrescu Neculai Codrescu n/d Renters list 16.14 0842
Cohn Ghersen Cohn 1901 Led Carmel society; editor 17 1198
Cohn Ghersen Cohn 1901 Carmel society 9 0315
Cohn Ghersen Cohn 1868 b, 1899 Editor of Di Yiddisher Tzukunft 9 0349
Cohos Avram Cohos 1898   16.16 2171
Cohos Pesa Cohos 1898 Seamstress 16.16 2172
Cojocaru Ester Ghitla Cojocaru 1898   16.16 2709
Cojocaru Haim David Cojocaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2379
Cojocaru Leiba Tin Cojocaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2378
Cojocaru Recha Cojocaru 1898   16.16 2672
Cojocaru Sender Cojocaru 1931 Ad-interim commission 7 0219
Cojocaru Timofte Cojocaru 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1081
Colomeier Iosub Colomeier 1898 Merchant 16.16 2345
Comarnescu Petre Comarnescu 1914 Jewish school; Iasi Student Society 16.19 1183
Con Fisel Con 1898 Merchant 16.16 2450
Con Ghersen Con 1898 Merchant 16.16 2344
Con Meer Con 1898 Laborer 16.16 2439
Con Moise Con 1898 Laborer 16.16 2253
Con Strul Mendel Con 1898 Merchant 16.16 2649
Conachi Costache Conachi 1840 Poet 7 0075
Constandin Colonel Constandin 1834 Taxpayers list; captain 16.12 0666
Constandin Colonel Constandin 1834 Captain of town 8 0273
Constatinescu Petre Constatinescu 1914, 1978 d Students' Center in Iasi; academician 10 0400
Consul Dudl Consul 1900 See David Pietraru 15.7 0558
Consul Dudl Consul Early 1900s Resident 15.3 0515
Corner Maria Corner 1898   16.16 2447
Corner Rifca Corner 1898   16.16 2643
Cosiganul Vasile d… Ion Cosiganul 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1100
Costache Vartolomeu Costache 1844 Community Petition; street lighting attendent 16.15 1104
Costaki Paladi General Costaki Paladi 1838 commercial contract; landowner 16.8 0641
Costin Miron Costin c 1655 Robbery report 7 0009
Cotar Danila sin Iosap Cotar n/d Renters list; huckster 16.14 0822
Cotar David Cotar 1842 Renters list 16.13 0730
Cotariul Iosup Cotariul 1842 Renters list 16.13 0710
Coter Iosef Coter 1833, 1836 Sudit; arrested; proposal for taxes 7 0044
Covigar David Leib Covrigar 1898 Breadmaker (pitar) 16.16 2619
Covigar Meer Marcu Covrigar 1898 Baker 16.16 2513
Covrigaru Leizer Covrigaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2469
Covrigaru Seindl M. Covrigaru 1898   16.16 2579
Cozmiciuc Costache Cozmiciuc 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2721
Cozmiciuc Vasile Cozmiciuc 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2722
Craiova Samitca at Craiova c 1912 Printer 15.5 0544
Cramer Leon Cramer 1898 Teacher 16.16 2535
Cramer Leon Cramer 1898 Teacher 10 0372
Credinciosu Eti Credinciosu 1931 Teacher 7 0221
Crestinu Iosap Crestinu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0692
Cretu Sosa Cretu 1898   16.16 2054
Cretulescu Gh. Cretulescu 1891 Scholar prize winner 10 0380
Cristian S. Cristian 1942 Related event 7 0260
Croitaru Leizer Moise Croitoru 1898 Tailor 16.16 2405
Croitor Herscu Croitor n/d Renters list 16.14 0775
Croitor Meer Croitor 1842 Renters list 16.13 0743
Croitor Smile Croitor 1842 Renters list 16.13 0750
Croitoriu Avram Croitoriu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0753
Croitoriu David Croitoriu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0755
Croitoriu Herscu Croitoriu n/d Renters list; tailor 16.14 1009
Croitoriu Marcu Croitoriu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0745
Croitoriu Nusan Croitoriu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0754
Croitoriu Sender Croitoriu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0735
Croitoriul Haim Croitoriul 1842 Renters list 16.13 0701
Croitoriul Ilie Croitoriul 1842 Renters list 16.13 0705
Croitoru Altar Croitoru 1842 Renters list 16.13 0752
Croitoru Avram Croitoru 1898   16.16 2518
Croitoru Avram Croitoru 1898 Tailor 16.16 2635
Croitoru Haia Leiba Croitor 1898   16.16 2517
Croitoru Iosub I. Croitoru 1898 Tailor 16.16 2146
Croitoru Maria Croitoru 1898   16.16 2061
Croitoru Nahman Croitoru 1898   16.16 2585
Croitoru Sura M. Croitoru 1898   16.16 2401
Cupelberg Moise Haim Cupelberg 1898 Merchant 16.16 2059
Cusmariu Ilie Cusmariu n/d Renters list; fur cap maker, from Tirgu Frumos 16.14 1013
Cutan Ion Cutan c 1912 Cow owner 15.6 0556
Cuza King Cuza 1859-1866 King 15.3 0513
Daderlat  return Dumitru Daderlat 1898 [ah] 16.16 2328
Daderlat I. Daderlat 1938 Controlled grain market 7 0239
Dascal Hoisie sin Leiba Dascal n/d Renters list; teacher 16.14 0921
Dascal Smile Dascal 1842 Renters list 16.13 0749
Dascalu Beris Dascalu 1904 School inspection; melamed 16.18 1175
Dascalu Golda Dascalu 1898   16.16 2490
Dascalu Herscu Dascalu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0708
Dascalu Iaic Dascalu 1904 School inspection; melamed 16.18 1176
Dascalu Idel Dascalu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0764
Dascalu Nosa Naftuli Dascalu 1898   16.16 2573
Dascalu Nuta Dascalu 1898 Private tutor 16.16 2584
Dascalu Reiza Maria Dascalu 1898   16.16 2533
Dascalu Tiza Dascalu 1898   16.16 2489
daughter of Hers Huda, daughter of Hers 1858 Donation to Great Synagogue 7 0100
David Bela N. David 1898   16.16 2187
David Pavel David 1898 Laborer 16.16 2389
Davidovici David Leib Davidovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2046
Davidovici David Leib Davidovici 1917 Iavne synagogue congregant 11 0431
Davidovici David Leib Davidovici c 1919 Resident 15.4 0535
Davidovici Sofia Davidovici 1898   16.16 2620
Derbandiner Haia Derbandiner 1928 Teacher 7 0203
Diamant B. Diamant 1909 From Iasi; engineer 7 0166
Dieter Iosub Dieter 1898 Sausagemaker 16.16 2646
Dimitriu Procopie Dimitriu 1888 Murdered Nicolae Gheorghiu 7 0132
Domnaru Ion Domnaru 1898 roman ardelean 16.16 2327
Doroscanu Avram Doroscanu 1898 Private tutor 16.16 2127
Doroscanu Hinda Doroscanu 1898   16.16 2128
Doroscanu I Doroscanu 1903 Teacher 10 0385
Doroscanu Leiba Doroscanu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0691
Draganescu Dumitru Draganescu 1891 Scholar prize winner 10 0373
Drosul Constantin Drosul 1823 Administrator of Carligatura district 7 0022
Druckman Druckman 1907 Tenant 7 0149
Duca I. G. Duca c 1932 Politician; assassinated 7 0228
Duff Moses Duff 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0402
Duff Mozes Duff 1914 Jewish school 16.19 1189
Dulberger Copil Dulberger 1859 Commercial tenant 7 0098
Dumitras Dumitru Dumitras 1891 Scholar prize winner 10 0376
Dumitriu D. Dumitriu 1941 Teacher; from Erbiceni 7 0258
Dumitriu Ioan P. Dumitriu 1914 Gave speech at school; school teacher from Iasi 10 0406
Dumitru Mr. Dumitru 1914 Jewish school; institutor 16.19 1188
Efraim return Eliezer Efraim 1844 Community Petition 16.15 1127
Eintraub M. Eintraub 1938 Community leader 7 0250
Elias Iancu Elias 1915 Member "The Light" society 9 0323
Elias Moise Elias 1921 Social Democrat 9 0336
Elias Solomon Elias 1898 Merchant 16.16 2083
Elias Solomon Elias 1935 Jewish school committee; town elder 7 0234
Elias Solomon Elias 1936 School committee veteran 10 0428
Enghelberg Luta Enghelberg 1878 b, 1948 d Writer 15 0495
Ensiberg Moise Ensiberg 1831 census 16.5 0619
Epstain Rubin Epstain 1916 Hebrew teacher 9 0330
Epstein Rubin Epstein 1928 School principal 7 0205
Epstein Rubin Epstein 1928, 1933 School principal 10 0423
Erbiceanu Iosub Erbiceanu 1898 Laborer 16.16 2160
Erbiceanu Moise Erbiceanu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2159
Ernstof Brana Ernstof 1898   16.16 2424
Ernstof Sura Ernstof 1898   16.16 2426
Ernstof Zeida Ernstof 1898 Merchant 16.16 2425
Esanu Marcu Esanu n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0788
Faclier return Zisu Faclier 1842 Renters list 16.13 0732
Faclieru Herscu Con Faclieru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2468
Faibis Zeilic zet Faibis n/d Renters list; brandy maker 16.14 0990
Faigman Rifca Faigman 1898   16.16 2403
Fainar Pincu Leiba Fainar 1898 Merchant 16.16 2444
Fainar Sulim Leiba Fainar 1898 Merchant 16.16 2443
Fainariu Lupu Fainariu 1842 Renters list 16.13 0728
Fainaru Aron M. Fainaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2493
Fainaru Avram Fainaru 1898 Merchant 16.16 2301
Fainaru Etla Fainaru 1898   16.16 2570
Fainaru Rifca Fainaru 1898   16.16 2571
Fainbaum Leiba Fainbaum 1898 Ironworker 16.16 2707
Fainis David Fainis 1898 Merchant 16.16 2107
Feldbau Professor Feldbau 1913 Illuminist 15.5 0547
Felman Marcu Felman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2109
Felman Muisoc Felman 1898   16.16 2090
Ferderber Alexandru Ferderber 1913 Pharmacist's son 7 0174
Ferderber Leopold Ferderber 1895 Pharmacy manager; communal counselor 7 0136
Ferst Samsn Ferst 1886 b, 1968 d Poet 15 0494
Fertig Estera Feiga Fertig 1898   16.16 2516
Fertig Leiba Lupu Fertig 1898   16.16 2519
Fertik Iosub Fertik 1898 Laborer 16.16 2586
Finchelman I. Finchelman 1901 Editor; led Carmel society 17 1199
Finchelman S. Finchelman 1903 Teacher 10 0386
Finchelstein Ioel Finchelstein 1924 Shalom Aleichem society 9 0341
Finchelstein Sulim Finchelstein 1924 Shalom Aleichem society 9 0342
Finkelman Strul Finkelman 1898 belfer (see list) 16.16 2690
Finkelstein David Finkelstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2410
Finkelstein Herscu Finkelstein 1898 belfer (see list) 16.16 2530
Finkelstein Lupu Finkelstein 1898   16.16 2411
Finkelstein Mihel Finkelstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2572
Finkelstein Moise Finkelstein 1898   16.16 2414
Finkelstein Riven Finkelstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2415
Finkelstein Ruhla Finkelstein 1898   16.16 2413
Finkelstein Seine Finkelstein 1898   16.16 2412
Fis Haia Reiza Fis 1898   16.16 2220
Fis Hana Fis 1898   16.16 2164
Fis Manase Fis 1898 Laborer 16.16 2165
Fis Moise Fis 1898 Furrier 16.16 2218
Fis Rifca Fis 1898   16.16 2219
Fis Strul Fis 1898 Laborer 16.16 2167
Fis Volf Fis 1898 Laborer 16.16 2163
Fisel Ruhla Avram Fisel 1898 Tailor 16.16 2440
Fiser Ghidale Fiser 1898 Merchant 16.16 2096
Fiserman Iosub Fiserman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2155
Fisler G. Fisler 1932 Lawyer 7 0227
Fisler Israel Fisler 1928 Elected auditor 8 0300
Fisler Volf Fisler 1919 Community committee 7 0185
Fisler Volf Fisler 1938 d Bartender 7 0240
Florescu Emil Florescu 1894 Physician 7 0134
Folisteanu Strul Folisteanu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2266
Frank Martin Frank 1898 Laborer 16.16 2102
Frenkel Brana Frenkel 1898   16.16 2122
Frenkel Eliezer Frenkel 1920 b Author 9 0350
Frenkel Sami Frenkel 1904 School inspection; melamed 16.18 1177
Fridman Estera S. Fridman 1898   16.16 2043
Fridman Iancu Fridman 1898   16.16 2409
Fridman Liba Fridman 1898   16.16 2362
Fridman Maria Fridman 1898 Midwife 16.16 2170
Fridman Rabbi Avraham Iaakov Fridman from Sadagura c 1850 Book dedication 12 0445
Fridman Solomon Fridman 1898   16.16 2361
Friedman S. Friedman 1938 Community leader 7 0245
Froimovici Iancu I. Froimovici 1898 Merchant 16.16 2289
Froner Lea Froner 1898   16.16 2575
Fruchtman L. Fruchtman 1897 Vendor 7 0139
Fruchtman L. Fruchtman 1897 Distributor town newspapers 17 1196
Fruchtman Leiba Fruchtman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2296
Frunzescu Frunzescu 1872 Author 7 0111
Gabura return Avram Gabura 1898 Stone mason 16.16 2664
Gabura Basea Gabura 1898 Seamstress 16.16 2665
Gaina Herscu Gaina n/d Renters list; also named Gaina sin Froim 16.14 0796
Gane Matei Gane 1909 Land owner 7 0164
Gang Moise Gang c 1882 Israelite Alliance committee 9 0307
Gavrilas Mr. Gavrilas 1836 depostion; Royal Vineyard administrator 16.7 0631
Gavrilovici Iordache Gavrilovici n/d commercial contract; baker 16.8 0645
Gavrilovici Toma Gavrilovici 1838 Agreement 7 0068
Gavrilovici Toma Gavrilovici 1838 commercial contract 16.8 0642
Gerner Gerner 1914 Gave speech at school 10 0413
Gerner H. Gerner 1914, 1941 d Gave speech at school; lawyer; killed in pogrom 10 0405
Gheorghiu Nicolae Gheorghiu 1880 Mayor 7 0128
Ghern Itic Ghern 1898 Merchant 16.16 2348
Ghershin Leib Hana Ghersin Leib 1898   16.16 2609
Ghershin Leib Ida Ghersin Leib 1898   16.16 2610
Ghersin Herman Ghersin 1898 Tailor 16.16 2637
Ghetal Altar Ghetal 1898 Merchant 16.16 2315
Ghetel Hanta Ghetel 1898   16.16 2359
Ghetel Marcu Ghetel 1898 Owner of property 16.16 2311
Ghetel Marcu Ghetel c 1859 Town's taxes; collected tax for use of Bahlu river bridge 15.3 0511
Ghetel Marcu Ghetel 1873 Fire insurance claim 7 0119
Ghetel Marcu Ghetel 1903 Moneylender 7 0143
Ghetel Marcu Ghetel 1907 Campaign to aid poor 7 0159
Ghetel Marcu Ghetel c 1859 Wealthy man 8 0293
Ghetel Mr. M. Ghetel 1903 Donor 10 0388
Ghidale Haim Ghidale 1898 Merchant 16.16 2427
Ghitman Leib Ghitman n/d Renters list; signatore 16.14 0951
Ghitman Leib Ghitman n/d Renters list; signatore 16.14 1025
Ghitman Marcu Ghitman 1898   16.16 2179
Gingold Dr. Gingold 1942   7 0261
Glanter Freida Glanter 1898   16.16 2453
Glanter Ihil Glanter 1898 Teacher 16.16 2451
Glanter Ihil Glanter 1898 Teacher 10 0371
Godenthal Avram Godenthal 1898 Shoemaker 16.16 2233
Goescu Leizer Goescu 1898 Huckster 16.16 2485
Goescu Moise Leizer Goescu 1898 Merchant 16.16 2667
Gold S. A. Gold c 1912 Wrote schoolbook 15.5 0543
Goldemberg Haim Itic Goldemberg 1898 Merchant 16.16 2035
Goldenberg Fisel Goldenberg 1898 Merchant 16.16 2224
Goldenberg Haim Iosub Goldenberg 1898 Huckster 16.16 2655
Goldenberg M. H. Goldenberg 1938 Community leader 7 0248
Goldenberg Moise Goldenberg 1925 Jewish Community Constitution; committee member 16.17 1163
Goldenstein H. Goldenstein Writer 15 0498
Goldenstein Haim Goldenstein   Author 15.7 0561
Goldental Aron Goldental c 1882 President, Israelite Alliance committee 9 0303
Goldental Zelda Goldental 1898 Tailor 16.16 2138
Goldinstain Vigder Goldinstain 1898 Ironsmith 16.16 2006
Goldis Meir Goldis 1898 Laborer 16.16 2650
Goldner Lifsa Goldner 1898 Merchant 16.16 2569
Goldner Ruhla Goldner 1898   16.16 2226
Goldner Sosa Goldner 1898 Laborer 16.16 2465
Goldstein Herman Goldstein 1898 Merchant 16.16 2684
Goldstein Pesa Goldstein 1898   16.16 2369
Grigoras Grigoras 1836 deposition; town administrator 16.7 0633
Grigoriu H. Grigoriu 1894 Physician 7 0135
Grinberg Bercu Grinberg 1898 Merchant 16.16 2026
Grinberg Grinberg 1906-1907 School principal 10 0392
Grinberg Herman Grinberg 1898   16.16 2552
Grinberg Zeida Grinberg 1898 Laborer 16.16 2558
Grinstein Sulem Grinstein 1898   16.16 2691
Griti Moise Griti 1898 Shoemaker 16.16 2272
Groper Iacob Groper 1890 b, 1966 d Poet 15 0492
Grosman Ilie Grosman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2339
Grosman Rivan Grosman 1898 Laborer 16.16 2692
Grosul David Grosul n/d Renters list 16.14 0805
Grosul Leiba Grosul n/d Renters list; also named Godal, brandy maker 16.14 0966
Gurevici Iehosua Gurevici 1975 Musician; author 15 0491
Gutman Altar Gutman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2197
Gutman Elias Gutman 1898 Merchant 16.16 2198
Gutman Haim Gutman 1898 Servant or waiter 16.16 2347
Gutman Iosub Gutman 1898 Laborer 16.16 2704

  1. [KME] In a separate document titled “Introduction to the 1898 Podu Iloaiei Census” we have a list of occupations mentioned in that census, translated from Romanian into English. return
  2. [KME] Our translators usually left the words “sin” and “lui” as-is in the censuses, however in the narrative parts of the book they often translated them as “son”. return
  3. [KME] My great-grandfather is listed in the 1898 Census as “Mendel Ilie” while his brother is listed in the civic records of 1883 as “Faval sin Ilie”. We know from their tombstones, that their father was Yehuda, not Ilie. So perhaps the family was originally known by the surname “sin Ilie”, derived from an earlier ancestor named Ilie; however by 1898 the name had been shortened to “Ilie”. return

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