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[Page 534]

Necrology (cont.)

As a shining memory
Of our family

My father Nakhum Binker, died in 1935
My mother Rivka and my sister Miriam,
Who died in the Warsaw ghetto.
You will always remain on our memories

Yisroel, Khaim, Esther, Breindel,
And Hersh Leyb Binker,
Los Angeles

In holy memory
Of our murdered brother
Khananye Rozenman
With his wife and three children

In sorrow
The sister Soroh Kaufman
The brother Avrohom Rozenman
With their families, Brooklyn

In eternal memory

My brother Dovid and his wife and children
My brother-in-law Borukh Anker and his two sons
My brother-in-law Shloime Esser with his wife and children
My brother-in-law Moishe Tauz with his wife and children
My aunt Vita Tauz, buried alive by the Germans
And her son Khaim and his family

Yakov Aryeh Gerszt, Johannesburg

[Page 535]

In eternal memory
Of my beloved family, murderously cut off
By the dirty hands of Hitler's murderers

Father and mother, Gershon and Khaya Soroh Karcowycz,
Brother Yosef and his wife,
Sister Kreindel and her child
Brother-in-law Shimon Ostry, sister Reizel Ostry, and their children.
I will always remember you!

Sholom Karcowycz, Kholon

In deepest pain, I remember my dear ones,
Murdered by the Nazi executioners;

My parents Male and Mendel Kokhalski
My brother Pesakh,
My brother Simkha (died in the fighting of the Warsaw ghetto)
Yekhiel and Dobe (Zakheim) Rozenfeld,
Mendel Rozenfeld and his wife and children,
Shloime and Esther Grauberg and their family

Dovid Kohl (Kokhalski),
Los Angeles

In memory

Of Moishe Noson Szulbank and his wife, their
son Aron Szhulbank and their three children

The families:
Shmuel, Yisroel and Aryeh Kokhalski

In memory

Of our deceased uncle and aunt
Yisroel and Sima Kokhalski

Dvoire, Esther, Soroh, Tauba, Aron Dovid,
Avrohom and Shmuel Zilberstein
Khaya Czedrowycz and Henne Goldstein

To remember our dear

Sholom Shulcz, his wife Hodel
And Esther Shulcz

Sister and brother-in-law,
Tzipora and Shmuel Kokhalski

[Page 536]

In eternal memory
For those who were killed by the dirty Nazis

Father Binyomin Yitzkhok Pinker
Mother Roiza (Nowodworski)
Sister Bluma

Never to forget and never to forgive
Their pain and death.

Aryeh, Simkha, Yosef, Aron, and Necha Pinker
And families

In memory
Of my deceased family

My mother Freide
My sisters: Shprintze, Chava, Laya, Mali and her husband Fernebok
And their young son
My aunt Rokhel Laya Rozman (Gertner) and her children:
Khana and her husband Yehoshua Shulman and their children: Brokhe, Soroh,
And Khava with her husband Noson and daughter Brokhe,
My mother Esther Poloniecki (Rozman) and her husband Hershel,
My uncle Alter Rozman and his wife Dvoire,
And their children: Shprintze, Yenta, and Mordekhai.

Yakov Evanson, Montevideo

[Page 537]

In memory
Of my parents

Hershel (Khaim Moishe's)
And Rivka Karcowycz, of blessed memory
Together with all the others in our family who died,
Never to be forgotten,
And never to forgive.

Avrohom Ben Tzvi amd Czipe Karcowycz
New York


In eternal memory
Of our parents, brothers, sisters, grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunt,
And their children
Killed by the Hitler murderers:

My father Aryeh Brenman,
My sister Feige Korn and her husband Yosef and their children: Rivkah and Yekhezkel
Hendel, Efraim, and Tzvi Brenman,
Khana and Yisroel Shumowski and their children,
Yehoshua and Zelda Brenman.
We will guard their holy memory ,
Remember what Amalek has done to you!
Those remaining in sorrow,

Moishe and Fredie Brenman, Argentina.
Shloime and Zeva Korn, Israel

[Page 538]

In deepest sadness, we remember our family

My mother Khana, who died close to World War II,
My father Moshe Yehonoson, who died in the Warsaw ghetto,
My sister Khana Hinde and her husband Yidel Zilberstrum and their two children,
Who died in Treblinka.
All our uncles, aunts, cousins, relatives, and friends.

Khaim and Soroh Cohen, Tel Aviv

In eternal memory

My father Reb Meyer and mother Ette Likhtenstein
My sisters and their children

All those who died in sanctification of G-d's Name
By the hands of the Nazi executioners.
I will remember this all my life
And never cease to mourn.

Your son: Yitzkhok Likhtenstein

In eternal memory
Of our beloved parents

Tuviah and Khaya Goldberg,

Your children:
Harry, Morrie, Jean, Esther and Joe,
New York

[Page 539]

As a memorial
For my parents

Yehoshua Dovid and Brokhe (Zilberman) Tikulski
My sister Hinde Rokhel and her husband Asher Milman
And their children Khaim and Rashe,
My uncles, aunts, cousins [male and female],

Killed by the Nazi evil men

In eternal sorrow,

Yakov Tikulski, wife, and children

As an eternal memory for our family,

Our mother Esther Nowodworski
Sisters: Soroh Rozenboim, her husband and children,
Yokheved, her husband, and children,
Rashke Farbman, her husband and children.
Brother Avrohom Nowodworski with his wife Dvoire (Wysznau) and child,
And uncles, aunts, and cousins [male and female]

Who died in the bunkers by the hands of the murderous Nazis
And in the death camps.
May their memories be blessed!

Freide and Moishe Brenman
Khashke nd Nakhman Nowodworski
Rivkah and Yekhiel Kalmonowycz
Zisel and Sholom Nowodworski
And families.
Buenos Aires

[Page 540]

In eternal memory
Of our dear family, who were killed by the murderous Nazis,
In death camps and in bunkers

Our mother Dina Kraszniker (Mindel's)
Brother Yekhiel Shimon and his wife Perl (Fuks) and their children
Sisters: Khaya Zeidenberg, her husband Dovid and their children,
Golda Mindel Piekhotka her husband Khaim Leyb and their son,
Zlate Rokhel Kleier her husband Yekhezkel and their children,
Soroh Malke Mindel's (Kraszniker)
Yakhet Mindel's (Kraszniker)

Khana Malke and Khaim Yonah Kraszniker
Feige and Aryeh Pinker and family
Tirtze and Yakov Behrir
Zahava and Moishe Kraszniker

In eternal memory

Of our dear parents Yitzkhok Borukh and Malke Griner

And in memory of the families who fell in the Holocaust

Grosbard, Laut, Friman, Leah and Khana Reinberg

May their memories be blessed!

From the children and nephews [and nieces]
Soroh and Tzvi Nakhmani (Treister)
Monye and Leon Likhtenstein

In memory of the beloved ones
Of my murdered family

My father Avrohom Tuvye Fried born 1885
My mother Hinde born 1892
My sisters and brothers
Feige born 1915
Soroh born 1921
Gavriel born 1924
Dovid born 1926
Moishe born 1929
Binyomin born 1933

Anshel Fried and family, Chicago

[Page 541]

Khana Konianski   Izak and Yospe
(Konianski) Hildenbrand
  Hershel Konianski

In eternal memory

Of my dear parents Hershel and Khana Konianski

My brothers:
Yitzkhok and Khayale and their children
Meyer with his wife and two children
Dovid with his wife and two children
My sister Yospele with her husband Izak Hildenbrand
And their only child

Killed by the Nazi murderers

Their son and brother, Sam Konianski
New York

In memory
To remember eternally my beloved and dearest, killed
By the German beasts in the Second World War,
Between 1940 and 1945

My mother Tauba Szimanowska
My brother Ben-Zion Szimanowski
My sister-in-law Ava Szimanowska
And my brother's child Yisroel Moishe Szimanowska

In eternal sorrow

Menakhem Szimanowski, Tel-Aviv

[Page 542]

In holy memory

Of our murdered brother
Khananye Rozenman
With his wife and three children

In sorrow
The sister Soroh Kaufman
The brother Avrohom Rozenman
With their families, Brooklyn

In memory

Of the members of my family that fell in the Holocaust
Rivka Litman, Yeshayohu (Shayale), Soroh
Hodel, Khaya Khana Gele
And my brothers who fell at their guard post in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising
Zalman and Yosef Litman

Khaya Litman and her family

With love and honor we remember our
Family that perished

Our father Izak, mother Rivkah
And brother Khaim Rozenman

The surviving daughters with sorrow,
Soroh, Gittel, Reizel
Sons-in-law and grandchildren

In memory

Of those killed in Auschwitz
My father Moishe Yakov Szimanowicz
My mother Soroh
Brother Shimshon
And sisters Feige, Franye, and Bina

We will remember you and mourn for you eternally

Your Etta

In pain and sorrow I remember
My family that perished

My father Yisroel Hersh Goldberg
My mother Riva
My sisters:
Soroh and Hela with her son
My brother Itche, with his wife Miriam,
And their son Eliyohu

Leybel Aryeh Goldberg,

With great anguish and pain we remember

My deceased mother Henne Magid
And my sisters Laya, Soroh, Perl,
Batya, and my brother Henokh

Gitte Magid, Jules Klajnbard
And family

In memory

Of our parents Gedaliah and Yokheved Lotrowski
Sisters Bashe and Gitte
Brothers Aron and Shmuel

Menashe Lotrowski, Khana Magid, New York

[Page 543]

In eternal memory of my family
Who were killed by Nazi murderers in Poland,

My father Moishe Shmuel Kszonska
My mother Dena Kszonska (Perlmuter)
Yakov Dovid Kszonska
Tauba Kszonska
Avrohom Kszonska
May their names be honored!

Alter Kszonska, New York

In memory
Of those beloved and dearest who fell during the Holocaust,

My parents Yehudah Meyer and Khana (Zaltzman) Litman,
My sisters Shifrah and Gilah,
Grandmother Baile Riva Zaltzman,
Brothers-in-law Note Zaltzman and his wife Rokhel, Yekhiel Zaltzman
Sisters-in-law Yente Shmukler (Zaltzman), her husband Noakh and daughter Soroh
And Golde Zaltzman

Yakov Litman, New Jersey

[Page 544]

With love and respect we remember our

Father and mother
Yekhezkel and Khana Topp
Sisters Soroh and Khanale Gutman

Remaining in sorrow
Daughter Eidel, grandchildren
Esther Grudczyk

In eternal memory
For the family that perished

And their children:
Anna, Lydia, Dora, and Max

In eternal sorrow
Zelig Hershfang, New York

A tombstone
For the unknown graves

Of our beloved parents, brothers
And families

The surviving son and daughter
Wronski, Tel Aviv

In eternal memory

My father Mordekhai Yehudah Ribah
Died 24th Tammuz 1936
My mother Yitte
Perished 23rd Mar-Kheshvan 1929[1]
My brother and sisters:
Yisroel, Batya, Devoire, Yehoshua, and their families
Who perished in the Holocaust

Yitzkhok Ribah, Tel Aviv

In eternal memory
Of our family, that was killed by the German murderers

Our dear father Yakov Jerozalimski
Brothers: Yerakhmiel and his wife and two children
Avrohom and his wife and child
Sisters: Perl-Freiman with her husband and child
Baile Jerozalimski
Brother Mekhel, who died in Russia

May your holy memory be honored!

Yeshaye Jerozalimski (Dzeros)
Dovid Jerozalimski (Dzeros)
New York


Translator's footnote

  1. Hebrew month of Kheshvan commonly attaches the prefix “Mar”, Hebrew word for “bitter” since this month contains no holidays and follows the month of Tishrei which is filled with Jewish holidays. Return


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