Memorial book of Nowy-Dwor
(Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland)

52°26' / 20°43'

Translation of
Pinkas Nowy Dwor

Edited by Aryeh Shamri and Dov Berish First

Published by the Former Residents of Nowy-Dwor in Israel, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, and France,
Tel Aviv, 1965



Project Coordinator

Debra Michlewitz


This is a translation from: Pinkas Nowy Dwor; Memorial book of Nowy-Dwor, ed. by Arie Shamri and Dov Berish First;
published by the Former Residents of Nowy-Dwor in Israel, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, and France; Tel Aviv, 1965
(575 pages, H, Y, E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund (Yiddish)
and Yocheved Klausner (Hebrew)

Introduction   9
Foreword   11
Chapters of the History of Nowy-Dwor
Nowy-Dwor and its Jewish Settlement Dov Berish First 19
The Niehofer Printer of Hebrew Books Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum / Johann Anthon Krieger 45
Printers and Books in the Nowy Dwor Printing House Haim Dov Friedberg 57
At the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
How I Remember My Town Sam Bernstein 63
From the Besmedresh [house of study, also used for worship] to the Revolutionary Movement Avraham Goldberg 70
In 1905 Shimkha Waga 79
My Father's Workshop Meyer Blake (Blakharek) 83
We, the Embroiderers Ester Malka Knaster 85
The First Jewish Socialists in Nowy Dwor Hershl Himelfarb 90
The Tailors Are Singing Etke Finker–Szimonowicz 98
Between Two World Wars
Nowy Dwor – One of the Nicest Towns Yitzhak Grinbaum 101
Jewish Occupations Shmuel Kokhalski 103
The Anti–Semitic Falanga [Fascist political organization] Meyer Blake [Blakharek] 107
Heroism in the Nowy Dwor Market Dovid Tap 108
Between Two World Wars Fayvesh Kronenberg 109
Before 1939 Aron Pinker 117
Rabbi Ruven Yehuda Neufeld, the Last Rabbi of Nowy Dwor Dov Berish First 119
The Rabbi of Nowy Dwor in Tsarist Times Menashe Unger 130
About the Jewish Community of Nowy Dwor Dov. F. 133
Khadorim and Schools in Nowy Dwor Josef Lichtenstein 137
From the Kheder Metukan to Modern Schools D. Ben Sore 142
The Tarbut School Zvi Flesser 146
Letter from Keren Kajemet LeIsrael [Jewish National Fund]   151
The Jewish–Secular Tsysho School Shloyme Wronski 154
Parties and Organizations
The Bundist Movement in Nowy Dwor Between the Two World Wars Khaim Babitz 159
About the Elections to the kehile Moyshe Babitz 172
The Bundist Faction in the City Council B. Khaim 174
The Fight in the City Council Khaim Rudowski 179
The Embroiderers' Union Sore Rozenman–Treger 182
The Communist Organization Ben–Avraham 185
A Bloody May First Leyzer Kirshteyn 187
The Right Poalei Zion in Nowy Dwor Sholem Kartsovitsh 189
Our Party [Right Poalei Zion] and the Frayhayt Shmuel Kokhalski 195
Our Zionist Activism Yitshak Griner 199
The Zionist Youth Movement Yosef Shimkovitsh 201
A few Notes About Zionist Activity Dov First 209
The Visit of Deputy Yitshak Grinboym A. Klarman 211
The kibbutz of the Torah and Work Movement Yehuda Perlmuter 212
The First Immigrants to Eretz Yisroel from Nowy Dwor Dov Berish First 215
The Poalei Agudat Israel Y.Finkel 217
Drama Circles Malka Top–Kartsovitsh 220
Visits by Writers and Speakers P. Dov 226
Jewish Sportsmen and Sports Organizations Kalman Pitulski 229
A Shtetl [town] Between Rivers
There on the Road Dov Berish First 237
Stars Turned to Ashes Shmuel Top 244
On the Narew River Simkhe Pinker 247
Around the Market Place Yankev Vronski 248
My Town, My Streets Yosef Top 251
The Balcony on the Piasek Anshel Frid 253
My Town, Nowy–Dwor Boaz Young–Yungvits 255
In Tsarist Times Meyer Blake (Blakharov) 265
Around The Nova Giorgievsk Fortress Kh. Shoskes 272
There, Where I Remained True Helen Yerazalimska–Safir 281
Personalities of the Gerer shtibl [small, one–room synagogue] Dovid Segal 283
Henekh's Melody Sholem Kartsovitsh 287
Aunt Khane L. Lefkovitsh 288
Doctors, Feldshers, and Royfers D. Ben Sore 289
At My Grandfather's in Nowy Dwor Yankev Litman 294
The Melody of a Jewish Family Dov Ben Khaim 300
Three Generations of the Yures Family D. Ben Yisroel 305
The House on the Narew Shmuel Kokhalski 307
Aristocratic Yikhes Names for the “Gentlefolk” of Nowy Dwor Noekh Prilutski 310
My Father's Witty Sayings David Top 310
Nicknames Used in Our Town A.B. 311
My Mother's Tear Shloyme Vronski 312
Death and Resistance
Extract from the “Poem of the Murdered Jewish Folk” Yitshak Katzenelson 315
The First Testimony From Ringelblum's Archive 316
The Torment and Destruction of the Jewish Population A. Goldbroch and W. Shliamowicz 320
The Nowy Dwor Jews under the Nazi Rule Sender Blank 326
The Members of the Jewish Council (Judenrat) and the Jewish Police Leybel Kokhalski 337
The Jews of Nowy Dwor during the Holocaust Mordekhai Landsman 340
In the Pomiechowo Camp Ringelblum Archive, Mariam Arpa, Tzwi Arpa 343
And You, Young Boy Yakov Glatstein 345
A Child on the Roads Yehudit Przenica 346
Wandering and Camps Chaya Litman Perlowicz 349
In the Warsaw Ghetto and in the Camps Chava Szklanka-Wolanska 352
From the Warsaw Ghetto through Majdanek and Auschwitz Glike Szajnboim 358
In the Warsaw Ghetto and in the Wyszkow Forests Penina Papjer 367
Nowy–Dworer in the Fight of the Warsaw Ghetto Melech Neustadt 381
The Nowy Dwor Rabbi in the Warsaw Ghetto L. Feingold 383
From Nowy Dwor to the Revolt in Treblinka Yakov Domb 385
Nowy Dworer in the Treblinka Revolt   389
Back from the Death Pits Itshe Tap 390
An Encounter in the “Buna” Concentration Camp Leibel Kochalski 391
From Drancy to Auschwitz L. Majlekhowicz 394
In the Fight near Nowy Dwor Feywl Karkowicz 398
Among the Partisans Moshe Shulman 401
Nowy-Dworer in Russian and Polish Armies in the Fight Against the Nazis   403
At the Eichmann Trial   403
My Arrest in Baranowka Chaim Babitz 404
The Beginning of the End Hershel Weiss 408
My Encounter With Nowy Dwor After the War Yankev Evenson 411
My Father's Tears Anshel Fried 415
At the Memorial for the Defenders of Modlin A. Kiwejko 416
The Righteous Gentiles Dov Berish F. 417
A Memorial in Waldstadt Aron Pinker 420
The list of the Martyrs of Nowy Dwor   424
In Memory
Jews of the Former Nowy Dwor: Reb Meyer Lichtenstein, Reb Moshe Nowodworski, Reb Hershel Jerozolimski, Reb Itche Meyer Mundlak, Reb Binyomin Pinker, Reb Avremele Kokhalski, Reb Zekhariah Karcowycz, Yakov Hildenbrand, Mordekhai (Motel) Rozenstajn, HaRav Elimelekh Neufeld, Reb Berish Zilberman, Reb Shimshon Note Srebernik Dov Berish First 437
Reb Shimshon Nute Srebernik Yitzkhok Griner 447
Shmuel Grabman Shlomo Korcowicz 448
Reb Yakov Meyer Salomon and His Children Y. Jerochemzon 449
Reb Tovya Fried Anshel Fried 451
Reb Nute Noson Kaufman Avrohom Kaufman 452
Reb Berele Wengozh Sarah Rosenman–Treger 453
Lipe Mundlak M.A. Brajnhandler 454
Nokhem Neufeld Shmuel Kokhalski 456
Menashe Kokhalski Kalman Pitulski, Khaye Litman 457
Hersh Ber Pinker, My tragically murdered brother Simkhe Pinker 459
Figures of the Nowy Dwor Bund: Leon Grabman, Khaim Yitshak Rudowski, Mendl Roznfeld – “Trotsky”, Hertsl Dubnikow, Didek Zilbertal, Nisn and Leye Shteynberg, Tankhem Kronenberg, Matis Papier, Borekh Kelervays, Shamay Kalikshteyn Chaim Babitz 460
Our Devoted Khaim Rudowski Emanuel Novogrudski 465
Hershl Himlfarb in the Bundist Movement Y.Sh. Hertz 467
Genye Pertshikow Dubnikow R. Klepfisz, Dov First 470
Dovid (Dadek)Kaufman Avrom Kaufman 472
Avremele Guterman, the Nowy Dwor Painter Dov First 473
The Artist Avrom Guterman Yosef Sandel 474
Once There Was a Town Eta Shimanovitsh–Pinker 477
Nowy-Dworer in Israel and in Other Countries
The Preparatory Work for the Memorial Book The Book Committee in Israel 481
The Beginning of Irgun Yotzei Nowy Dwor [organization of people from Nowy Dwor in Israel] Chaim Cohen 484
Our Work in Israel Eliezer Lichtenshteyn 485
Our Housing in Holon Sholem Kartsovitsh 489
The Celebration For the Nowy Dwor Housing   491
Helen Grinblatt (Khayke Gersht) and her Bequest P.Dov 494
The Nowy Dwor Society in Chicago B. Rappaport 497
The Nowy Dwor landslayt in America Avraham Goldberg 503
The Nowy Dwor Committee in Los Angeles Rokhl Klaynbard–Marako 509
Among Nowy Dworers in America Sam Bornstein 511
Nowy Dworers in Canada   515
Nowy Dworers in Argentina Nakhman Novodvorski 516
Friends of Nowy Dwor in Paris LL. Maylekhovitsh 519
Necrology   523-556
English Abstract of Nowy Dwor Pinkas
Dates and Events in the Life and Destruction of the Jews of Novy-Dvor   III
The Origin and Development of Novy-Dvor Dov Berish First IV
The Religious Life of the Jewish Community Of Novy-Dvor   VI
Jewish Social Life in Novy-Dvor Until World War II   XI
The Struggle and Dissolution of the Jewish Community in Novy-Dvor   XV

Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Debra Michlewitz
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 23 Feb 2018 by LA

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