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[Page 441]

List of Mervits (Muravica) Martyrs

Translated and edited by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD.



  Editor's notes
UPSTEIN Eliezer and his wife Sheindel. Alt. spelling Opshteyn, Ephsteyn Epstein. Parents of Hanina Upstein, listed next. Eliezer, also called Leazar, was son of Eli Moshe. Leazar dedicated the ark in the synagogue, p. 176. Mentioned as one of the large families in Mervits, p. 256.
UPSTEIN Hanina, his wife Raizel [Kugel] and the family. Alt. spelling Ephsteyn, Epstein. Hanina was son of Eliezer and Sheindel. He married Raizel Kugel, daughter of Abisch and Mali Kugal. They had five children. Their son, Yitzhak, was conscripted and survived WWII in Siberia. After the War, he returned, found the rest of his family had perished. He subsequently married Mlynov survivor, Bunia Steinberg, who contributed an essay p. 387. Their son, Charles (Hanina) Epstein, is the Hebrew co-translator of this volume.
EIZEN Feibish, his wife Chaia-Leah and their children.  
AVRAHAM [last name unknown] son-in-law of Yenta Shikhman, his wife Rachel and their children. See below for Yenta (Teitelman) Shichman. This son-in-law named Avraham is assumed to be the husband of her daughter Sheindl.
EPSHTEIN Sima, her son Yitzhak, Mikhel and Yisrael, her daughter and family (the son Nechemiah) Alt spelling Epstein, Opshteyn and Upstein.
EPSHTEIN Hirsch, his wife Belumah, his son Yaakov, his son … Alt spelling Epstein, Opshteyn and Upstein.
EPSHTEIN Gershon, his wife Shifra. Alt spelling Epstein, Opshteyn and Upstein. A Gershon Epshtein / Upstein appears in the photo on page 474 with two sisters with additional notes.
EPSHTEIN Gershon (son Pesach), his wife Buni and his son. Alt spelling Epstein, Opshteyn and Upstein. A Gershon Epshtein / Upstein appears in the photo on page 474 with two sisters with additional notes.
BERESTETZKI Natan from Pian [perhaps Pyannye, Ukraine], his wife and her family.  
BLINDER Yitzhak, his wife Pinia [Penina Neiter], her mother with her son-in-law Zelig Muravitsky. Their daughter Bata Kapshik Blinder contributed A Child in the Storm, pp. 374-379 with additional notes there.
GRENSPUN Motel [called Motel Tesler] Alt. spellings Gruenszpan, Grinshpun, Greenspun, Grenspun. Referred to as “Motel Tesler,” he was married to Risha. He appears in a photo in old age with his sons family p. 473 with additional notes. Motel Tesler is remembered, p. 316, as the first to be killed by the Nazis on in the synagogue, on July 12, 1941. Granddaughter Sheindel (Grenspun) Steinberg was a survivor and married to contributor Mendel Steinberg, pp. 358-369.
GOLDENBERG Zelig, his wife Chaia, their son and their daughter.  
GELMAN Raizi, her daughter [Yente], her son-in-law Binyamin [Fleisher] and his wife Ester [Raizi's other daughter], and her family [with their three children: Lea, Perl and Hershel.] A photo of the family on page 473 with additional notes. Raizi was married to Pesach Gelman who passed away before the Shoah. Their son Eliyahu, who made aliyah in 1938, describes his family in his contribution to this volume, p. 259.
GRENSPUN Benyomin, his sons and daughters. Alt. spellings Gruenszpan, Grinshpun, Greenspun, Grenspun. A photo of the family on top of p. 473 with notes. Benyomin was son of “Motel Tesler” and Risha, and is listed in Yad Vashem records as an artist. This is the family of survivor Sheindel (Grenspun) who married Mendel Steinberg. Her mother is remembered as Sara Tepler from Trochenbrod.
GRUBER Ben-Tzion, his wife Gitel [née Margulis], and their daughter Yehudit. Photo of family on p. 457 with additional notes. Ben-Tzion was son of Yosef Moshe Gruber and Shifra (Teitelman), and brother of Sonia and Rachel Teitelman. A tribute to Ben-Tzion appears on page 241.
GELER Yehuda-Leib, his wife and the family.  
GRUBER Nute, his wife Miriam [Sherman], his son Yechiel, his daughter Shifra, his daughter… Nute was grandson of Mordechai and Perel Gruber. His parents were Yosef Moshe Gruber and Shifra [Teitelman] and he was the brother of Sonia (Gruber) Teitelman and Rachel (Gruber) Teitelman, contributors to this volume.
GRUBER Yaakov, his wife Wali (Shkrinikov] Son of Mordechai and Perel Gruber and brother of Yosef Moshe Gruber.
GRENSPUN Berel, his wife and the family.  
GRUBER Meir, his wife Ester and the family.  

[Page 442]

  Editor's notes
WURTZEL Meir, his wife Rachel and the family. Alt. spelling Vortsel. Meir was son of Zelig Ulinik Wurtzel and Sooreh Gruber. His paternal grandparents were Doovid and Meerel Wurtzel. His maternal grandparents were Mordechai and Perel Gruber. His sister was survivor Pessia (Wurtzel) who married Getzel Steinberg. A photo of his brothers, p. 475.
WURTZEL Israel, his wife Eta, his daughters Perel and Leah, son Azriel Alt. spelling Vortsel. Israel or “Srulik” Wurtzel was brother of Meir (previous). His photo on p. 475.
VINER Shia, his wife and his son, his brother Mendel and his family. Shia (Yeshayahu) and his brother Mendel were sons of Yohanan and Khaia Viner. Mendel was married to Bilha (Kaliner) and their son Yohanan was a child survivor. His mother sent him out of the ghetto and he survived in the forests as told in an interview published by the Zekelman Holocaust Center.
CHAIM [last name not provided] son-in-law of Moshe-Issar, his wife Chaya-Ribah, and the family of his son-in-law Muti, his wife Sheindel and family.  
TEITELMAN Freida and the family Most of the Teitelmans descended from Asher Teitelman and his wife Sura Alta. They had six children. Freida married their son Mordechai Teitelman. According to descendants, Freida's original family name was Twerky which was changed to Horowitz to avoid conscription of a son. Freida and Mordechai had seven children. A tribute to her son Avraham-Shlomo appears on page 259. A photo two surviving children Sarah and Naftali Hertz (“Herzl”) on p. 503 with additional notes. Another brother Meir also escaped but died fighting in the Russia Army. Child survivor Batya Kaptshik recalls meeting Freida and three daughters among the tombstones in the nearby cemetery where they were hiding, p. 374.
TEITELMAN Yehoshua, his daughter Mania. Yehoshua Teitelman was grandson of Asher Teitelman and Sura Alta. His parents were Abraham Teitelman and Rivka (Halperin).
TEITELMAN Nahman, and his wife Sheindel  
TEITELMAN Chaim-Meir, his son Mordechai with his wife Chava and their daughter, his son Avraham-Yaakov, his wife and their son. Chaim Meir was also a son of Asher Teitelman and Sura Alta.
TEITELMAN Avraham-Shlomo, his wife Belumah and the children, and his brother Yosef-Leibish. Avraham Shlomo was son of Freida and Mordechai (see first Teitelman entry above). A tribute to him appears on page 259.
TEITELMAN Yaakov-Yosef, his wife Sarah, their daughter Chana, their son Yisrael, and their daughters Sheindel and Luba. Grandson of Asher Teitelman and Sura Alta. Son of Abraham Teitelman and Rivkah Halperin.
TEITELMAN Shmuel, his wife Syrelle , and their daughters and their son. Grandson of Asher Teitelman and Sura Alta. Shmuel was son of Freida and Mordechai (see Teitelman entry 1). He married his cousin Syrelle Teitelman.
TREPER Feibish, his wife and his son.  
KATZ Shmuel (the rav), his wife Tzinah, his son Moshe and his daughters. Possibly the man remembered by descendants of Katz family as Shloimeh Katz, son of Yankel Volf Katz and Ronya Leah (Wurtzel). Of their nine children, five emigrated to Canada and the US.
LAKRITZ Baruch, his wife Ester [nee Finkelshtein] and the family. Alt spelling Lakric. Baruch was the son of Yisrael and Stisi. Photo of Rachel Likritz on p. 479.
LIKHTER Eta, her son Baruch and the family. Possibly the mother and brother of Leye Veyner-Likhter, contributor to this volume, p. 382, with additional notes.
LITZMAN Moshe, his wife Sima, his son Dov, his son Pesach and his wife Freida, and their daughters and families. Photo of an Avigdor Litzman p. 479.
MARGULIS Hersh-Leib and his sister Raisel. Alt spelling Margolis. Photo of Hersh and Raisel, p. 457, with notes
MALER Moshe, his wife and their children, and his son Mordechai and his wife with their daughter who was born in the ghetto. Alt. spelling Malar, Meiler.
NACHTELMAN Yitzhak, his wife Rosi and the family.  

[Page 443]

  Editor's notes
NUDLER Yosef, his wife and his son; his sister Chana and her husband.  
NUDLER Yeshayahu, his wife and the family.  
NEITER Moti, his wife Chava and their daughters.  
NEITER Shimon, his wife [Golda] and his sons. Shimon was son of Yaakov and Yakhid. He was sister of Pnina (Neiter) who married a Blinder. Pnina's daughter, Batya, a child survivor, contributed an essay, pp. 374-379. Their sister Roza married Yankev Zelig Muravitsky.
NEITER Hirsch, his son Dov and his daughter…  
NAISHTEIN Chaim, his wife [Raisel Margulis] and his son, his sister Reizl Gonik, her husband and her son. Alt. spelling Neishtein, Naisztein. Photo of Chaim and family with notes p. 457.
PARIZHAK Shamai His wife Rachel, her mother Chaya, relative Faiga and her husband Motil.  
FISHMAN Yeshayahu, his wife and the family.  
FEIN Zeev, his wife Henia, his son…  
FISTEL Pinchas, his wife and the family. See photo 479.
FLEISHER Yechiel, his wife Hanah and hteir son daughter Yocheved, their son-in-law Aharon Kalir and his wife and the family. Perhaps related to the family of Isaac Isadore Fleisher/Flaisher who married Sorke Wurtzel from Mervits and who both migrated to Philadelphia.
FLEISHER Yusif and his fatmily  
FELDMAN Yosef and his wife Neli and his brother Mordechai. The parents of child survivor Aviva Feldman who was rescued by the Steinberg family. See account p. 395.
PERLUCK Yudal, his wife and the family. Perhaps related to the family of Gedaliah Preluck and his wife Golda who migrated to Rhode Island before WWI and whose last residence was Mervits.
FRIDMAN Yeshayahu, a man from Dorohostai.  
KOBRIK Devorah [née Gruber] and her huabnd Meir-Shmuel and the family. Alt spelling Kibrik
KLEINBURD Fishel, his wife Gitel, their daughters Sarah and Leah, his son Zelig. Alt. spelling Kleinberg. Appears to be man remembered as Fishel Kleinberg who married Gitel Wurtzel. Fishel's father was Azriel Kleinberg. His mother was Leah (Gruber), daughter of Mordechai and Perel Gruber. According to Teitelman family trees Fishe's wife Gitel was his first cousin (their mothers Rachel and Soorah were sisters).
ROSENBLAT Yaako, his wife and his daughters.  
RAIKHMAN Shmuel Alt spelling Raichman.
RAIKHMAN Nute, his wife Feiga, their sons Moshe and Mordechai, their daughters Mamtzi and Beracha, Yose andf Yusif and the family. Photo of daughter Beracha on p. 478.

[Page 444]

  Editor's notes
SVARTZ David and the family. Alt. spelling Schwartz.
SVARTZ Zeev his wife Mirel Alt. spelling SCHWARTZ.
SHVARTZMAN Moshe and his wife, his daughter Shifra, and his son.  
SHTEINSHNEID Menashe [and wife Gitel], his daughter and his son Shlomo and his wife.  
SHIKHMAN Yaakov, his wife Chaika [Gruber], their daughters, Peril and Sara, their sons Mordekhai, Shimon, Asher, Yosef and Azriel. Alt. spelling Shichman. Chaika was granddaughter of Mordechai and Pearl Gruber. Her parents were Yosef Moshe Gruber and Shifra (Teitelman). Her siblings included Sonia (Gruber) Teitelman, Rachel (Gruber) Teitelman, both contributors and well as the teacher Ben-Tzion Gruber (see above). A daughter Sara did survive and became Sara Vinokur.
SHIKHMAN Yenta [née Teitelman], her sons Zelig and Yitzhak, Chana Sara and her family, Batya, Gitel and Sheindel Alt. spelling Shichman. Based on descendants' testimony, Yenta Shichman was born Yenta Teitelman and was a sister of Nahum Teitelman, a contributor to this volume. Yenta married Yehuda Shichman who survived, which is why he is not listed. They had six children. Bracha-Bronia, Scheindel, Chaya, Pinchas, Zelig, and Yitzchak. In addition to Yehuda, two daughters, Bracha and Khaya, survived. Yehuda and Bracha made aliya and Khaya went to the states and became Charlotte Bryl. Bracha married Morechai Vizel and they had a son Avraham.

[Page 445]

List of Martyrs from Sokoliki near Turka who arrived
here in the War period and dwelled in Stomorhy

See the essay “Murder of the Sokoliki Refugees,” pp. 384-385 with notes

Translated and edited by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD.


  Editor's notes
BRAIER Yosef and his two children. Alt. spelling Breyer, Brejer. A child Shloyme Breyer survived but died from tuberculosis four months after the liberation.
BEK Benish, Freida Bek with their daughter.  
GLEIKHER Sheindel, Moshe Gleikher. Alt. spelling Glajkher.
GERSTEL Nechama with daughters and sons. Yehoshua Gerstel, Zisel Gerstel and two children. Alt. spelling Gershtel.
DELINGER Solomon, Gitel Delinger, and her daughter.  
HANS Yaakov, his wife, two of his daughters and son-in-law.  
HOFTMAN Mendel and his wife, two of his children and mother-in-law Alt. spelling GOJKHTMAN.
VOLF Hersh. Rivkah Volf. Alt. spelling Wolf, Vulf.
TEIKHMAN Mendel, Freida Teichman, Avraham Teichman, Moshe Teichman his wife and children. Alt. spelling Tejkhman.
LAUFER Tzarna, with her son Salek. Alt. spelling Loifer.
LOEWENTAL Rivkah [nee Rozenberg], Salke Levental, Mendel Levental, Breindl Levental, with six children. Alt. spelling Levental.
NANEF Shmuel and Bluma. Faivel Nanef with wife and children. Moshe Nanef with wife and daughter. Roiza Nanef.  
NEISHTEIN Meir, Shprintze Neishtein, with four of their children. Alt. spelling Nejshtejn, Neinstein.
FRAM Moidel, Leib Fram, Freida Fram, Yehudit Fram, Yisrael Fram, Rivkah Fram and her husband. Alt. spelling From/Frum. Leib Fram was killed July 13, 1941.
KUPFERBERG Shimon, Yitzhak Kupferberg, Tzvia Kupferberg [nee Treiber], Yoel Kupferberg, Solke with two children, Rela Kupferberg, Dzhinie [Andzia] Kupferberg, Chaia Kupferberg. Alt. spelling Kuperberg. See account by Frida Kupferberg in this volume.
KELLER Shimon, Freida Keller with four children, Ruchtzia Keller, [Zeev] Wolf Keller, Beirish Keller, Hersh Keller, Shimon Keller, Mendel Keller, Chana Keller with her son. Alt. spelling Keler. Death of Volf Keler and his sons, p. 384, this volume.
ROSENBERG Rivkah with husband and a son. Alt. spelling Rozenberg.
SHMERLER Reizl Alt. spelling Shmereler.
SHTEMERMAN Yisrael, Kersil Shtemerman with two children. Alt. spelling Shtimerman.

[Page 446]

  Editor's notes
BRODMAN Shmuel Alt. spelling Bratman. From Sokoliki, lived in Stomorgi, killed with Mlynov ghetto.
BRODMAN Rize Alt. spelling Bratman. From Sokoliki, lived in Stomorgi, killed with Mlynov ghetto.
GELOBTER Berche Alt. spelling Galabter. Acccount of Gelobter murder, p. 384.
HOLTZMAN Hertz with his wife and their son Alt. spelling Holtsman.
LAUTERMAN Malka Alt. spelling Loitermann.
ROSENBERG Yisrael, with his wife and six children. Alt. spelling Rozenberg.


Martyrs of Nearby Villages

  Editor's notes
BERMAN Yitzhak, Batya his wife (Smordva). Moshe, Aharon, and Leah (Smordva)  
GRINSHPAN Perel, widow of Berel; Yenta their daughter (from the village Kosareve); their son Zelig is living in Israel, their daughter Gitel is in Brazil. Alt. spelling Grenspun and Greenspun.
GRINSHPAN Yoel-Leib (from Parmilovka [Peremylivka)]; Rachel his wife passed away. Yitzhak their son, Bat-Sheva their daughter, Ribah their daughter (a son in Israel, a daughter Tovah in Israel;their son Micael in France and their daughter Mania in Canada). Alt. spelling Grenspun and Greenspun. A photo of Bat-Sheva appears among a group of young people, p. 203 with notes.

[Page 447]

Names of Residents of our Town
Who Passed Away in Our Land [Israel]

Translated and edited by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD.



  Editor's notes
The poet Yitzhak Lamdan See Lamdan's poem on page 83 with notes
Lipa Halperin Contributed a number of essays to this volume, such as 153 with notes.
Moshe Fishman Contributed to this volume, p. 60 with notes.
The shochet and kosher examiner Yehuda Shichman Alt. spelling Shikhman. Yehuda Shichman married Yenta (Teitelman). See the Mervits matyr list, p. 444, for Yenta with additional notes.
Moshe Chizik See a photo of the family on top of page 457 with notes.
Reuben Goldreich A photo of a Goldreich family on page 463.
Yosef Mandelkern A tribute to Joseph Mandelkern p. 448.
Yukal Liberman
Chaia Gershtein
Sarah [Teitelman] Vinokur A photo of Sarah page 479 with notes.
Tova [Genut] Teitelman A photo p. 478, wife of Asher Teitelman.
Abisch Rosenberg his wife Rachel and their son Lamel


Fallen Soldiers

Translated and edited by Howard I. Schwartz, PhD.



  Editor's notes
Hanich [Hanoch] Goldseker, of blessed memory Photo, p. 455, tribute by his sister, 420-421.
Tzvi Linkes, of blessed memory Photo p. 455.
Israel Halperin Photo p. 455 with notes.


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