[Page 48]
The first class of the Tarbut school in Kosów Poleski, 1928
From right to left: Standing, Josef Sołowicki. Sitting: Reb Baruch Meir Zilberblat, Abramowicz, Josef Morocznik, Eliezer Chari, Dawid Jewszycki, Icchak Josef Rotfort.
In the center is the Talmud[47] teacher Cigelnik Bless his memory, who died in Kosów Poleski, with his students around him.
1. (To the left of Cigelnik the teacher) Szmuel Morocznik, in Israel today. 2. B. Karelic, in Israel today. 3. Rachel Jalepowicz, in Israel today. 4. Basin the teacher, in Israel today. 5, 6. Gruber the teacher and his wife. 7. Dow Jewszycki, survived and is in Germany.
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The Talmud Torah[48] building and its students
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Youth in Kosów Poleski
Members of Magen David Adom[49] in 1920
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Magen David Adom in Kosów Poleski, 1921The management is seated at the bottom. Among them (holding the white ribbon) are Reb Mordechaj Chajkin, the Jews elder in the days of the genocide, May the Lord Avenge His Death and Reb Zalman Wolański who was murdered in Hebron, May the Lord Avenge His Death.
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Betar The Betar Movement, Stage B in 1930
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The Jewish National Fund[50] Committee and its communal workers in Kosów Poleski
From right to left: 1. Chanan Karelic. 2. Zajdel Ryzykow. 3. Arie Wolfowicz. 4. Szapiro from Israel. 5. Szlomo Hofman. 6. His wife Sonia Hofman. 7. The pharmacist's wife. 8. The female doctor from Kosów Poleski. 9. Mordechaj Nowik. 10. Nowik's wife. 11. Nowik's sister-in-law. 12. Kadel Klebański. 13. Klebański's wife. 14. Dawid Werdomicki's wife.
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Hechalutz[51] in Kosów Poleski in 1934
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The theater club in Kosów in 1927
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The League for the Sake of Working in the Land of Israel in Kosów Poleski, 1934
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Firefighters in Kosów Poleski
- A central text of Rabbinic Judaism. Wikipedia return
- Talmud Torah schools were created in the Jewish world as a form of parochial schools for boys of modest backgrounds, where they were [taught] Hebrew, the Scriptures (especially the Pentateuch), and the Talmud. Wikipedia return
- A Jewish emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service. The name means Red Star of David (literally: Red Shield of David). Wikipedia return
- [An organization] founded in 1901 to buy and develop land in Ottoman Palestine (later British Mandate for Palestine, and subsequently Israel and the Palestinian territories) for Jewish settlement. Wikipedia return
- Hechalutz [The Pioneer in Hebrew] was an association of Jewish youth whose aim was to train its members to settle in the Land of Israel. Wikipedia return
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Kosava, Belarus
Yizkor Book Project
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 16 Sep 2017 by LA