Memorial Book of Kosow Poleski
(Kosava, Belarus)

52°45' / 25°09'

Translation of
Pinkas kehilat Kosow Poleski

Edited by: Org. of Former Residents of Kosow Poleski in Israel

Published in Jerusalem 1945



Project Coordinator

Bob Fitterman


This is a translation from: Pinkas kehilat Kosow Poleski (Memorial book of Kosow Poleski),
Editors: Org. of Former Residents of Kosow Poleski in Israel, Jerusalem 1945 (Hebrew 81 pages).

Note: The complete book (in ebook and PDF formats) has kindly been made freely available
by Bob Fitterman at http://goo.gl/74cZkA for those who would prefer to read it that way.


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Memorial Book


Kosów Poleski

“May the Lord Avenge Their Deaths”

[Page i]

This translation is dedicated to the Jews who were massacred at
Kosów Poleski during the Second World War

[Page ii]

The monument at Mereczowszczyzna.
“Здесь покоится прах более 3-х тысяч евреев,
жителей г. Коссово, расстрелянных
немецкими нацистами в 1942 г.”
“Here lie the remains of more than 3,000 Jews,
residents of Kossovo, shot by German Nazis in 1942.”
Photograph by Avner (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

[Page iii]

“To the everlasting memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.
200 Jews from Kosava were brutally murdered here during the spring and summer of 1942.”

Photograph by Avner (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

[Page v]

Preface to the Translation vii
Map of Kosów Poleski and Mereczowszczyzna xv
Geographic Index xvii
Introduction 1
Foreword 7
Part A 11
    1. The Conquering of the City and the New Order 15
    2. The Labor Camps Episode 18
    3. In the Ghetto 21
    4. The Slaughter 29
    5. The Artisan's Genocide 35
Part B: A List of the Martyrs Killed in Kosów Poleski 61
Part C: A List of Those Who Left and Fled 103
Appendix: A List of the People from Kosów Living in Israel 115
The Names of the Survivors Known to Us as of Today 135

  1. Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Ghetto_Kosava#/media/File:Ghetto_Kossovo_1c-1.jpg return
  2. Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Ghetto_Kosava#/media/File:Ghetto_Kossovo_2a-1.jpg return

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Contact person for this translation Bob Fitterman
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Updated 26 Nov 2017 by LA

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