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Translation of
Korets (Wolyn); sefer zikaron le-kehilatenu she-ala aleha ha-koret
Edited by: E. Leoni
Published in Tel Aviv, 1959
Project Coordinators
Dr. Jeffrey Mark Paull, Stefani Elkort Twyford & Barbara Balaj
Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Israel Zawdi, of the Korets Landmanshaft in Israel,
This is a translation from: Korets (Wolyn); sefer zikaron le-kehilatenu she-ala aleha ha-koret,
The Korets book; in memory of our community that is no more,
ed. E. Leoni, Tel Aviv: Former Residents of Korets in Israel, 1959 (Pages 791 H,Y)
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site:
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Title | Author | Page |
Introduction | ||
People of the Book | Noach Dagoni | 7-8 |
A Monument for the Ages | The Editorial Board | 9-10 |
The Early History of the Town | ||
On the History of the Jews in Korets | Dr. N. M. Gelber | 15-31 |
Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz | Eliezer Leoni | 32-47 |
The Presses of Korets | Eliezer Leoni | 48-62 |
Memories and Way of life | ||
Winter | Y. Y. Segal, of blessed memory | 65-71 |
The Kortchek River | Shoshana Rabinowitz (Shochen) | 72-74 |
This was my home | Zahava Riess (Goldman) | 75-76 |
What I Remembered … | Aizik Chimenes | 77-90 |
In Days of Sadness | Louis Osher (Leibel Acher) | 91-95 |
The Koretser Self Defense Organization | Eliezer Basyuk | 95-96 |
The great fire in Korets | Hinda Kligerman | 97-98 |
The Batei Midrash in Korets | Shraga Zawdi | 99-100 |
Kol Nidre in Yaacov-Yossi Hornshtein's Shul | Eliezer Basyuk | 101-102 |
The Poor People of Korets | Y. Y. Segal zl | 103-106 |
The banquet in Korets in honor of my Aliya to Eretz Yisrael | Judge Menachem Pinchas Avisar (Schwartzman) | 107-108 |
Education and Art | ||
The Hebrew Schools in Korets | Meir Panas | 111-113 |
Tarbut School in Korets | Sara Rosenfeld (Bronstein) | 114-119 |
The Heder and the Yeshiva in our city | Noach Barber | 120-123 |
The Heavenly Yeshiva [The Yeshiva on the top floor] in Korets | MP Eliezer Shostak | 123-126 |
The "Podstawowa" (elementary) Schools in Korets | Michael Glass | 127-132 |
The B. Borochov Yiddish School | Aizik Chimenes | 133 |
The Tarbut library in Korets | Judge Pinchas Avisar (Schwarzman) | 134-135 |
The Tarbut library and the man Asher Blovstein | Moshe Smolier | 135-137 |
The B. Borochov Library | Arie Zabodnik | 138-139 |
The Art Life in Korets | Yosef Wachbroit | 140-143 |
The Korets Yiddish Drama Lovers Circle | Simcha Baraz | 144-148 |
How Did Korets Celebrate the Opening of the College in Jerusalem? | David Solomianik zl | 149-150 |
Economy, Institutions and Organizations | ||
The Jewish Community | Elik Kligstein | 153-156 |
The economic life of the Korets Jews | Dov Bernstein | 157-161 |
Livelihoods in Korets | Eliezer Basyuk | 162-163 |
The Fair in town | Yosef Kligerman | 164-166 |
The Interest-Free Loan Fund | Dov Bernstein | 167-170 |
The Orphanage | Dr. Yakov Wolach | 170-172 |
TOZ in Korets | Dov Bernstein | 172-176 |
The TOZ Children's Colony | Nechama Kranzberg | 177-179 |
The Fire Brigade in Korets | Yosef Brode (Broder) | 180-182 |
The Zionist Movement and the Youth Movements | ||
The first buds of Zionism and its heralds in Korets | Moshe Dafna (Blovstein) | 185-190 |
The Zionist fraction Tze'irei Zion in Korets | Meir Panas | 191-193 |
Poalei Tziyon Party in Korets | Simcha Baraz | 194-197 |
The Zionist Labor Party Hit'achdut | David Lidski | 198-200 |
The first members of HeHalutz in Korets and the torments of their immigration to Israel | Meir Panas | 201-205 |
He-Halutz in Korets | Y. D. | 206-210 |
The First Korets Pioneers - in Immigration and in Labor | Shmuel Zuker | 211-213 |
The Professional Organization and Ha-Oved in Korets | Yontel Schneider | 214-216 |
The Ha-Shomer Ha-Tza'ir Center in Korets, In Its Life and In Its Death | Moshe Smolier | 217-227 |
The Gordonia Federation in Korets | Avraham Shilon (Gilman) | 228-232 |
From Hovevei Sfat-Ever to He-Halutz Ha-Tza'ir | Noach Dagoni | 233-241 |
The Z. S. Youth and Freiheit | Avraham Gilgon | 242-244 |
Ha-Po'el Ha-Mizrachi | Daniel Bernstein | 245 |
The Revisionist Movement in Korets | Avraham Singerman | 246-250 |
KKL and the Zionist Movement Activists in Korets | Avraham Shilon (Gilman) | 251-255 |
The Training Company in Korets | Bat-Zion Shoshani (Turtcheniok) | 256-260 |
The Sports Movement in Korets | Aizik Kesselman | 261-263 |
Rabbis and Poets | ||
The Rabbis of Korets | M. Zinovitz | 267-269 |
Nehemiah Herschenhorn (The Rabbi MTAHM) | Eliezer Rabed | 270-275 |
R. Yoel Schorin (The Prodigy of Poltava) | Avraham-Yitzhak Schorin | 276-279 |
The Tzaddik, Rav Michal'eh Ha-Levi | Ha-Rav Shmuel Ha-Levi Yosefov | 280-281 |
The Genius Rav Moshe-Mordechai Lidski Zatsal | Yakov Bar-Midot | 282-283 |
Yakov Yitzchak Segal | Eliezer Leoni | 284-296 |
Meir Czudner | Eliezer Leoni | 297-305 |
Types and Personalities | ||
Figures and personalities that I knew | Dov Bernstein | |
a. Rav Yeshaya Zweig | 309-310 | |
b. Dr. Yakov (Yany) Herschenhorn | 310-311 | |
c. Dr. Yehuda Zeitlin | 311-312 | |
d. Herzl Silberman | 313 | |
e. Mordechai Silberman | 314-315 | |
A Korets Talmid Chacham [Jewish scholar] | Shmuel Bar'am | 315-316 |
R' Nisan Brezner | Avraham Reiz | 317-318 |
Episodes from the life of Reb YakovYosi Horenstein | Herzl Frenkel | 318-319 |
Menachem (Mendel) Gorben | Eliezer Achi-Aharon | 320-325 |
The Holocaust | ||
Remember! | Meir Gilman zl | 331 |
Six White Candles | A. Sh. Shkolnikov | 332 |
At the outbreak of the War | Meir Kahana | 333-335 |
When the Soviets came | Aizik Chimenes | 336-337 |
This is How the City Was Destroyed … | Dov Bargel | 338-347 |
The song of the Korets Ghetto | 348 | |
Write this in the book for a memorial … (Exodus 17:14) | Yehudit Kersch (Shapira) | 349-356 |
The last road of our martyrs [Y] | Yitzhak Feiner | 357-360 |
On the Path of Destruction | Dr. Yaakov Wallach | 361-365 |
The destruction of Korets | Moshe Gildenman zl | 366-407 |
The Massacre in the New City (Die Neue Stadt) | Avigdor Zayka | 408-412 |
How I Was Saved from the Claws of Death | Zelig Charif | 413-414 |
The shadow of death | Sheindl Chimenes (Yaffa Dembski) | 415-420 |
The Torments and Tribulations That I Have Gone Through[ | Moshe Gurewitz | 421-425 |
From the Great Holocaust … | Chaia Serber | 426-428 |
What My Eyes Have Seen … | Miriam Vidro (Vilner) | 429-430 |
A drop from the sea of blood and tears | Dora Rabinowitz (Strassberg) | 431-432 |
How I Escaped from the Pit of Death | Shmuel Vidro | 433-439 |
What I missed [poem] | A. S. Shkolnikov | 440 |
In the Path of Suffering and Struggle | ||
Fighting and Struggle in the Forest | Dyadya Misha (Moshe Gildenman) zl | 443-450 |
In the Korets Ghetto and in the woods | Batya Zaloska (Fuchs) | 451-469 |
The Road to the Partisans and Liberation | Dov Bargel | 470-479 |
This is How I Took Revenge Against the Murderers … | Zvi Pe'er | 480-485 |
Wandering | Yakov Pe'er | 486-489 |
To Me belongs vengeance and recompense [Deut. 32:35] | Simcha Gildenman | 490-493 |
In the storm of battle | Chaim Bergel | 494-497 |
As a female paratrooper in the Red Army | Zahava Me'iri (Serber) | 498-499 |
From the nightmares of those days | Yitzhak Kleiner | 500-502 |
Dyadya Misha zl | S. G. | 503-505 |
Korets After Destruction | ||
Over the ruins of Korets | Moshe Gildenman zl | 509-526 |
The old cemetery in Korets | Z. Rutenberg | 527-529 |
Upon my return to the town | Simcha Gildenman | 530-532 |
A Page from the Destruction | Ezriel Beitchman | 533-535 |
Memories | Nechama Nelson (Kranzberg) | 536-537 |
The Korets People in Tchelyavinsk (1941-1946) | Moshe Neiterman | 538-544 |
My activity in the Bricha movement [flight of survivors after WWII] | Avraham Vidro | 545-550 |
YIZKOR [Remember] | ||
Names of the Korets Jews who perished in the Holocaust | 553-720 | |
The activity of the Former Korets Residents Association in Israel | Noach Dagoni | 723-733 |
The Ahavas Achim Anshei Korets Society in Boston | Lewis Osher (Leibel Acher) | 734-739 |
Yizkor for the departed members of the Organization | ||
The personality of Pinchas Yaniv (Yentes) | Chaim Melamed | 741-742 |
Meir Gilman | Yafa Yoeli (Gilman) | 742-744 |
Arye Broda'y (Broder) | Zahava Broda'it | 744-745 |
Shraga Zawdi (Zavodnik) | Shmuel Bar'am | |
Sara Idesis (Yentis) | E. H. | 746 |
Fell while Performing Their Duty | ||
Shabtay Drucker | Pesia and Chaim Drucker | 747 |
David Weiner | Frieda Weiner | 748 |
Eliyahu Wechsler | Yakov Bar-Midot | 749 |
Shmuel Perlman | Varda Perlman | 750 |
Asher Tzimelgisser | Penina Tzimelgisser | 751 |
Yakov Kliefeld (Klik) | Arye (Leibush) Kliefeld | 752 |
Fell in the War of Independence | ||
From the book YIZKOR published by the Ministry of Defense | ||
AltsteinYakov (Yanke'le) | 753 | |
Ben-Israel Yoram | 754 | |
Zuker Shmuel (Mulik) | 755 | |
Schwarzman Israel | 756 | |
List of Photos and Illustrations | 757-760 | |
Index of Names | ||
Persons mentioned in the book (by Hebrew alphabet) | 761-785 | |
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