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[Page 341]

In Memoriam (cont.)


In Eternal Remembrance

Sitting from right: Rivka Yellin, Berchi Yellin,
Shayna-Feigel Yellin, Getsel Yellin

Standing from right: Yona Yellin, Esther-Rachel Yellin
  Memorialised in sorrow:
Leibel Bloch - the State of Israel

In Holy Remembrance



  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Chaya Niegnievitzky

[Page 342]

We Will Always Remember

Golda Slutsky

David Slutsky


Mulik Slutsky

Liova Slutsky

[Page 343]


Shlomo Slutsky

Chaya Sara Slutsky


From left: Leibel Slutsky, Taybel Slutsky
Their children: Avraham, Davidchik, Yaacov
  Perpetuating their memory:
Motke Slutsky, Yocheved (Slutsky) Abramowitz, Yehudit Slutsky, Tova (Genzwitz) Nachumovsky

[Page 344]

In Holy Remembrance

My father:
Avraham-Shmuel Shimonovitz
My mother:
Eshke-Ita Shimonovitz
(née Itzkovitz)


My sister:
Shayna-Gitel Moskovitz

My sister:
Chaya-Sorah Shimonovitz

My brother:
Yosef-Nissan Shimonovitz
Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
I. Gutel Simon (Shimonovitz)
New York

[Page 345]

In Memoriam

Sitting from left: Luba Pomerchik, her husband Ezra Pomerchik, Henia Shuster (Pomerchik) Reuven Shuster, Dov Shuster
Standing from left: Hadassah Perlman (Pomerchik) (may she be set apart for long life), Gavriel Abramowitz, Berl Pomerchik, Leah Becker (Pomerchik), Yaacov Abramowitz (may he be set apart for long life), Feivel Pomerchik (may he be set apart for long life), Malka Polozhesky (Pomerchik) (may she be set apart for long life), Michael Shuster, Faygel Shuster

  Dedicated by
Malka Polozhesky (Pomerchik), Leah Becker,
Hadassah Perlman, Feivel Pomerchik

[Page 346]

In Holy Remembrance

Etel Pomerchik
Moshe Pomerchik


From right to left:
Yisrael, Leah, Malka, Sorah-Mina Goldshmidt


Leah Pomerchik

Feivel and Galia Pomerchik
  Their memory is perpetuated in sorrow:
Yisrael Pomerchik and family –America

[Page 347]

In Eternal Remembrance

Standing: Leah Lipkin, Chaim Stoller, Hirsch Stoller, Yitzchak Stoller, Zlote Lipkin, Shimon-Avraham Lipkin
Sitting: Gisha Lipkin, Bila Lipkin, Aharon Lipkin, Moshe-Hirschel Lipkin, a child, Shifra Lipkin
From right, children: Zalman, Moshe, Yosef Lipkin.


Shimon Avraham Lipkin
  Perpetuating their memory:
Nacha Patrichavitch

[Page 348]

In Eternal Remembrance

Simka-Freidel Farbolotsky

Mendel Farbolotsky


A Monument to the Souls of our Dear Ones

My parents Menachem Mendel and Simka-Freidel Farbolotsky were born and lived in Korelitz. My father was a tailor and from his work he made a livelihood for the family.
My parents had four children: Leibel-Aryeh, the oldest; the second son Reuven; I, Sheindel (I made aliyah to Eretz-Israel in 1926) and my sister Musha.
My parents came to Eretz-Israel in 1937, two years before the Second World War began. My brothers and sister remained in Korelitz. All, together with their many-branched families, were annihilated by the Germans. The parents lived with me and my husband Avraham Kuznitz in Tel Aviv.
My father Menachem-Mendel died in 1938, my mother Simka-Freidel died in 1943.

  Preserving their memory forever
Avraham and Sheindel Kuznitz - Tel Aviv


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