In Holy Remembrance
Grunia Krolavetsky Meirim Kessler
The Dearly Beloved whose Memory will be Kept Forever
Tuvia Koltsitsky |
My father |
Chasia Koltsitsky |
My mother |
Pessia Krolavetsky |
My sister |
Tszvi Krolavetsky |
Her husband |
Grunia Krolavetsky
Tamar Krolavetsky |
Their children |
Esther Kessler |
My sister |
Aryeh Kessler |
Her husband |
Meirim Kessler
Tamar Kessler |
Their children |
Dedicated in sorrow and pain by:
Hina Koltsitsky-Caspi |
[Page 339]
In Eternal Remembrance
Binyamin and
Mordechai Zelivansky
Shimon and Rivka Zelivansky (Krolavetsky) |
From right sitting: Leah (may she be set apart for long life), Sara, Shimon Ostchinsky
(may he be set apart for long life), Mordechai (may he be set apart for long life), Rivka. Standing: Yosef Ostchinsky, Aharon, Tzvi, Aryeh (may he be set apart for long life), Nachum (Krolavetsky)
Submitted by:
Leah Dinai, Mordechai Malciel (Krolavetsky), Aryeh Shalit (Krolavetsky) |
[Page 340]
In Eternal Remembrance
From Right: Itche-Berel, Liova, Dvoshke, Zelig, Moshe David Genzwitz
Moshe David |
Itche-Berel |
Liova |
Perpetrating their memory:
Tova Nachumovsky (Genzwitz) and her family
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Karelichy, Belarus
Yizkor Book Project
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 29 Nov 2013 by LA