[Pages 105-110]
By Y. Wrzos
Translated by Allen Flusberg
Note by translator: in the original, this article appears to be a translation,
into Hebrew, of the Yiddish article appearing on pp. 300-304.
The following photographs appear within the pages of the Hebrew translation:
[Page 106]
Representatives of the town preparing for the Polish senate elections In center: Bolislav Warszawski and Henech Pinczewski[2] |
[Page 109]
Standing, from right: Aharon Zudkiewic, Menashe Dobraszklanka, Shlomo Holtz Seated: Aharon Holtz, Lemel Rujna, Yaakov Yechiel Bielowski, Mendel Prum, Nissan Fogel, Mordechai Goldberg[3] |
Young members of the Maccabee movement[4] in the town[5] |
[Page 110]
A group of Poalei Tsion[6] members (with a photograph of Borochov[7] at the center)[8] |
Translator's Footnotes
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Golub-Dobrzyń, Poland
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