My Town;
In Memory of the Communities Dobrzyn-Gollob
(Golub-Dobrzyń, Poland)

53°07' / 19°03'

Translation of
Ayarati; sefer zikaron le-ayarot Dobrzyń-Golub

Editors: M. Harpaz, Association of Former Residents of Dobrzyń-Golub

Published in Tel Aviv, 1969

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Susan Dressler
for typing up the English section to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation of: Ayarati; sefer zikaron le-ayarot Dobrzyń-Golub (My town; in memory of the communities Dobrzyn-Gollob),
Editors: M. Harpaz, Tel Aviv, Association of Former Residents of Dobrzyń-Golub, 1969 (459 + 29 pages; H, Y, E).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Golub-Dobrzyn (1969)

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Hebrew translated by Sara Mages

Yiddish translated by Yocheved Klausner


With Publication of the Book   5
From the Historical Sources   6-7
Maps   8-9
And You Shall Remember (poem)   10
In the shadow of the destruction The Editor 23
El Male Rachamim   24
The Towns that Were
May My Lot Be with You (poem) Ch. N. Bialik 26
Dobrzy and Golub on the Drwęca River Yehudah Rozenwax 28
Dobrzyń, My Town Dr. Yechiel Lichtenstein 30
My childhood years in Dobrzyń Yaakov Rimon 41
My town (poem) Walter Field 44
The town's Rabbi Mendel Sonabend 51
In My Father's House Yehuda Rozenwaks 54
Daily Life in the Town Avraham Dor (Dobroshklanka) 59
The nobility and the inspiration of Dobrzyń's Jews HaRav Yitzchak Yedidya Frenkel 63
Childhood and Adolescence (Memories) Zev Lent 65
A few memories… Dina and Yitzchak Shperling 73
Institutions and Movements
A Vibrant and Active Community Yehuda Rosenwaks 76
Institutions and Organizations Avraham Dor (Dobroshklanka) 79
Prayer and Torah institutions and religious ministrants in the town Yehudah Rozenwax 87
The Jewish education in Dobrzyń-Golub Shmuel Meiri (Miniwski) 90
The Beginning of the Establishment of the Bund Yaakov Gorni 94
Hashomer Hatzair Chaim Lord 95
The Sholom-Aleichem Library Chaim Lord 102
The Struggle for Education in Our Town Y. Wrzos 105
Spirit and Vision
On the holidays Yehuda Rosenwaks 112
A Jewish theatre in Dobrzyń Avraham Dor (Dobroszklanka) 117
The Idea of Aliya to Israel Strikes Root Yehuda Rosenwaks 119
The First Dobrzyners in Israel Yehoshua Eshel (Isaac) 121
From the Horrors of the Holocaust
How Can I Take Pleasure? Yehuda Halevi 128
The pain in the heart (poem) Yehudit Golan (Rosenwaks) 129
In the tempest of the war Zadok Zudkevitz 130
The men left and didn't return Yehoshua Flusberg 137
Fleeing for Our Lives Yitzhak Ryż 140
How did we manage? Yehudit Golan (Rosenwaks) 145
Seven sections of Hell Gorny Frum 149
In the Extermination Camps Bracha Rotolski (Goldberg) 161
After the liberation Gorny Frum 164
Personalities in the Town
Reb Feibush Lipka Yehezkel Cohen 170
Yosef Chaim Ruda Eizberg 171
R. Yitzhak Moshe Offenbach Avraham Dor (Dobroszklanka) 173
R. Ephraim Eliezer Granat (Rimon), of Blessed Memory Yaakov Rimon 176
My Dear Mother, May She Rest in Peace Mendel Sonabend 179
My grandfather's house Shmuel Meiri-Minisewski 180
Chana Chaya Granat-Katcher, of Blessed Memory Yaakov Rimon 185
Chaya Shifra Bielawski Yehuda Rosenwaks 187
My Grandmother's Shloshim Memorial Service… Moti 188
Shmuel Zeinwil Lipka Minda Lipka Bornstein 189
The Brothers Mendel and Avraham Hirsh Kohn Avraham Dor 190
The Dreamer Who Did Not Live to See His Dream Fulfilled Shmuel Meiri–Minivski 193
A Bunch of Memories about My Brother, the Poet Yosef Tzvi Rimon, of Blessed Memory Yaakov Rimon 200
Why Do You Weep, My Heart (poem) Yosef Tzvi Rimon 206
My parents' house Shmuel Meiri-Miniwski 209
R' Yeshayahu the “Great” Avraham Dor 211
Tzvi Zev (Hirsh Wolff) Laks Yaakov Rimon 213
To My Girlfriends Who Did Not Merit… Rivka Shapira (Horowitz) 213
In Memory of My Parents Yaakov Kohn 216
In Memoriam
Yehoshua Eshel Avraham Dor 218
Shoshana Vinkor (Offenbach) of blessed memory Yisrael Lahav 221
Yehiel Bunim Granat-Rimon Yaakov Rimon 222
Tova Shivek Shmuel Shivek 224
My Father's House Shoshana Vinkor (Offenbach) 224
A man's path Tzadok Tzvi Florman 226
About Tzvi, For He Is Gone Yitzhak Sperling 231
To My Very Dear Father… Chava 232
Chana Rosenwaks Yehuda Rosenwaks 234
On the Death of Yehuda Sperling Eliyahu 235
My son, Yehudah, my son His father, Yitzhak 237
Nisan Fogel Avraham Dor 240
My husband - Nisan Fogel Bilhah Fogel 241
Katriel Isaac Avraham Dor 242
Mordechai Goldberg Avraham Dor 243
Dov Yalowski His daughter, Leah 245
Yitzhak Rosenwaks Ben-Tziyon Epstein 246
Avraham Rosen Avraham Dor 248
Rosenbaum, Moshe Aharon   249
Personalities and their activities
The poet Yaakov Rimon (Granat) 254
Ask, Jewish people… (poem) Yaakov Rimon 257
These Days (poem) Yaakov Rimon 259
The Warshawski Family of New York Yehuda Rosenwaks 260
The Towns that Once Existed
The Synagogue and Shtiebels in Dobrzyn An unknown rabbi 264
The Grassroots Jews of Dobrzyn Shlomo Aleksander 270
My town Dobrzyn Mechele Platnyarz Schlesinger 273
A Glance at Synagogue Lane Michl'e Plotniarz-Shlesinger 274
The Synagogue in Dobrzyn Tuvya Tinski 275
Memories of My Hometown Dobrzyn Avraham Dor (Dobroshklenka) 279
The Community and its Institutions
The religious life in Dobrzyn Rabbi Nathan Sanger 285
Institutions and Parties in Dobrzyn Sara Groner–Krantz 292
The active members of the community Charles L. Graner 295
The Establishment of the Bund in Dobrzyn Yaakov Gorny 298
The Struggle for Education in the Town Yaakov Wrzos 300
Our Landsleit in America
The brief history of the Chicago Dobrzyn Organization Ester Graner Rebbe 307
The First Association of Dobrzyners in America Shlomo Alexander 312
D e s t r u c t i o n
Memories from the War Years Michael Cohen 318
The Twenty Who Were Hanged Mrs. Degala 324
On the Winding Roads Yehoshua Goldberg 325
Pain and Suffering of a Family Gavriel Katcher 329
My Bundle of Troubles in the Russian Military Yitzhak Rosenwaks 332
Pain and suffering in the Second World War Elya Tzala 354
After the liberation Gorny Frum 381
Memories Yosef Dratwa 385
R'Yaakov Leib Graner Ester Graner Rebbe 390
Bunem Zaklikovski Shimon Yosef Platnerz (USA) 395
The Rabbi of Dobrzyn Mendel Sonabend 397
My Beautiful, Loving Mother, of Blessed Memory, the Dobrzyn Rebbetzin Mendel Sonabend 401
Rivka Aleksander Avraham Dor (Dobroszklanka) 403
Memoirs Dedicated to My Father R. Feibish Lipka Yeshayohu Nosson Lipka 404
The “Dreamer” Who Did Not Live to See His Dream Fulfilled Shmuel Meiri–Minivski 439
From Home to Home
From Home to Home 443
List of Those Who Passed Away in Chicago 453
List of Those Who Passed Away in Israel 454
List of Those Who Passed Away in England and in Germany 454
Commemoration of Parents and Relatives 454
Names of members that are no more with us 459
My Home Town Walter L. Field 3
My Mother's Legacy Walter L. Field 8
Those Terrible Days… Pozmanter H. 11
The Kristal–Brown Family Samuel Abraham Meiri 13
Isaac Ryz Yehuda Rozenwax 16
The Jewish Partisans – Objective and Subjective Difficulties Shalom Cholawski 17
The Relationship Between the Jewish and the Polish Underground in Nazi–Occupied Poland Michael Borwicz 20
The Yishuv's Traditional Help to Jews in the Time of Holocaust Yehuda Slutsky 21
The Uniqueness of Jewish Martyrdom During the Holocaust J. Gottfarstein 24
List of the names extracted from the memorial section
Additions to Holocaust Necrology, Extracted from Articles in Yizkor Book

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