[Page 477]
From right: Naftali, Yakov, Miriam, Soreh, Khonen
First row: Hindeh, Shloyme Yuakhadler, Khashke Second row: Motke, Leah, Esther, Aron |
First row: Henke, Rishe, Bashe, Minke Second row: Elke, Kalmen, Avreymke, Asher, Yenkl, Rivka, Shepsl |
Seated: Alter Gertzovsky, Khaye, Mulyieh and Ben Zion Shmulevitch Standing: Lyube, Khaye and Hirshl Gertzovsky, Soreh Shmulevitch, Fanyie Levin, Yisroel Shmulevitch, Arl Gertzovsky, Malke Shmulevitch |
[Page 478]
Seated: Nokhem, Yisroel, Mariashke, Frayde, Aryeh Standing: unknown, Golde Cohen |
Seated: Basheh, Soreh Rokhl, Antzele, Yoel Dovid Standing: Rozele (Minyate's daughter), Shifra, Shmuel, Brokheh, Fanyia, Motl |
Yoel and Khaye Levit Second row: Zernitzky, Alter, Tzile, Moishe Aron, Khaim Levit |
sons in law and grandchildren |
[Page 479]
Seated: Moishe Kravetzky, Velvl the doctor's wife, Khane Lusky, Khaye Kravetsky Standing: Nignevitzky, Malke Grash, Malke Nignevitsky |
First row: Leah and Rishe Zhukhovitsky, Zlateh Goldshteyn, Brokheh Vilkansky, Shloyme Kahim, Yosef, Mulyieh and Ladkeh Goldshteyn Second row: Zelde Zhukhovitsky, Bashe, Rivka, Avrom and Henyie Senderovsky, Yitzkhak and Khaye Leah Goldshteyn Third row: Kalmen Senderovsky, unknown, Libke and Motke Turetzky, Alte Vilkansky, Yisroel and Rishe Senderovsky |
Seated: Moishe Kravetzky, Velvl the doctor's wife, Khane Lusky, Khaye Kravetzky Standing: Gutke Karvetzky, unknown |
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