[Page 474]
Seated: Shifra Fridnberg, Rokhele Stolovitsky, Avrom Levit. Tzipora Berman Standing: Yentl Stolovitsky, Bashke Fridnberg, Fraydl Berman, Rivka Stolovitsky |
From the right: Noyekh, Shloyme Zalmen, Yehoshua Bar Meir |
From the right: Khaye Rokhl, Zeldeh, Frumeh, Zelik, Leyzer Eli |
Yitzkhak and Minyeh Brokha |
Seated: Avrom Leyb, Rayzl, Giteh Minyeh Standing: Tuvyia, Feygl, Khaim Velvl, Eshekeh, Aron, Kayleh, Yisroel |
From the right: Yosef and Mikhleh Levenbuk, Nekhameh and Khaim Sheluvsky |
[Page 475]
First row: Binyomin Aron, Shmulik, Zalmen, Ginyeh, Masheh Second row: Rivka, Henyeh, Lizeh |
First row: Eliyahi Leybovitch, Yisroel and Rokhl Elyovitch, Brokha Leybovitch Second row: Polkeh Leybovitch, Khaim and Lyubeh Elyovitch, Yakov and Siamkeh Leybovitch |
Yisakahr, Avrom, Nokhem, Lyubeh, Milyeh |
Seated: Yosef, Yakhne Standing: Kayleh, Dovid, Berl Moishe, Itkeh, Shloyme, Aron Leyb |
Seated: Etkeh and Moishele Bielsky, unknown, Rozeh Gertzovsky Standing: Yitzkhak Bielsky, Asher Gertzovsky, unknown, Isar, Khane and Mulyieh Gertzovsky, Avryml Bielsky |
First row: Mineh Zatzepitzky, Avreyml Savitzky, Asneh Zatzepitsky, Hindeh Savitzky, Bezalel Zatzepitzky Second row: Khaye, Yakov Shimen, Avrom, Feygl and Dena Sovitzky |
Yente, Rivka, Nakhman, Mersheteh, Soreh |
[Page 476]
From the right: Yisroel, Shifra, Shloyme, Mulyieh, Pesheh Levit, Golde Zablotsky
First row: Shaynele and Alte Shepshelevitch, Velvele and Moishele Solman, Mikhl and Soreh Libele Shepshelevitch |
Seated: Henyieh, Rayeh and child Standing: Yakov Meylekh and Alter |
First row: Frumeh Rayzl, Moishe, Henyieh Minye, Yisroel Ber Second row: Meylekh, Khaim Meir, Yehoshua |
From the right: Pesyieh, Mordkhai, Fraydl, Khane Leah, Feygl |
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