The book of Druya and the communities
of Miory, Druysk and Leonpol

Druya, Belarus Miyory, Belarus Druysk, Belarus Leonpol, Belarus
55°47' 27°27' 55°37' 27°38' 55°44' 27°17' 55°48' 27°47'


Translation of
Sefer Druja ve-kehilot Miory, Drujsk, ve Leonpol

Edited by: Mordekhai Neishtat, Druja and Surrounding Region Society

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1973


Project Coordinator

Eilat Gordin Levitan


Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Meir Levitanus of the Druya Organization, Israel,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Druja ve-kehilot Miory, Drujsk, ve Leonpol
The book of Druya and the communities of Miory, Druysk and Leonpol
Edited by: Mordekhai Neishtat, Tel Aviv, Druja and Surrounding Region Society, 1973 (H, Y, 255 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Druja (1973). Researchers might also be interested in the documentary film "A Man From Druya" which can be accessed by clicking here.

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Introduction 7
The Community of Druja Before the War:
From the Chronology of the Druya Community - M. Neishtat 11
My Teachers and the Heders (one room schools) - Ester Lubowicz 17
On top of the roof of the great synagogue- Alter Druyanow 25
Druja ( Yiddish) - Tila Druyanow 35
At home and in foreign lands - Chana Bejlin Suchozevsky 40
My Shtetl - Yerachmiel Romik 42
Memories of Childhood and Teenage Days - Batya Eidelman Cohen 45
The Shtetl and its Jews - Bracha Vitman 50
Chalutzim (Zionist pioneers) from Druja - Chaim Deutch 55
The School and Library - Chaia and Leib Liphsitz 57
Substance and Soul in the Jewish Stetl - Shalom Kopetsh 59
The Notebook “ - Drujer Falksshul” 66
A Man of Druja - Safra and Saifa 70
The Community of Miory Before the War:
From The Essence of the Shtetl - Eliyahu Nachmani 74
My fathers' home in Miory - Lyuba Yudin 76
The Unison of the Community of Miory - Yocheved Nazchan Svirsky 79
My Shtetl During Those Days - Yizhak Aron 82
The Community of Druyesk Before the War:
Chapters of Druysk - Yosef Sosnovik 85
Our school “Chorev” - Tuvia Berkman 88
Days of Tranquility Before the Siege - Reuven Budownicz 89
Chapters from the Shoah: Survivors (and one who did not) share their stories
The Last Will and Testament of Fania Barbakow (1923- 1942) 95
A Diary of the Slaughter - Yizhak Aron 101
In the Ghetto - Fruma Einhorn 117
The Annihilation of Leonpol - Ida Felskin Sher 125
A survivor from the pit - Menachem Sheyner 127
The Excruciating Tortures of a Mother Who Lost Her Child - Fania Melishkevitz 129
In the Ghetto and In the Forest - Ychezkel Berkman 134
A Jewish Child Fighting for Survival - Zusman Berkman 138
How I Survived - Baruch Bornstein 146
A Story of a Teenage Partisan - Arie Waif 149
Personal Chapters from the Book of the Shoah - Lyuba Yudin 180
Trials and Tribulations... - Liba Levitanos-Zaidlin (nee Papkin) 201
I Was a Mother of Six Children in 1942...- Shoshana Milevski 213
The Horrors and the Eradication of the Jews of Druysk - Reuven Budownicz 215
Jewish Partisans in the Area of Miori - Gita Aron Simkin 217
Stories from the Shoah - Ytzhak Aron 224
The Power of Kol Nidray - Y. Ben Moshe 232
Memorial For the Perished Martyrs - Bracha Vitman 234
List of the Martyrs
      Druya Martyrs
      Miyory Martyrs
      Druysk Martyrs
      Leonpol Martyrs


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