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[Pages 236-246]

List of the Martyrs


Druya Martyrs

Transliterated by Esther Mann Snyder


Family name(s) First name(s) Gender Marital status Father's name Mother's name Name of spouse Remarks & additional family Page
AFMAN David M married 236
AFMAN F married David 236
AFMAN M David 236
AFMAN M David 236
AFMAN M David 236
AFMAN M David 236
AFMAN F David 236
AFMAN F David 236
AHARON Gita F married Mantsik with child 236
AHARON Mantsik M married Gita with child 236
AMDOR Chaya Fruma F married Leyb 236
AMDOR Leyb M married Chaya Fruma 236
AMDOR F Leyb Chaya Fruma 236
AMDOR F Leyb Chaya Fruma 236
ARIV Nachum Ziska M married 236
ARIV Yehoshua Sheyke M married 236
ARIV F married Yehoshua Sheyke 236
ARIV F married Nachum Ziska 236
ARIV M Nachum Ziska 236
ARIV M Nachum Ziska 236
ARIV M Nachum Ziska 236
BALONOV Avraham M married Chana with 2 children 236
BALONOV Chana F married Avraham with 2 children 236
BALONOV Shalom M with all his family 236
BALONOV M married 236
BALONOV F married 236
BARAKHAV Chaim Leyb M married 236
BARAKHAV F married Chaim Leyb 236
BARAN Yisrael M 236
BARAN F Mother of Yisrael 236
BARBAKOV Eizik M married Reyzl 236
BARBAKOV Hinda F Eizik Reyzl 236
BARBAKOV Reyzl F married Eizik 236
EYGIN Chaim Ber M married 236
EYGIN Sarah F Chaim Ber 236
EYGIN Velvel M Chaim Ber 236
EYGIN F married Chaim Ber 236
IDELMAN Chana F married Yehoshua 236
IDELMAN Yehoshua M married Chana 236
ITIN Berl M Yaakov 236
ITIN Moshe M Yaakov 236
ITIN Yaakov M 236
ITIN F Yaakov 236
ITIN F Yaakov 236
ITIN F Yaakov 236
BARAK Bunim M 237
BARAK Nechama F 237
BARAK Pesya F 237
BARAK Rivka F 237
BARANOV Chana F married Eli Yaakov with 3 children 237
BARANOV David M married Sarah 237
BARANOV Eli Yaakov M married Chana with 3 children 237
BARANOV Sarah F married David 237
BARANOV Yisrael M David Sarah 237
BARANOV Yitschak M with 2 children 237
BARBAKOV Alter M married 237
BARBAKOV Moshe M married 237
BARBAKOV Velvel M married 237
BARBAKOV Zala M married 237
BARBAKOV F married Zala 237
BARBAKOV F married Velvel 237
BARBAKOV F Velvel 237
BARBAKOV F Velvel 237
BARBAKOV F Velvel 237
BARBAKOV F married Moshe 237
BARBAKOV F married Alter 237
BARBAKOV M Alter 237
BARBAKOV F Alter 237
BARDAKOV Bluma F married Gershon with 2 children 237
BARDAKOV Gershon M married Bluma with 2 children 237
BARDAKOV Moshe Ber M with 3 children 237
BARKAN Sarah Elka F 237
BARTS Rivka F 237
BARTS F Rivka 237
BEDIR Bonka F married with 2 children 237
BEDIR Ester F 237
BEDIR Gershon M married with 2 children 237
BEDIR Zelig M married with 2 children 237
BEDIR F Ester 237
BEDIR F Ester 237
BEDIR F married Gershon with 2 children 237
BELIAK Hirsh M married 237
BELIAK Leyvik M married with 2 children 237
BELIAK Yaakov M married with 2 children 237
BELIAK F married Leyvik with 2 children 237
BELIAK F married Yaakov with 2 children 237
BELIAK F married Hirsh 237
BERMAN Feyge Leah F 237
BERMAN M married 237
BERMAN F married 237
BEYLIN Eizya F 237
BEYLIN Ester F married Yeshaye Leyb with 2 children 237
BEYLIN Moshe M married with 3 children 237
BEYLIN Shifra F married Zelig with 2 children 237
BEYLIN Shmuel M married with 5 children 237
BEYLIN Yeshaye Leyb M married Ester with 2 children 237
BEYLIN Zelig M married Shifra with 2 children 237
BEYLIN F married Moshe with 3 children 237
BEYLIN F Eizya 237
BEYLIN F married Shmuel with 5 children 237
BIMBAD Barukh M married Hesya 237
BIMBAD Hesya F married Barukh 237
BITSHON Katriel Leyb M with 2 children 237
BLAKHMAN Aba M Nachum Leyb Leska 237
BLAKHMAN Avraham David M married with 2 children 237
BLAKHMAN Chaim Zelig M married with 2 children 237
BLAKHMAN Chaya F Nachum Leyb Leska 237
BLAKHMAN Feyga F married Mendel 237
BLAKHMAN Leska F married Nachum Leyb 237
BLAKHMAN Mendel M married Feyga 237
BLAKHMAN Nachum Leyb M married Leska 237
BLAKHMAN F married Avraham David with 2 children 237
BLAKHMAN F married Chaim Zelig with 2 children 237
BREZ Chanan M married Nechama with child 237
BREZ Nechama F married Chanan with child 237
BUBER Rivka F 237
BUBER Zalman M Rivka 237
BUZAK Chana F 237
GAMEROV M married 238
GAMEROV F married 238
GELER Muse Elya with 2 children 238
GELMAN Rabbanit F 238
GELMAN Zalman M Son of the Rabbi. With his family 238
GELMAN Zalman M with another two persons 238
GELPERIN Chasya F with her family 238
GELPERIN Shalom M married with 3 children 238
GELPERIN F married Shalom with 3 children 238
GERSHOV Breyne F married with child 238
GERSHOV David M with his family 238
GERSHOV Leyb Hillel M married with his family 238
GERSHOV Yosef M 238
GERSHOV M married Brayna with child 238
GERSHOV M Yosef 238
GERSHOV F married Leyb Hillel with her family 238
GILENSON Nachman M married with 3 children 238
GILENSON F married Nachman with 3 children 238
GINZBURG Avraham Mendel M with 3 children 238
GINZBURG Menucha Leah F with another two persons 238
GINZBURG Rivka F married Zalman with 2 children 238
GINZBURG Zalman M married Rivka with 2 children 238
GLEZER Freydka F 238
GLEZER Gedalyahu M married Tova Leah 238
GLEZER Idel Dov M 238
GLEZER Leah F 238
GLEZER Liba F 238
GLEZER Refael Yaakov M married 238
GLEZER Tova Leah F married Gedalyahu 238
GLEZER F with her family 238
GLEZER F with her family 238
GLEZER F with her family 238
GLEZER with 2 children 238
GLEZER F married Refael Yaakov 238
GOLDSHTEYN Batya F married Pinchas 238
GOLDSHTEYN Pinchas M married Batya 238
GOLDSHTEYN F Pinchas Batya 238
GOLDSHTEYN F Pinchas Batya 238
GOLDSHTEYN F Pinchas Batya 238
GOLDSHTEYN M Pinchas Batya 238
GORDON Bela Freyda F 238
GORDON Hirsh M Bela Freyda 238
GROISER Alter M married Anyuta 238
GROISER Anyuta F married Alter 238
GROISER Chaya Munya F married Mendel 238
GROISER Leyzer M Alter Anyuta 238
GROISER Mendel M married Chaya Munya 238
GROISER F Alter Anyuta 238
GROISER F Alter Anyuta 238
GURVITSH Avraham M married with 3 children 238
GURVITSH Hinda F married Mordekhai 238
GURVITSH Miriam F married Shimshon with child 238
GURVITSH Mordechai M married Hinda 238
GURVITSH Shimshon M married Miriam with child 238
GURVITSH Yitschak M married 238
GURVITSH F married Avraham with 3 children 238
GURVITSH F married Yitschak 238
DAGDIN Berl M Leyb 238
DAGDIN Grunya F Leyb with her family 238
DAGDIN Leyb M 238
DARSHIN Yaakov Yeshayahu M with 5 family members 238
DOITSH Idka Sarah F married Leyzer with 5 children 238
DOITSH Leyzer M married Idka Sarah with 5 children 238
DOITSH Mendel M 238
DOITSH F Mendel 238
DOITSH F Mendel 238
DOMES Aba M 238
DEVARKIN Avraham M married 239
DEVARKIN Elka Freyda F 239
DEVARKIN Hirsh M married 239
DEVARKIN F married Hirsh 239
DEVARKIN M Hirsh 239
DEVARKIN F Hirsh 239
DEVARKIN F married Avraham 239
DEVARMAN Ben Tsion M married Nechama 239
DEVARMAN Nechama F married Ben Tsion 239
DOITSH Chaya Sarah F married Yitschak 239
DOITSH Moshe M Yitschak Chaya Sarah 239
DOITSH Yitschak M married Chaya Sarah 239
DRIZIN Chetskel M married 239
DRIZIN Hirsh M Zundel Malka 239
DRIZIN Malka F married Zundel 239
DRIZIN Mikhael M 239
DRIZIN Moshe Shimon M married with 4 children 239
DRIZIN Shalom M married Golda with 3 children 239
DRIZIN Zundel M married Malka 239
DRIZIN F married Leyb with 3 children 239
DRIZIN F married Moshe Shimon with 4 children 239
DRIZIN F married Chetskel 239
DRIZIN F Chetskel 239
DRIZIN F married Shalom with 3 children 239
DROYANOV Chana Elka F married Hirsh 239
DROYANOV Ester F Hirsh Chana Elka 239
DROYANOV Gitsel M married Musya 239
DROYANOV Hirsh M married Chana Elka 239
DROYANOV Isya F Gitsel Musya 239
DROYANOV Meir M Ester 239
DROYANOV Musya F married Gitsel 239
HABERMAN Golda F married Zalman with 2 children 239
HABERMAN Zalman M married Golda with 2 children 239
HALPRIN Chasya F with 4 children 239
VEYNSHTIN Nachum M 239
VIGDERHOIZ Bluma F married Yitschak 239
VIGDERHOIZ Mordechai M 239
VIGDERHOIZ Moshe M with 4 children 239
VIGDERHOIZ Nachum M married Zlatka with child 239
VIGDERHOIZ Yitschak M married Bluma 239
VIGDERHOIZ Zlatka F married Nachum with child 239
VIGDERHOIZ M Yitschak Bluma 239
VIGDERHOIZ M Yitschak Bluma 239
ZEYDLIN Bat Sheva F married Shmuel Mendel with child 239
ZEYDLIN Dane M married Minda 239
ZEYDLIN David M with another three persons 239
ZEYDLIN Ester F 239
ZEYDLIN Iser M married Perl 239
ZEYDLIN Minda F married Dana 239
ZEYDLIN Perl F married Iser 239
ZEYDLIN Shmuel Mendel M married Bat Sheva with child 239
ZEYDLIN Sonya F with 3 children 239
ZEYF Arye M married Chasya Duba 239
ZEYF Chasya Duba F married Arye 239
ZEYF Mulya M married Reyzl with 3 children 239
ZEYF Reyzl F married Mulya with 3 children 239
ZEYF Shimon M 239
ZEYF Shlomo M married with 2 children 239
ZEYF M Arye Chasya Duba 239
ZEYF M Arye Chasya Duba 239
ZEYF M Arye Chasya Duba 239
ZEYF F married Shlomo with 2 children 239
TAUBMAN Zalman M 240
TAUBMAN with whole family - seven persons 240
TEYTELBAUM Chaim M with another three persons 240
TEYTS Chaya Rucha F 240
TEYTS Sarah Mirka F married Uri Chaim 240
TEYTS Uri Chaim M married Sarah Mirka 240
TEYTS Zalman M Chaya Rucha 240
TEYTS M Uri Chaim Sarah Mirka 240
TRIBOKHOV Yechiel Ber M 240
YAFFE Shalom Leyb M 240
YAFFE Yeshayahu M with 2 children 240
YAFFE Yisrael M married with 2 children 240
YAFFE F married Yisrael with 2 children 240
YAFFE M Shalom Leyb with his family 240
YAFFE M Shalom Leyb with his family 240
YAFFE M Shalom Leyb with his family 240
YAFFE M Shalom Leyb with his family 240
YAFFE F Shalom Leyb with her family 240
YALOV Yosef M 240
YALOV M Yosef 240
YALOV F Yosef with her family 240
YALOV F with her two sisters 240
YALOV F with her two sisters 240
YALOV F with her two sisters 240
YANKELZON Gavriel M married with 2 children 240
YANKELZON Leyzer M married with 2 children 240
YANKELZON Refael M married with 3 children 240
YANKELZON Yechiel Ber M married with 2 children 240
YANKELZON F married Gavriel with 2 children 240
YANKELZON F married Leyzer with 2 children 240
YANKELZON F married Yechiel Ber with 2 children 240
YANKELZON F Mother of Gavriel, Leyzer and Yehiel Ber 240
YANKELZON F married Refael with 3 children 240
YENTIN Barukh M married Shulamit 240
YENTIN Chana F married David with 2 children 240
YENTIN David M married Chana with 2 children 240
YENTIN Eliyahu M Velvel Sarah 240
YENTIN Eliyahu M with another two persons 240
YENTIN Nachum M with 2 children 240
YENTIN Sarah F married Velvel 240
YENTIN Shimon Velvel M married Sarah 240
YENTIN Shulamit F married Barukh 240
YENTIN Yitschak Zev M with 2 children 240
YENTIN M Barukh Shulamit 240
YENTIN M with his brothers 240
YENTIN M with his brothers 240
YUDIN Chanan M married Pesya with child 240
YUDIN Pesya F married Chanan with child 240
CHADASH M married with 2 children 240
CHADASH F married with 2 children 240
CHADKEL Chaim M married Shifra 240
CHADKEL Shifra F married Chaim 240
CHADKEL F Chaim Shifra 240
CHATIANOV M married 240
CHATIANOV F married 240
KHANIN Hertsl M married 240
KHANIN F married Hertsl 240
KHANIN M Hertsl 240
KHANIN F Hertsl 240
KHANIN F Hertsl 240
KHANIN F Hertsl 240
KHANIN F Hertsl 240
LAFER Avraham M married with 2 children 240
LAFER F married Avraham with 2 children 240
LANGBARD with whole family - five persons 240
LEVIN Kalman M Moshe Mindl 240
LEVIN Mindl F married Moshe 240
LEVIN Mordekhai M married 240
LEVIN Moshe M married Mindl 240
LEVIN Shlomo M Moshe Mindl 240
LEVIN F married Mordekhai 240
LEVI Meir M married 241
LEVI F married Meir 241
LEVIMAN David M married Frada 241
LEVIMAN Frade F married David with her daughter 241
LEVIN Etel F married Zavel 241
LEVIN Ita F 241
LEVIN Nachum Eizik M married Pesya 241
LEVIN Pesya F married Nachum Eizik 241
LEVIN Reyzl F 241
LEVIN Sarah F Zavel Etel with her family 241
LEVIN Yosef M Zavel Etel 241
LEVIN Zavel M married Etel 241
LEVIN F Pesya 241
LEVIN F Pesya 241
LEVIN F Pesya 241
LEVIN M Pesya 241
LEVINMAN Eli Ber M 241
LEVINMAN F Mother of Eli Ber 241
LEVINSON Leyzer M with another three persons 241
LEVINSON Moshe M with another four persons 241
LEVINSON Perl Leah F with another two persons 241
LEVINSON Sheina F with 4 children 241
LEVINSON Tsvia F married Yaakov with 2 children 241
LEVINSON Yaakov M married Tsvia with 2 children 241
LEVITNIS Duba Mirka F 241
LEVITNIS Yekutiel Aharon M with 2 children 241
LIBIN Mikhael M married Vikhna with 3 children 241
LIBIN Vikhna F married Mikhael with 3 children 241
LIFSHITS Devora F married 241
LIFSHITS M married Devora 241
LIN Arke M 241
LIN Tsemach M with his family 241
LIN F Arke 241
LIN F Arke 241
LIN F married Zelig with 4 children 241
LURYE Ben Tsion M with another three persons 241
LURYE Chaim Lipa M with another four persons 241
LURYE Grunye F married Leyb with 3 children 241
LURYE Leyb M married Grunye with 3 children 241
LURYE Orka M married Pesya 241
LURYE Pesya F married Orka 241
LURYE F Orka Pesya 241
MANDTSES Menucha F 241
MANDTSES F Menucha 241
MATLIN Ber M with another person 241
MATLIN Chaim M with another six persons 241
MATLIN Mendel M with another six persons 241
MATLIN Mordekhai M with another three persons 241
MATLIN Motel M married 241
MATLIN Nachum M married Rivka Leah with 2 children 241
MATLIN Rivka Leah F married Nachum with 2 children 241
MATLIN F married Motel 241
MATLIN F Motel 241
MODLIN Rachel F 241
MODLIN Sarah F 241
MODLIN F Sarah 241
MODLIN F Sarah 241
MOSIN Chasya F Eliyahu Duba 241
MOSIN Duba F married Eliyahu 241
MOSIN Eliyahu M married Duba 241
MOSIN Mordekhai M married with 2 children 241
MOSIN Shlomo M Eliyahu Duba 241
MOSIN Yaakov M Eliyahu Duba 241
MOSIN F married Mordekhai with 2 children 241
MAGRAM Chaya F married Shaye 242
MAGRAM Shaye M married Chaya 242
MAGRAM Sonya F Shaye Chaya 242
MILNER Chana F 242
MILNER F Chana 242
MINCHIN Ber M Brother of Vichna 242
MINCHIN Bluma F married Yosef 242
MINCHIN Ida F Sonya 242
MINCHIN Sonya F 242
MINCHIN Vikhna F Sister of Ber 242
MINCHIN Yosef M married Bluma 242
MINCHIN M Yosef Bluma 242
MINCHIN M Brother of Ber and Vichna 242
MINDLIN Leska F married Moshe with 2 children 242
MINDLIN Moshe M married Leska with 2 children 242
MODLIN Aharon Eli M 242
MODLIN Ben Tsion M 242
MODLIN Eli M with another four persons 242
MODLIN Henikh M with another four persons 242
MODLIN Shlomo M with another three persons 242
MODLIN F Ben Tsion 242
MODLIN M Ben Tsion 242
MODLIN M Ben Tsion 242
MONITS Yaakov M married 242
MONITS F married Yaakov 242
MORENU David M married Pesya 242
MORENU Pesya F married David 242
NOISHTAT with whole family - two persons 242
SAPERO Beynes M Yosef 242
SAPERO Rachel F Yosef 242
SAPERO Yosef M married 242
SAPERO F married Yosef 242
SARVENIK Beyla F married Yosef with child 242
SARVENIK Shifra F married with child 242
SARVENIK Yosef M married Beyla with child 242
SARVENIK M married Shifra with child 242
SOLOVICHIK Bunya F married Chaim with 3 children 242
SOLOVICHIK Chaim M married Bunya with 3 children 242
SORKIN Benyamin M married Sarah Riba 242
SORKIN Malka F married Benyamin 242
SORKIN Sarah Riba F Mother of Benyamin 242
SORKIN F Benyamin Malka 242
SVERDLAV Ida F married Zalman 242
SVERDLAV Zalman M married Ida 242
SVERDLIN Sarah F Yosef 242
SVERDLIN Yosef M married 242
SVERDLIN Zalman M Yosef 242
SVERDLIN Zelda F Yosef 242
SVERDLIN F married Yosef 242
FEYNEVITS Nechama F Yitschak Eizik 242
FEYNEVITS Yitschak Eizik M married 242
FEYNEVITS F married Yitschak Eizik 242
FISHER Batya F 242
FISHER Berchik M Batya 242
FISHER Chaim M Batya 242
FISHER Pesya F married Yisrael with 2 children 242
FISHER Yisrael M married Pesya with 2 children 242
FORMANOV Devorka F with another person 242
PAPKIN Shlomo Yitschak M with another seven persons 242
PATAV Beyla F Chaim Ber 242
PATAV Chaim Ber M married 242
PATAV Moshe M with another person 242
PATAV Tsipka F Chaim Ber 242
PATAV F married Chaim Ber 242
POKEN Beyrakh M married Bluma 242
POKEN Bluma F married Beyrakh 242
POKEN M married 242
POKEN F married 242
POKEN M Beyrakh Bluma 242
FINKLSHTEYN Chasya F married Yosef Yitschak with 2 children 243
FINKLSHTEYN Dina F married Hirsh Leyb 243
FINKLSHTEYN Feyga Devora F with her family 243
FINKLSHTEYN Hirsh Leyb M married Dina 243
FINKLSHTEYN Yosef Yitschak M married Chasya with 2 children 243
FISHELMAN Alter M married with his family 243
FISHELMAN Hirsh M married with child 243
FISHELMAN F married Alter with her family 243
FISHELMAN F married Hirsh with child 243
FISHER Ida F married Shatke with child 243
FISHER Molka M married 243
FISHER Shatke M married Ida with child 243
FISHER Yisrael M 243
FISHER F married Molka 243
FRIDKIN Shlomo M with another three persons 243
FRUMIN Chasya F married Yaakov 243
FRUMIN Yaakov M married Chasya 243
FRUMIN M Yaakov Chasya 243
FRUMIN F Yaakov Chasya 243
KATSAV Feygel F married Yaakov 243
KATSAV Hirsh M married Sarah 243
KATSAV Kalman M married Libka 243
KATSAV Leyb M married Sasya 243
KATSAV Liba F married Moshe with 2 children 243
KATSAV Libka F married Kalman 243
KATSAV Moshe M married Liba with 2 children 243
KATSAV Sarah F Shlomo 243
KATSAV Sarah F married Hirsh 243
KATSAV Sasya F married Leib 243
KATSAV Shlomo M 243
KATSAV Yaakov M married Feygel 243
KATSAV F married Yaakov Maiden name KATSAV. With 4 children 243
PALTIN Batya F 243
PALTIN Chaim M Yaakov 243
PALTIN Meir M married 243
PALTIN Yaakov M 243
PALTIN Zalman M married with 2 children 243
PALTIN F married Zalman with 2 children 243
PALTIN F married Meir 243
PEYKIN M married 243
PEYKIN F married 243
PIROTSINSKI Bela F married Yehuda 243
PIROTSINSKI Refael M Yehuda Bela 243
PIROTSINSKI Velvel M Yehuda Bela 243
PIROTSINSKI Yehuda M married Bela 243
PIROTSINSKI Yona M Yehuda Bela 243
TSIPELEVITSH Berta F married 243
TSIPELEVITSH Lusye F Berta 243
TSIPELEVITSH Milke F Berta 243
TSIPELEVITSH M married Berta 243
TSURILOV Berl M married Musya 243
TSURILOV Berl M married 243
TSURILOV Hirsh M married 243
TSURILOV Leyb M Hirsh 243
TSURILOV Matel M married 243
TSURILOV Moshe M married 243
TSURILOV Musya F married Berl 243
TSURILOV Yechiel M Berl 243
TSURILOV Yosef M married 243
TSURILOV F married Moshe 243
TSURILOV M Moshe 243
TSURILOV F married Hirsh 243
TSURILOV F married Matel 243
TSURILOV F married Yosef 243
TSURILOV F married Berl 243
COHEN Chaya F 244
KAGAN Chaim Yeshaye M married Rachel 244
KAGAN Chana F Chaim Yeshaye with her family 244
KAGAN Rachel F married Chaim Yeshaye 244
KAGAN Velvel M married Zislya 244
KAGAN Yaakov M 244
KAGAN Zev M 244
KAGAN Zislya F married Velvel 244
KAGAN M Velvel Zislya 244
KAGAN M Yaakov 244
KAGAN M Yaakov 244
KAGAN F Yaakov 244
KAGAN F Yaakov 244
KALMANSON Keyla F married Yaakov with 4 children 244
KALMANSON Yaakov M married Kayla with 4 children 244
KALMANSON Yitschak Leyb M 244
KALMEYK Sheyna F 244
KALMEYK F Sheina 244
KALMEYK M Sheina 244
KAPLOSNIK Yaakov M married 244
KAPLOSNIK F married Yaakov 244
KATSAV F married Leib with 3 children 244
KISIN Eliyahu Ber M married 244
KISIN Fishel M Shmuel Refael 244
KISIN Sarah Ester F Shmuel Refael 244
KISIN Shmuel Refael M married 244
KISIN F married Shmuel Refael 244
KISIN F married Eliyahu Ber 244
KONIN Bluma Yokheved F Moshe Aharon 244
KONIN Moshe Aharon M 244
KONIN Pesya F Moshe Aharon 244
KONIN Yaakov M 244
KONIN F Moshe Aharon 244
KOPATSH David M Yosi Ber Sarah 244
KOPATSH Roza F Yosi Ber Sarah 244
KOPATSH Sarah F married Yosi Ber 244
KOPATSH Velvel M Yosi Ber Sarah 244
KOPATSH Yaakov M Yosi Ber Sarah 244
KOPATSH Yosi Ber M married Sarah 244
KOPKIN Elyakum M married Malka with 2 children 244
KOPKIN Malka F married Elyakum with 2 children 244
KOPKIN Moshe M married with 3 children 244
KOPKIN Nahman M married Zelda with 2 children 244
KOPKIN Shimon M married 244
KOPKIN Zelda F married Nachman with 2 children 244
KOPKIN Zlata Perl F 244
KOPKIN F married Moshe with 3 children 244
KOPKIN F married Shimon 244
KOPKIN F Mother of Shimon 244
KOTLER Reyzl F 244
KVIN Gedalyahu M married 244
KVIN Yokheved F 244
KVIN Zalman Yankel M Gedalyahu 244
KVIN F married Gedalyahu 244
RAZINMAN Ben Tsion M Moshe 244
RAZINMAN Kreyna F married Yaakov Mendel 244
RAZINMAN Moshe M 244
RAZINMAN Perl Malka F 244
RAZINMAN Reyzl F 244
RAZINMAN Sarah F Moshe 244
RAZINMAN Yaakov Mendel M married Kreyna 244
RAZINMAN Yisrael M Perl Malka 244
RAZINMAN F Yaakov Mendel Kreyna 244
RIBAK Hina F married Leyzer with 2 children 244
RIBAK Leyzer M married Hina with 2 children 244
RIBAK Tsherna F 244
RIBAK F Tsherna with her family 244
RIBAK F Tsherna with her family 244
RIBAK F Tsherna with her family 244
RIVASH Miriam F married Yosef 244
RIVASH Rivka F married Zalman 244
RIVASH Yosef M married Miriam 244
RIVASH Zalman M married Rivka 244
RIVASH M Yosef Miriam 244
ROSONIK Benyamin M married Brayna 244
ROSONIK Breyne F married Benyamin 244
ROSONIK Lyova F Benyamin Brayna 244
ROTENBERG Feyga Rucha F married Mulya with 5 children 244
ROTENBERG Ida F married Yisrael 244
ROTENBERG Mulya M married Feyga Rucha with 5 children 244
ROTENBERG Yisrael M married Ida 244
ROTENBERG M Yisrael Ida 244
RAPAPORT Reyzl F 245
REYSIN Asna F Sister of Shneur 245
REYSIN Ben Tsion M married 245
REYSIN Chaya F married Shlomo with 3 children 245
REYSIN Fruma F married Velvel 245
REYSIN Fruma F married Refael 245
REYSIN Itka F married Pesach Getsel 245
REYSIN Leyzer M Refael Fruma 245
REYSIN Pesach Getsel M married Itka 245
REYSIN Refael M married Fruma 245
REYSIN Shlomo M married Chaya with 3 children 245
REYSIN Shneur M Brother of Asna 245
REYSIN Velvel M married Fruma 245
REYSIN M Pesach Getsel Itka 245
REYSIN M Pesach Getsel Itka 245
REYSIN M Velvel Fruma 245
REYSIN F married Ben Tsion 245
REYSKIN M Teacher. With another 2 persons 245
REYTSIN Arye M married Chasya 245
REYTSIN Chasya F married Arye 245
REYTSIN Dov M with another two persons 245
RIBAK Yaakov Leyb M married with 3 children 245
RIBAK F married Yaakov Leyb with 3 children 245
RING Shalom M married Zislya 245
RING Zislya F married Shalom 245
RING F Shalom Zislya 245
RIVKIN Moshe M married Sarah Liba 245
RIVKIN Sarah Liba F married Moshe 245
RIVKIN Yisrael M with another two persons 245
SHAPIRA Avraham M Moshe Liba Sarah 245
SHAPIRA David Hirsh M married with child 245
SHAPIRA Liba Sarah F married Moshe 245
SHAPIRA Mana M 245
SHAPIRA Mendel M married 245
SHAPIRA Mendel M 245
SHAPIRA Moshe M married Liba Sarah 245
SHAPIRA Sheyna Munya F Moshe Liba Sarah 245
SHAPIRA Yaakov Leyb M Mendel 245
SHAPIRA F married Mendel 245
SHAPIRA F married David Hirsh with child 245
SHAPIRA F Mendel with her family 245
SHERMAN Beynes M with another three persons 245
SHERMAN Chaim Hirsh M with another four persons 245
SHERMAN Gavriel M 245
SHERMAN M Gavriel 245
SHERMAN F Gavriel 245
SHEYNER Aharon M with another three persons 245
SHEYNER Reuven M with another two persons 245
SHEYNER Sarah F with another person 245
SHEYNER Yaakov David M with another four persons 245
SHEYNIN Aba M married Sonya with 2 children 245
SHEYNIN Alter M Nechama 245
SHEYNIN Bela Rucha F with her daughters 245
SHEYNIN Fruma Chana F 245
SHEYNIN Hadasa F 245
SHEYNIN Ita F with 3 children 245
SHEYNIN Nechama F 245
SHEYNIN Orka M Fruma Chana 245
SHEYNIN Shmuel Eli M with another two persons 245
SHEYNIN Sonya F married Aba with 2 children 245
SHEYNIN F Hadasa 245
SHEYNIN F Hadasa 245
SHOGOL Sarah F Zalman 245
SHOGOL Zalman M Sarah 245
SHOGOL F Zalman Sarah 245
SHOGOL F Zalman Sarah 245
SHPEYER Brayna F Zondel Reyzl 245
SHPEYER Frada F Zondel Reyzl 245
SHPEYER Reyzl F married Zondel 245
SHPEYER Zondel M married Reyzl 245
SHKOLNIK Shmerl M 246
SHKOLNIK F Sister of Shmerl 246
SHKOLNIK F Sister of Shmerl 246
SHMIDOV Yaakov M 246
SHMIDOV F Yaakov 246
SHMOSHKOVITS Chaim M married with 2 children 246
SHMOSHKOVITS Moshe M married Moshe 246
SHMOSHKOVITS Nachum M married 246
SHMOSHKOVITS Zalman Yitzchak M married 246
SHMOSHKOVITS F married Moshe 246
SHMOSHKOVITS F married Chaim with 2 children 246
SHMOSHKOVITS F married Nachum 246
SHMOSHKOVITS F married Zalman Yitzchak 246
SHTEYN Leah F married Moshe 246
SHTEYN Moshe M married Leah 246


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