Memorial Book of the Martyrs
of Csenger, Porcsalma and Vicinity

(Csenger, Hungary)

47°50' / 22°41'

Translation of
Sefer yizkor le-kedoshei Csenger, Porcsalma ve-ha-seviva

Edited by Shlomo Friedman

Published in Tel Aviv, 1966 (H, Hu, 143 pages)



Project Coordinator

Stanley and Renee Fishkind

This is a translation of: Sefer yizkor le-kedoshei Csenger, Porcsalma ve-ha-seviva (Memorial Book of the Martyrs of Csenger, Porcsalma and Vicinity);
edited by Shlomo Friedman, published in Tel Aviv, 1966 (H, Hu, 143 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Csenger

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Sefer Yizkor 1
Dedications 2
Preface 6
The Memorial Book
The Eternal Candle 9
Chapter One
The History of the Jewish Community of Csenger 11
Chapter Two
The Surrounding Area of Csenger 14
Tyukud 15
Chapter Three
The Religious Institutions of Csenger 17
Chapter Four
The Rabbonim of the Town 21
~ The First Candle ~ 21
~ The Second Candle ~ 21
~ The Third Candle ~ 22
~ The Fourth Candle of the Menorah ~ 25
~ The Fifth Candle ~ 30
~ The Everlasting Candle ~ 33
His Fear of Heaven and His Love of Hashem 36
~ The Sixth Candle ~ 38
~ The Seventh Candle ~ 40
Chapter Five
The Holocaust 43
~ Beginning of the Holocaust ~ 44
Chapter Six
The Destruction of the Jewish Community of Csenger 47
Chapter Seven
The Period of Time Following the Holocaust 52
Yizkor Hashem 54
Chapter Eight
The Different Personalities of the City of Csenger 57
~ The Holy Gaon, the Maggid Rav Yehoshua Shatun ~ 57
~ Rav Chaim Peketeh ~ 59
~ Rav Yaakov Eliash Ztl ~ 60
~ Rav Yechiel Klein ~ 62
~ Rav Yosaif Greenfeld, the Rosh Hakohol ~ 63
~ Rav Yosaif ben Naftoli Freedman ~ 64
~ Rav Mendel Daskal ~ 65
Chapter Nine
Memories 66
~ In Memory of my Family ~ 66
~ In Memory of our Community ~ 67
~ Remember! Do Not Forget! ~ 68
~ Our Small Town Csenger ~ 69
~ My Last Days in the House of My Parents ~ 71
~ My Memories ~ 73
~ The History of the Community of Csenger ~ 74
~ The Dream of my Righteous Father ~ 77
~ A Collection of Stories about the lives of the Jews of Nag’gatz, Kisgéc, Shima, and Csenger ~ 78
~ This is how I view Csenger ~ 79
~ The following are my words to my brothers who survived the war ~ 82
Chapter Ten
The Wonders of Asher 83
Chapter Eleven
The life and passing of our righteous Rabbi, the “Old Rabbi” 90
Chapter Twelve
The Past, the Present and the Future 95
Porcsalma 98
Chapter One
The Village 98
Chapter Two
The Jews of the Village 98
Chapter Three
The relationships between the Jews and Gentiles until the year 1936 102
Chapter Four
The relationships between the Jews and the Gentiles after 1936 103
Chapter Five
Erev Pesach 1944 107
Chapter Six
Pesach 1944 109
Chapter Seven
The Day of Expulsion 111
Chapter Eight
The Ghetto of Mátészalka 113
Chapter Nine
The Trip to Auschwitz 115
Chapter Ten
Ebensee, January 1945 116
Chapter Eleven
Ebensee, May 1944 – The Day of Liberation 118
Epilogue 119
A few words to commemorate Rav Shmuel Berger Ztl 119
A description of Rav Naftoli Hertzka Hirshfeld Ztl 121
In the Forced Labor Camps 122
Keszü 123
Újpest 124
Budapest 125
Maps 126
Yizkor 127
Names of the Holy Martyrs
List of the martyrs of Csenger 128
List of the martyrs of Porcsalma 134
The martyrs of Tóthfalu 137
The martyrs of Csengersima 137
The martyrs of Nagygéc 138
The martyrs of Tyukod 138
The martyrs of Szamostatárfalva 138
The martyrs of Ököritófülpös 139
The martyrs of Szamossályi 139
The martyrs of Szamosbecs 139
The martyrs of Gacsály 139
The martyrs of Rozsály 139
The martyrs of Pátyod 139
The martyrs of Rápolt 139
The martyrs of Szamosangyalos 140
The martyrs of Oar 140
The martyrs of Újfalussytag 140
The martyrs of Csegöld 141
The martyrs of Shmush Dara 141
The vision of the dry bones 143

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Stanley and Renee Fishkind
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 17 Aug 2020 by LA