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[Page 435]

Trombka Brother and Sister in Israel and Elsewhere

Rokhl-Leah Kostsheva

Rokhl-Leah Kostsheva -- a very religious woman who watched over family purity in Ciechanow, was responsible for supervision in the mikve. All week she got to know all levels of Ciechanow Jewish life. Rokhl-Leah knew all those in need, the sick, the widows and orphans.

Bringing help to the sick and the needy was Rokhl-Leah's holiest work. She went to visit the sick, cooked noon-time meals for the hungry, and brought it to their homes. The downhearted found hope in her.

Though she herself was very frum, she had understanding for her modern children. Parties were formed in her house.

During the German extermination Rokhl-Leah tried to continue to help people. She appealed to her children in Detroit, U.S.A. to form an aid organization for the suffering Jews in Ciechanow. Funds did come from America. This was secretly distributed by a committee including Rokhl-Leah and Wolf Kostsheva.

Yisroel Moishe Pudlovitz

Maier Becker (Zalaner) and his family
Maier Becker (Zalaner) and his family

Picture Index

[Page 436]

A memorial page for



LIBER BERMAN (Liber Shnider)


DOVID FUCHS, son of Henekh Fuchs

signed by the Ciechanower Farein in Detroit

president: MOISHE LESER


An eternal curse on the slayers and murderers

Announcements Index

[Page 437]

Memorial Page for the

Parents and their three children

who were together put to death in the death camps

Top l to r: LEAH 1893-1942  MOISHE-ADYA 1888-1942

Bottom: MENAKHEM 1934-1942  ISAKHAR 1930-42  KHANA 1927-42

signed by the brothers ZABLUDOWICZ and their families in Israel


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 2 July 2003 by LA