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[Page 432]

The Family Where There Was the Cradle of Zionism in Ciechanow

One's hand trembles when one recalls that the large Trombka family was murdered in the most terrible way. We still remember our father from the time when we were very young children. He was one of the most faithful Alexander hasidim…He named his children after his Hasidic rabbis. My mother, Rokhl, came from Rotchons. She was an industrious woman who, unfortunately, became a widow at a young age. With much sacrifice she provided for her children. She raised them in such a way that they were an example for others.

Brakha -- the mother of the Trombka family in their bakery
Brakha -- the mother of the Trombka family in their bakery

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Avraham Trombka, His Wife Raizl and Children

Many Ciechanowers surely remember the respected Jew with the long Herzl beard, a Hasidic man who carried on the tradition of our father. Though he was an Alexander Hasid he was one of the pioneers of the Mizrachi in Ciechanow. He gave a lot of tzedakah and did a lot of communal work. He built a fine household. His son, Moishe, was one of the founders of the Mizrachi in Ciechanow. In a bestial manner his family perished at the hands of the Germans.

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Raizl and Avraham Trombka and their children
Raizl and Avraham Trombka and their children

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Faige Robota

Faige Robota -- wife of Yishayahu Robota -- the mother of the heroine Rosa, was a pioneer of Zionist thought. Already in Czarist times she risked giving her home for a Zionist library, for Hebrew courses, etc. She raised her children as staunch Jews, fought for the establishment of Israel. Her education resulted in such a great heroine as Rosa, the pride of the Jewish people in general and in particular for Ciechanow. Raizele, our pride and joy, we see you as a young, attractive girl, a lovely flower that lit up the surroundings. How bitter it is for us that your young years were cut down so early. But we are so proud of your martyrdom. We shall never, never forget you.


Yekhezkl Trombka

Which Zionist, or any of Ciechanow doesn't remember Yekhezkl Trombka? He was amongst the founders of the Zionist movement, Keren Kayemet, Keren Hayesod. All Zionist activities were conducted by him. He was put to death by the Germans.

[Page 434]

Pinkhas Trombka

All the children in our household were busy: Avraham in Mizrachi, Faige in Bnot Tzion, Yekhezkl in general Zionist activities, Yekhiel-Sholem and Bayla in Hashomeir Hatzair; however, one had to eat also. Pinkhas took this responsibility upon himself. He worked hard all his life to provide for the family in an honorable way. His memory will always be cherished by us.

Yehoshua was sick for many years. We were all broken-hearted about his illness; he lived until the war, was tortured and shot by the Germans.

Trombka family
Trombka family

Picture Index


It is impossible to describe our pain at the loss of our dear family. Our eyes are already dry of tears and there are no words to express sorrow. May it be a consolation for our kadoshim that the survivors are following the footsteps of the Trombka family in Ciechanow.

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