[Page 36]
Standing (from right to left): Yaakov Volkmann, Mordechai Goldenberg, Leib Shtein, Yaakov Putik, Josef Portnoy, Leibel Dorfman, Yechiel Gotvarb, Berl Leibsohn. Seated (from right to left): Shmuel Leiberfarb, Freida Kleinman, depute from Kishinev Central Office, Eliezer Heissiner, Yankish Gitelman, Laude Chayat, Mordechai Peck, Eliezer Greenshpon. On the ground, front: Feivel the caretaker |
The painter Moshe Kolker is the husband of Leah Kolker (Falikas) a former resident of Căpreşti. |
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Căpreşti, Moldova
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