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[pp. 433-434]


For Eternal Commemoration

[pp. 435-436]

Klara Weingel

remembers her parents,

Mottie the candelabrum maker, and Esther Bluma

Died in America, 5703 (1943)

R' Leibush Elya of the brickyard and his wife

Chune Hammer, Leibush, Elya's son,

remembers his parents,

Leibush Elya, [and] his wife, Ettel

Aharon Kimmel


his mother, Faige, sister, Chava, and Perl Schwartz and three children, Devorah and Yidl Reis and two children

As a holy commemoration

of my parents,

Wolf Podhajcer and Bluma Roize,

their children,

Chaim and Elka

Yoel Korn

Klara Mazul,

Bertha remember their parents,

Yidl and Chaya Schwartz

As an eternal commemoration

My parents, Devorah and Notte, my in-laws, Esther and Leib Auster, two child martyrs, Drezi and Notte

Yaakov Glotzer

[pp. 437-438]

Wolf Weinberg (Volke Hersh Mendel's)

remembers: his parents,

Hersh Mendel and Faige

Their children: Aharon, Henich, Bracha, Yisroel

Moshe Klirsfeld-Haber


his parents, David and Chana; his sisters: Syule, Rivka, Rochel Chaya; his brothers, Shmuel and Mordechai Mordechai died in Israel on 1.5.1958

In commemoration

of my parents

Hersh and Chantshe-Rive Feldbau

Buntshe Bien

Mrs. Tichover (Chaim Yidel's daughter)

from Nastaszczyn remembers:

her father, Chaim Yidel Bigel

Hersh Weissmann (Yisroel Auster's grandchild)

remembers his parents,

Moshe Aharon and Chava; his sisters and brothers: Moyshele, Eli-Simcha, Mendel-Leibush, Chaya-Devorah, Sarah Sheindel, Yisroel Shmelki

Bertha, Moshe, and David Bauer

remember their parents,

Mendel and Freida, daughter of Moshe Misser, and their daughter, Sheindel

Mendel and Freida Bauer

[pp. 439-440]

For eternal memory

My parents

Hersh Leib and Krosl

My uncle, Yisroel-Hersh (Kolechnik)

Adolph Schwartz

As an eternal commemoration

of my father, Yisroel Isser Frantsoyz My mother, Roize, and her second husband, Yosef Mordechai Cohen, and my brother, Nute Leibush Schumer

Dr. Lipa Schumer

As a holy commemoration of

My wife's parents, Zelik and Reizel Glotzer, their children: Yaakov, Gittel Rivka, and Avraham-Itzik

Shimon Zager

As an eternal commemoration

of our parents,

Michael and Libe Kimmel,

their daughter and her husband, Hersh Nechemias, their grandchild, Libe-Elka and her husband, Chaim Hersh Jupiter Koppel and Ire Kimmel

In commemoration

of my parents, Zisl and Berl, my sisters, Bronia and Chana, and her child, my grandparents, Yaakov and Chaya-Faige Rude [or Rudy], and their children: Elka, Leah, Esther, Bluma, and Ruchtshe

Yocheved Wein-Rudy

In commemoration


my wife, Shoshana, children: Chaya-Mintshe, and Avraham; my parents, Yechezkel and Elka and their children

Yitzchak Roher

[pp. 441-442]

Molly Kleiman


Her parents, Avraham and Fannie,

sister, Chaya Leah, brother, Daniel, Chaim Lieb, and Yaakov

Yitzchak Kimmel

remembers his parents

Shlomo Kimmel and wife, his brother, Ira Kimmel, and two children, sister, Peppy Steinberg, brother-in-law, Moshe, and three children, sister, Toibe Sheindel, her husband, Srulke, aunt, Esther, and daughter, Rivka, Leibush Kimmel, and three children, uncle, Yaakov Kimmel, Charne Feldklein, and three children

Chaim Ebert, Yoel the Red's son


His parents, Yoel and Toibe; his wife's parents, Chana, Reuven the butcher's daughter, and her husband, Aharon Lieb, their children: Yoel, Yaakov, Yosef, Chaya

Yosef Glotzer, Velvele,
Yonah Lieb's son,

remembers his parents,

Velvl and Eidel,

their children: Chava, Peppy, Shmuel Henech, and Esther

Shmuel and Moshe Drucker


their parents, Bluma and Chaim, their murdered sister, Rani, Eidel, and Faige

We sob for these

The Henich Family


R' Moshe Haber and wife, their children: Berl, Mattes, Itshe, and Yaakov

Velvl Henich's father-in-law, R' Yossel Laufer, and wife, Hudel, and their son, Naftali and family, Harry Henich's father-in-law, Mendel Podhajcer, [and] his wife, Rivka

Natan and Drezia Ribler


Yehudah Yitzchak and his wife, Chana, their children: Moshe, Shimon, Yaakov, Krantzye, Devorah, Shmuel, Shalom, Ita, Lieb Shlomo

Drezia's parents, David and Rochel Weinstock, their children: Toibe-Rivka, Liba, Itzik-Yoel, Avrahamtshe

Shmuel Schapira

remembers his father,

R' Hershele Strelisker, his mother, Esther, his sister, Chaya Devorah, and her husband, David Rosenkrantz

[pp. 443-444]

A candle for the martyrs

My parents,

Ephraim and Chana Zager,

and my brother,

Avraham Tzvi

Yitzchak Zager

Lipa Landau

remembers his parents,

Shlomo Rores and Chasia

David Treiber

remembers his parents,

Eli and Roize,

his wife and child,

Sasha Ita and Shoshana

Murdered by the hands of the Hitlerist murderers

Yosef Goldstein

remembers his parents,

Menni Mindales and Leib,

his brother, Yitzchak-Hersh and Akiva,

his wife's parents, Yosef and Chava Liblich, and their daughter, Faige

In commemoration

Of my parents,

Berka and Faige,

their children,

Antiel and Leah

Wolf Weinberg

In commemoration

of our parents,

Chaya and Itche and brother, Shimon

From Avraham and Peppy Erdstein and their daughters, Mintche and Rochel Leah

Hersh and Loncia Feffer

[pp. 445-446]

He Shall Avenge Their Vengeance and Remember Their Self-Sacrifice

Rochel Schwartz,

1926-1937, the daughter of Yosef and Gittel

Yosef and Yukev [Yaakov] Schwartz


Hershele Gedaliah's, his wife, Rochel, and family:

Yisroel, Chaya – children: Sarah, Ratze, Meir

Gedaliah, Toibe – children: Krantzye, Faige, Pessie, Yisroel, Naftali

Elya, Liftshe – children: Sarah, Yaakov, Hentshe, Yosef, Toibe, Ovadiah

Yehoshua, Sarahtshe – children: Natanel, Yaakov Henoch, Maltshe, Naftali, Freida, Golda. Rechil, Ephraim, Sarah

Krantzye, her mother, Toibe,
the elderly grandmother, and Ita Liba

As a holy commemoration


Baila and Taibele Fenster


Berl Feldbau

remembers his parents,

Ziskind and Eidel; their children: Avrahamtzi, Hersh Meir, Sarah-Rivka. His grandparents: Moshe and Rashe, their children: Meir, Shmuel-Mordechai, Aryeh-Lieb, Hersh, Binyamin, Esther and husband, Nute and Ettel

From the right: Yisroel Schwartz, Avrahamtzi Feldbau, Itche Bigel, and Yankl Mehrberg's son Z”L

[pp. 447-448]

In memory

Of the family

Itche Kimmel
(from the brickyard)

Rosa Haber Z”L

Pinye Haber's daughter


Gedaliah Kitner


His parents, Mendel and Faige,

His wife and child,

His brother and family

Baruch Bien


his wife, Sarah, and children: Yehudah David.

His parents, Meir and Eidel

Meir and Eidel Bien

In memory of

Minka Wieselberg

Her children,
Chava and Aryeh

Yosef Bigel


His parents, Avrahamtze and Chasia,
his sister and brother

[pp. 449-450]

In commemoration

of Buntshe Meller

And his wife, Baila

Zalmen Singer

remembers his parents,

Ben Tzion Wolf, Singer's son-in-law, and his wife, Esther. Moshe Natan Singer, his wife, Perl, their children: Rivka, Mordechai David, Hersh, Wolf, Pessie, and Gittel

In commemoration

Of our mother,

Perl Feldman

Her sons,
Yankl, Meir, and Moshe

In memory


Chana Rudy-Tobias

Shmerl Pelz


his mother, his brothers, Velvil and Avraham

Hentche Pelz

In commemoration


Shimon Klarer and wife,

his children

killed by the German murderers

[pp. 451-452]

As an eternal commemoration

Of our mother,

Golda Krochmal

Our sisters:

Yocheved and her husband, Pesha and her husband, Leizer Deichsler,

and the child of Miriam Matess, Taibel and Chaim Yidl Krochmal

Translator's footnote:

  1. Yizkor literally means “remember,” and is also used here as an allusion to the memorial service recited by someone who is mourning the loss of a parent or other close one. The following section is comprised of photographs and names of Bursztyn Jews who perished during the Holocaust/Second World War. Return


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