Book of Bursztyn
(Burshtyn, Ukraine)

49°16' / 24°38'

Translation of
Sefer Bursztyn

Editor: S. Kanc

Published in Jerusalem 1960



Project Coordinator and Translator

Rivka Chaya Schiller


Translation Editor: Erica S. Goldman-Brodie


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Translations by Rivka Schiller unless otherwise noted.

This is a translation of: Sefer Bursztyn (Book of Bursztyn),
Editor: S. Kanc, Published by: The Encyclopaedia of the Jewish Diaspora, Jerusalem 1960 (H,Y 426 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Burshtyn

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At the Gates of Tears Uri Zvi Grinberg 9-10
We will remember!   17-18
Memorial Gatherings   21-24
On the History of the Jews in Bursztyn Dr. N. M. Gelber 25-52
My Town of Bursztyn Dr. Mordechai Haber 53-62
There once was a town named Bursztyn M. Nachwalger 63-66
Zionist Organizations in Bursztyn Y. Fenster 67-70
Beitar and Its Activities Munye Cohen 71-76
Memories of Days Past Lusia Frifeld (Rosen) 77-78
R' Dov-Berish Gelernter Z”L Menachem Gelernter 79-80
The “Hanoar Hatzioni” in Bursztyn Mordechai Nachwalger 81-84
My Adventures during World War Two Dr. Lipa Schumer 85-98
Memories and Adventures Yakov Feldman 99-106
Bursztyn – History and Destruction
And You Shall Tell It to Your Children – Our Eternal Obligation   113-116
On the History of the Jews in Bursztyn Dr. N. M. Gelber 117-140
My Town of Bursztyn Dr. Mordechai Haber 141-154
Prince Jablonowski and the Jews of Bursztyn Yisrael Fenster 155-160
The School Named for Baron Hirsch [or The Baron Hirsch School] Yosef Schwartz 161-172
Our Teachers   173-178
Zionist Organizations in Bursztyn Y. Fenster 179-182
Hebrew Schools Yisrael Fenster 183-184
The Library in the Name of Y”L Peretz [or The I. L. Peretz Library] Y. Fenster 185-196
Chasidism and Rabbis
Chasidism in Bursztyn Rav R' Zeidele Eichenstein 199-208
Rabbis and Ritual Slaughterers Rav R' Zeidele Eichenstein 209-210
Rav R' Yoel Ginzburg Shmuel Schapira 211-214
R' Yankl the Ritual Slaughterer Buntche Pomerantz 215-220
R' Sholom the Ritual Slaughterer R' Z. Eichenstein 219-220
Cantors and Melameds R' Z. Eichenstein 219-222
The Lysicer Melamed and His Cheder Y. Schwartz 221-224
R' Hershele Strelisker Shmuel Schapira 223-226
Way of Life
The Tailors' Little Synagogue Y. Fenster 231-234
Jewish Livelihoods Y. Fenster 235-238
The Jews in the Villages Surrounding Bursztyn Yisrael Fenster 239-240
Fires and Epidemics Yisrael Fenster 241-244
A Story That Happened in Demianow Buntche Pomerantz 243-248
He Knew it in Advance… Yisrael Fenster 247-262
Types and Figures Yosef Schwartz 263-272
Jewish Intelligentsia
Jewish Intelligentsia Yisrael Fenster 275-286
Types of Religious Scholars S. Schapira 287-292
R' Koppel Henich Yosef Schwartz 291-294
Dr. Zev (Wolf) Schmurek Ilana Meschler-Schmurek 295-300
Destruction and Holocaust
In the Valley of Lamentation and Horror (Yankl Feldman) 305-316
The Journey through All Hells (Yankl Glotzer) 317-338
Through Rivers of Tears and Seas of Blood (Pola Tichover) 339-350
Across Bloody Roads Miriam Ginzburg-Allerhand 351-356
Inhuman Suffering and Pain Dr. Lipa Schumer 357-378
Through Horrors and Fears Hersh Weissmann 379-386
Deported and Murdered Bursztyn Jews in the Soviet Camps   387-394
Bursztyn 1957 Reported by an eyewitness 395-400
From the Few That Survived: Y. F.  
  1. Maltche Feffer   401-402
  2. Yocheved Rudy   403-404
The Rescued Torah Scroll   405-406
They Died En Route to Israel   407-410
List of the Holy Ones   413-426
Yizkor   433-452
Foreword in English   455-458


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Contact person for this translation Rivka Chaya Schiller
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