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[Page 283]

List of Martyrs (cont.)

Manya Milman & Joseph Shtilvasser

Died of hunger in Chitchilnik (Transnistria) [Chechelnyk, Ukraine] – 1941.

Meikler Family

In memory of members of my family that died in Bershad, Transnistria in 1941.

My brother Rueven 45
His wife Feiga 42
Their daughter Seirl 20,
and son-in-law Leib 21 (son of Doni Breitman)

Yitzhak Meikler

[Page 284]

Nissan Sapir

son of Moshe and Dvora

My beloved son, joy of my life. For many years, you never left my memory, not for even one single day. Your last words before you left forever, they still ring in my ears: “Don't cry, Mother! I will come back in a day or two.”

In the beginning, I thought I would still have the privilege of seeing you, but woe is me! Great is my double tragedy! When I returned from the concentration camp I received the terrible news that both of you were no longer alive – you and your father. You were both good and righteous. You honored your parents with such great devotion and integrity. But with such great anguish and sorrow your young lives were cut off without any purpose, for the cause of our Homeland [Israel].

For what reason did you die on your golden years? Praise your father who died with you. You loved him so much, with all the fibers of your soul.

May you find your eternal rest in the Garden of Eden.

I am mourning for you,
Your mother – your parent
Dunya Furman-Sapir

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Dr. Menashe Kolker

He worked as a doctor in Bricheni in the years 1927-1938.

Dr. Kolker, Menashe son of R. Nisan Kolker, was born on 8th of Elul, 5658 (1898) in Bessarabia.

He was educated in a traditionally Jewish cheder. He completed Russian gymnasium, studied medicine, and specialized in ophthalmology.

He worked as a doctor until he died from spotted typhus in Transnistria. He was sent there with the rest of the Jews of Bessarabia. He died working as a doctor in 1944, while giving medical help to the sick in the camp.

He dedicated himself to running the Hebrew educational organization Tarbut, in Bessarabia.

In Bricheni he took part in the activities of the Zionist institutions and National Funds. In 1938 he immigrated to Eretz Israel but returned after a while to Bessarabia to help his family with the papers to immigrate as well. The war caught him before he was able to finalize the process. May his memory be cherished! His widow and son survived and made Alia to Eretz Israel fulfilling his will.

[Page 286]

Shlomo & Enia Kaufman

Shloma (Shloymke) died in Bucharest on 22 Av 1947 after returning from Transnistria at 76.

Enia died in 14 Kislev 1941 at the prison camp Bershad-Transnistria at age 66.

Shmuel (Sioma) their son - killed by the Nazis in 1943 at the age of 26 near the Bug River.

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Itzhak & Chava Kestelman

Itzchak Dov son of R. Yosef (Itzy Shochat). Died on Rosh Chodesh [first day of New Month] Av, 5689 [August 7, 1929], at the age of 67.

Chava-Yenta, daughter of Reb Dovid Shochat, died on the 10th of [the Hebrew month] Kislev, 5670, at the age of 67. Reb Itzy Shochet, and scholar and a G-d fearing Jew, a chassid that was always devoted to G-d and to the people, a lover of Jews and of the Land of Israel. Contributed to the Zionist funds, and even in his will, left a sum of money for the Keren Kayemet Fund for Israel, voluntarily.

Aharon, Feige, Hershel, Shifra

Perished in the Shoa:

Aaron 52, Feige 52, Hershel 25, Shifra 20

[Page 288]

Klienerman Family
Shlomo and Miriam Kleinerman, from the year 1930, lived in Bricheni (before that, in the village of Lenkivits [?]), maintained a refined, Jewish home, and were known for their charity and hosting of guests.

Shlomo died in the year 1940 in Bricheni. His wife Miriam died in Transnistria. Their daughter-in-law Susye Kleinerman (nee Kozhuch) and her two sons David and Hirsh, were forced to leave Bricheni. –

Their daughter Kayla and her husband Moshe Leibowitz and their children Note and David, were forced to leave Bricheni.

Esther wife of Isachar Rabinowitz with a child

[Page 289]

Misha Ferfer
and his wife Gitele

Their daughter Fruma and her husband Yosef Kohen and their son Leib, were forced to leave Lipkan.

Their daughter Esther and her husband Yisachar Rabinowitz and their two children Rachel and Yosef were forced to leave Belz.

Their grandchildren, Gitele, daughter of Leib Kleinerman, and her husband, Misha Ferfer, and her brother Yakov, all forced out of Bricheni.

They died in Transnistria.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.

[Page 290]

Meyer & Sheindel Shvarztman

And their daughters Fanya and Sarah, of blessed memory, who were killed by the hands of the Fascist murderers in June 1941.

Moshe - David Shneider

Was shot at the age of 48 on the road to Transnistria (1941) His wife Neta, died in Bershad at the age of 44

Their son Yitzchak was shot on the way to Kamenets - Podolsk


Eternalized by their sons:

Tzvi, Yechiel, and Eliezer, and their daughter Chana Choresh

Sarah Roitman

Daughter of Zeev (who died on Av 24th 5701 [Aug 17th 1941] in Transnistria)

Mother Feige (died on Elul 4th 5701 [Aug 27th 1941] in Transnistria)

(She was also called Sarka'le and Sonia)

Born 1916 and died in 1946 in Bucharest, on her way to Eretz Israel

[Page 291]

Family of Yeshayahu (Shiye) Shiller


Zina, his wife, maiden name Shtilvasser was also murdered at 50 in Transnistria.   Son of Joseph Leib, born 1891, murdered in Transnistria. Was an active Zionist in his village – Yanautzi [?]

Their daughter Rachel, born 1922, died also in the abyss of killings.


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