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[Page 273]

Chapter IX

List of Martyrs

Translated by Zvia Barak, Carol Monosson Edan, and Pamela Russ

[Page 275]

Shmuel Aulhovski

Son of Simcha & Chana, born 1887 in
Ianauti [Ivanovtsi, Chernivets'ka, Ukraine].
Deported to Transnistria.
Died 1954 in Kiryat Tivon, Israel
6th Adar Alef, 1954

Avraham & Masia Beinishis

Died in Transnistria and were buried there in a mass grave.
May this be a memorial to their memory.
Dvora Banishis-Fisher (Binyamina, Israel)

Sonia Beznasi

Born 1914. The daughter of David and Rivka,
died while distributing medical help to the Red Army – 1.5.1942, in Kazan (Russia).

[Page 276]

David Beznasi

Born 1889. Died in Kiryat, Israel
7th Sivan, 5713

Family of Zeev Barav Shmuel Biderman

Zeev died while still in Brichany, a tree rich of branches and boughs. His wife Chaya Dvora, daughter of Moshe Mester, died of Typhus. On the left by the grandmother – their grandson Dov son of Peitel Stelmacher – murdered by the Romanians in Brichany, the daughter Rachel – died before the Holocaust. The daughter Masia Stelmacher (Chernovitz), the grandson David, son of Masia lives in Bar (Russia).

[Page 277]

Members of the Biderman family that died in the Holocaust:

Joseph son of Zeev Biderman - shot during deportation near Sekoriani.
Son-in-law Shmuel Fierman - killed in Koristoauchi [Corestauti, Moldova] forest.
Sara daughter of Shmuel Galperin- killed in Sekoriani.
My daughter Sasie daughter of Leib Furman - died in Bershad at 14.
My daughter Henia daughter of Leib Furman - died in Bershad at 17.
My mother Miriam, daughter of R. Shaul, wife of Shlomo Furman - killed in Kamenets [Kamenets Podolskiy] at the age of 60.
My brother Shaul son of R. Shlomo Furman - killed in Kamenets [Kamenets Podolskiy] at the age of 30.
My brother Bazalel - killed in the forest of Koristoauchi [Corestauti, Moldova] at the age of 26 together with my sister Rachel, wife of Shmuel Fierman, and my sister Hana Furman died of disease.

Grieving bitterly, Avraham Furman & Family


Menusia Groysman

Daughter of Yacov & Chana Drukia,
born 1919 - died on the way to Mogilev in 1941

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Dr. Zeev (Vonie) Grophenmacher

Died in Kopaigorod at 40, a people's doctor, gave free help to the people of his community during the deportation to Transnistria.

Meshulam Zusia ( Zizi- ) Weissberg

“I will not give my life without a price.” – Those were the words he used to repeat in the days of suffering and wandering on the roads of Ukraine. When it was rumored that on the way back from Mogilev to Ataki, the Germans would drown all the Jews in the Dniester River, he had plans to drag with him his oppressor.

He was 22 at the time of his death, but well accustomed to hard work in his “youth movement” (the Shomer Hatzair), and Zionism, which was always on top of his mind from a very young age, and he devoted to it all of his energy in his short life.

He was supposed to make “aliya” in 1940 but the needs of the movement delayed him, and in the meantime the government changed and the Soviets came into Bessarabia. Even then his Zionist works didn't end, this time in the underground, until the murderers arose. When the refugees from Kopaigorod [Transnistria] were deported, he didn't want to accept a life of anticipation of death from hunger and of disease and decided to escape and find a safer place. “If it is at all possible,” he said, “to get to a place which is more secure, I will make the effort to save you from this dark pit.” He did succeed to reach Kurilovtsa [Murovannie Kurilovtsa], and there he was slaughtered together with the rest of the Jewish residents of that shtetl. An eye witness, one of the few survivors, told that he was thrown into the mass-grave but jumped out and started to escape. He was shot and was hit in the leg. He was gagged and thrown back into the pit and was buried alive.

The Grieving father

[Page 279]

Fruma Weissberg

Daughter of R. Joseph Leib Shiller Born on 22nd Tamuz 5656 [July 3rd 1896] Died on 11th Adar 5723 [May 7th 1963] in Tel-Aviv

David & Eidel Khasliov
Died on the way to Transnistria; also, their 3 daughters – Mala, Koke, Riva, with their husbands and children, died in the camps, and are mourned by their son Milye and daughter Paulia (Rio – Brazil).

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Paulia Trachtenbaum

Wife of Issac (son of Naphtali-Zvi & Raize) and their daughter Golda. In memory of Paulia, daughter of Yosef and Golde Feinberg, born in 1898, died in Dubina (Transnistria), 28th of Shevat, 5712 (15.2.1942).[1]

Golde'le – born 20.2.37, and died the 29th of Kislev, 5711 (19.11.1941) in Dubina.[2]

The members of the family – Trachtenbroit, Avraham, Chaike, Malka and her son by the name of Tzvi (age 4), who died in the Guzdiovka [?] camp, Tishrei 5702 (1941).

Moshe (Mishka) Trachtenbroit & wife Rachel

(daughter of Alter & Reiza Hochman)
from Lipkani - died in Tashkent (Russia)

[Page 281]

Gitel, wife of Yechiel Tcherkis

A loyal companion to her father, followed his way as much as she could, assisted him in his work, community and Zionism. She “drank from the glass of poison” during the deportation from Brichany. Her ability to see what was coming, and her proud independent spirit, allowed her to foil the plans of her attackers to tamper with her fate and spirit. With a clear mind she dove into the river's waters saving herself unbearable suffering to her body and soul. She will remain in our memories forever!

Her sons:

Michael, Shalom, Sarah and families

David & Chaya Lerner and their son Moshe

David Lerner 65, his wife Chaya 61 - died in the Sekoriani forest on their way to Transnistria 1941. Their son also died - burial place unknown.

[Page 282]

Nyunia Libman

Born in Bricheni on November 14, 1919. Daughter of Shmuel and Peya [unclear]; died in Kibbutz Shamir after childbirth, on the 7th of Tishrei, 5716 [September 23, 1955].

Shmuel Libman (Kreanis)

Died 1929

Translator's footnotes:
  1. Discrepancy in dates. The 28th of Shevat, 5712, was February 24, 1952. 15.2.1942 on the Hebrew calendar was 28th of Shevat, 5702 Return
  2. Discrepancy in dates. The 29th of Kislev, 5711, was December 8, 1950. 19.11.1941 on the Hebrew calendar was 21st of Cheshvan, 5702 Return


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