53°08' / 23°09'
Translation of
Der Bialystoker yisker-bukh
Editor: I. Shmulewitz
Published by Bialystoker Center, NY, 1982
Our sincere appreciation to Ms. Alys Kremer, Secretary,
Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.
This is from: Der Bialystoker yisker-bukh
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bialystok (1982)
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner |
Book Committee, to the Bialystok Landsleit | V | |
List of contributors | VII | |
Foreword | Max Rotner | IX |
In Old Bialystok | ||
From a little river to a worldcity | I. Shmulewitz | 3 |
My Bialystok (poem) | Z. Segalowitz | 6 |
Old Bialystok | Eliezer Feigin | 7 |
One hundred years ago | Avraham Shmuel Hershberg | 9 |
How Avraham Shmuel Hershberg perished | 14 | |
The historic townclock | 14 | |
The rise of Zionism | 15 | |
The Jews of long ago in the Bialystok region | Dr. Anatol Lestchinski | 16 |
The time of Rabbi Shmuel Mohliver | Dr. Refael Landau | 17 |
The beginning of the Jewish Labor Movement | Mordechai Pogorelski | 19 |
Memories from the ancient past | Tewel Bloch | 21 |
With Dr. Yosef Chazanowitz | Littman Rosenthal | 24 |
Dr. Ludwig Samenhof | Dr. M. Sodarski | 26 |
The great pogrom in Bialystok | David Sehon | 28 |
Our unforgettable old home | Ossip Dimov | 32 |
The synagogues, Batei Midrash and minyanim [prayer groups] | 34 | |
The New Times | ||
Our shining past | Pesach Kaplan | 37 |
The beginning of the Twentieth Century | Avraham Reisen | 39 |
The BUND in Bialystok | Imanuel Novogrodski | 41 |
he establishment of Po'alei Zion | David Clementinovski | 45 |
The Bialystok Yizkor Book | ||
The relationship with Habimah | Ossip Dimov | 48 |
The first Paintings Exhibition | M. Babitch | 50 |
Torah Institutions and Beautiful Jews | M. Sirota | 52 |
Everyday Jews | M. Sirota | 57 |
The Yiddish theater between the two wars | Sheftel Zak | 61 |
The Jewish Sport Organizations | Pinchas Ginsburg | 64 |
The pogroms | Mordechai Pogorelski | 68 |
Gedalia from Bialystok (poem) | Many Leib | 68 |
The last community in Bialystok | Att. Zvi Clementinovski | 69 |
A fire in the Gur Shtiebel | 70 | |
On the Eve of Ruin | ||
Under Polish rule 19191939 | I. Ch. Kontzipolski | 73 |
The former textile industrialists | 74 | |
Jewish life before the war | David Clementinovski | 79 |
The Socialcultural life | 86 | |
Memories from the Jewish hospital | Dr. Yakov Sokol | 89 |
The greatness of the synagoguelife in the past | B. Tabatchinski | 91 |
There are no words (poem) | Daniel Tcharni | 93 |
Names of perished teachers | 94 | |
The Jewish press before destruction | A. Zbaar | 95 |
The Jewish printing association | Issak Ribolovski and Hershel Kozak | 97 |
At my father's table (poem) | Avraham Shevach | 98 |
The historical calendar of the town | David Clementinovski | 99 |
In the footsteps of the Fathers (poem) | Binyamin Obelski | 103 |
The Landsman Maxim Litvinov | Ben Moshe | 104 |
The Tragic Beginning | ||
Yahrzeit candles [memorial candles] (poem) | Avraham Shevach | 109 |
When borders are on fire | Yakov Patt | 110 |
During troubled times | Yitzhak Haber | 111 |
Under Soviet rule | 113 | |
The Jewish warrefugees | 116 | |
Bialystok (poem) | Yosef Rubinstein | 118 |
How the refugees were welcomed | Chaim Leib Fuchs | 119 |
We shall not forget! (poem) | Chana BushelSolov | 120 |
Our Yurovtze Street | Mordechai Pogorelski | 120 |
Under the Yoke of the Nazis | ||
On the road to destruction | 123 | |
The Judenrat and the beginning of suffering | 126 | |
Rivke'le the Sabbathwoman [Di Shabesdike] | Pesach Kaplan | 130 |
Life and struggle in the ghetto | 130 | |
Suffering before the End | ||
Desperation and hope | 135 | |
The day of YIZKOR [remembrance] (poem) | Avraham Zak | 136 |
Pesach Kaplan's diary from the ghetto | 137 | |
The death of Pesach Kaplan | 149 | |
Sad dates from the ruins | 150 | |
The tragic end is coming | 151 | |
The echo of the events in Eretz Israel | 152 | |
The destruction of Bialystok and surroundings | Dr. Shimon Datner | 156 |
On the threshold of 1942 | 163 | |
A tragic gathering in the ghetto | 167 | |
The destruction of the Province | 169 | |
The Ladies' Aktzia to Volkovisk | 173 | |
Echoes from the Warsaw Ghetto | 177 | |
The TennenboimTamaroff Ghetto Archives | 179 | |
The tragic willandtestament of the last Jews | 182 | |
Suicides in the ghetto | 183 | |
Destruction and Resistance | ||
The end of the Jews of the Region | 189 | |
The discovered minutes and announcements of the Judenrat | Yitzhak Zettler | 191 |
The Aktzia in February 1943 | Refael Reisner | 194 |
The ghettomartyr Yitzhak Melamed | 201 | |
The last chapter of the old Community | 203 | |
An Appeal | 205 | |
The ghetto in flames | 206 | |
The heroic resistance | 211 | |
The second week of slaughter | 216 | |
In the Bialystok Ghetto (poem) | 220 | |
Pages from a tragic diary | Shimon Amiyel | 221 |
The loud echoes of the heroic resistance | 227 | |
Fritz Gustav Friedel the main murderer | 227 | |
The trial and the wellearned punisment | 228 | |
The uprising of the Jews in the ghetto | Pesach Burstein | 230 |
The hiding place in the attic | Avrasha Gershuni | 232 |
A witness tells about the uprising | 234 | |
Katzet (poem) | H. Salman | 235 |
Heroes who perished in the uprising | 236 | |
Partial list of the fallen fighters | 237 | |
In the days of the Resistance | 240 | |
Marcovtchizne (poem) | 241 | |
After the Liberation | ||
In the town of ruin and devastation | 245 | |
The Bialystok alleys (poem) | Avraham Shevach | 245 |
Mourning and memories of the Martyrs | Yitzhak Borenstein | 246 |
In Bialystok August 1944 | Srolke Kott | 250 |
The Bialystok weavers (poem) | Z. Segalowitz | 252 |
The first Yom Kippur in the hometown | 252 | |
On the Bialystok Roads (poem) | Shlomo Patt | 253 |
The first Passover after the Holocaust | Rabbi Dr. Avraham Kravetz | 254 |
In Bialystok, soon after the War | Pesach Burstein | 255 |
Eicha Bialystok [poem, after the Book of Lamentations] | Eliezer NyudovNyevdadovski | 258 |
A letter from the Committee | 258 | |
List of Bialystok Jews after the War | 259 | |
Greetings and call from Chayke Grossman | Rabbi Mordechai Kirshblum | 261 |
The beginning of a new life | Yedidya Homburg | 265 |
The holy soil of the Zhabye cemetery | Dr. Shimon Datner | 268 |
Memories from the Hebrew HighSchool | 270 | |
The Fate of the Children | ||
The fate of the miraclechildren | Shalom Bechman | 277 |
One of the survivors relates | Chana LinnKizelstein | 279 |
The Brotherly Help | ||
Help from the Bialystok Center | 283 | |
A call from Landsleit, in numbers | 284 | |
The echo in the Bialystoker Stimme | 285 | |
My former home during childhood | Israel Beker | 287 |
Our Bialystok lineage | Freidkes | 288 |
The famous Bialystok artist Benn | A. Parizer | 289 |
Shalom Aleichem à la Bialystok | Aharon Zeitlin | 290 |
Bialystok my home (poem) | 291 | |
I visited the old home | Yehuda Greenhoiz | 292 |
A visit in Bialystok 35 years after the destruction | Isaak Ribolovski | 293 |
For us, the war did not end | Chaika Grossman | 297 |
A remembrance and a warning | Dr. Samuel Pisaar | 298 |
How I survived | Beile BenderHorin | 300 |
Victims and witnesses tell their stories | ||
Heroism on the road to Death | Yosef Blumson | 305 |
Achieved victory, but not victorious | Srolke Kott | 307 |
How I saved myself | Hirsh Feigin | 308 |
After the liquidation of the ghetto | Moshe Bender | 310 |
Mourning of a heroine's father | 312 | |
A witness against the Nazi criminals | Pesach Burstein | 313 |
I was disguised as a man | Fany Garfinkel | 316 |
My father's last road | Charles Shweber | 318 |
In the Warsaw Pawiak | Arie (Leon) Sherenitz | 320 |
Forever etched in memory | Tzirl (Bercowitz) Steingart | 321 |
Our meeting after the road of suffering | Nechama Dinur (Drogotchinski) | 324 |
A willandtestament for the next generation | Alice Kraemer | 325 |
The Landsleit Over the World | ||
The arrival of the first Landsman | David Sohn | 331 |
Jewish Bialystok in America | Isaak Ribalovski | 335 |
The Old Synagogue in New York | 343 | |
Our devoted Ambassador | Rabbi Shmuel A. Kronik | 344 |
The leader David Sohn | Louis Silver | 346 |
David Sohn's family | Zalman Heller | 348 |
The strength of a Bialystok origin | Shmuel Yitzhaki | 349 |
My connection with Bialystok | Irving I. Stone | 352 |
Hitler's Jewish victims by countries and numbers | 353 | |
Chana'le (poem) | Shmuel Bernstein | 353 |
In Israel | ||
The Organization of Bialystok Jews in Israel | ZalmanYerushalmi and Kopel Lev | 357 |
In the new home in Eretz Israel | 358 | |
Zalman Yerushalmi | Chaim Israeli | 360 |
A warm and homelike settlement in Eretz Israel | Avraham Wertheim | 361 |
The contribution of our ancestors | Avraham Liess | 363 |
Kiryat Bialystok | 365 | |
At the WorldGathering in New York | 366 | |
The appeal and the great response of the Landsleit | 367 | |
The printed Bialystoker Vort [Bialystok Word] | 368 | |
In Australia | ||
Our important activity | P. Albert | 371 |
The devotion of the Landsleit | 373 | |
The old and the new in Australia | 374 | |
In Argentina | ||
Fifty years of the Association | Wolf Teshinski | 377 |
Life in a new world | D. Sherman | 379 |
In Buenos Aires | Yitzhak Monaker | 380 |
In France | ||
With the Bialystoker in Paris | David Podliashuk | 385 |
The first letter from France | 387 | |
The Committee after the War | Fishel Feinfeld | 388 |
Chances of help from America | 389 | |
Map and view of Bialystok today | 391 | |
Bibliography | 392 | |
English | ||
Editorial Committee | IV | |
To Our Bialystoker landsleit and Friends | The Bialystoker Memorial Book Committee | V |
Foreword | Max Ratner | IX |
Bialystok of Old | ||
Bialystok A Historical Survey | I. Shmulewitz | 3 |
Bialystok The Beginning | Elijezer Fejgin | 5 |
One Hundred Years Ago | Awrom Szmuel Herszberg | 6 |
Rabbi Szmuel Mohilewer | Dr. Szoul Refoel Landau | 11 |
The Jewish Labour Movement | Mordechaj Pogorelski | 12 |
Dr. Josef Chazanowicz A Profile | Litman Rozental | 13 |
Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof and Esperanto | Dr. M. Sudarski | 14 |
Pogroms in the 19th Century | Mordechaj Pogorelski | 15 |
The Pogrom Against the Jews | David Sohn | 16 |
The Martyrs of the 1906 Pogrom | 18 | |
Bialystok - the Modern Period | ||
Recalling Our Proud Past | Pejsach Kaplan | 21 |
The "Bund" In Bialystok | Emanuel Nowogrodski | 22 |
The Labour Zionist Movement | Dowid Klementynowski | 24 |
Some of the Well-Known Jewish Physicians in Bialystok | 25 | |
The Habimah National Theatre | Ossip Dymow | 26 |
The First Jewish Art Exhibition | Maks Babicz | 27 |
Torah Institutions and Leaders | M. Sirota | 28 |
The Athletes and Heroes | 29 | |
The Growth of the Silk Industry | Y.H. Kancypolski | 30 |
The Jewish Sports Movement | Pynchos Ginzburg | 31 |
The Jewish Theatre 19191939 | Szeftel Zak | 33 |
Women of Bialystoker Jewish Aristocracy | 34 | |
On the Eve of the Holocaust | ||
Under Polish Jurisdiction 1919-1939 | Y.H. Kancypolski | 37 |
The Community before the War | Dowid Klementynowski | 38 |
The Last Kehilla in Bialystok | Zwi Klementynowski | 41 |
Remembering the Jewish Hospital | Dr. Jacob Sokol | 42 |
The School and Education | B. Tabaczynski | 43 |
A Historical Calendar | 44 | |
Maxim Litvinov Our Landsman | Dowid Klementynowski | 45 |
The Tragic Beginning | ||
As the Borders Go Up In Flame | Jakow Pat | 49 |
The Yahrzeit Candle | Awrom Szewach | 49 |
The Rise and Fall of Bialystok | Awrom Zbar | 50 |
The Jews Welcome the Refugees | Chaim Lejb Fuks | 55 |
Under Nazi Oppression | ||
The Beginning of the Holocaust | 59 | |
Rivkele the Shabbosdike | Pejsach Kaplan | 62 |
The Judenrat's Minutes and Orders | Isaac Czesler | 63 |
Agony Before the End | ||
Pejsach Kaplan's Ghetto Diary | 71 | |
The Death of Pejsach Kaplan | 74 | |
Bialystok Region in Ruins | Dr. Szymon Datner | 75 |
The Archives of Tenenbaum-Tamarof and Mersik | 80 | |
Tragic Messages from the last Jews | Dr. Szymon Datner | 81 |
The Action of February 1943 | Refoel Rajzner | 83 |
These are the sorrowful dates of our Yiskor Calendar | 89 | |
An Appeal | Bialystok Ghetto Resistance Organization | 90 |
The Ghetto in Flames | Refoel Rajzner | 91 |
Surrounded by Blood and Fire | Szymon Amiel | 98 |
Fritz Gustav Friedl Mass Murderer | 103 | |
Death and Resistance | ||
The Bialystok Ghetto Uprising | Pejsach Bursztejn | 109 |
Partial List of Martyrs | 111 | |
Our Streets | Awrom Szewach | 113 |
After the Liberation | ||
Jews in Bialystok After the War | Jakov Pat and Dr. Chaim Szozskes | 117 |
Memorial in Tribute to the Victims | Izchok Bornsztejn | 119 |
Bialystok in August 1944 | Srolke Kot | 121 |
The First Passover after the War | Rabbi Dr. Awrom Krawets | 122 |
With the Jews after the War | Pejsach Bursztejn | 123 |
Bialystok A Lamentation | Eliezer Newdow-Newadowski | 124 |
The Beginning of a New Life | Yedidia L. Hamburg | 125 |
After the War | 126 | |
The Sacred Zabia Cemetery | Dr. Szymon Datner | 127 |
The Hebrew Gymnasium | Dr. Szymon Datner | 129 |
Jewish victims of the Nazis by country | 130 | |
The Children's Fate | ||
Saving the Children | 133 | |
A Rescued Child Speaks | Chana LinKizlsztejn | 134 |
Assistance from other Bialystokers | ||
The Bialystoker Centre helps | 137 | |
Minutes of the Relief Conference | Louis Shreibman | 138 |
A Plea for help from landsleit on Cyprus | 139 | |
A letter of appreciation from the Religious Kehilla in Bialystok | 139 | |
How the Stimme is appreciated in Poland | 140 | |
The Victims' and Witnesses' Accounts | ||
My visit to Bialystok in 1977 | Izaak RybalRybalowski | 143 |
For us the war has not yet ended | Chajke Grosman | 144 |
Growing up in the Bialystok Ghetto | Dr. Samuel Pisar | 145 |
My Beloved Home | Israel Beker | 146 |
Sam Solasz From devastation to triumph | Rabbi Lowell S. Kronick | 147 |
How I survived the Holocaust | Hirsz Fejgin | 148 |
A Father's grief for his daughter | 149 | |
The famous artist, Benn | A. Parizer | 150 |
I testified against a war criminal | Pejsach Burszteijn | 151 |
I disguised myself as a man | Fannie BojarskiGarfinkel | 153 |
A walk to death: My father's story | Charles Schwecher | 154 |
A Bialystoker Jew in Pawjak | Leon Szereniec | 156 |
A legacy for the second generation | Alys Kremer | 157 |
Forever in my memory | Tzirl (Berkowicz) Steingart | 158 |
Reunion after a painful journey | Nechama (Drogoczynski) Dinur | 159 |
Bialystokers All Over the World | ||
Bialystokers in the United States | ||
The first Bialystoker in America | David Sohn | 165 |
Bialystoker Centre and Home 50 years | Izaak RybalRybalowski, General Secretary | 168 |
Bialystoker Jews in America A record of proud achievement | 172 | |
Max Ratner A Bialystoker with a heart | Szmuel Izchaki | 173 |
My Bialystok connection | Irving I. Stone | 175 |
Izaak Rybal A profile | Rabbi Lowell S. Kronick | 176 |
David Sohn, leader of the Landsleit | Louis Silver | 177 |
The family of David Sohn | Zalman Heller | 178 |
David Sohn, Husband and Father | Naomi Kavee and Mildred Spiegel | 179 |
In Israel | ||
Bialystoker Centre in Israel | Zalman Yerushalmi and Kopel Lew | 183 |
Jews in their new home | 184 | |
A new settlement in Israel | Avraham Wertheim | 185 |
Pioneers in Israel | Avraham Lis | 186 |
Kiryat Bialystok A new beginning | 187 | |
In Australia | ||
The Bialystoker Centre in Australia | Pejsach Albert | 191 |
In Argentina | ||
The fiftieth anniversary of the Bialystoker Society in Argentina | Wolf Czynski | 195 |
In France | ||
The Bialystoker community in France | David Podliachouk | 199 |
A reminder and a warning | Dr. Samuel Pisar | 200 |
The French committee after the war | Fiszl Fajnfeld | 201 |
Bibliography | 202 |
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