[Page 336]
Illustration no. 26: Portions from a letter sent by the Eretz Israel office in Istanbul to the Zionist Headquarters in Kishinev announcing the arrival of Major Morris to assess the health of the halutzim embarking at exit ports (see page 182) |
[Page 341]
Illustration no. 27: The Zionist Headquarters in Kishinev Proclamation at the HeHalutz Week 5687 (1927) announcing the purchase of the Bilicheni Farm |
[Page 342]
Illustration no. 28: The Zionist Headquarters in Kishinev Proclamation at the HeHalutz Week 5689 announcing the purchase of Massada Farm (to replace the Bilicheni Farm) |
[Page 343-349]
HeHalutz Organization in Romania By laws approved at the 9th {11th] Council in Kishinev 78 Sivan, 5692 (1112 June, 1932)
[Page 350]
Illustration no. 28b: Top: Directive from the Tighina authorities to David Pistrov regarding cessasion of HeHalutz/Gordonia meetings and fundraising for the Keren Kayemet (see page 279) |
Illustration no. 29: Bottom: Order to close the HeHalutz Organization in Romania |
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