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[Page 538]

We Will Not Forget Those Who Were Lost!

The Eilender Family

Sitting: Chaim Eilender, Alta Eilender
Standing, from right to left: Peshe Eilender-Kletzki, Dov Eilender, Sarah Eilender-Romsisker

We Will Remember the Living!

[Page 539]

Aleksandrovitz Family

The father- Dovid Arieh; the grandmother, Sarah; the mother, Chaya Rivka; Chaneleh, Fredka, Rachel, Alter (Zalman-Tzvi), Aharon

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The Borovitz Family

Standing from right to left: Zelig, Dora, Liza, Chanoch, Tzarna
Sitting: Nisan, the father; Shayna Chaya, the mother


Nachum and Rivka Blacharski

[Page 541]

Avraham and Masha Blacharski and their children


Julius Blacharski (Blok)

[Page 542]

The Gizumski Family

Top row, from right to left: the daughters Malka and Esther Rivka, Esther Rivka's son Chaim Berla, her husband Nechemiah Hermenshtat
Second row: the son, Chanan Dov, Reb Gedaliah, his wife Leah of the house of Adamstein


Shmuel and Golde Grinberg

[Page 543]

Gershon son of Reb Yaakov
Shayna Esther daughter of Reb Tzvi Dlogoshelski (Dagani)

[Page 544]

Denmark Family

From right to left standing: Noach, Masha, and her husband Aharon
Sitting: Hershel, the father; Bashel, the mother


The Zelazo Family
Chaya, Gitl, Channah-Aidel the mother, Binyamin the father, Rivka, Shayna

[Page 545]

Shmuel-Yehuda and Leah Zborovski

[Page 546]

The Yevreiski-Sherman Families

From right to left:
Top row 1. The parents, Chaya Beila and Yaakov Yevreiski (Ivri); 2. Rachel the daughter and her husband Sheima Zak; 3. Mordechai Sherman, the father; Friedka, the daughter; Eliezer the son, Miriam, the daughter;
Middle row 1: Breintza Ivriyah (Domovitz); 2. Chaya Beila, the daughter; 3. Meir Domovitz, Yehuda Zak , the son of Rachla and Sheima; 4. Sarah; 5. Zaydka-Nechemiah;
Bottom: 6. Yedidiah, the son of Yaakov Yevreiski


The Lonshel Family

From right to left: Miriam, the mother; Chena (Helen), daughter; Shmuel Yehuda, son; Eliezer Dov, the father

[Page 547]

The Lozman Family

First row top from right to left: Chaya of the house of Lev, Eliyahu, Binyamin, Yocheved Eshkol, Yehudit, Netanel (Sana).
Second row: Ze'ev, the father; Rayzel, the mother; Luba, Esther of the house of Lev, Channah.
Third row: Iziah, Eliezer, Chaim
Fourth row: Daniel Eshkol, Avraham
Bottom, from right: Yaakov son of Yehudit, Fruma, Eliezer Tzvi her husband, Mina, Moshe Domovitz husband of Channah


The Sarvianski Family

From right to left: Yitzchak, the father; Leah, daughter; Elchanan, Shmuel Yosef, a son; Liba, the mother; Vela, a daughter

[Page 548]

The Freund Family
Ze'ev, his wife Liba, their son Yaakov-Yedidiah, their daughters Sarah and Batya


The Family of Yehoshua Friedman, may his [their?] memory be for a blessing

From right to left: Masha, Golda the mother, Yehoshua the father, B. Sandomirski, Channah Friedman-Borovitz, Zavel Drovianski, Rozka Friedman-Drovianski

[Page 549]

The Family of Reb Shabtai Kaplan

[Page 550]

The Rozenfeld and Folk Families
Hinde, Avraham-Dovid, Rivka, Shlomo, Shulamit Folk, Masha and Alter Folk, Reuven Rozenfeld and his wife Berta


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