Memorial Book of the Community
of Augustow and Region

(Augustów, Poland)

53°51' / 23°00'

Translation of
Sefer Yizkor le-kehilat Augustow ve-ha-seviva

Edited by J. Aleksandroni

Published in Tel Aviv, 1966



Project Coordinator

Jeanette Garretty Reinhard

Hebrew Translator and Translation Project Editor: Rabbi Molly Karp
Yiddish Translators: Daniel Kennedy and Oliver Elkus
Photographic Reproduction: Jonah Karp Hurst


Emeritus coordinator: Yigal Rechtman

This is a translation from: Sefer Yizkor le-kehilat Augustow ve-ha-seviva
(Memorial Book of the Community of Augustow and Region),
ed. J. Aleksandroni, Assoc. of Former Residents of Augustow and Region, Tel Aviv, 1966 (H, Y 549 pages)

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The Gateway to the Book – the editor 11
A City in Its Life
This is the story[1]
The History of the Town and its Jewish Community by M.S. Geshori 17
Rabbis of Augustów by M. Tzinovitz 89
The Rabbi[2] the Gaon Yitzchak Kosovski Yitzchak Kosovski 100
Rabbi Azriel Zelig Noach Koshelevski by Yitzchak Edelstein 101
Scholars in the City by M. Tzinovitz 104
The Rabbi the Gaon Reb Betzalel Ze'ev Gibstein by M. Tzinovitz 110
Learned Men[3] That I Knew in the Days of My Childhood by Rabbi Yekutiel Azrieli 114
Lipsk by B. Efrati 115
Sztabin by Leah Sherman 116
From My Diary by Dr. Nechemiah Aloni 117
From Days Gone By by Eliezer Markus 119
Way of Life and Lifestyle
My City Augustów by Akiva Glikstein 130
In My Wanderings by Tz. Z. Weinberg 134
The Jews in Augustow by Yaakov Frenkel 149
My Memories by Reuven Levi 158
In Those Days by Noach Borovitz 165
There Was… by Leah Sherman 167
Fathers and Sons by Daniel Kaplan 170
From the Days of My Childhood by Chaim ben Abba Orimland 173
Between War and War by Yishayahu Livni (Bialovitzki) 175
Talmud Torah (1920-1940), “Tiferet Bachurim” and More by Elchanan Sarvianski 176
In the Mirror of the Press Compiled by M. Tzinovitz 179
Greeting by Khaye Kalinsk 185
The Past that Does Not Pass Away by Abba Gordin (Yiddish, DK) 189
Abba Gordin (Yiddish, DK) 217
On the Old Path by Eliezer Aronovski (Yiddish, DK) 218
Mottinke the Sweet; The Saccharin Man by El. Aronovski (Yiddish, DK) 222
Some Personalities of Our City
In the Company of Meir Meizler and Yaakov Frenkel by Tz. Z. Weinberg 232
The Compositions of Yaakov Frenkel 240
A Penny by Tz. Z. Weinberg 241
The Keinan Family by Eliezer Markus 245
My Brother Sender by Akiva Glikstein 248
Lippe the Wagon Master by Akiva Glikstein 252
Abba Gordin by Chaim Dan 256
Members of the Enlightenment and Chovevei Tzion by M. Tzinovitz 257
Dovid Arieh Aleksandrovitz 261
Reuven Rotenberg by Zelda Edelstein 262
Fania Bergstein 264
My Parents' House by Mina Ampel – (Volmir) 266
The Name by Tz. Z. Weinberg 267
My Family by Faygl Rabinovitch (Mayzler) (Yiddish) 280
Ruven Sinai HaCohain (Yiddish) 282
Goldshteyn, Dovid (Yiddish) 283
Avrom Yankev Netter (Yiddish) 284
Liptsin, Sam (Shepsl) (Yiddish) 284
Secular Life
The Economy of the Jews of Augustow by Dr. Moshe and Eliezer Markus 285
The Status of the Teachers by Meir Meizler 290
On the Way to Zion
A History of Chibbat Tzion and Zionism in Augustow by M. Tzinovitz 293
My Ascent[4] to the Land[5] by Akiva Glikstein 294
The First Group of Those Who Went Up – B. Efrati 300
A History of “HeChalutz” in Augustow – Dr. N. Aloni 302
Friends Tell 323
HeChalutz HaTzair” in Augustow by Moshe Amit (Drozinski) 325
My Way to “HeChalutz HaTzair by Yishayahu Shadmi (Blechertzik) 331
HaShomer HaTzair by Zenya Riftin (Yones) 333
The Beitar Movement and HaTzohar in Augustow by Dr. Moshe Markus 341
HaMizrachi Moment 1934 (No. 96) (Yiddish, DK) 342
Institutions (Religion, Benevolence, Culture and Education)
Synagogues in Augustow by Rabbi Yekutiel Azrieli 343
The Great Synagogue by Elchanan Sarvianski 348
Linat HaTzedek (Yiddish pp. 353-355, DK, and Hebrew) by Mordechai Aharon Migdael 351
The Foundation of a Library in Augustow 357
The Library by Meir Meizler 357
The Education of the Jews of Augustow by Yaakov Bergstein 358
Our Communal Institutions (Yiddish, DK) 366
A City in Its Destruction
In the Struggle
The Germany-Polish War by Elchanan Sarvianski 373
Partisans: Noach Sarvianski; Shmuel Zufnitzki 403
How[6] It Was Destroyed
The Town is Burning!!: (Yiddish) by Mordechai Gevirtig; Hebrew Translation by Mordechai Amitai. 406
The Destruction of the Jews of Augustow by Elchanan Sarvianski 408
The Destruction of Augustow by Dr. Shor 416
From the Testimony of Amiel Shimon 416
From within the testimony of Avraham Karasik in the Trial Against the Bitter Enemy Adolph Eichmann 417
The Voice of the Forest by Eliezer Aronovski 423
On the Ruins
A Visit in Augustow After the Shoah by Moshe Einat, (Zborovski), Attorney at Law 426
The Desecrated Gravestones by Aleksander Yosefsberg 436
Poems by Fania Bergstein 438
The Martyrs of Our City by Zelda Eidelstein 443
A Tear Shed for the Destruction of our Town by Khayim Lazdeyski (Yiddish, DK) 443
From “The Song of the Murdered Jewish People by Yitskhok Katzenelson (Yiddish, DK) 449
Letters from Survivors (Yiddish, DK) 450
Testimonies of Ze'ev Kalshteyn, Yekheskl Fendzukh, Fania Landau (Yiddish, DK) 459
Poems by Eliezer Aronovski (Yiddish, OE) 467
After the Nightmare by Shmuel Eliezer Aplebaum (Yiddish, OE) 481
The Path of Sorrows by Yitskhok Bialobztski (Yiddish, DK) 485
A Letter to a Mother . . . by Esther Tuker (Glikshteyn) (Yiddish, DK) 489
Memorial Candle
Gad Zaklikovski by his wife Dina Zaklikovski; (Yiddish, OE) 490
Gad Zaklikovski by Esther Eilender-Veinberg 491
Fania Bergstein by Sarah Berliner 492
Yisroel (Zelyah) Bergstein by Chinah Shraga (Bergstein) 494
Shlomo Plotzinski by Chinah Shraga (Bergstein) 494
With Shlomekeh in Training by Rivka B. 494
Yisrael Levi 495
Tzila Bezant 496
Tuvia Rabinovitz by His Brother Yisrael Rabinovitz 497
Barukh Chositzer, May His Memory be For a Blessing 497
Father by Esther Eger (Ivriyah) 498
Father by Noach Varhaftig 499
My Father and My Brother by Esther Tuker (Glikstein) 499
My Father's House by Yitzchak Sherman 499
My Father, My Mother, My Brother, My Sister Leah, My Sister Vela, Rivka Yaffa by Elchanan Sarvianski 500
Shabtai Kaplan son of Yitzchak Eizik the Cohain by Pesya daughter of Yoel 501
Reb Shmuel Grinberg the Cohain, May His Memory be For a Blessing 502
Reuven Levi 502
Seven Martyrs by Binyamin Tzemekh (Yiddish, OE) 503
My Father by Khane Arimland (Yiddish, OE) 506
On Memorial Day by D. Kaplan 509
The Slain of the Holocaust, May God Avenge Their Blood 511
Passed Away in the Land and in the Diaspora 524
The Organization of Natives of Augustow and the Region in Israel by Binyamin Efrati 526
Natives of Augustow in the Land 530
Augustow Natives in the Diaspora 536
We Will Not Forget Those Who Were Lost! 538
Appendix A: Memories of Shalom-Naftali Soloveitchik
Appendix B: Glossary of Hebrew, Yiddish, and Aramaic Terms
Name Index

Transaltor's Footnotes:

  1. This is a biblical phrase, used to introduce a new story or section, as in Genesis 2:4, “This is the story of heaven and earth when they were created. When the LORD God made earth and heaven…” Return
  2. “HaRav,” literally “the Rabbi,” is used for the title that in English is rendered simply as “Rabbi” Return
  3. Literally, students of sages. Return
  4. Immigrating to the land of Israel is always described by the word “ascent.” Return
  5. “The Land” without any other qualifiers generally refers to the land of Israel. Return
  6. Using the biblical form of the word “how” that is both the opening word and the name of the book of Lamentations, which laments the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Return


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