Entrees: Beetroot Borsch

By Eliana

Related to: General

The Cooks: Sophia/Sheva (GUREVICH) AISIN

Here is the Beetroot Borsch following the Cabbage Borsch. It´s the same story -- the same people who did it in the past, and today. The only different thing is that my grandmother´s original recipe didn't use apple, that, my mother added to it" - Eliana Aizim

1.5 liter of water
2 medium size beetroots (regular beets, in the US), peel, cut in pieces
1 onion, peel, cut in pieces
1 carrot, peel, cut in pieces
1 apple, peel, remove seeds, cut in pieces
pepper, sugar, lemon juice
sour cream

Put the water and salt in the saucepan and when it´s boiling, add the vegetables and the apple.
Cover the saucepan and cook for one hour, in low temperature.
Let it cool, and put everything from the saucepan into the electric blender, adding pepper, sugar and lemon juice. It´s easier to precess if you divide in two portions.
Put everything back into the sauce pan for a quick cooking, but do not let it boil.
Let it cool and take it to the refrigerator for at least four hours, or more.
Serve it very cool.
Put the sour cream on the table, so that each person will serve for him or herself a tablespoon of sour cream.