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Kielce-Radom SIG  Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group

Towns in Kielce and Radom Gubernias

This table lists the major Jewish communities in Kielce and Radom gubernias.

Town Yiddish Name District 1897 Jewish Population 1897 Percent Jewish 1931 Jewish Population Latitude / Longitude FHL microfilms
Białaczów Bialachuv Opoczno 185 15% 166 51°18' / 20°18' RC
Białobrzegi Bialabzheg Radom 1,534 66% 2,200 51°39' / 20°57' 1862-1877, RC
Bodzentyn Bojentin Kielce 1,472 44% 934 50°57' / 20°58' 1869-1884, RC
Bogoria Bogorya Sandomierz 575 48% 450 50°40' / 21°16' 1826-1884, RC
Brzesko Nowe   Miechów 213 17% 457 50°08' / 20°23' RC
Busko-Zdrój Bisk, Busk Stopnica 895 41% 1,464 50°28' / 20°43'  
Chęciny Khentshin Kielce 4,361 71% 2,825 50°48' / 20°27' 1826-1884, RC
Chmielnik Khmelnik Stopnica 5,671 82% 5,908 50°38' / 20°45' 1876-1884
Ciepielów Tshepyeluv Iłża 442 46% 339 51°15' / 21°34' 1826-1877
Ćmielów Shmeluv Opatów 587 30% 664 50°53' / 21°31' in Opatów
Daleszyce Dalushitza Kielce 270 14% 306 50°49' / 20°48' 1826-1870, RC
Drzewica Dzhevitze Opoczno 855 63% 1,013 51°27' / 20°29' RC; in Opoczno
Działoszyce Zalashitz Pińczów 3,526 77% 5,618 50°22' / 20°21' 1826-1865, RC
Gielniów   Opoczno 176 21% 3,500 51°24' / 20°29' RC; in Opoczno
Głowaczów Glavtchev Kozienice 1,109 62% 1,411 51°38' / 21°19' RC
Gniewoszów Gniveshuv Kozienice 523 49% 3,500 51°28' / 21°48' 1826-1877
Gowarczów Govartshuv Końskie 681 45% 508 51°17' / 20°26' 1826-1859, RC
Granica   Kozienice 1,213 78% - 51°28' / 21°49' 1826-1877
Iłża Driltsh Iłża 2,069 49% 1,545 51°10' / 21°15' 1850-1877, RC
Iwaniska Ivansk Opatów 1,996 83% 1,518 50°44' / 21°17'  
Janowiec [nad Wisłą]   Kozienice 185 60% 261 51°20' / 21°53' 1817-1878, RC
Jedlińsk Yedlinsk Radom 622 46% 762 51°31' / 21°07' RC; in Radom
Jędrzejów Yendjev Jędrzejów 2,050 43% 4,585 50°38' / 20°18' 1875-1884, RC
Kazanów Kazanuv Iłża 816 61% 336 51°17' / 21°28' 1828-1877, RC
Kazimierza Wielka   Pińczów     293 50°16' / 20°29' RC
Kielce Keltz Kielce 6,399 28% 15,530 50°52' / 20°37' 1868-1884, RC
Klimontów Klimentuv Sandomierz 2,443 72% 2,652 50°40' / 21°27' 1826-1887, RC
Klwów Klvuv Opoczno 467 43% 297 51°32' / 20°38' 1851-1877, RC
Końskie Kintsk Końskie 4,453 55% 5,037 51°12' / 20°25' 1826-1884. RC
Koprzywnica Pokshovnits Sandomierz 836 39% 812 50°35' / 21°35' 1857-1884, RC
Koszyce   Pińczów 366 35% 678 50°10' / 20°34' RC
Kozienice Kozhenitz Kozienice 3,790 55% 3,811 51°35' / 21°34' 1826-1877, RC
Książ Wielki Kshoinz Miechów 729 52% 852 50°26' / 20°08' 1826-1865
Kunów   Opatów 397 27% 510 50°57' / 21°17'  
Kurozwęki Kurozwenki Stopnica     224 50°35' / 21°06' 1875-1884
Kurzelów   Włoszczowa 179 15% 191 50°53' / 19°53' RC
Łagów Laguv Opatów 1,233 51% 1,269 50°47' / 21°05' in Opatów
Lasocin   Opatów 92 12% 123 50°54' / 21°45'  
Lelów Leluv Włoszczowa 720 58% 638 50°41' / 19°37' 1873-1884
Lipsko Lipsk Iłża 1,468 60% 1,376 51°10' / 21°39' 1826-1877, RC
Łopuszno Lopushna Kielce 462 54% 397 50°57' / 20°15' RC; in Małogoszcz
Magnuszew Mognishev Kozienice 771 47% 731 51°46' / 21°24' 1826-1876, RC
Maleniec   Opoczno 196 36% 185 51°11' / 20°11'  
Małogoszcz Malagotsh Jędrzejów 465 25% 415 50°49' / 20°17' 1826-1867, RC
Miechów Myekhuv Miechów 1,436 34% 2,383 50°22' / 20°02'  
Nowa Tymienica   Iłża 74 11% - 51°17' / 21°41'  
Nowy Korczyn Kortshin Stopnica 2,781 73% 2,478 50°18' / 20°49' 1826-1884
Odrzywół   Opoczno 342 33% 389 51°32' / 20°33' RC; in Opoczno
Olkusz Elkush Olkusz 1,840 53% 2,707 50°17' / 19°34' 1827-1870, RC
Opatów Apt, Apta Opatów 4,138 63% 5,462 50°48' / 21°26' 1835-1884
Opoczno Opotshna Opoczno 2,425 40% 3,376 51°22' / 20°17' 1826-60, 66-87, RC
Osiek Oshyek Sandomierz 590 41% 539 50°31' / 21°27' RC
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Ostrovtse Opatów 6,146 63% 10,095 50°56' / 21°24'  
Ożarów Ozherov Opatów 2,557 77% 2,258 50°53' / 21°40' 1826-1884
Pacanów Patsanuv Stopnica 1,520 62% 1,689 50°24' / 21°03' 1875-1877
Pierzchnica   Stopnica     180 50°42' / 20°45'  
Pilica Piltz Olkusz 2,688 68% 1,877 50°28' / 19°39' 1826-1870, RC
Pińczów Pintshev Pińczów 5,194 57% 4,324 50°32' / 20°32' 1810-1884
Piotrkowice   Stopnica     248 50°40' / 20°41'  
Połaniec Plontsh Sandomierz 1,221 47% 1,025 50°26' / 21°17' 1826-1884, RC
Proszowice Proshovitze Miechów 639 24% 1,307 50°12' / 20°18'  
Przedbórz Pshedbuzh Końskie 4,089 69% 3,749 51°05' / 19°53' 1826-1886, RC
Przysucha Pshiskha Opoczno 2,168 75% 2,153 51°22' / 20°37' 1826-1877, RC
Przytyk Pshitik Radom 1,504 83% 1,852 51°28' / 20°54' 1826-1877, RC
Radom Rudem Radom 11,277 38% 24,465 51°25' / 21°09' 1827-1877, RC
Radoszyce Radoshitz Końskie 1,728 49% 1,278 51°05' / 20°14' 1826-1884, RC
Raków Rakuv Opatów 1,263 60% 1,112 50°41' / 21°03'  
Ryczywół Ritshevul Kozienice 492 45% 82 51°41' / 21°26' 1826-1877, RC
Sandomierz Tzouzmir Sandomierz 2,163 33% 2,641 50°41' / 21°45' 1826-1886, RC
Secemin Setzemin Włoszczowa 171 14% 224 50°46' / 19°50' 1826-1869, RC
Sędziszów Sendishev Jędrzejów     448 50°35' / 20°04' RC
Sieciechow   Kozienice 125 13% 118 51°33' / 21°45' RC
Sienno Shyena Iłża 1,059 55% 735 51°05' / 21°28' 1826-1877, RC
Skala   Olkusz 417 17% 604 50°54' / 21°33' RC
Skalbmierz Skalbmyezh Pińczów 359 29% 700 50°20' / 20°25' RC
Skaryszew Skierishov Radom 775 44% 820 51°19' / 21°15' RC; in Radom
Skarzysko-Kamienna   Końskie 329 11% 1,590 51°07' / 20°54'  
Skrzynno   Opoczno 191 35% 191 51°22' / 20°43'  
Sławków Slavkuv Olkusz 714 17% 610 50°18' / 19°24' RC
Słomniki Slomnik Miechów 904 24% 1,460 50°15' / 20°06' in Książ Wielki
Słupia [Nowa] Slupia Kielce 1,038 62% 956 50°52' / 21°06' RC; in Opatów
Sobków Subkuv Jędrzejów 646 58% 400 50°42' / 20°28' 1826-1884, RC
Solec Soletz Iłża 829 32% 898 51°08' / 21°46'  
Starachowice Starakhovitze Iłża     2,159 51°04' / 21°04' RC
Staszów Stashev Sandomierz 4,903 56% 4,704 50°33' / 21°10' 1826-1880, RC
Stopnica Stubnitz Stopnica 3,134 71% 3,328 50°26' / 20°57' 1875-1884
Stromiec   Radom 174 20% 189 51°39' / 21°06'  
Suchedniów Sukhednyov Kielce 418 46% 912 51°04' / 20°50' RC
Szczekociny Shtekotshin Włoszczowa 2,305 68% 2,532 50°38' / 19°50 1826-1884, RC
Szydłów Shidluv Stopnica 867 37% 660 50°36' / 21°00' 1854-1884
Szydłowiec Shidlovtze Końskie 5,298 71% 5,501 51°14' / 20°51' 1826-1877, RC
Tarłów Tarla, Tarluv Iłża 1,210 63% 1,052 51°00' / 21°43' 1826-1884, RC
Wąchock Vankhotsk Iłża 638 30% 468 51°04' / 21°01' RC; in Iłża
Wasniów   Opatów 266 47% 191 50°54' / 21°13'  
Wierzbnik Verzhbnik Iłża 975 55% 2,159 51°03' / 21°05' in Iłża
Wiślica Vayslitz Pińczów 1,755 70% 1,341 50°21' / 20°41' 1826-1875, RC
Włoszczowa Vlotshov Włoszczowa 2,530 68% 2,910 50°52' / 19°58' 1823-1884, RC
Wodzisław Voydislav Jędrzejów 2,667 74% 2,839 50°32' / 20°12' 1826-1884, RC
Wolanów Volanuv Radom 333 68% 318 51°23' / 20°58' 1826-1877, RC
Wolbrom Volbrum Olkusz 2,901 60% 4,276 50°22' / 19°46' 1826-1870, RC
Wysmierzyce   Radom 220 15% 109 51°37' / 20°50' in Przytyk
Żarnów Zharnuv Opoczno 1,171 58% 919 51°15' / 20°11' 1826-1873, RC
Żarnowiec Zharnovyets Olkusz 1,412 57% 946 50°29' / 19°52' 1811-1870, RC
Zawichost Zavikhvost Sandomierz 1,680 66% 2,000 50°48' / 21°51' 1826-1892, RC
Zwoleń Zvolin Kozienice 3,242 54% 3,787 51°21' / 21°36' 1826-1877, RC

Explanation of Column Headings

Town — Name of the town, in the current Polish spelling.

Yiddish Town Name — Name of the town, in Yiddish, compiled by Warren Blatt and Perets Mett.
Pronunciation Notes:

  1. Most Yiddish words have the stress on the first syllable.  Most Polish words stress the penultimate (next-to-last) syllable.
  2. Exception to note #1: Town names ending in -in are usually stressed on the last syllable, e.g.: Khen-tshin' (Chęciny), Shteko-tshin' (Szczekociny), Zvo-lin' (Zwoleń), Ben-din' (Będzin), Lub-lin' (Lublin).
  3. Polish Yiddish frequently de-voices 'v', so that e.g. Stashev is actually pronounced Stashef.

District — Name of the district (Polish powiat) that the town was in, during the 1867-1917 period.  Source: Atlas geograficzny illustrowany Krolestwa Polskiego, edited by J. M. Bazewicz (Warszawa: [1907]).  For an outline map of the district borders, click here.

1897 Jewish Population — Jewish population in 1897, according to the All-Empire Census, as cited in Еврейскяя Энциклопедія Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia [Jewish Encyclopedia] (St. Petersburg: Brokhaus-Efron, 1906-1913).  Articles on "Kielce Gubernia" (Vol. IX, cols. 949-951) and "Radom Gubernia" (Vol. XIII, cols. 268-271) contain population statistics for all towns with a Jewish population of over 500.  Articles for each of the 14 powiats (districts) contain population statistics for all towns with a total population of 500 or more.

1897 Percent Jewish — Percentage of the town that was Jewish in 1897, calculated from the population tables in Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia.

1931 Jewish Population — Jewish population in 1931, according to the second national census of Poland of 1931.  These figures are taken from Black Book of Localities Whose Jewish Population was Exterminated by the Nazis (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1965); which in turn are taken from Drugi powszechny spis ludności z dnia 9 grudnia 1931 r. (Warszawa: Główny Urząd Statystyczny, 1934-1938).

Latitude / Longitude — The town's latitude and longitude.  Positions are taken from the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker <http://www.jewishgen.org/Communities>; which is based upon the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) database: Gazetteer of Poland. 2nd edition (Washington: Defense Mapping Agency, 1988).

FHL microfilms — Years for which Jewish vital records (births, marriages and deaths) have been microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah (the microfilming arm of the LDS Family History Library).  Source: Family History Library Catalog™ (FHLC), 1996 microfiche edition; and corrections based on personal knowledge.  See the FHLC Locality section under the headings "POLAND, [Province], [Town] - JEWISH RECORDS" for details and microfilm ordering numbers.

Provinces: The FHLC uses Poland's 1945-1975 provincial borders.  Most of the old Kielce and Radom gubernias (1867-1917) are covered by the 1945-1975 province of Kielce. However, the borders do not overlap exactly, and some areas are covered by neighboring provinces: Kraków province in the southwest (parts of old Olkusz and Miechów districts); Katowice province (part of old Olkusz district); and Lublin province in the northeast (part of old Kozienice district).

The notation "RC" indicates that there are civil transcripts of Roman Catholic vital records listed in the FHLC for the 1810-1825 period.  It is during this period that the Roman Catholic civil transcripts included Jewish registrations.  Separate records were kept by each religious community beginning in 1826.  See the InfoFile Jewish Vital Records in Poland for more information.

There were thousands of other smaller villages in the Kielce-Radom region, which are not listed here.  Their vital records are included amongst those of a neighboring larger town.  To determine the location of a village, you can consult the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker at <http://www.jewishgen.org/Communities>, or the U.S. Board on Geographic Names database, available as Gazetteer of Central and Eastern Europe on microfiche from Avotaynu, Inc.

For more information, see the article "Kielce and Radom Gubernias — Geographic History".

Compiled by Warren Blatt, January 1997. Last updated Jan 12, 2002.

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