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The Circumcision Register 1765 - 1818 together with The Wedding Register 1775 - 1799,
ascribed to Rabbi Ash of Dover

Edited by Bernard Susser BA, LLB, MPhil, PhD.


MSS/160 2332 at the Jewish Museum, London ;

Jewish Museum, London "Circumcision Register probably kept by Rabbi Ash of Dover"


It contains 8 Marriage entries; marriage entries (1775 - 99) celebrated with the permission of the Chief Rabbis Tevele Schiff; Tevele Schiff and Moses Myers; Moses Myers at Canterbury;Canterbury, Chatham;Chatham, Dover;Dover and Margate;Margate.

Also entries of 85 Circumcisions; circumcisions performed between 1768 -1818 at Boston, Bushey, Canterbury, Deal, Dover, Folkstone, London, Lynn, Margate, Norwich, Sheerness, Swansea; Swansea, and Ostend; [+ Dublin(no. 7) + Hythe(no. 42)]."

[From the MSS description at the Jewish Museum. This description will need to be modified both as to the number of circumcisions as well as to the towns where they were performed in the light of my comments in the Introduction below].

I am grateful to Mesdames Rickie Burman, Jennifer Marin & Alisa Jaffa for their kindness and hospitality extended to me when I utilised the facilities of the Jewish Museum.


Abbreviations & Glossary


Circumcisions & Weddings

General Index

Index of Fathers' Names

Abbreviations & Glossary


amoc = according to the minor order of counting.

ben = son of.

f = father of.

HeHaver = an honoured form of address, equivalent to the loose use of 'Esq.' in English.

KK = the holy community of.

mohel (pl. mohelim) = a circumcisor.

Morenu = our Teacher (used of a Rabbi).

Rosh Hashannah = New Year.

SGL = a Levite.

YZV = May his Rock and his Redeemer preserve him [used of a living person].

ZL = May his memory be a blessing [used of a dead person. Unless the context makes it abundantly clear, there is always some uncertainty in a name such as Joseph ben Jacob ZL whether the ZL refers only to Jacob or to Joseph as well].

' before a Hebrew year indicates that the 5,000 has been omitted, and the letters lamed feh koof [= according to the minor order of counting (abbreviated to amoc] were appended after the date in the original.

* before a date indicates that the day of the week does not tally with the given Hebrew date. The equivalent English date in square brackets corresponds with the Hebrew date. Thus in Q1 the mohel states that he performed the circumcision on the Holy Sabbath 28 Tamuz '577 but the calendar equivalent of 28 Tamuz 5577 was a Monday, the 7th of July 1817. It is not likely that the mohel, even if he wrote up his Register months later, would have mistaken the Sabbath for a Monday, it is far more likely that he got the day of the month wrong.

[ ] Material in square brackets has been added by me.


by Bernard Susser


The Register has been photocopied onto 12 pages which were sent to me by Mr Martyn Webster of Brighton who is researching the history of the Dover Jewish community. Page numbers in this translation refer to these 12 pages. The pages of the original Register are not bound in book form, but are loose pages. Neither these pages nor the 12 photo-copied pages are necessarily in order. There may be some pages missing in the Register, as the scribe has copied from section 266 of Yoreh Dea, sub-sections 5-end, and omitted sub-sections 1 - 4.

I do not know who identified the keeper of the Register as Rabbi Ash of Dover. Cecil Roth;Roth in his Rise of Provincial Jewry (London, 1950) identifies the mohel as Rabbi Ash, and the Jewish Museum also makes the same identification, though it does so tentatively.

In fact, I believe that there were two mohelim at work, one from 1765 to 1809 (and he also made a record of 8 weddings he performed) who wrote his entries in well-formed Hebrew script (I refer to this mohel as 'Script'), and the other who acted from 1810 until 1818 and who wrote his entries in square Hebrew characters (I refer to this mohel as 'Square'). I have listed their characteristics below. It is not unusual for a mohel to keep a register and for a later mohel to use empty pages in the same register.




Square has not numbered his entries at all, but for the sake of reference I have numbered the entries Q1 - Q42. I have placed a Q (standing for sQuare) in front of the square entries to differentiate them from the script entry numbers.

Each Square entry is headed by the name of the town where the circumcision took place. From Q15 onwards, with the exception of London;London throughout and Sheerness;Sheerness at Q27, the town is written in square letters and, perhaps added later, the county in script, but not the same script as used by the writer of the script entries.

Script has numbered his circumcision entries 1 - 43, I have added an 'S' (standing for Script) in front of them to avoid confusion with page numbers in the index.

Script numbered the weddings he performed 1 - 7, and one, which I have numbered W8, was left unnumbered.

To differentiate the weddings, I have placed a 'W' in front of their numbers.




Square - circumcisions: 1810 (Q8) - 1818 (Q7)


Q1 - Q7 1817 - 1818 Page 1 of MSS photocopy.

Q8 - Q14 1810 - 1812 Page 4 left hand side of MSS photocopy.

Q15 - Q21 1813 - 1814 Page 5 left hand side of MSS photocopy.

Q22 - Q28 1814 - 1816 Page 6 of MSS photocopy.

Q29 - Q35 1816 - 1817 Page 10 left hand side of MSS photocopy.

Q36 - Q42 1815 - 1816 Page 11 left hand side of MSS photocopy.

(A total of 42 circumcisions.)


Script - circumcisions: 1765 (S1) - 1809 (S43)


S1 - S11a 1765 - 1771 Page 7 left hand side of MSS photocopy.

S11b - S16 1773 - 1777 Page 8 right hand side of MSS photocopy.

S17 - S24b 1779 - 1789 Page 8 left hand side of MSS photocopy.

S25 - S32 1789 - 1796 Page 9 right hand side of MSS photocopy.

S33 - S38 1800 - 1805 Page 3 of MSS photocopy.

S39 - S43 1805 - 1809 Page 4 right hand side of MSS photocopy.

(A total of 45 circumcisions of live children + 1 duplicate (S32) + 1 circumcision of a presumed stillborn child.)


Script - Weddings: 1768 (W8) - 1795 (W7)


W1 - W7 1775 - 1795 Page 11 right hand side of MSS photocopy.

W8 1768 Page 2 of MSS photocopy.

(A total of 8 wedding ceremonies.)


From the above enumeration it will be seen that the chronological order of the dates do not follow the order of the photocopied pages.


The square writer seems to mis-spell words.

At first, for example, the word 'Holy' in the phrase 'Holy Sabbath' is written Kadosh, rather than Kodesh (Q2, Q4, Q10,). Later, from Q16, it is written correctly.

Abraham is once spelled Abrahom (Q10).

Daniel is once spelled as Daniehl (Q36).

Huppah is sometimes written Huppo (Q15, Q17, Q18, Q29, Q30, Q37, Q38, Q39, Q40, Q41, Q42).

The letter Het is missed out in Huppah (Q12, Q16, Q17).

'To the Torah'is sometimes missed out in the standard blessing 'May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen! (Q18, Q19, Q20, Q21, Q29, Q36, Q38, Q40, Q38, Q42).

The mohel using script seems to be better educated in Hebrew than the mohel who uses square.



The Hebrew month Heshvan can occur in two forms, Heshvan and MarHeshvan.

Square only uses the simple form - Heshvan.

Script always spells out Heshvan in its full form - MarHeshvan.

The Hebrew month Av is sometimes prefixed with the name Menahem [= Comforter, because a tradition declares that the Messiah will be born on the Ninth of Av, the fast day commemmorating the destruction of the First & Second Temples].

Square did not perform a circumcision in the month of Av.

Script uses Av with or without Menahem (the Comforter), and Menahem is used on its own to signify Av.




In the standard blessing at the end of most circumcision entries:

Square uses 'HaMakom' [= The Omnipresent] for the Almighty's name. Script uses HaShem [= The Name] for the Almighty's name.

Square uses the active Piel Yegadel [= He should raise him]. Script uses the passive Pual Yegudal [= he should be raised].




Square has a brother called Moses who was alive on 26 March 1810. Moses has a son called Joseph in Deal on this date (Q9). His brother Moses has a son called Lezer (Eliezer) in Deal on 28 February 1812 (Q14).

Square has a son Naphtali Hirsh on 19 January 1812 (Q13).

Script has a brother, called Moses, who is dead by 27 August 1803 (S35). Moses has two daughters. One is Sarah Beila who is married to a Judah Leib and they have a son called Moses ben Judah Leib;Moses, obviously called after his grandfather (S35) and another son, Aaron Aaron ben Judah Leib;Dover;(S41). The other daughter, Fredil, is married to a Menahem Mendel and they have a son Moses ben Menahem Mendel ;who is also called Moses who is circumcized in Deal;Deal, 8 January 1806 (S40).




The only towns in which both mohelim operated were Deal and Dover. Otherwise they each had their own towns of operation.

Circumcisions were performed in:-

Square: Boston, Bushey, Deal, Dover, London, Lynn, Sheerness.

Script: Canterbury, Deal, Dover, Dublin, Folkstone, Hythe, Margate, Norwich, Ostend, Ramsgate, Swansea.

Weddings were celebrated in:-

Square: None.

Script: Canterbury, Chatham, Margate.




Script spells Canterbury; Canterbury

a) koof, ayin, nun, tet, vav, resh, bet, vav, aleph (W2).

b) koof, ayin, nun, tet, yod, bet, vav, aleph (W3).

c) abbreviated koof"bet (W6; S15, S16).

d) koof, ayin, nun, tet, yod, bet, vav, resh, gimmel (S11b, S12, S24a).

Ramsgate is spelled resh, aleph, mem, zayin, gimmel, ayin, tet (S26, S27, S29, S31, S33, S36).


Square spells Dover dalet, aleph, vav, yod, resh (Q11, Q12, Q16).

Sheerness shin, yod, resh, nun, ayin, samech, tet (Q17).

Sheppey shin, yod, feh, yod (Q15, Q17, Q21).


Script spells Dover dalet, aleph, vet, resh (S10, S19, S21, S22, S23, S30, S32, S35, S41, S43, W8).


When Script circumcises the second child of Natali Ilfeld (S14) it seems as though he received no payment, not even his expenses, as he does it 'for the sake of the mitzvah'. This would imply that in all other cases he received a gratuity. It would further suggest that Script was a 'professional' mohel, ie that he earned his living as a synagogal functionary.

Script seems to use Natali as a contraction of Naphtali ;Natali as a contraction of Naphtali (S13, S14, W7).

Square seems to pronounce his Hebrew in the way of the unlearned in Anglo-Jewry, eg in Q30 he spells the child's name 'Yon' Tov, much as the unlearned pronounced Yom Tov in English as 'Yontiff'.



Q18, Q19, were almost certainly twins. Q20 seems to have been their triplet, perhaps because he was unwell the circumcision was delayed.

Bernard Susser

London, 1996



[Page 11 of the photocopies, right hand side.]


W1 This is the good day for which I hoped, found and also merited to conduct a wedding with the authorization(s) of the Rabbi, the Great Lamp, Morenu HaRav Rabbi Tevele KZ here, Canterbury, 23 Sivan '535 [= Wed 21 June 1775] amoc., for the bachelor, the honourable Dov ben Issachar with his bride the virgin madam Miriam bat Samuel Zanvil..

W2 This day Wednesday the 2nd day of Rosh Hodesh Adar '536 [= Wed 21 Feb 1776] amoc., I conducted the wedding with the authorization(s) of the aforesaid Rabbi, the Great Lamp, for the noble, honourable Samuel Zanvil ben R. Moses Meir KZ with the bride of his delight ?Treina bat the honourable Eliezer Dov YZV here in KK Canterbury.

W3 This day Tuesday the 2nd day Rosh Hodesh Tamuz '536 [= Tues 18 June 1776] amoc. I conducted the wedding with the authorization of the Rabbi, the Great Lamp, Morenu HaRav Rabbi Tevele KZ aforesaid, for the noble, honourable, Joseph ben Menahem Ary'[eh] with the bride of his delight madam Keila bat the honourable Jacob Menahem here in KK Canterbury.

W4 This day Wednesday 12 Tishri '537) [= 25 September 1776] amoc. I conducted the wedding with the authorization of the Rabbi, the Great Lamp, Morenu HaRav Rabbi Tevele KZ aforesaid, for the noble, high ranking, Feiss SGL with the bride of his delight Zippor bat ... YZV.

W5 This day Wednesday the 1st day of Rosh Hodesh Iyar '537 [= Thurs 8 May 1777] amoc. I conducted the wedding here in KK Chatham for the Haver R. Judah with the authorization of the aforesaid Head of the Beth Din.

W6 This day Wednesday 4 Tamuz '541 [= 27 June 1781] amoc. I conducted the wedding here in Canterbury with the authorization of the aforesaid Morenu the Rabbi, may his light shine, for the groom Isaac ben HeHaver Yehezki'[yahu] [= Ezekiel] Ary'[eh] with the bride of his delight madam Beila bat the honourable Menahem Mendel SGL.

W7 This day Thursday 3 Sivan '555 [= 21 May 1795] amoc. I conducted the wedding with the authorization of our Master, Morenu the honourable Rabbi Moses, may his light shine, for the groom the honourable HeHaver Judahleib ben HeHaver Gabriel with the bride of his delight m[adam] Miriam bat the honourable Natali ZL here in Margate. HaShem grant that I may merit to see from them children and children's children occupied with the Torah and commandments. Upon Israel be peace!

[Page 2 of the photocopies.]

[Not numbered in original - referred to in this translation as]:

W8 ] This day Wednesday 3 Tevet '529 [= Tues 13 December 1768] amoc. I conducted the marriage of the groom Abraham ben Moses SGL with the bride of his delight Zipporah bat Joseph Michael here in Dover by the marriage authorization of the Rabbi, the great Lamp, the Torani, his honour our Teacher, Rabbi Moses of London, may his light shine.

[Page 7 of the photocopies, left hand side.]




S1 FOR MAZZEL TOV I circumcized the child Abraham ben Nahman Wednesday 8 MarHeshvan '526 [= 23 October 1765] amoc. HaShem grant that he bring him up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen! here London.

S2 " [= do] I circumcized the child Moses ben Israel Thursday 15 Iyar '526 [= 24 April 1766] amoc. Here London.

S3 " [= do] I circumcized here Swansea the child David ben Elij'[ah] Thursday Rosh Hodesh Shevat '527 [= 1 January 1767] amoc.

[For 'here Swansea', see note in next entry.]

S4 " [= do] I circumcized here Swansea stranger the child [ie the child of a stranger (= oreah) from Swansea, 'here' - wherever 'here' was!] Aaron ben Jacob on the Holy Sabbath Rosh Hodesh Av '527 [= Mon 27 July 1767] amoc.

S5 " [= do] I circumcized here London the child Ezekiel ben Nathan Friday 7 Nisan '528 [= 25 March 1768] amoc.

S6 " [= do] I circumcized here London the child Samuel nicknamed Zanvil ben Isaac Eizak Friday 15 Av '528 [= 29 July 1768] amoc.

S7 I circumcized here Dublin the child Isaac ben Feiss Tuesday 16 Adar II '530 [= 13 March 1770, but no Adar II] amoc.

S8 I circumcized here London the child Naphtali Hirsh ben Uri Tuesday 21 Shevat '531 [= 5 February 1771] amoc.

S9 I circumcized here London the child David ben Jacob Sunday 8 Elul '532 [= Sunday 6 September 1772] amoc.

S10 I circumcized here Folkstone by Dover ... '531 [= 1770/1771] amoc. the child Ze'ev Wolf ben Meir.

S11[a] I circumcized here London the child Isai'[ah] ben Jacob Wednesday 22 Tevet '532 [= Sunday 29 December 1771] amoc.

[Page 8 of the photocopies, right hand side.]

S11[b] I circumcized here Canterbury S11[b];Canterbury the child Abraham ben Eliezer Thursday 17 Tamuz '533 [= 8 July 1773] amoc.

S12 I circumcized here Canterbury on the Holy Sabbath 7 Nisan '534 [= 19 March 1774] amoc. the child Abraham ben R. Lipman YZV. HaShem grant that he bring him up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S13 I circumcized here Margate Friday the eve of the Holy Sabbath 18 Iyar '534 [= 29 April 1774] amoc. the child Nahum ben Natali Ilfeld. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S14 I circumcized here Margate Sunday 8 Tevet '536 [= 31 Dec 1775] amoc. the child Solomon Zalman ben Natali Ilfeld. HaShem grant that I may merit to circumcize and pay from my purse in the name of the commandments.

S15 I circumcized here C[anter]b[ury] Monday 22 MarHeshvan '537 [= 4 November 1776] amoc. the child Moses ben Samuel Zanvil. HaShem grant that he grow up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S16 I circumcized here C[anter]b[ury] Saturday on the Holy Sabbath 6 Kislev '538 [= 6 Dec 1777] amoc. the child Abraham ben Moses SGL. HaShem grant that I may merit to bring him up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 8 of the photocopies, left hand side.]

S17 I circumcized here Norwich Friday 20 Sivan '539 [= 4 June 1779] amoc. the child Moses ben Judah. HaShem grant that he bring him up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S18 I circumcized here London the child Abraham ben Reuben Monday 5 Nisan '540 [= 10 April 1780] amoc. HaShem grant that he bring him up to the Torah, weddingcanopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S19 I circumcized here Dover the child Moses ben Zvi Hirsh Monday 15 Tishri, the first day of Succot '543 [= 23 Sept 1782]. HaShem grant that he bring him up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S20 I circumcized here C[anter]b[ury] Friday 21 Shevat [The year is unclear. It is presumably either '543 or '544. If it is '543 then it = Fri 24 Jan 1783; if it is '544 then it = Fri 13 Feb 1784] amoc. David ben Moses Swabi [ie from Swabia]. HaShem grant that he bring him up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S21 I circumcized here Dover the child Abraham ben Hirsh on the Holy Sabbath the first Intermediate day of Succot '545 [= 2 Oct 1784] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up in the Torah, to the wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S22 I circumcized here Dover on the Holy Sabbath 8 Shevat '546 [= 17 January 1786] amoc. the child Menahem Menke ben Isaac Eizak. HaShem grant that he grow up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S23 Here Dover I circumcized the child Jacob nicknamed Yukel ben Israel Wednesday ?14 Adar II '546 [= *Tuesday 14 March 1786] amoc. HaShem grant that he grow up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S24[a] I circumcized in Canterbury the child Nathan ben Moses Friday 8 Adar I '548 [= *Saturday 16 February 1788] amoc.

S[24b] I uncovered the corona of the child Benjamin ben Joseph [ie a Stillborn child ;stillborn child or one under thirty days old] here in Deal on Monday 9 Iyar '549 [= *Tuesday 5 May 1789] amoc. [And written at the side of the entry:] April 12 1788 [which was Sat 5 Nisan '548].

[Page 9 of the photocopies, right hand side.]

S25 I circumcized here in C[anter]b[ury] the child Solomon ben Gabriel Israel Wednesday 16 Kislev '549 [= *Monday 15 December 1788] amoc.

S26 I circumcized here in Ramsgate the child Zvi Hirsh ben Judah Leib on the Holy Sabbath 3 Kislev '550 [= 21 November 1789] amoc.

HaShem grant that he be brought up in the Torah, to the wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S27 I circumcized here in Ramsgate the child Meir ben Judah Leib on the Holy Sabbath 28 Shevat '553 [= *Sunday 10 February 1793] amoc. May he be brought up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds.

S28 I circumcized here Ostend the child Naphtali Hirtz ben HeHaver Jonah Tuesday 15 Tamuz '553 [= 25 June 1793] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up in the Torah, to the wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S29 I circumcized here in Ramsgate the child Elijah ben Judah Leib Wednesday 26 MarHeshvan '555 [= 19 November 1794] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up in the Torah, to the wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S30 I circumcized here in Dover the child Moses ben Isaac Eizak Monday 18 Menahem [Av] '556 [= 22 August 1796] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S31 I circumcized here in Ramsgate the child Israel ben Judah Tuesday 10 Elul '556 [= 13 September 1796] amoc.

S32 I circumcized here in Dover the child Moses ben Isaac Monday 18 Menahem [Av] '556 [= 22 August 1796] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up in the Torah, to the wedding canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

[The mohel seems to have forgotten that he has already made this entry at S30, although in S32 he calls the father Isaac, whereas in S30 he calls him Isaac Eizak.]

[Page 3 of the photocopies.]

S33 I circumcized the child Benjamin ben Moses ?Larry here in Ramsgate Tuesday 4 Iyar '560 [= 29 April 1800] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S34 I circumcized the child Joseph called Yozel ben Isaac here in Deal 22 Shevat '563 [= Monday 14 February 1803] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S35 I circumcized the child Moses ben Judah Leib, may he live, the Son of the daughter of my late brother, Moses, here in Dover, on the Holy Sabbath 9 Elul '563 [= 27 August 1803] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S36 I circumcized the child Abraham ben Judah Leib here in Ramsgate 36;Ramsgate 36;Ramsgate, Friday 24 Kislev '564 [= 9 Dec 1803] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S37 I circumcized the child Meir ben HeHaver Solomon Zalman SGL here in Deal on Monday the 4th Intermediate day of Passover '564 [= *Sunday 1 April 1804] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S38 I circumcized the child Zvi Hirsh ben Isaac SGL in Deal Friday the eve of the Holy Sabbath 21 Adar II '565 [= 22 March 1805] amoc. May he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds.

[Page 4 of the photocopies, right hand side.]

S39 I circumcized the child Ary'[eh] Leib ben R. Solomon Zalman SGL here in Deal on Thursday 27 Menahem Av '565 [= 22 August 1805] amoc. May he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds.

S40 I circumcized the child Moses ben Menahem Mendel, may he live, the Son of my brother's daughter, Madame Fredil, may she live, here in Deal, on Wednesday 18 Tevet '566 [= 8 January 1806] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

S41 I circumcized the child Aaron ben Judah Leib, may he live, the Son of my brother's daughter M'[adam] Sarah Beila the daughter of the late Moses here in Dover on the Holy Sabbath New Moon Iyar '567 [= 9 May 1807] amoc. HaShem grant that he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen! 2nd day New Moon Iyar.

S42 I circumcized the child Solomon ben Simha called Gumpert here in Hythe on the Holy Sabbath New Moon Shevat '568 [= 30 January 1808] amoc. May he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds.

S43 I circumcized the child Isaac nicknamed Eizak ben HeHaver Jacob this day Friday the eve of the Holy Sabbath 20 Elul '569 [= 1 September 1809] amoc. here in Dover. May he be brought up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds.

[Page 1 of the photocopies.]

Q1 London: I circumcized the child Moses ben Gad on the Holy Sabbath 28 Tamuz '577 [= 12 July 1817] according to the minor order of counting [amoc. ]. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q2 London: I circumcized the child Judah ben Jacob on the Holy Sabbath 4 Elul '577 [= 16 August 1817] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q3 London: I circumcized the child Samuel ben Eliezer SGL. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds, Amen.

Q4 London: I circumcized the child Baruch ben Joel on the eve of the Holy Sabbath [ie Friday] 26 Kislev '578 [= 5 December 1817] amoc.

Q5 London: I circumcized the child David ben Joseph Thursday 2 Tevet ['578] [= 11 December 1817] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q6 Sheerness: I circumcized the child [blank] ben Isaac New Moon Shevat '578 [= Thursday 8 January 1818] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q7 [No town mentioned. ?Sheerness]: I circumcized the child Leib ben Abraham Monday 5 Shevat '578 [= 12 January 1818] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 4 of the photocopies, left hand side.]

Q8 Deal: I circumcized the child Samuel Zanvil ben Menahem on Monday 8 Adar I in the year '570 [= 12 February 1810] amoc. May I merit to bring him up to the Torah, marriage canopy, and good deeds. Amen!

Q9 Deal: I circumcized the child Joseph ben my brother his honour Moses YZV on Monday 20 Adar II in the year '570 [= 26 March 1810] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q10 Deal: I circumcized the child Samuel Zanvil ben Abraham on Friday the eve of the Holy Sabbath 27 Sivan '570 [= 29 June 1810] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q11 Dover: I circumcized the child Solomon Aryeh ben Issachar on Thursday 3 Kislev '571 [= *Friday 30 November 1810] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q12 Dover: I circumcized the child Abraham ben David on Monday [he omitted the day of the month] Kislev '571 [= either 18, 25 November, or 2, 9, December 1811] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q13 Deal: I circumcized My son the child Naphtali Hirsh on Sunday 5 Shevat '572 [= 19 January 1812] amoc. May I merit to raise [him] to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q14 D: I circumcized the child Lezer ben my brother Moses on Friday 15 Adar '572 [= 28 February 1812] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 5 of the photocopies, left hand side; right hand side is blank.]

Q15 Sheerness in Sheppey: I circumcized the child Jacob ben Isaac on Tuesday the 2nd day of Rosh Hashannah '573 [= 8 September 1812] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q16 Dover in Kent: I circumcized the child Mordecai ben Issachar on the eve of the Holy Sabbath 23 Kislev '573 [= 27 November 1812] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q17 Sheerness in Sheppey: I circumcized the child Isaac ben Judah on Friday the eve of the Holy Sabbath 22 Tevet '573 [= 25 December 1812] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q18 London: I circumcized the child Menahem ben Judah on Thursday 9 Kislev '574 [= 2 December 1813] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q19 London: I circumcized the child Naphtali ben Judah on Thursday 9 Kislev '574 [= 2 December 1813] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q20 London: I circumcized the child Jacob ben Judah on Sunday 9 Shevat '574 [= 30 January 1814] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q21 Sheerness in Sheppey: I circumcized the child Joseph ben Isaac on the Holy Sabbath 11 Elul '574 [= 27 August 1814] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 6 of the photocopies.]

Q22 London: I circumcized the child Naphtali ben Mordecai Sunday 19 Elul '574 [= 4 September 1814] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q23 Deal in Kent: I circumcized the child Isaac ben David Monday 27 Elul '574 [= 12 September 1814] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q24 Boston in Lincoln: I circumcized the child Zvi Hirsh ben Moses Tuesday 4 Heshvan '575 [= 18 October 1814] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen! 1814 [is written at the side of the entry.]

Q25 London: I circumcized the child Elij'[ah] ben Joel Wednesday 15 Tevet '575 [= 28 December 1814] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen! 1814 [is written at the side of the entry.]

Q26 Deal: I circumcized the child Menahem the son of my brother Moses on Monday 20 Tevet '575 [= 2 January 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen! 1815 [is written at the side of the entry.]

Q27 Sheerness: I circumcized the child Michael ben Judah on Monday 12 Shevat '575 [= 23 January 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen! 1815 [is written at the side of the entry.]

Q28 London: I circumcized the child Benjamin ben Mordecai Thursday 22 Shevat '575 [= 2 February 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 10 of the photocopies, left hand side.]

Q29 London: I circumcized the child Joseph ben Jacob COHEN Wednesday 28 Tishri '576 [= 1 November 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q30 London: I circumcized the child Yon [= Yom] Tov ben Isaac Samuel Thursday 7 Heshvan '576 [= *Friday 10 November 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q31 London: I circumcized the child Joseph ben Menahem Friday 6 Kislev '576 [= 8 December 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent [grant] to raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q32 London: I circumcized the child Abraham ben Aaron Sunday 5 Shevat '576 [= 4 February 1816] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q33 London: I circumcized the child Gabriel Simeon ben ?Shemarah on eve of the Holy Sabbath 22 Adar '576 [= 22 March 1816] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q34 London: I circumcized the child Noah ben Samuel ;on the Holy Sabbath 24 Tamuz '576 [= 20 July 1816] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q35 London: I circumcized the child Gershon ben Abraham Monday 29 Adar '577 [= 17 March 1817] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 11 of the photocopies, left hand side.]

Q36 London: I circumcized the child Daniel ben Joseph ... [corner of the page torn away] Adar I '575 [= February/March 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q37 London: I circumcized the child Naphtali ben HeHaver Samuel Sunday Rosh Hodesh Adar II '575 [= 12 March 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q38 Deal: I circumcized the child Gabriel ben Abraham Wednesday 7 Iyar '575 [= 17 May 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q39 Lynn in Norfolk: I circumcized the child Aaron ben Daniel Thursday 4 Tamuz '575 [= *Wednesday 12 July 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him to the Torah, and the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q40 Bushey by London: I circumcized the child Hayim ben Solomon Sunday 8 Tamuz '575 [= 16 July 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q41 London: I circumcized the child Isaac ben Wolf SGL Sunday 19 Elul '575 [= 24 September 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

Q42 London: I circumcized the child Isaac ben Abraham Tuesday 5 Tishri '576 [= *Monday 9 October 1815] amoc. May the Omnipresent raise him and [sic] to the wedding canopy and good deeds. Amen!

[Page 7 of the photocopies, right hand side.]


Monday ... ...

Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord o' G', K' o' t' U', who has sanctified us with His commandments [etc. etc.]

The groom and bride drink and afterwards he sanctifies the bride with a ring and they read the ketubah. For Grace after Meals begin here: [The refrain Devuy Haser is omitted].

B' a' T', O L' o' G', K' o' t' U', who has created all for his glory.

B' a' T', O L' o' G', K' o' t' U', [etc. etc. - The Seven Blessings].

[Page 9 of the photocopies, left hand side.]


[A hand-written extract from Shulhan Arukh, Yoreh Deah (not the Tur), section 266, sub-sections 5 - end. The passage relates to circumcision on Sabbaths and Festivals.]

[Page 10 of the photocopies, right hand page. A hand-written page in English, dated 6 May 1832, apparently a Memorandum, scored through and for the most part, difficult to read, though a few words may be made out here and there.]


[Page 12 of the photocopies.]


Emanuel Solomon :Emanuel;Solomon

No. 16 Castle Alley

Whitechaple [sic]


... ... etc.




[Numbers without a letter prefix, Q, S or W, are page numbers.]

Aaron ben

Daniel 16

Jacob 12

Judah Leib 6, 9

Abraham ben

Aaron 16

David 10

Eliezer 13

Hirsh 14

Judah Leib 9

Lipman YZV 13

Moses SGL 8

Moses SGL 13

Nahman 12

Reuben 14

Ary'[eh] Leib ben R. Solomon Zalman SGL 9

Ash, Rabbi of Dover 1, 4


Baruch ben Joel 8

Beila bat the honourable Menahem Mendel SGL 18

Benjamin ben Joseph 14

Benjamin ben Mordecai 12

Benjamin ben Moses ?Larry 9

Blessings for weddings and betrothals 13

Boston 1, 6

Boston in Lincoln Q24 11

Brighton 4

Bushey 1, 6

Bushey by London Q40 17


Canterbury 1, 7; S11[b], S12 13; S24[a] 14; W1, W3, W6 17

C[anter]b[ury] S15, S16 13; S20 14; S25 15

Chatham 1, 7; W5 17

Circumcisions 1; the laws of 14


Daniel ben

Joseph ... 16

Elij'[ah] 12

Jacob 12



Joseph 8

Moses Swabi 14

Deal 1, 6, 7; S34 9; S37, S38, S39, S40 9; Q8, Q9, 10; Q38,16; S[24b] 14; Q10, Q13, Q14 10; Q23,Q26 11

Dov ben Issachar 17

Dover 1, 6-9; S35, S41 9; S19, S21, S22, S23 14; S30, S32 15; S41 9; S43, Q11, Q12 10; Q16 11

Dublin 1, 7; S7 12


Elij'[ah] ben

Joel 11

Judah Leib 15

Ezekiel ben Nathan 12


Feiss SGL 17

Folkstone 1, 7, 12

Fredil, Madame, my [= the mohel's] brother's daughter, 9


Gabriel ben Abraham 16

Gabriel Simeon ben ?Shemarah 16

Gershon ben Abraham 16


Hayim ben Solomon 17

Hythe 1, 7; S42 10


Isaac ben

Abraham 17

David 11

Feiss 12

HeHaver Yehezki'[yahu] [= Ezekiel] 18

Judah 11

Wolf SGL 17

Isaac nicknamed Eizak ben HeHaver Jacob 10

Isai'[ah] ben Jacob 13

Israel ben Judah 15


Jacob ben

Isaac 10

Judah 11

Jacob nicknamed Yukel ben Israel 14

Jewish Museum, London 1, 4

Joseph ben

Isaac 11

Jacob COHEN 15

Menahem 16

Menahem Ary'[eh] 17

Moses YZV, my [= the mohel's] brother 10

Joseph called Yozel ben Isaac 9

Judah ben Jacob 8

Judah, Haver R. 17

Judahleib ben HeHaver Gabriel 18


Keila bat the honourable Jacob 17


Leib ben Abraham 8

Lezer ben my [= the mohel's] brother Moses 10

Literacy 5

London 1, 4, 6, 8;

Q1, Q2 8; Q3 8; Q4 8; Q5 8; Q18, Q19, Q20, Q22, Q25 11; Q28 12; Q29 15; Q30 15; Q31, Q32, Q33, Q34, Q35, Q36, Q37 16; Q41, Q42 17; S2 12; S5, S6, S8, S9 12; S11[a] 13; S18 14

Lynn 1, 6

Lynn in Norfolk Q39 16


Margate 1, 7; S13, S14 13; W7 18

Marriage entries 1

Meir ben HeHaver Solomon Zalman SGL 9

Meir ben Judah Leib 15

Memorandum 16

Menahem ben

Judah 11

Moses, my [= the mohel's] brother 11


Menahem Menke ben Isaac Eizak 14

Michael ben Judah 12

Miriam bat

Samuel Zanvil 17

Natali ZL, the honourable, 18

Mordecai ben Issachar 11

Moses ben

Gad 8

Isaac 15

Isaac Eizak 15

Israel 12

Judah 14

Judah Leib 6, 9

Menahem Mendel 6, 9

Samuel Zanvil 13

Zvi Hirsh 14

Moses, my [= the mohel's] late brother 9

Moses, Rabbi, of London 8, 18

Multiple births 7

Myers, Moses 1; see also Moses, Rabbi, of London

Nahum ben Natali Ilfeld 13

Naphtali ben

Judah 11

Mordecai 11

Samuel, HeHaver 16

Naphtali Hirsh ben Uri 12

Naphtali Hirsh, my [= the mohel's] son 10

Naphtali Hirtz ben HeHaver Jonah 15

Natali 7

Natali as a contraction of Naphtali 7

Natali Ilfeld 7

Nathan ben Moses 14

Noah ben Samuel 16

Norwich 1, 7; S17 14


Ostend 1, 7; Q8 10; S28 15


Ramsgate 7; S26, S27, S29, S31 15; S33, S36 9;

Rise of Provincial Jewry 4

Roth, Cecil 4


Samuel ben Eliezer SGL 8

Samuel nicknamed Zanvil ben Isaac Eizak 12


Samuel Zanvil ben

Abraham 10

Menahem 10

R. Moses Meir KZ 17

Sarah Beila, my [= the mohel's] brother's daughter S40 9

Sheerness 1, 4, 6, 7; Q6, Q7 8; Q15 10; Q17, Q21, 11; Q27 12

Sheppey 7

Shulhan Arukh, Yoreh Deah 14

Solomon, Emanuel 18

Solomon Aryeh ben Issachar 10

Solomon ben

Gabriel Israel 15

Simha called Gumpert 9

Solomon Zalman ben Natali Ilfeld 13

Stillborn child 14

Swansea 1, 7; S3, S4 12


Tevele Schiff KZ, Chief Rabbi 1, 17

Towns in which each mohel operated 6

?Treina bat the honourable Eliezer Dov YZV 17


Webster, Martyn 4

Wedding ceremonies 17

Weddings 8


Yon [= Yom] Tov ben Isaac 15

Yoreh Deah 4


Ze'ev Wolf ben Meir 13

Zippor bat ... YZV 17

Zipporah bat Joseph Michael 8

Zvi Hirsh ben

Isaac SGL 9

Judah Leib 15

Moses 11

[?] ben Isaac 8



[Numbers are page numbers. f = father of]


Aaron f Abraham 16

Abraham f Samuel Zanvil 10

Abraham f Isaac 17

Abraham f Gabriel 16

Abraham f Gershon 16

Abraham f Leib 8


Daniel f Aaron 16

David f Abraham 10

David f Isaac 11


Eliezer Dov YZV f ?Treina 17

Eliezer f Abraham 13

Elij'[ah] f Daniel 12

Ezekiel f Isaac 18


Feiss f Isaac 12


Gabriel Israel f Solomon 15

Gabriel f Judahleib 18

Gad f Moses 8


Hirsh f Abraham 14


Isaac Eizak f Menahem Menke 14

Isaac f Joseph called Yozel 9

Isaac f Joseph 11

Isaac SGL f Zvi Hirsh 9

Isaac f Yon [= Yom] Tov 15

Isaac Eizak f Samuel nicknamed Zanvil 12

Isaac Eizak f Moses 15

Isaac f Moses 15

Isaac f [?] 8

Israel f Moses 12

Israel f Jacob nicknamed Yukel 14

Issachar f Issachar 11

Issachar f Dov 17

Issachar f Solomon Aryeh 10


Jacob COHEN f Joseph 15

Jacob f Judah 8

Jacob f Keila 17

Jacob f Aaron 12

Jacob f Isaac 10


Jacob f Isaac nicknamed Eizak 10

Jacob f Daniel 12

Jacob f Isai'[ah] 13

Jacob f Judah 11

Joel f Baruch 8

Joel f Elijah 11

Jonah f Naphtali Hirtz 15

Joseph ... f Daniel 16

Joseph f Benjamin 14

Joseph f Daniel 8

Joseph Michael f Zipporah

Judah f Menahem 11

Judah f Judah 12

Judah f Moses 14

Judah Leib f Elijah 15

Judah Leib f Abraham 9

Judah f Israel 15

Judah Leib f Aaron 6, 9

Judah f Naphtali 11

Judah Leib f Meir 15

Judah Leib f Moses 6, 9

Judah f Isaac 11

Judah Leib f Zvi Hirsh 15


Lipman f Abraham 13


Meir f Ze'ev Wolf 13

Menahem Ary'[eh] f Joseph 17

Menahem Mendel SGL f Beila 18

Menahem f Joseph 16

Menahem Mendel f Moses 6, 9

Menahem f Samuel Zanvil 10

[mohel] f Naphtali Hirsh 10

Mordecai f Benjamin 12

Mordecai f Naphtali 11

Moses f Zvi Hirsh 11

Moses f Sarah Beila 9

Moses f Nathan 14

Moses Meir KZ f Samuel Zanvil 17

Moses Swabi f Daniel 14

Moses SGL f Abraham 13

Moses SGL f Abraham 8

Moses f Menahem 11

Moses f Lezer 10

Moses f Joseph 10

Moses ?Larry f Benjamin 9

Moses f Fredil 9


Nahman f Abraham 12

Natali Ilfeld f Solomon Zalman 13

Natali Ilfeld f Nahum 13

Natali ZL f Miriam 18

Nathan f Ezekiel 12


Reuben f Abraham 14


Samuel Zanvil f Miriam 17

Samuel ben Eliezer SGL f Samuel 8

Samuel f Naphtali 16

Samuel Zanvil f Moses 13

Samuel f Noah 16

Shemarah? f Gabriel Simeon 16

Simha called Gumpert f Solomon 9

Solomon Zalman SGL f Meir 9

Solomon f Hayim 17

Solomon Zalman SGL f Ary'[eh] Leib 9


Uri f Naphtali Hirsh 12


Wolf SGL f Isaac 17


Yehezki'[yahu] f Isaac 18


Zvi Hirsh f Moses 14



[Numbers are page numbers. f = father of]


Aaron f Abraham 16

Abraham f Samuel Zanvil 10

Abraham f Isaac 17

Abraham f Gabriel 16

Abraham f Gershon 16

Abraham f Leib 8


Daniel f Aaron 16

David f Abraham 10

David f Isaac 11


Eliezer Dov YZV f ?Treina 17

Eliezer f Abraham 13

Elij'[ah] f Daniel 12

Ezekiel f Isaac 18


Feiss f Isaac 12


Gabriel Israel f Solomon 15

Gabriel f Judahleib 18

Gad f Moses 8


Hirsh f Abraham 14


Isaac Eizak f Menahem Menke 14

Isaac f Joseph called Yozel 9

Isaac f Joseph 11

Isaac SGL f Zvi Hirsh 9

Isaac f Yon [= Yom] Tov 15

Isaac Eizak f Samuel nicknamed Zanvil 12

Isaac Eizak f Moses 15

Isaac f Moses 15

Isaac f [?] 8

Israel f Moses 12

Israel f Jacob nicknamed Yukel 14

Issachar f Issachar 11

Issachar f Dov 17

Issachar f Solomon Aryeh 10


Jacob COHEN f Joseph 15

Jacob f Judah 8

Jacob f Keila 17

Jacob f Aaron 12

Jacob f Isaac 10

Jacob ben

Jacob f Isaac nicknamed Eizak 10

Jacob f Daniel 12

Jacob f Isai'[ah] 13

Jacob f Judah 11

Joel f Baruch 8

Joel f Elijah 11

Jonah f Naphtali Hirtz 15

Joseph ... f Daniel 16

Joseph f Benjamin 14

Joseph f Daniel 8

Joseph Michael f Zipporah

Judah f Menahem 11

Judah f Judah 12

Judah f Moses 14

Judah Leib f Elijah 15

Judah Leib f Abraham 9

Judah f Israel 15

Judah Leib f Aaron 6, 9

Judah f Naphtali 11

Judah Leib f Meir 15

Judah Leib f Moses 6, 9

Judah f Isaac 11

Judah Leib f Zvi Hirsh 15


Lipman YZV f Abraham 13


Meir f Ze'ev Wolf 13

Menahem Ary'[eh] f Joseph 17

Menahem Mendel SGL f Beila 18

Menahem f Joseph 16

Menahem Mendel f Moses 6, 9

Menahem f Samuel Zanvil 10

[mohel] f Naphtali Hirsh 10

Mordecai f Benjamin 12

Mordecai f Naphtali 11

Moses f Zvi Hirsh 11

Moses f Sarah Beila 9

Moses f Nathan 14

Moses Meir KZ f Samuel Zanvil 17

Moses Swabi f Daniel 14

Moses SGL f Abraham 13

Moses SGL f Abraham 8

Moses f Menahem 11

Moses f Lezer 10

Moses f Joseph 10

Moses ?Larry f Benjamin 9

Moses ben

Moses f Fredil 9


Nahman f Abraham 12

Natali Ilfeld f Solomon Zalman 13

Natali Ilfeld f Nahum 13

Natali ZL f Miriam 18

Nathan f Ezekiel 12


Reuben f Abraham 14


Samuel Zanvil f Miriam 17

Samuel ben Eliezer SGL f Samuel 8

Samuel f Naphtali 16

Samuel Zanvil f Moses 13

Samuel f Noah 16

Shemarah? f Gabriel Simeon 16

Simha called Gumpert f Solomon 9

Solomon Zalman SGL f Meir 9

Solomon f Hayim 17

Solomon Zalman SGL f Ary'[eh] Leib 9


Uri f Naphtali Hirsh 12


Wolf SGL f Isaac 17


Yehezki'[yahu] f Isaac 18


Zvi Hirsh f Moses 14



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