the former

Wrexham Jewish Community

Wrexham, North Wales




Press Reports relating to the Jewish Community in
Wrexham, North Wales
Part 1, 1882 - 1910

Compiled by Harold Pollins and kindly contributed to JCR-UK.
[Information within square brackets is from the compiler]


Wrexham Advertiser, 11 March 1882 page 5
The cruelties perpetrated on the Jews of Russia have awakened a large amount of sympathy. The movement has found its way into our locality and during the week a memorial has been extensively and influentially signed in Wrexham.

Wrexham Advertiser, 27 June 1891 page 6
Woman charged with stealing a shawl value 8s the property of Mr Moses Levensohn(sic), general dealer, Wrexham Market Hall. Fined 10.6d and costs.

Wrexham Advertiser, 7 November 1891 page 6
Joseph Glantz, a Russian Jew, a hawker, charged Henry Smith, a collier, living at the Lodge, Brymbo, with assaulting him. The latter asked for a beer and threatened to kill him. He took complainant’s pack and ran off. Complainant managed to retrieve pack. Defendant said he did not mean to harm him. Fined 10 shillings and costs.

Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser , 16 July 1892 page 5
Two boys aged 11 were charged with having stolen five packets of cigarettes and six boxes of matches valued at 2s 4d, the property of Solomon Levensohn, tobacconist, Wrexham.

Wrexham Advertiser, 23 July 1892 page 5
‘THE JEWISH COLONY. – As our readers are aware, there is now in Wrexham a small colony of Jews. We are informed that a room has been taken at the old Guildhall which will be used as a synagogue. Certain formalities have to be complied with before services can be commenced, but these will soon be overcome. We believe the religious duties will be discharged chiefly on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, advantage being taken of the lull in business engagements which come particularly on the first and last of the days named.’

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1892 page 17
At a meeting held in Wrexham at the residence of Mr S. Rosenthal it was decided to hold services on the coming Holydays in temporary premises, Manly Road. Mr Rosenthal was elected President; S. Karasov Vice-President; B. Adler, Treasurer; Mr S. Green Hon Secretary. A committee was elected to decide upon erecting a permanent building. This will be the first congregation in North Wales.
[Wrexham Advertiser 24 September 1892 page 5. Almost identical report, except address given as Manley Road, and Carasov spelled correctly.]

Supplement to the Commercial Gazette, 14 December 1892 page 716
Moses Levensohon(s) General Dealer and Draper. General Market Hall, Wrexham, and Central Arcade, Wrexham List of sales.
Preferential Creditors
    Wrexham Arcade £61
    Creditors under £10
Total $1438 6s 7d
Net Assets £425

Wrexham Advertiser, 18 March 1893 page 5
Bankruptcy proceedings of Moses Levensohn(Sic). 12-19 General Market Hall, Wrexham, 11-14 Central Arcade, Hope Street, Wrexham. General Dealer and draper. Liabilities £1,310. 4s. Assets £246.9s. Deficiency £1,022 14s 9d. Russian Jew formerly resident in Wilna. Left Russia 9 years ago. At Wilna he had kept a restaurant and summer garden and supplied the military with food. When he first came to England he travelled with fancy goods and jewellery. First set up a place of business in Wrexham in about 1886. At the start he had a shop in the market for 2 days a week and travelled the rest of the week. In 1888 he had a capital of £165 in cash and stock worth £35 and had shops in the market permanently. Kept 2 travellers, sometimes 3. Brother Solomon in his employ about 4 years and owes him £254.19s for wages and also lent Moses money. In 1888 he lived at Brynyffynon and at end of 1891 moved to 6 Princess Street. His brother lived at 2 Fairfield Villas. From May 1892 he carried on business at the Central Arcade, Wrexham. In 1891 he was in partnership at Rhyl as tobacco and cigar dealers with Mr Eisiski. Became aware in November 1892 that he was insolvent. Goods were invariably paid for in weekly instalments. Bad trade in the district and the closing of a works meant that people left the district or did not pay. Examination adjourned.
[Note. At the 1891 Census Moses Levanssohn is at 1 Brynyffynon with brother Solomon and cousin Simon Eisiski.]

Wrexham Advertiser, 22 April 1893 page 6
Bankruptcy case continued. Moses Levensohn, formerly of 6 Princess Avenue, now 42b Erddig Avenue, Wrexham. Adjourned until June 13.

Wrexham Advertiser, 17 June 1893 page 6
Wrexham Bankruptcy Court 14 June. Case of Moses Levenssohn(sic) came up for further examination. Case closed.

Wrexham Advertiser, 12 August 1893 page 6
Moses Levensohn charged John Phillips of Southsea with assault. Levensohn became bankrupt and in July went to Southsea to collect some debts, defendant had purchased furniture. He attacked Levensohn. Fined 10s and costs.

Wrexham Advertiser, 24 March 1894 page 6.
Court case. One witness was Samuel Green, a travelling Jew, living in Wrexham.

Wrexham Advertiser, 21 July 1894 page 5
Wrexham British School. Prizes. For Conduct Moses Epstein. [In the 1891 Census Moses Epstein is six-year old son of Abraham David Epstein] .

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1894 page 13
First general meeting of the Jewish inhabitants was held last Sunday.
Chair S. Myers
Purpose: to form a congregation. Although a place of worship has existed for three years it has been more a private than a congregational undertaking.
Elected: President S. Myers; Treasurer A.D. Epstein; Secretary M. Levensohn; Auditor S. Green; Committee B. Adler, M. Nove.
Fund raised for Sepher Torah. £5. 2. 6 subscribed. S. Myers and M. Levensohn have presented chairs, forms, Reading desk, Ark and loan of Sepher Torah S. Myers and A.D. Epstein to be Readers for the High Holydays After Mincha Rev Marcus J. Dubovski addressed those present and observed on the great necessity of being united as the first step to prosperity.
[Similar report in Wrexham Advertiser, 8 September 1894, page 5.]

Wrexham Advertiser, 6 October 1894 page 5
Jewish New Year. On the two days first prayer was said by Mr A. D. Epstein, Treasurer, and second by Mr S. Mayers(sic), President. Address by Mr Doboskie(sic).

Wrexham Advertiser, 22 December 1894 page 6
Solomon Myers, general dealer, 27 Yorke Street, sued Benjamin Berman, dealer, of Birmingham for small sums. Defendant had been in the habit, when on his travelling rounds in Wrexham, of boarding and lodging at the plaintiff’s. Earlier plaintiff had successfully sued Myers for a debt at Birmingham County Court. In present case verdict for plaintiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1895 page 20
On Sabbath morning last Master Bernard Myers, son of Mr S. Myers, attained his Bar Mitzvah and read the Haphtorah. On Sunday evening Mr & Mrs Myers entertained all the members of the congregation at their residence. Vote of thanks to host and hostess by M.L. Woolfe and S. Green.
[In 1891 Census Barnet Myers, son of Solomon, born Russia, is aged 9]

Wrexham Advertiser, 16 March 1895 page 7
Wrexham British School. Distribution of Prizes and Certificates.
Algebra Stage 1. Moses Epstein

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1895 page 21
The half-yearly meeting of the Wrexham Hebrew congregation was held on Sunday last at the Old Guildhall. S. Myers tendered resignation as President. On motion of A. D. Epstein seconded by M. Hart, Mr S. Green was elected President until the annual election. M. L. Woolfe acted as Secretary

Wrexham Advertiser, 20 July 1895 page 5
Boys’ National School, Sports Day. 220 yards, boys under 11, first – Samuel Adler.

Wrexham Advertiser, 11 September 1895 page 6
Religious Knowledge examination. Successful students include Samuel Adler.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1895 page 18
General meeting of the congregation. Elected: President, S. Green; Treasurer, L. Adler; Hon Sec Mr Levinsohn. 'The synagogue has been renovated and registered as one of the places of worship of the borough'. .

Wrexham Advertiser, 12 October 1895 page 5
On Tuesday evening a special service was held at the synagogue, Old Guildhall. There was a large attendance including several Christian gentlemen. Service was conducted by Mr J. Silverblatt of Manchester who also delivered a sermon. The Ark was opened by Mr W. Levensohn.

Wrexham Advertiser, 24 December 1895 page 3
Football, School League. Includes J. Adler in Wrexham National School team.

Wrexham and Denbighshire Advertiser, 28 December 1895 page 9
‘Churches and Chapels’. Hebrew Congregation, Synagogue, Hill-street.

Wrexham Advertiser, 21 March 1896 page 6
Wrexham British School. Annual Entertainment and Distribution of Certificates. Algebra Stage II, Moses Epstein.

Wrexham Advertiser, 25 April 1896 page 5
Notice of impending visit of Chief Rabbi, on 30th. Special service will be held at the Synagogue, Old Guildhall, Hill Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1896 page 21
On 30th ult the Chief Rabbi (on his pastoral tour) visited Wrexham, and was welcomed at the station by the President S. Myers; J. Carasov (late of Chester), the Treasurer; the Hon Sec A. D. Epstein and the committee. At the synagogue, service was conducted by Rev A. Rutkowsky of Liverpool. The synagogue was well attended. Among the strangers present were Mr Harris, President of Southport Hebrew Congregation, Messrs Harris and Goldsmith of Rhyl, and Mr Silver of Buckley. Also present were several influential Christians including the Vicar of Rhyl. Refreshments were provided at the Wynstay Arms Hotel.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1896 page 21
On Sunday the whole congregation was entertained by Mr S. Green on the occasion of the Redemption of his first-born son. Rev Abbe Reines of Manchester was the 'Cohen'. In the afternoon he gave a sermon which lasted two hours. A collection was made for Manchester Talmud Torah.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1896 page 18
Annual General Meeting, I.  Carasov in the chair. Elected: I. Carasov, President; S. Green, Treasurer; M. Kelly, Hon Sec. Committee - L. Adler, W. Karasik. Trustee E. Nove.

Wrexham Advertiser 12 September 1896 page 5
Jewish New Year commenced on Monday evening at sunset. Special services were held in every synagogue. ‘The celebration was observed in Wrexham by the large number of Jews worshipping at the synagogue in Hill-street’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1898 page 29
General Meeting on Sunday. B. Adler elected President, and A. Greenberg Hon Sec. Decided engage the services of a teacher for the children of the members of the congregation which is rapidly growing.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1898 page 29
At the half-yearly meeting S. Green gave a favourable financial report. Rev J. Rees gave an address based on the forthcoming festivals.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1898 page 28
On Sunday, the children of the Wrexham New Hebrew Congregation were entertained by Mr Levinsohn. A short examination was held of those attending the Hebrew Schools under the guidance of Mr Levy, and proved very satisfactory. Wants of the children were well looked after by Misses Carasov and Messrs J. Glants and A. Rosenberg.

Wrexham Advertiser, 14 January 1899 page 1
Sale by Auction. In Bankruptcy. Re Solomon Myers 1 Victoria Terrace, Wrexham. Furniture and other effects by order of the Official Receiver.

Wrexham Advertiser, 14 January 1899 page 6
Wrexham County Court. Motion by Mrs Isaacson for an order on the Official Receiver to withdraw from 26 Yorke Street and to deliver to her the whole of the stock in trade and effects being her property and also the goods and chattels at 1 Victoria Terrace which she claims as her property. Judgement that Mrs Isaacson had not established her claim to property at 1 Victoria Terrace. Barnett Myers, a boy not yet 17, assistant to Mrs Isaacson of 26 Yorke Street since July 1898. His father left on 1st July after disposing of his business to Mrs Isaacson and applied the money for his passage to South Africa. Question for court – ownership of £25 in Barnett’s possession. Judgement, the £25 belonged to Solomon Myers and should be paid to Official Receiver as part of Myers’s estate.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1899 page 23
Services of the Old Hebrew Congregation were conducted by J. Goldenberg. He and the President, S. Liberson, and the Treasurer Bernard Myers, prepared the synagogue for divine worship.

Wrexham Advertiser, 17 June 1899 page 8
Wrexham National School. School team won Challenge Shield of Wrexham and District Football League. Team includes John Carasov.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1899 page 25
The two congregations at Wrexham have become united and at the annual meeting on Sunday these were elected: President J. Carasov; Treasurer S. Bloom; Secretary Marcus L. Woolfe(sic); Committee W. Karasov and D. Morgies. The Rev Lewis Smorgansky delivered an address in which he said that the members should work harmoniously. There should not be two congregations in a small community where it was difficult to support one.

Wrexham Advertiser, 12 August 1899 page 5
Jewish Wedding, at St James’s Hall. Hall well filled. Miss Sarah Carasov, daughter of Mr Joseph Carasov, Alexandra Road, and Mr Barnett Davies of Glasgow. Rabbi Mr A. Rutkowski, Hope Place, Liverpool, accompanied by Mr H. W. Curlander, registrar and secretary of Hope Place Synagogue.
[Marriage. Sarah Carasov September 1899 Liverpool 8b 378//Barnett Davies]

Wrexham Advertiser, 2 September 1899 page 6
Wrexham National School. Examination results. Certificate of Merit Group IV Abram Carasov.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1899 page 28
Day of Atonement services of the united congregation were largely attended. Conducted by H. Shereshefsky of Liverpool and Mr Smorgansky.

Wrexham Advertiser, 30 December 1899 page 9
‘Churches and Chapels’ ‘Hebrew Congregation. Synagogue, Queen-street’

Wrexham Advertiser, 24 February 1900 page 6
Yates case finally heard. Much evidence given. Case dismissed.
[Rosenthal described as general dealer.]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1900 page 27
Half-yearly meeting of the congregation, J. Carasov presiding. The Hon Sec and Treasurer Max L. Woolfe presented the balance sheet. He regretted that the members shirked their responsibility and that all the work was left to one or two of the members. Decided to defer the question of shechita until the next meeting.

Wrexham Advertiser, 5 May 1900 page 3
Football match. Erddig Wanderers v. Newton Albion. Albion includes John Carasov.

Wrexham Advertiser, 5 May 1900 page 3
Joseph Mack, picture framer, of the Public Hall, Henblas Street, summoned Napoleon Bensa, formerly in his employ for assault, having been hit by a hammer. Defendant fined 2s 6d and costs.

Wrexham Advertiser, 26 May 1900 page 5
Two meetings in the Conservative Rooms to be addressed by three Hebrews – Israel Sunlight from Russia, Mr Khodadad from Persia, and Mr Schor from Jerusalem. Collections will be made on behalf of the Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews
[One example from many in the newspaper]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1900 page 20
Annual general meeting was held at the synagogue, Bradley Road. The President J. Carasov was re-elected. Treasurer elected S. Bloom; Hon Sec Max L. Woolfe re-elected; Committee - W. Karasov re-elected and I. Beaver elected.

Wrexham Advertiser, 8 September 1900 page 6
Wrexham National Schools. June exam in Religious Knowledge. Boys Class III Certificates of Merit. Includes Abraham Carasov.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1900 page 27
New Year services were held at the synagogue, Bradley Road. Conducted by Rev Lewis Smorgonsky(sic) who also delivered an address before the afternoon services. S. Bloom read Musaph service on first day and J. Carasov on second day. 'Both gentlemen gave their services gratuitously'.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1900 page 34
Special Chanucah Service and the children were examined by S. Bloom. The new minister and teacher, Rev L. Abrahamson of Oxford was complimented on the improvement in the Hebrew classes. The President J. Carasov tendered his resignation.

Wrexham Advertiser, 29 December 1900, Supplement page 9
‘Churches and Chapels’ ‘Hebrew Congregation, synagogue, Queen Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1901 page 26
The order of prayers was conducted at synagogue, Bradley Road, by Rev. L. Abrahamson, who also delivered a discourse. Several Christians were present.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1901 page 29
Half-yearly general meeting. Finances showed a slight improvement despite a fall in membership through several of the old members leaving the district.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1902 page 1
Marriage on 26 February, Barnard Meredith Rowe MRCS Eng, 12 Gibson Street, N, 7th son of the late William Rowe CE of Wrexham to Emily second daughter of Israel Alexander, 32 Landsdowne Square, N.

Naturalisation. 29 January 1903
Ellis Rosenthall, 77 Rhonddu Rd, Wrexham. Aged  37, from Bialystok. Clothier. 2 children

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1903 page 1
Death of Sara Rebecca Landaw formerly Younkman, late of West Hartlepool. Mother, inter alia, of Mrs J. Mack of 27 Lambpitt Road, Wrexham.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1905 page 25
30 Jews in Wrexham

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1905 page VIII
New Year Greetings.
Mr & Mrs Henry Mack, nee Annie Black, 23 Trevor St, Wrexham

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1905 page 32
Services were conducted by Rev J.M. Books and Mr J. Carasov.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1906 page 30
Meeting of congregation at 84 Bradley Road. Mr J. Gilberg of London in chair. The president, J. Carasov, tendered his resignation but at the request of the meeting consented to remain in office until after the New Year festivities. Elected: J. Mack, Treasurer; M. Levensohn, Hon Sec; J. Haft and J. Glantz, Committee

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1906 page 39
Letter received from several Jewish residents (unnamed). 'We notice in your columns of May 11th, a report of a meeting of the Wrexham Hebrew Congregation, and announcing the election of officers. This was quite a surprise to us, as we had no notice or summons to attend a meeting, and we state that the persons named in the report were the only ones present at the meeting'. They also commented on the management of the officers of the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1906 page 46
The president, Mr J. Mack, replies to the letter. 'The aggrieved(?) parties have not supported the Congregation either personally or financially for many years. Are they entitled to be called to a meeting for the election of Management Committee? Decidedly not!'

23 August 1906. Passenger List Leaving UK 1890-1960
Liverpool to Montreal. Ship ‘Tunisia’
Rosie Glantz, Wife; Mary Glantz, Child; Benny Glantz; Rachel Glantz; Dorah Glantz; Sarah Glantz; Leah Glantz, Infant.
[Family of Max Glantz]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906 page 31
Services were conducted by Joseph Carasov.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1906 page 34
Meeting of congregation. All the officers were re-elected. The Rev Mr Berkowitz, the newly-elected minister, was formally introduced to the meeting.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1906 page 37
Letter from 'J.C.' [Joseph Carasov] He has lived in Wrexham for 11 years. Has tried to get tradesmen to come and place them in good shops through the Dispersion Committee in London. But they would not stay because there was not an English teacher and minister. Even old members left the town for this reason and also on account of trifling misunderstandings which could have been remedied if there had been a minister. Now they have secured a gentleman and even in the short time he has been there, there has been a marked improvement in the children and members. Small differences have been sunk.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1907 page 28
Rev Mr Berkowitz, minister, has written to the local press protesting against statements as to overcrowding by Jews made in a meeting of the Town Council and the tone adopted by one of the speakers against the Jews. He points out that there are only 10 Jewish families in Wrexham each of whom occupies a separate house and they are scattered over the town.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1907 page 31
Last Sunday Rev M. Berkowitz examined the Hebrew Classes. 'The children showed remarkable proficiency in all branches of religious instruction'. The president, J. Carasov, thanked Mr  Berkowitz for his devotion to the welfare of the congregation. His vote of thanks to Berkowitz seconded by Mr E. Carasow(sic) of Rhyl. At a recent meeting of the Town Council the charge of overcrowding was considered. Two councillors both said they were not anti-Jewish but conditions of labour should be the same for Jews and no-Jews. One said that sanitary conditions in Jewish places were not satisfactory. Mr Berkowitz has published another letter in the press.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1907 page 29
Pesach services were conducted by Rev M. Berkowitz assisted by the president, J. Carasov. On the last day Berkowitz preached on 'Immortality of the soul'.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1907 page 34
De W.M. Feldman of London elected representative for Wrexham at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1907 page 27
Shevuoth services were conducted by Rev Mr Berkowitz and the president, Mr J. Carasov. Mr Berkowitz preached on 'Religion and Nature'.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1907 page 10
Long letter from Berkowitz about the Jewish Religious Union. Opposed to it.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1907 page 32
Berkowitz elected Marriage Secretary of the Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1907 page 8
Long letter from Berkowitz re Lord Swaythling's intention of appointing a Chief Minister for East London in opposition to Chief Rabbi. Berkowitz supports the Chief Rabbi.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1908 page 25
Death on 13 December 1907 in Liverpool, formerly of Wrexham, Benjamin, husband of Sana(sic) Adler.
[Death. Benjamin Adler December 1907 aged 57 Liverpool 8b 111]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1908 page 25
Meeting in Wrexham to consider the advisability of uniting the Chester and Wrexham congregations. Negatived. Mr J. M. Mack presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1908 page 27
Letter to Editor
‘SIR.- I wish to appeal to you with reference to the Chester and Wrexham congregations. As you are aware, Sir, for many years a struggle has been going on, and at last we have managed to arrive at a settlement. In the meantime, many members have left Wrexham, as they had no prospect of obtaining Jewish education, &c., for their children. Such has been the case in Chester also, and it has been a great disadvantage to us. This, in my opinion, is caused by the conduct of those at headquarters (London) who sent us a man incapable of creating a new spirit in a people who were so much oppressed and who have learned to differ one from the other. If any prominent gentleman would visit these small places at least twice or three times a year, he would learn what is required to effect an improvement. The numbers would not diminish, but increase. At present Wrexham cannot keep the congregation in going order for lack of support, as the whole matter practically rests with one family and its connections, who constitute more than one-half of the whole body. I firmly believe that if the two communities could come to a thorough understanding, we would be able to keep a good man to teach us the habits and customs in the peaceful land wherein we dwell. The journey between both places only occupies about twenty minutes and whatever each community is able to pay will be satisfactory, as we do not seek any individual interest. If something is not done soon, both congregations will disappear. Had I been in office when Mr. Berkowitz was our minister, he would not have left, and Wrexham and Chester would, ere now, have been united.
I beg to state that the matter has been considered by the residents in both places, and they request you to bring this matter to the notice of the public.
Wrexham                                  Yours obediently,
                                                            J. MACK

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1908 page 33
Letter to the editor in response to previous one.
The scheme that Mack proposes is unworkable. Friction would arise through a minister officiating for two congregations though only separated by a rail journey of 20 minutes. Difficulties would arise on Sabbaths and Festivals. Also religious instruction to children could only be given in the evenings. Amalgamation would give rise to greater difficulties and it is better to leave things as they are. His own congregation has no intention of amalgamating with any other congregation.
Chester                                  M.BLANK

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1908 page XV
New Year Greetings. Mr & Mrs Max L. Woolfe and son, Bevholm, Norman-road, Wrexham.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1908 pp. 16-17
Letter from A. Snadowitch, 24 Norman Road, Wrexham. Apparently the shochet. About the difficulties of a shochet being under the control of a non-Jewish butcher.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1908 page 32
Great loss to Wrexham of the departure of Joseph M. Mack for Liverpool. He has lived in Wrexham about 12 years. Esteemed in all parts. Has left just when there was possibility of being elected to the Municipal Council. Two years ago two councillors made unfounded statements about overcrowding and insanitary conditions. He and Rev Berkowitz defended the community. One of the councillors withdrew his remarks. On 2 November Mack intended to contest the seat occupied by the other councillor who would not withdraw his remarks 'though he stood condemned by the Sanitary Inspector's report'. But business compelled him to move to Liverpool.

Naturalisation 6 November 1908
Berco Chatin known as Barnet Harris. Born Poltava, Aged 44. Tailor. 10 children. 11 Smithfield Road, Wrexham.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1908 page 32
Annual meeting of the congregation. Mr B. Harris presided. Elected: B. Harris, Treasurer; Max L. Woolfe, Hon Secretary. Mrs Reuben was thanked for defraying the cost of renovating the synagogue for the festivals.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1908 page 23
Ref to Mr B. Pearlman as delegate for Wrexham to the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1909 page 7
Conference of Anglo-Jewish Ministers. From Wrexham - A. Snadowitch

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1909 page 17
Application by Wrexham to Board of Deputies for a reduction of assessment was agreed.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1910 page 16
Re Jewish Dispersion Committee. Wrexham is one of the places to which families have been sent.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1910 page 17
Board of Deputies. Dr W. M. Feldman as Wrexham's representative.

Part 2, 1911-2009

The Jews of Wrexham, a History by Harold Pollins

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Formatted by David Shulman

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Page most recently amended: 9 April 2017

Formatted by David Shulman


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