the former

Walsall Jewish Community

Walsall, West Midlands




Notes and Press Reports relating to the Walsall Jewish Community
1873 - 1951
Prepared by Harold Pollins

Note on the origins of the community

Although the formal congregation in Walsall was a Second World War creation a number of individual Jews lived there long before that period.  Probably the first Jews to live there were David Karney and his family. The father was born in London in about 1819 as was his wife Fanny in 1825.  They had children born in Walsall from 1847. Other families which can be identified in the Censuses until 1901 were headed by Simeon Marks, Abraham Rosenthall, Harry Davis, Henry Wearing,  Isaac Albert, Lazarus Posnansky, Abraham Wineberg, and Marks Cohrs.


The following references to the Walsall community appeared in the pages of the Jewish Chronicle:

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1873, page 1
On 26 ult at the residence of the brides parents by Rev L. Chapman assisted by Rev G.J. Emanuel, marriage of J.H. Wearing of Walsall to Kate, eldest daughter of D. Karney of the same place.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1873, page 19
Annual subscription to the Jews Hospital, Norwood, Simon Marks, Walsall.”

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1891, page 3
Contributor to fund for Jewish refugees from Russia. Harris Davis, Walsall.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1894, page 1
On 17 January at the Wolverhampton Synagogue by Rev Isaac Levi, Ettie, 3rd daughter of  David Tumpowsky of 8 St Jamess Square. Wolverhampton to Myer Rosenfeld of Belfast and Walsal.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1897, page 1
Death on 26 May at Walsall, Fanny Karney, aged 72.”

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, page xxvii. (New Year Supplement)
Mr & Mrs Harry Davis of 129 Hatherton Rd, Walsall.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1921, page 2
Death on 15 July of Leah Posnansky, widow of late Lazarus) aged 76.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1922, page 32
Lewis Pinsky, dentist, sentenced to two months hard labour at Old Street Police Court for stealing jewellery and £9 belonging to Alice Goldstein, a cigarette-maker, of Bethnal Green. A warrant had been issued against him in 1920 for neglecting to maintain his wife (now in Walsall workhouse) and his 4 children. Pinsky apparently owed from £400 to £1,000.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1942, page 11
“Inaugural meeting of the Walsall congregation held last week. H.Bergman, President; E. Weiner Vice-President; S. Kapp, Treasurer;  Isaac Bergman, Secretary.
As soon as funds allow premises will be take for a synagogue, communal hall, and social club. Jewish residents are asked to get in touch with the secretary at 190 Litchfield Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1942, page 10
Walsall Centre Opened. Last week, at Oriel Chambers, 13a Bridge Street. Opened by the Mayor. The Mayor said that the local authorities would do all in their power to help the Jewish community.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1951, page 6
Election of Leon Jessel as chairman of the Walsall Junior Chamber of Commerce. Born Offenbach, then in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, then to England in 1939. Interned then came to Walsall where from 1941-5 he was Hon. Sec. of the Walsall Hebrew Congregation which is now defunct.

Walsall Hebrew Congregation & Jewish Community home page

Birmingham & District Jewish Community home page

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 28 May 2006
Page most recently amended: 20 February 2013

Initial formatting by Louise Messik
Reformatted by David Shulman


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