Wallasey Jewish Community

& Hebrew Congregation

Wallesey, Wirral, Merseyside




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Town of Wallasey

Wallasey (population about 59,000) is a town situated on the northwest corner of the Wirral peninsula, in northwest England, on the western side of the River Mersey and adjoining the Irish Sea. Its most south easterly section is Seacombe, which lies opposite Liverpool. Wallasey was a county borough, geographically in the county of Cheshire, until 1974 when it was incorporated into the newly-formed metropolitan borough of Wirral in the metropolitan county of Merseyside. In 1986, Wirral became a unitary authority, when the metropolitan county of Merseyside lost its administrative status, becoming purely a ceremonial county.

The Jewish Community

Although there was a small number of Jews in Wallasey from at least the middle of the nineteenth century, it was not until the early part of the twentieth century that organised Jewish congregations were established. Two such congregations were established, the Wallasey Hebrew Congregation (see below) and the Seacombe Synagogue (dealt with separately).

Congregation Data


Wallasey Hebrew Congregation


27a Falkland Road, Wallasey L44 8EN,(iii) opened on 3 September 1911.
The building, which had a seating capacity of 250 people, was constructed in 1868 and had been used at various times by several different Christian denominations before being acquired by the Jewish community. The opening ceremony was performed by Mr. B. Benas, sen., and the event was marked by full civic honour's, Mayor J.T. Chester and the Mayoress, with members of the Corporation attending in state.(iv)

The synagogue remained in use until 1992, when the congregation decided to abandon its "old and crime-hit synagogue", which had been burgled four times in the previous two years.(v) The building was later demolished.(vi)

(From 2010 the congregation was listed in Jewish Year Books with an address in Grant Road, Wallasey, However, as this was also the address of the congregation's hon. secretary, it was probably just a mailing address and not the address where services were held.)


The congregation was established in 1911(viii) on the acquisition of the synagogue. Prior to then, from 1909, the Jewish community had forming a minyan (which moved from place to place) and established a cheder.(ix)


Status unclear.(x) There is no current information about activities and the congregation is possibly defunct.


Ashkenazi Orthodox


The congregation was an unaffiliated provincial congregation under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

Ministers:  (To view a short profile of a minister whose name appears in blue - hold the cursor over the name.)

Rev. Joshua Bach - minister from 1911 until 1913(xiii)

Rev. (later Rabbi) M. Levy - minister from 1915 until about 1932(xiv)

Rev. J. Shields - minister from about 1933 until about 1935(xv)

Rev. Yehuda Goodman - minister from about 1935 possibly until about 1945(xvi)

Rev. O. Werner - reader from at least 1945 and then minister from 1946 until about 1951(xvii)

Rev. I. Levy - reader in about 1946/7(xx)

Rev. Myer Levenstein - minister in about 1951/2(xxi)

Rabbi Asher Cohn - minister from 1952 until 1957(xxii)

Rev. Ivor Wachmann - minister from about 1958 until about 1962(xxiii)

Rev. Joseph Sinai Zalud - hon. reader during his retirement (about 1950s/1960s)(xxiv)

Rev. Stanley Cohen - minister from about 1963 until about 1967(xxv)

Lay Officers:

Unless otherwise stated, the data below on lay officers has been extracted from listings in Jewish Year Books, which ceased publication in 2015.(xxviii)


1911-1912 - D. Liverman

1912-1915 - W. Dean

1915-1916 - P. Liverman

1916-1919 - M. Lisman

1919-1921 - L. Greenberg

1921-1926 - W. Dean

1926-1928 - A. Nathan

1928-1929 - Samuel Davies

1929-1930 - A. Nathan

1930-1938 - E.P. Mishon

1938-1939 - P.A. Curlender

1939-1940 - W. Dean

1940-1944 - Dr. Sidney Goldstone(xxx)

1945-1947 - D. Mandell

1947-1950 - M. Wilson

1950-1951 - M. Graham-Morris

1951-1952 - L. Cowan

1952-1953 - L. Bubb

1953-1958 - B. Waldman(xxxi)

1958-1959 - B.J. Birley(xxxii)

1959-1962 - Alfred Abrahams(xxxiii)

1962-1969 - no data

1969-1979 - Dr. J. Walman

1979-1981 - P. Greenberg

1981-2015 - D. Daniels

from 2015 - no data


1946-1950 - H.L. Cohen

1950-1952 - P. Salzman

1952-1956 - H. Cassel

from 1956 - no data


1911-1912 - J. Mandel

1912-1914 - M. Berliner

1914-1915 - J. Davies

1915-1916 - M. Lisman

1916-1917 - L. Greenberg

1917-1919 - M. Davies

1919-1924 - A. Nathan

1924-1926 - M. Serodin

1926-1928 - D. Freedman

1928-1930 - E.P. Mishon

1930-1933 - H. Birley

1933-1934 - D. Freedman

1934-1936 - L. Cowan

1936-1938 - P.A. Curlender

1938-1939 - B. Davies

1939-1940 - P.A. Curlender

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - H. Solomon

1946-1947 - J. Brunswick

1947-1948 - M. Hadaly

1948-1949 - B. Waldman

1949-1950 - D. Mandell

1950-1952 - S. Nelson

1952-1954 - S. Michaels

1954-1955 - A. Daulby

1955-1956 - M. Wilson

1956-1957 - R. Daulby(xxxiv)

1957-1958 - S. Freeman(xxxv)

1958-1959 - J. Max(xxxvi)

1959-1963 - no data

1963-1969 - G. Kleiman

1969-1979 - no data

1979-1981 - S. Turner

1981-1983 - D. Crosby

1983-1998 - N.J. Margetts

1998-2015 - D.J. Waldman

from 2015 - no data

Hon. Secretaries

1911-1912 - D. Zablucdow

1912-1914 - M. Berliner

1914-1915 - D. Zablucdow

1915-1924 - I. Solomon

1924-1926 - I. Stein

1926-1930 - Henry Stein

1930-1933 - A.A. Cohen

1933-1939 - I. Lazarus

1939-1940 - J.E. Ellick

1940-1945 - no data

1945-1946 - A.A. Cohen

1946-1947 - I.S. Jacobs

1947-1949 - A.A. Cohen

1949-1959 - P. Zabludow

1959-1963 - no data

1963-1969 - P. Rosen

1969-1975 - A.A. Cohen

1975-1979 - P. Greenberg

1979-2015 - L.S. Goldman

from 2015 - no data

Membership Data:

Reports & Survey(xxxix)

1977 - 29 male (or household) members and 4 female members

1983 - 27 male (or household) members and 10 female members

1990 - 10 male (or household) members

Registration District:

Wirral, since 1 April 1998(xl) - Link to Register Office website

Cemetery Information:

There is no Jewish cemetery in Wallasey.


Search the All-UK Database

The records in the database associated with Wallasey include:

  • 1851 Anglo Jewry Database (as of the 2016 update)

    • Individuals in the "1851" database who were living in Wallasey during the 1840s (2 records), 1850s (5 records) and 1900s (1 record).


Online Articles and Other Material
relating to the Wolverhampton Jewish Community


  • Press cutting from The Wallesay News of 4 March 1961 commemorating joint golden jubilee of the foundation of the synagogue and the incorporation of the Wallasey municipal borough.

Notable Jewish Connections with Wallasey

(courtesy Steven Jaffe)

  • Arnold Chazen (1931-2002), born in Wallasey, was a professional singer, choir master at Wembley and Marble Arch synagogues and beadle of New West End synagogue from 1990 until 2002.

  • Sir Clifford Grant, born in Wallasey (died 2014) was senior resident magistrate in Kenya and Hong Kong. As Chief Justice of Fiji (1974-1980) he was briefly acting President of the island nation. He was knighted in 1977.

Other Wallasey Jewish Institutions & Organisations

Educational & Theological

  • Hebrew Schools - founded by 1927 and existed until at least 1940(xlv)
    Known Headmasters (other than the congregation's minister) - M. Miller (1927/8); and A. Silvery (early 1930s).

  • Religious Classes and Talmud Torah - from at least 1915.(xlvi)

  • Talmud Study Circle - from at least 1924.(xlvii)

Other Institutions

  • Wallasey Junior Literary Society - founded by 1915(li)

  • Cycling and Rambling Club - founded by 1918(lii)

  • Jewish Literary Society - founded by 1920(liii)

  • Wallasey Hebrew Philanthropic Society - founded 1924(liv)

  • Meccabi Tennis Club - founded by 1924(lv)

  • Order Shield of David (later Rabbi M. Levy's Lodge Shield of David) - founded by 1927(lviii)

  • Women's Welfare Society - founded by 1927(lix)

  • Young Men's Hebrew Circle - founded by 1935(lx)

  • Wallasey Women's Zionist Society - founded by 1939(lxi)

  • Merseyside Jewish Refugee committee, Wallasey branch - established in 1939, under I. F. Rosen(lxiv)

  • Wallasey Ladies Guild - founded by 1953(lxv)

  • Wallasey Jewish Social and Cultural Society - founded by 1954(xlxvi)


Wallasey Jewish Population Data






(The Jewish Year Book 1952)



(The Jewish Year Book 1958)



(The Jewish Year Book 1985)



(The Jewish Year Book 1989)


Notes & Sources
( returns to text above)

  • (i) and (ii) Reserved.

  • (iii) This was the address listed in Jewish Year Books from the congregation's first appearance (1912) until the 1990s.

  • (iv) History of Wallasey Churches website, accessed May 2024.

  • (v) The Jewish Chronicle 20 November 1992.

  • (vi) The History of Wallasey Churches website states that it was demolished in the later years of the twentieth century.

  • (vii) Reserved.

  • (viii) The congregation was first listed in the Jewish Year Books 1912, and the 1945/6 edition specifically states it was established in 1911.

  • (ix) History of Wallasey Churches website, accessed May 2024.

  • (x) The congregation was still listed in the Jewish Year Book 2015, the last edition to be published.

  • (xi) and (xii) Reserved.

  • (xiii) Rev. J. Bach was listed as minister and teacher of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1912 and 1913.

  • (xiv) The Jewish Chronicle of 30 April 1915 reported on his induction. Listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1916 through 1924 (as Rev.) and 1925 through 1932 (as Rabbi).

  • (xv) Rev. Shields was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1934 and 1935.

  • (xvi) Rev. Goodman was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books from 1936 through 1940, after which publication ceased until the end of the war. He is again listed in the first post war edition (1945/6), but this may have been due to the fact that the publishers had not received updated information.

  • (xvi) Rev. Werner was listed as reader of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1945/6 and then as minister in the editions from 1947 through 1951.

  • (xviii) and (xix) Reserved.

  • (xx) Rev. I. Levy was listed as reader of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1947.

  • (xxi) Rev. Levenstein was listed as minister of the congregation in the Jewish Year Book 1953.

  • (xxii) Rabbi Cohn was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1954 through 1957. His appointment was reported in The Jewish Chronicle of 17 October 1952 and his recent resignation in recent resignation in The Jewish Chronicle of 1 November 1957.

  • (xxiii) Rabbi Wallmann was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1959 through 1962.

  • (xxiv) Rev. Zalud's Jewish Chronicle obituary of 2 December 1966.

  • (xxv) Rev. S. Cohen was listed as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books 1964 through 1967.

  • (xxvi) and (xxvii) Reserved.

  • (xxviii) Where a person is first listed in a year book as holding a particular office, it has been assumed that his term of office commenced in the year of publication of the relevant year book and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor, unless the office was vacant. From 1909, year books were published according to the Gregorian year, being published generally towards the end of the year prior to the year appearing in the title of the year book. For example, if an officer is listed in Jewish Year Books 1919 through 1924, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1918 and continued in office until 1924. However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and, accordingly, his actual years of office may differ somewhat from those shown here. Jewish Year Books were not published during World War II subsequent to 1940. 

  • (xxix) Reserved.

  • (xxx) Dr. Golldstone's Jewish Chronicle Obituary 2 July 1976.

  • (xxxi) B. Waldman was listed as president in the Jewish Year Books 1954 through 1956 and he was reported as being elected president in the Jewish Chronicle of 22 July 1955, 3 August 1956 and 12 July 1957.

  • (xxxii) The Jewish Chronicle of 30 May 1958 reported on J. Birley's election as president at the 1958 annual meeting.

  • (xxxiii) Communication from the son of Alfred Abrahams, Prof. Peter Abrahams. Dates are approximate. The press cutting from The Wallasey News of March 1961 confirms that Mr. Abrahams was serving as president at the time. He was the son of Rev. Hermann Abrahams.

  • (xxxiv) The Jewish Chronicle of 3 August 1956 reported on R. Daulby's election as treasurer at the 1956 annual meeting.

  • (xxxv) The Jewish Chronicle of 12 July 1957 reported on S Freeman's election as treasurer at the 1957 annual meeting.

  • (xxxvi) The Jewish Chronicle of 30 May 1958 reported on J. Max's election as treasurer at the 1958 annual meeting.

  • (xxxvii) and (xxxviii) Reserved.

  • (xxxix) Reports on synagogue membership in the United Kingdom, published by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and which can be viewed on the website of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research. Click HERE for links to the various reports.

  • (xl) Previous Registration Districts: Wirral - from 1 July 1837 to 1 April 1974; and Birkenhead - from 1 April 1974 to 1 April 1998. All registers would now be held by the current office.

  • (xli) to (xliv) Reserved.

  • (xlv) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1928 through 1940.

  • (xlvi) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1916.

  • (xlvii) Listed in Jewish Year Books from 1925 through 1940.

  • (xlviii) to (l) Reserved.

  • (li) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1916.

  • (lii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1919.

  • (liii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1921.

  • (liv) Comment in the Jewish Year Book 1930. It remained listed until 1945/6.

  • (lv) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1925.

  • (lvi) and (lvii) Reserved.

  • (lviii) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1928, with change of name from the 1930 edition.

  • (lix) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1928.

  • (lx) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1936.

  • (lxi) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1940.

  • (lxii) and (lxiii) Reserved.

  • (lxiv) The UK Holocaust map.

  • (lxv) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1954.

  • (lxvi) First listed in the Jewish Year Book 1954.

Wirral Jewish Community home page

Jewish Congregations in Merseyside home page

Jewish Communities of England homepage

Page created: 2 March 2004
Data significantly expanded and notes added: 12 May 2024
Page most recently amended: 16 March 2025

Research by David Shulman, assisted by Steven Jaffe
Formatting by David Shulman

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