the former

Burnley Jewish Community

Burnley, Lancashire





Press Reports relating to the Burnley Synagogue
 and Jewish Community

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Burnley Express and Advertiser, 23 February 1884, page 8

Burnley County Court

Edward Rome, picture frame maker and glazier, brought an action against Solomon Sabbath, also a picture frame maker, of Padiham Road, Burnley, to recover £4.2.9d for wages due. ‘Both parties were Jews’. In December last the plaintiff, who was in the employ of a dealer in Blackburn, called upon the defendant to solicit orders. Subsequently plaintiff was engaged by the defendant and entered on duties on 26 December and remained there until 4 February. Salary to be 15s a week and board and lodging. Actually paid 7s 3d in small amounts. Defendant argued that there was no mention of 15s a week but only board and lodging and as business improved the question of salary would be considered. He had not increased business so not entitled to the amount claimed. Verdict, to the defendant.

Burnley Express and Advertiser, 28 September 1889 page 6

‘Alleged Cold-Blooded Murder of a Burnley Tradesman’

George Gordon, 29, of Manchester, a member of Gordon Furnishing Com which has branches in Bury and Burnley, went to their shop in Bury to see the manager William Dukes. He did not return and as it was Jewish New Year the father and brother went to Bury. Dukes would not give information, so they took him to the police station and demanded the shop be searched. Body found in a wardrobe. Dukes arrested. The company consists of Samuel Gordon and two sons George and Meyer, living in Exchange Street, Cheetham. Deceased was widower with 3 sons. Father and sons in business 5 years and shops at Bury and Burnley opened 3 years. Reference to bro-in-law Fabian Goldstone, manager of the branch in Burnley.

Burnley Express and Advertiser, 22 October 1889 page 3


Burial at Crumpsall Hebrew Cemetery of George Gordon of Burnley, according to Jewish ritual. The body was brought by road from Bury in a hearse and shortly before it arrived at Mr Gordon’s residence, 7 Exchange Street, Cheetham, the boys from the Talmud Torah Orphan School in Knowsley Street visited the house and chanted several Psalms in Hebrew. The mourners included Mr S. Goldstone, father-in-law. A crowd of over 1,000 were round the open grave.
[Death George Gordon December 1889 aged 29 Bury 8c 339]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1894, page 17

During the Holy days services were held in Burnley for the first time, a suitable room, specially fitted up as a synagogue, having been lent for the occasion by Mr. N.S. Bernstein, dentist. Mr. Ginsberg read both services on the New Year, and all the Day of Atonement services except Mincha. During the past twelve months the number of Jewish families in Burnley has been considerably augmented, and it is hoped shortly to establish there a regular congregation.
[Bernstein should be Burstein]

Lancashire Trades Directory
, 1895

Page 197. M. Zacharias, Picture Frame Maker, 10 Westgate, Burnley.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1895, page 15

On the 25th ult., the Jewish inhabitants of Burnley and district consecrated their new synagogue. At last year’s High Festivals they had a Minyan for the first time, and have since then formed themselves into a congregation, of which Mr. E. Denby is President, Mr. S. Shabbatt, of Nelson, Vice-President and Treasurer, and Mr. M. Zacharias, Acting Hon. Secretary. Mr. Shabbatt drew the plans for the interior fittings and decorations, had all the work carried out under his personal supervision, and found the balance required to meet the expenses. He also bought a new Sepher Torah, at his own expense, for the occasion. The interior of the synagogue is handsomely decorated. Mr. T. Goldstein presented the curtains for the Ark, one of magnificent tapestry and the other white, Mr. Williams, cover for reading-desk, Mr. N.S. Goldstein, clock, Mr. M. Zacharias, Ark, Mrs. Shabbatt, decoration for the windows. Mr. Rosenson, of Blackburn, who was one of the invited guests, acted as Reader on the occasion and impressively conducted the service. Mr. and Mrs. Shabbatt invited about sixty ladies and gentlemen, Jews and Christians, to a repast, and an enjoyable evening was spent Mr. S. Saks, of Blackburn, proposed the health of the Queen, which was heartily honoured, as was also the health of the Host and Hostess. - A Christian who was present at the synagogue wrote to the Burnley Express: “The opening of the synagogue in Burnley on Sunday last was quite an unusual event, and I, as an Englishman, was alive to the privilege of attending for once the ceremonial of the ancient religion. As a mere observer I was much impressed by the way in which everything was done in due and ancient form. The unrolling of the Scripture Parchment, the Ark and Covenant and all the rapt attention of the worshippers was quite a revelation. I am not able to describe all the various furnishings, but from what I saw I could leap back better the days of King Solomon’s Temple, and could realise better than ever I had done before the magnificence of that building. I was received with all courtesy and afterwards I left with a feeling of respect for the Jewish religion and people”.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1895 page 18

‘BURNLEY. Mr. N. S. Burnstein(sic) writes to the effect that as the Burnley Synagogue was recently consecrated , is without a minister for the coming festivals, he, though a layman offered to deliver a short address on the first day of Rash Hashanah, the subject chosen being: “What is Prayer and how shall we pray?” The President of the Congregation thankfully accepted Mr. Burnstein’s offer, but other officers convened a special meeting on Sunday which rejected the offer without knowing the nature of the address. The reason given was to avoid creating ill-feeling. Mr. Burnstein complains that the courtesy was not shown to him of inviting him to the meeting. He has sent a copy of his rejected address, which deserves a word of praise’.

Burnley Express, 21 September 1895 page 5

‘Jewish Festival at Burnley’

‘Jewish New Year’s  Days Festivals which have just been kept at the recently established synagogue at Burnley’.
‘The Ark stands in a canopy of imitation white and grey marble and on the top there are in Hebrew characters the following inscription:- on the south side, “Hear, O Israel, our God is one”; on the west side, “This is the Gate of the Lord,” and a little lower, “Open the Gates of Heaven for our Prayers,” and on the north side, “To Thee, O God, I always call” … There is a representation of the two stones on the western front, occupying the position of a keystone and representing the ten Commandments’.

Jewish Year Book 1896-7 (first issue)

Burnley: Jewish population 30.
Synagogue 20 Sandygate, founded 1895.
President S. Schabatt[sic], Secretary M. Zacharias.
This Synagogue is the private property of the President, and is supported by voluntary contributions.
The children attend the Voluntary Sunday School for religious instruction, 6 boys and 4 girls.

Directory of Burnley and Vicinity, 1896

Nelson, page 404:
Brothers Schabatt, Oil Merchants and Commision Agents, Carr Road.
Sergius Schabatt (Schabatt Brothers), Auctioneer and Valuer.

Burnley, page 213:
Eli Denby, 19 Oxford Street, Draper.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1898 page 23

‘State of employment. Blackburn and Burnley. Tailors continuing well employed.’

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1900 page 1

‘Engagement. Leah eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Denby, 151 Rectory road, Burnley, to J. Potashin, Liverpool’.
[No marriage found. A Jacob Potashin married Goldie Lack later in 1900, in Liverpool]

Bene Schabatt. Baptised at age 31 on 24 February 1901 at St Philips Salford. Parents Gregory and Ida. 33 Thompson Street, Lower Broughton, Salford, Electrician, aged 31.

Burnley Express, 28 December 1901 page 3

T.C.Palmer. The Cash Tailor.Opened 23 November 1901, 109 and 111 St James’s Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1902 page 31

‘TAILORS. – Good vest-makers wanted for quality 40 to 50(sic). Apply Palmer, Cash Tailor, St James’s-street. Burnley, Lancashire’.

Burnley Express, 24 January 1906 page 2

‘The Burnley Jewish community have formed a new congregation. The Rev. J. Levin, of Blackburn, is elected minister and teacher to the classes, and Mr. S. Black, president’.

Burnley Gazette, 27 January 1906 page 5

‘The Jewish residents of Burnley have formed themselves into a congregation, and will meet for worship in Rectory-road. The Rev. J. Levin, of Blackburn, has been appointed pastor’.

Jewish Year Book 1906

Burnley, Hebrew Congregation (Founded 1906)
Minister Rev I. Levin
President S. Black
Hon Sec J. Simmons

Burnley Express, 21 August 1907 page 7

3 people charged with pilfering from Cohen’s Penny Bazaar St James’s Street. All discharged.
[see 1 June 1916]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1908 page 1

Birth of a son on Tuesday 14 January at 14 Elmwood Street, Leeds, to the wife of Sol Blackston, of Burnley (nee Bessie Morris).

Burnley Express, 9 May 1908 page 8

At Nelson, in the Conservative Club, Mr B. Schabbatt ‘gave a most instructive lecture on “Russia” ’

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1909, page 36

‘SHOCHET and TEACHER wanted; young man preferred; wage £1 per week; small Jewish community. Apply Blackston, 110 Colne-road, Burnley, Lancs.’

Jewish Year Book 1910

Minister Rev I. Levin

Naturalisation Certificate of Declaration
Oath of Allegiance 26 February 1910

Solomon Blackston, 10 Tennis Street, Burnley
Born 23 October 1879 in Piatra in County of Niamtz
Son of Aron and Goldie
A merchant tailor
2 sons, Sydney aged 2 years, Gordon aged 6 months

Jewish Chronicle
, 28 July 1911, page 2

WANTED, Shochet-Teacher, combined, for small congregation; salary 25/- weekly and house. State age, &c., by letter to A. Cowen, 130, St. James‘-street, Burnley’.

Burnley Gazette
, 9 September 1911 page 5

Marriage at the Old Synagogue, Cheetham, Manchester, of Miss Rebecca Black, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Black of Burnley, to Harry Herman, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs S. Herman of Manchester.
[Marriage. Rebecca Black September 1911 Prestwich 8d 770//Harry Herman]

Jewish Chronicle
, 13 October 1911, page 2

WANTED, Shochet (Teacher combines) for small congregation; able to translate Hebrew into English; married, small family preferred; wages 25/- weekly, rent free. Apply Cowen, 130 St. James’-street’.

Jewish Chronicle
, 12 January 1912 page 32

Burnley. Last Sunday the newly-formed Hebrew congregation held its consecration service, all members being present. Rev A. Krout(sic), resident shochet, conducted the evening service and the juvenile choir which he is training ‘was a very useful adjunct’. After the service a reception was held and the minister delivered a lecture ‘of a nature to encourage a new congregation.’ President A. Cowen (supported by the vice-president S. Blackstone(sic) and the Secretary J.D. Fink) also spoke’.

Jewish Chronicle
, 2 February 1912, page 22

‘Burnley. At a domestic gathering held recently the Rev. A. Kraut urged the formation of a Hebrew and Jewish History Class for the members of the congregation. The suggestion was supported by all present’.

Jewish Chronicle
, 16 February 1912 Young Israel page 3

Welcome to the League, Alec Kraut, Burnley.

Burnley Express
, 24 April 1912 page 2

‘The Burnley Education Committee has refused the use of a room for the teaching of Hebrew to Jewish children’.

Jewish Chronicle
, Young Israel page 3

From Isabel Fine. Children of the Burnley Hebrew Congregation have collected 11s. for charity: 3s 6d to Old People’s Comfort Home, 3s 6d to the Children’s Orphanage and 4 shillings to the Penny Dinner Fund.

Burnley Express
, 8 June 1912 page 12

Several people charged with stealing and receiving railway tickets. One receiver was Mendle Abrahams (47) painter, Grimshaw street, Joseph David Fink (38), tailor, Nelson Square, and his wife Annie (30). Abrahams found guilty £10 and costs or two months. Case against Fink adjourned for a week.

Burnley Gazette
, 15 June 1912 page 5

J. D. Fink and wife and another charged with receiving railway tickets knowing them to be stolen. Fink fined £8 and five guineas costs.

Jewish Chronicle
, 26 July 1912, page 22

‘Burnley. The annual meeting of the congregation  was held last Sunday. The balance-sheet showed a satisfactory state of affairs. The following were elected: Messrs. S. Blackstone, president; Fine, vice-president; I. Franks, hon. Secretary; A. Lever, treasurer; and a committee of five’.
Rev A. Kraut of Burnley elected minister for Blackburn.

Burnley Express
, 24 August 1912 page 1

Mendle Abrahams, 29 Grimshaw Road, Burnley
Painter, Paperhanger and Decorator
Mills painted and whitewashed.
Established 25 years
[repeated at least once 28 March 1914 page 1]

Jewish Chronicle
, 19 September 1912 New Year Greetings page xxvii

Mrs and Mrs Cowen 150 St James’s St, Burnley.

Jewish Chronicle
, 19 September 1912 New Year Greetings page xxix

Mr and Mrs Joe Fink, 24 Nelson Square, Burnley.

Burnley Express
, 19 October 1912 page 10

‘S. Blackston. High Class Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Tailor
Begs to inform the Public generally that he has opened a
All work done under my own supervision at 110, Colne-road, Burnley’
[Appears to be the first of many, frequent adverts by the firm for many years]

Burnley News
, 1 March 1913, page 3

D. Flacks
Lancashire’s Leading Mantle and Costume Manufacturer
∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙
73 St James’s Street, Burnley
[Frequent adverts until 19 July 1930]

Burnley Express
, 5 April 1913 page 14

Advert by moneylender P. Cohen, ‘The Private Lender’
7 Crow Nest, St James’s Street near Westgate).
[similar adverts for a period]

Jewish Chronicle
, 26 September 1913 New Year Greetings page xvii

Mr and Mrs Cowen, 130 St James’s Street.

Jewish Chronicle
, 5 December 1913 page 10

A, M. Langdon KC elected Master of the Bench of the Inner Temple. Was appointed Recorder of Burnley in 1909.

Manchester Evening News
, 27 April 1914 page 4

At Colne today Solomon Blackstone(sic), a tailor of Burnley, was fined 2s 6d for driving a motor cycle with the rear registration number not visible. This happened on 19 April. A lady was in the sidecar and another seated behind him with her coat dangling over the registration plate and obscuring it.

Jewish Chronicle
, 10 July 1914 page 2

Death on 29 June at 57 Rectory Road, after a painful illness, Isabel in her 20th year, daughter of Mr and Mrs Fine.
[Death. Isabel R. Fine June 1914 aged 19 Burnley 8e 290]

Jewish Chronicle
, 26 March 1915 page 2

Death on 16 March, aged 63, at Burnley of Marks Cohen, late of Manchester.
[Death. Marks Cohen March 1915 aged 63 Burnley 8e 349]

Jewish Chronicle
, 30 April 1915 page 25

Induction at Wallasey of Rev M. Levy, late of Burnley.

Jewish Chronicle
, 16 July 1915 page 21

A. M. Langdon KC appointed Recorder of Salford in place of similar position in Burnley.

Burnley News
, 12 January 1916 page 4

‘Suicide of a Jewess’
Minnie Rosenbloom (28) wife of Eli Rosenbloom, journeyman tailor, of 123 Parliament Street, investigated by coroner yesterday. Eli Rosenbloom said he married deceased about 6 years ago. Latterly she was depressed. Her 15-year old sister lived with her up to her going to Leeds last July. Also she had brother in army. She had threatened to take her life. Evidence given by Flora Cohen her sister-in-law of 121 Parliament Street.
Verdict: suicide while temporarily insane.

Burnley News
, 19 January 1916 page 6

Death on 10 January of Minnie Rosenbloom, 28, Parliament Street.

Burnley News
, 22 January 1916 page 3

Borough Police Court. A druggist was summoned for selling a bottle of carbolic acid which did not carry the name of the vendor, to Minnie Rosenbloom. She had committed suicide by taking carbolic acid. She lived a few doors away from the druggist.

Jewish Chronicle
, 4 February 1916 page 4

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Burnley Hebrew Community £3.2.6
(R. Prinsky 21s, S. Blackston and S. Waldman 10s 6 each, E. Rosenbloom 5s, M. Abraham, M. Class and T. Hennemour 2s 6d each, S. Goldberg 2s, A. Lever and J. Coryen 2s, A. Black 1s.)

Burnley News
, 1 June 1916 page 10

Cohen’s Penny Bazaar still operative. Address 94 St James’s Street. Owner is J. Cohen, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Operated by a manager.

Jewish Year Book

Minister Rev S. Levy

Jewish Chronicle
, 6 October 1916 page 3

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Burnley Committee: Mrs Eidelstein 2 amounts 8s, Miss Colby 2s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle
, 1 December 1916 page 4

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Collected at Burnley by S. Blackston 18s.

Jewish Chronicle
, 5 January 1917 page 1

Sydney, eldest son of Mr and Mrs E. Prinsky, 312 Padiham Road, Burnley, will read portion of the law at Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool, on 13 January. ‘At Home’, 16 Lancaster Avenue, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle
, 18 May 1917 page 2

Shochet and Teacher wanted for Burnley. Wages 35s weekly. Apply S.Blackston, 110 Colne Road, Burnley.
[repeated 15 June 1917 page 2]

Lancashire Evening Post
, 14 August 1918 page 4

At Burnley today Eli Rosenbloom, a Russian Jew, was summoned as an alien along with wife Annie Rosenbloom, for their changing their address without notifying the police. Defendants went to Leeds and reported to the police but failed to notify Burnley police. Mrs Rosenbloom said she sent her niece to Burnley Town Hall before they left but the office was closed. In each case fined 10 shillings.

Jewish Chronicle
, 28 February 1919 page 4

Simon Black, Burnley, 10s to the Billion Penny Fund of 10 Great Garden St, London E1.

Jewish Chronicle
, 26 September 1919 page 1

Betrothal. Minnie, 4th daughter of Mr and Mrs H. L. Powell, Glasgow, to Harry, 3rd son of Mr and the late Mrs A. Black, 133 Westgate, Burnley.
[No marriage found in England and Wales]

Will of Bene Schabatt of 13 Market Street, Nelson, died 12 November 1919 at the County Asylum, Whittingham, Lancs. Effects £206 5s.9d

Jewish Chronicle
, 2 January 1920 page 41

Collected at bar mitzvah of Benjamin, son of Mr Samuel Waltman(sic), Burnley, £6 for Central Committee for Relief of Polish Jews.

Jewish Chronicle
, 30 January 1920 page 27

At meeting at house of Mr Morris Class a substantial sum was collected for the Palestine Restoration Fund. Mr B. Stone of the Zionist Organisation delivered an address. Mr Waldman presided and made an appeal for the Fund and gave a substantial contribution. It was intended to canvass all Jewish residents who were not at meeting.

Jewish Year Book

Minister Rev S. Levy

Jewish Chronicle
, 7 January 1921 page 1

Sidney Blackston, elder son of Mr and Mrs S. Blackston, 110 Colne Road, Burnley, will read portion of the Law and Maftir at Burnley Synagogue on 15 January.

Jewish Chronicle
, 28 January 1921 page 22

At celebration of bar mitzvah of Sydney(sic) Blackston there was a discussion on the establishment of a synagogue. An appeal by Mr I. Morris of Leeds produced £12, to be divided between the Leeds and Manchester Boards of Guardians and the Ukrainian Relief Fund.

Burnley Express
, 19 February 1921 page 5

Man charged at Burnley Police Court with breaking into confectioner’s shop at 146 St James’s Street and stealing clothes. The confectioner sub-let two rooms at the top to Mendle Ordman and his wife, minister of the Burnley Hebrew congregation.

Burnley News
, 6 April 1921 page 3

Morris Class, Plumbe Street, summoned at Clitheroe for driving a motor car to the danger of the public. More than 30 mph and ran into footpath. Fined £5 and 7s 6d costs.

Burnley News
, 23 April 1921 page 6

Burnley tailor named Simon Black (56) 31 a Yorkshire Street, summoned for travelling on railway without paying proper fare, travelled first class on 3rd class ticket. Fined 20s with special costs, total £3.7s.

Burnley News
, 8 October 1921 page 6

Alleged theft from a safe.
Isaac Yules, 45, tailor, pleaded not guilty to stealing on 30 August two diamond rings, a gold wristlet watch, and other jewellery to value of £100, £50 in Treasury notes, a sovereign and a half-sovereign, the property of Morris Class and wife. He and Wainwright a female assistant were employed by Class. Yules said it was a put up job because Yules had left him. ’Fancy a Jew’, he declared, ’leaving the key of the safe about for anyone to take it?’ Verdict, not guilty. The Recorder said that Yules owed a great deal to the jury.

Jewish Chronicle
, 16 December 1921 page 41

At a meeting Mr S. Blackstone(sic) was re-elected President and Mr B. Fayleman(sic) Hon Sec. On the occasion of the bar mitzvah of the son of Mr M. Cohen £12 collected for the Synagogue Building Fund.

Jewish Chronicle
, 6 January 1922 page 33

Chanucah service held at ‘Glencairn’, 391 Padiham Road (residence of Mr E. Prinsky). Service conducted by Rev Mr Ordman accompanied by a choir. After the service whole congregation entertained by Mr and Mrs E. Prinsky. The children were also entertained by them.

Jewish Chronicle
, 26 May 1922 page 1

Gordon, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs Blackston, will read portion of Law and Maftir on Friday 1st day of Pentecost at the Burnley Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle
, 13 October 1922 page 17

Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshith: M. Class and S. Waldman.

Jewish Chronicle
, 3 November 1922 page 7

Federation of Ukrainian Jews,
First List Burnley Hebrew Congregation per Mr S. Blackston, Mrs M. Class, 2.12.6; Mrs Prinsky, 1.1.0; Mr S. Blackston, 1.1.0; Sydney, Edith and Jacob Prinsky, 15.0; Mrs Blackston, 10.6; Mrs Waldman, 10.6; 5s and under: Messrs M. Cohen; M. Abrahams; Sidney Blackston; Isidore Blackston; R. Waldman; M. Waldman; Fagleman; Hayan; Rev Archman; and E. Prinsky. TOTAL £9.2.6(?slightly obscured)

Burnley Express
, 25 November 1922 page 2

Advert. Whist drives every Monday and Tuesday
Prizes on view at Morris Class, Tailors, Plumbe Street, and Harling’s Furnishers, Yorkshire Street.

Burnley News
, 30 December 1922 page 16

First Nuptial Ceremony of Its Kind in Burnley
Probably the first Jewish wedding to be solemnized in Burnley took place at the New Assembly Rooms in Hebrew-road on Sunday last. The contracting parties were Miss Ettie Blackston sister of Mr. S. Blackston, tailor, of Colne-road, and Mr. Samuel Green, of Manchester. The local Rabbi, the Rev. M. Ordman conducted the ceremony according to the Jewish rules, in the presence of a large number of both Jews and Gentiles … Mr. Green will manage Mr. Blackston’s St. James’s-street shop.

Burnley News
, 30 December 1922, page 11

In Burnley County Court, John Aaron Black, tailor and costumier, 133 Westgate, receiving order. Adjudicated bankrupt.

Edinburgh Gazette
, 2 January 1923, page 13

From the London Gazette. Receiving Orders
John Aaron Black, 133 Westgate, Burnley.

Burnley News
, 6 January 1923 page 8

To sell by auction the stock of clothing, shop fixtures, and household furniture of 133 Westgate, re John Aaron Black, in bankruptcy.

Burnley News
, 20 January 1923 page 8

‘LEAVING TOWN; cheap, Piano and Overmantel for Sale. – 14 Nelson Square, Burnley.’

Jewish Chronicle
, 9 February 1923 page 35

Rev B. Ordman of Burnley appointed minister to the Coventry congregation.

Burnley News
, 14 February 1923 page 3

Bankruptcy Court, re John Aaron Black. Gross Liabilities £1,161.1s.2d.
Failure due to ‘pressure by creditors and lack of capital’/ Aged 67. Commenced business 7 years ago at 133 Westgate. He is a Jew and took oath in the Jewish manner. He had £1,300 when started business. Has lost all his money. ‘I cannot read or write and know nothing’. Did not keep any books. His daughter wrote cheques but did not help in business as she worked in munitions.

Burnley News
, 7 April 1923 page 4

‘New Synagogue for Burnley’
The Hebrew community of Burnley have set out to raise £500 for a synagogue scheme. Will be holding concert and cinema show. House no. 14 Nelson Square has been purchased and will be converted.

Jewish Chronicle
, 25 May 1923 page 14

Rev Dr J. A. Abelson MA visited last week and examined the children. Satisfied with the efficiency of the classes which are conducted by Rev Mr Nemeth.

Jewish Chronicle
, 15 June 1923 page 28

Jewish War Memorial Central Committee has made grant of £20 to the Burnley Hebrew Classes.

Burnley News
, 13 October 1923 page 5

At an inquest Dr Rosenbloom is described as house surgeon at the Victoria Hospital.

Kelly’s Directory of Lancashire
, 1924

Page 387 - Ernest Prinsky, Watchmaker, 142 St James’s Street, Burnley Mrs Ruby Prinsky, Watchmaker, 72 St James’s Street, Burnley.
Page 1409 - E. Prinsky, 391 Padiham Road, Burnley. Private residence.

Burnley Express

Consecration of the Gordon Lennox Lodge of RAOB. The Lodge was founded by, inter alia, Mr B. Fagleman CP.

Jewish Chronicle
, 30 May 1924 page 21

Manchester Joint Jewish Education Board
Report that £20 has been sent to the Burnley congregational classes.

Burnley Express
, August 1924 page 9

Notice. Morris Class, 17 Plumbe Street, has applied for naturalisation.

Jewish Chronicle
, 26 September 1924 New Year Greetings page xiii

Mr and Mrs M.Cohen, 62 Manchester Road, Burnley.

Jewish Chronicle

Will of Sergius Schabatt died 5 November 1924. 52 Albert Park Road, Lower Broughton, Salford. Effects £379.19s 5d

Burnley Express
, 17 January 1925 page 14

Action brought by Morris Class, Phoebe Street, against Walter Russell, outfitter, 22 Oxford Road, for £11.8s.65. for goods sold. Counter claim by Russell for £343.17s.6d for wages and commission in lieu of notice and £1 for some shop fixtures. Russell had been manager of shop in St James’s Street and left in October last when Class pressed him for some money he owed him. Russell said that he would counter claim. Russell was employed as manager for £2 per week and commission until the end of 1924 but was dismissed at a moment’s notice. Judgement in favour of the claim and against counter claim.

Jewish Chronicle
, 3 July 1925 page 13

Manchester Joint Jewish Education Board. Reference to Burnley branch.

Jewish Chronicle
, 15 October 1925 page 8

Central Committee for Jewish Education. Grant made to Burnley.

Burnley Express
, 23 January 1926 page 13

Dinner of the Burnley and District Road Transport Association. Vote of thanks to the artistes, including Mr B. Fagleman.

Burnley Express
, 5 February 1927 page 3

Bull Hotel Snooker Handicap. Competition celebrated by a dinner. Among artistes was Mr B. Fagleman, humorist.

Jewish Chronicle
, 6 May 1927 page 28

Rev I. W. Slotki MA of Manchester has examined the pupils in the presence of S. Blackstone(sic) (President), A, H. Fishman (Treasurer), and B. Fagleman (Hon Sec), and others. He congratulated the new teacher Mr Ezekial Slotki of Dublin and Jerusalem on his successful work.

Burnley News
, 21 September 1927 page 7

Three men charged with breaking and entering a shop, 74 and 76 Colne Road, and stealing various items of clothing, men’s and women’s, valued £10.8s.4d, the property of Samuel Waldman, tailor. Ringleader imprisoned for one month. The other men were fined 20s and special costs £1.10s.6d each.

Burnley News
, 21 September 1927 page 7

Three men charged with breaking and entering a shop, 74 and 76 Colne Road, and stealing various items of clothing, men’s and women’s, valued £10.8s.4d, the property of Samuel Waldman, tailor. Ringleader imprisoned for one month. The other men were fined 20s and special costs £1.10s.6d each.

Jewish Chronicle
, 4 November 1927 page 8

Engagement. Lionel, son of Mrs and the late Mr Shane of Sunderland, to Hilda Evelyn, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Prinsky, Padiham Road, Burnley.
[Marriage. Hilda Prinsky June 1928 Manchester N 8d 1382//Lionel Share]

Burnley Express
, 14 December 1927 page 4

Interment of well-known licensee. Mourners included Mr and Mrs Fagelman and Ben.
[See also 24 March 1934 below]

Burnley Express
, 11 February 1928 page 8

(Head Tailor at T. C. Palmer’s the last ten years)
∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙
2 and 2a Queen Victoria Road Burnley Lane

Burnley Express
, 10 March 1928 page 1

Tailoress Wanted. Morris Class, 17 Plumbe Street.

Burnley Express
, 10 March 1928 page 10

Tailoresses wanted. Apply Mr Fishman, T. C. Palmer’s, 93 St James’s Street.

Burnley Express
, 2 June 1928 page 18

‘A Synagogue Wedding’. ‘a fashionable wedding’ in Manchester. Mr Lionel Share of Sunderland married Hilda Prinsky, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs D. Prinsky of ‘Glen Cairn’, Padiham Road. They will take up residence in Sunderland.’

Burnley News
, 11 August 1928 page 14

London College of Music. The Burnley District Centre July Examination Pianoforte. Elementary. Primary. Pass Class I. Mary Segelman.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1928 page 14

‘Manchester Joint Education Board.  -   In reporting on the Bolton and Burnley Congregations, the Rev. I.W. Slotki said that for many years Burnley had carried on an uphill struggle. It had been difficult to get a teacher for the small remuneration they could offer and they had suffered through frequent changes of teachers, the children often being compelled to remain for various periods without any Hebrew instruction. Bolton had been faced with the necessity of reducing the salary of the Shochet. It was pleasing to report that, thanks to the efforts of the Board, the two Congregations had combined and that the Central Committee had consented to raise a grant’.

Jewish Chronicle
, 14 September 1928 page 14

Sermon first day New Year. At Burnley. Hebrew Road, by Rev E.Slotki.

Jewish Chronicle
, 21 September 1928 New Year Greetings page 3

Mr and Mrs Solly Blackston, West View Terrace, Burnley.

Burnley News
, 24 October 1928 page 3

Girl of 9 charged with having stolen a pair of child’s shoes 4s. from a stall on the Market ground occupied by Bertha Ellison and also a pair of gent’s socks 1s 3d from a stall occupied by Samuel Waldman.

Burnley Express
, 3 November 1928 page 10

‘FOR SALE, 14 Nelson-square, vacant £400 cheap. – Apply, 108 Colne Road, Burnley.’
[repeated 24 November 1928 p. 10 and 1 December 1928 p. 10.]
[108 Colne Road was premises of Solomon Blackston]

Kelly’s Directory of Manchester
, 1929 Page 1248

Abraham Mantel, presser, 18 Trafalgar Street.

Burnley News
, 23 January 1929 page 4

‘FOR SALE, TAILORING BUSINESS. Established 27 years. Apply, Cohen, 62 Manchester Road, Burnley’

Jewish Chronicle
, 25 January 1929 page 27

Manchester Joint Education Board. New shochet-teachers have been engaged by the Burnley, Bolton, and Barrow Hebrew congregations and are now under regular supervision.

Burnley Express
, 26 January 1929 page 10

Wanted. Experienced all-round Tailoress, able to button-hole. Good wages to suitable hand. Also boy to learn the trade. Segelman, Queen Victoria Road.

Burnley Express
, 4 May 1929 page 50

London College of Music. The Burnley District Centre April Examination Pianoforte. Intermediate Honours David Rosenbloom Elementary Honours Mary Segelman.

Burnley Express
, 15 June 1929 page 18

In Memoriam. Mendle Abrahams died 12 June 1927. Wife and family, 39 Parker Street.

Burnley Express
, 14 August 1929 page 4

An Improver (boy or girl) wanted in the tailoring trade. Apply M. Segelman.

Jewish Chronicle
, 17 January 1930 page 14

Manchester Jewish Education Board
Grants renewed to Oldham, Bolton, Chester, Wrexham, Barrow, and Burnley. Examinations were conducted at Bolton and Burnley.

Burnley News
, 1 February 1930 page 14

Skipton magistrates. Gordon Blackston, hawker, of Burnley and Percy Stead, hawker, of Cottingley, Bingley. Each fined 5s for hawking without a licence. Blackston sold drapery.

Burnley Express
, 19 March 1930 page 4

Gordon Blackston, 69 Colne Road, Burnley, ordered to pay costs for leaving a motor lorry without two front lights in Nelson.

Burnley Express
, 4 October 1930 page 10

A licensee was summoned for supplying intoxicating during non-permitted hours to 4 men one being Benjamin Fagleman.

Jewish Chronicle
, 28 November 1930 page 34

Myer Waldman, aged 20, son of Mr and Mrs Waldman of 71 Colne Road, has passed final examination for chemist and druggist held in London.

Jewish Chronicle
, 30 January 1931 page 2

Death on 18 January of Isaac Fagleman, Westgate, Burnley [Death. Isaac Fagleman March 1931 aged 60 Burnley 8e 253]

Burnley Express
, 21 March 1931, page 14

At burial of a Christian among the mourners were Mr and Mrs Rosenbloom.

Burnley Express
, 1 April 1931 page 8

Burglary at Morris Class’s tailor’s shop. Occupier was listening to new wireless station in room at back of shop along with his wife and a clerk going over the shop’s accounts. Thief or thieves entered premises, door unlocked, and stole 5 coats and a bundle of furs. The raid was discovered at 10 minutes to midnight when clerk preparing to leave. Class also has a lock-up shop in same street.

Burnley Express
, 18 April 1931 page 16

Burnley and District Sports Association
Vice-presidents include B. Fagleman.

Burnley News
, 17 June 1931 page 7

Fire Brigade called to 50 Plumbe Street, occupied by Eli Rosenbloom. A gas inspector was repairing the meter when escaping gas became ignited.

Burnley Express
, 20 June 1931 page 2

‘The cups and shield for football, bowling, swimming, cycling and cricket are on display in Mr. B. Fagleman’s shop in Westgate’.

Jewish Chronicle
, 10 July 1931 page 16

Manchester Joint Education Board.
‘’In reporting on the Bolton and Burnley Congregations, the Rev. I.W. Slotki said that for many years Burnley had carried on an uphill struggle. It had been difficult to get a teacher for the small remuneration they could offer and they had suffered through frequent changes of teachers, the children often being compelled to remain for various periods without any Hebrew instruction. Bolton had been faced with the necessity of reducing the salary of the Shochet. It was pleasing to report that, thanks to the efforts of the Board, the two Congregations had combined and that the Central Committee had consented to raise a grant’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1931, page 10

‘Manchester Joint Jewish Education Board.
Mr. S. Isaacson, president of the Bolton Congregation, expressed thanks to the Area Committee for its successful efforts in connection with the scheme of co-operation between the Bolton and Burnley Hebrew Congregations’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1931 page 2

Death on 23 November, Eli Rosenbloom, 50 Plumbe Road, Burnley. Mourned by wife, son, father, etc.
[Death. Eli Rosenbloom December 1931 age 47 Burnley 8e 229]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1931, page 23

‘Manchester Joint Jewish Education Board.
The Rev. I. W. Slotki, M.A., said that the scheme of co-operation between the Bolton and Burnley Congregations in connection with a sharing of the services of a Shochet Teacher had ceased owing to migrations from Burnley and the reduction of the number of pupils to teach’.

Burnley Express, 30 January 1932 page 2

∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙ ∙∙
Mr. A. H. Fishman wishes to inform the Public of Burnley and District
That he is opening a shop at the address below as a
And would welcome all old friends and new
10 Temple Street

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1932 page 18

Silver wedding. On 5 March 1907 at the former Merrion Street Synagogue, Leeds, Solomon Blackston and Bessie Morris. Address 69 Colne Street, Burnley.
[Marriage. Solomon Blackston March 1907 Leeds 9b 799//Betsy Morris]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1933 page 1

Death on 27 March at Burnley, Gwenny Cohen, mourned by brother etc. Samuel Raphael of Darlington.
[Death. Gwenny Cohen March 1933 aged 35 Burnley 8e 328]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1933 page 9

Engagement. Philip Radnor, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs Radnor of Manchester, to Ruth, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Prinsky, ‘Glencairn’, Padiham Rd, Burnley.
[Marriage. Ruth C. Prinsky September 1934 Salford 8d 1161//Philip Radnor]

Burnley Express, 22 July 1933 page 7

‘The Young Folks Corner’
“An Epigram”. Poem by John Cunningham. Sent in by Esther Fishman.

Burnley Express, 30 September 1933 page 6

Fire Brigade called to outbreak at outfitters’s shop, 24 Scotland Road, Nelson, occupied by Morris Class. Two shop assistants discovered smoke coming from cellar. Much smoke but damage not extensive.

Burnley Express, 5 Mat 1934 page 11

For sale. Two tailor’s sewing machines. Apply Fishman, 35 Yorkshire Street.

Burnley Express, 21 July 1934 page 14

Advert. Ben Fagleman, Maker of High-Grade Tailoring. 65 St James’s Street

Burnley Express, 8 September 1934 page 15

Marriage at Higher Crumpsall Synagogue, Manchester, of Philip Radnor, son of Mr and Mrs Radnor of Manchester, and Miss Ruth Prinsky, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Prinsky of Ousel Rock, Scott Park Road, Burnley. The bridegroom is well known in Burnley as the proprietor of a gown shop in St James’s Street in which road his father has a jewellery shop.
[Marriage. Ruth C. Prinsky September 1934 Salford 8d 1161/Philip Radnor]

Burnley Express, 23 February 1935 page 3

Garrick Club. Production of ‘Trial of Mary Dugan’. An ambitious production (had been a film). ‘Ben Fagleman made a successful debut with the Garrick Club.’

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1935 page 1

Birth on 26 April of a daughter to Mr and Mrs Philip Radnor (Ruth Prinsky), Manchester.
[Birth. Ann B. Radnor June 1936 Heywood 8c 660. Mother Prinsky]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1935 page 21

Board of Deputies. Neville Laski KC congratulated on appointment as Recorder of Burnley.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1935 page 21

Board of Deputies. Neville Laski KC congratulated on appointment as Recorder of Burnley.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1935, page III

From: ‘A Lancashire Journey By a Special Correspondent’

‘Across in East Lancashire stands Burnley, in the foothills of the Pennine Range. From the top of a hilly street I saw the gaunt ridge of these mountains, under a lowering sky, and felt the chill blast of an east wind bringing rain and squalls in its train. It was unpropitious. After a long uphill toil through narrow streets I found the address of the hon. Secretary. He no longer lived there, and a typical Lancashire lass, who answered my inquiry replied, “Oh, he’s flit!” (to Leeds, she thought). That really sunned up Burnley Jewry - they have “flit,” through bad trade mainly. Even Jewish names on shop fronts are no guide these days, for the owners (as in, to take at random, Lancaster, Warrington, Oldham, Bury) may have their businesses situated there, but require for the preservation  of their Jewish consciousness to live in the larger Jewish aggregations. Only four Jewish families remain in Burnley - the Synagogue was closed eight or nine years ago’.

Burnley Express, 7 December 1935 page 13

Wedding of Mr Victor Segelman of 7 Ennismore Street, only son of Mr M.Segelman, Burnley, tailor and outfitter, to Miss E. Sabb, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Sabb, of 8 Spencer place, Leeds.The ceremony was at Francis Street Synagogue. They will take up residence at ‘Chez Nous’, 13 Minehead-avenue, Burnley.
[Marriage. Victor Segelman December 1935 Leeds North 9b 790//Ethel Sablonski]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1936 page 37

Burnley. The Ladies’ Festival of the Bohemian Lodge of Freemasons was held at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, with Worshipful Bro. B. Fagleman in the chair.

Burnley Express, 10 June 1936 page 4

Mr Simon Fine, 47 Irving Place, a leading member of the Blackburn Jewish congregation and a founder of the new synagogue, has died at the age of 68, He was a cloth dealer and had a market stall in Burnley for more than 30 years.
[Death. Simon Fine June 1936 aged 68 Blackburn 8e 401]

Burnley Express, 3 October 1936 page 10

Wanted. Girl, with or without experience, for Ladies’ and Gents’ tailoring. M. Segelman,
187 Briercliffe Road.

Lancashire Evening Post, 15 May 1937 page 7

Opening of new Labour Exchange by Minister of Labour who made tour of various sites including the Hargher Clough Mill where a new industry for the making of handbags has been started. This was formerly a cotton mill and about half the premises has been reconditioned by the Corporation. In this section about 300 young workers are at present engaged. When the whole of the mill, one of the largest in Burnley, has been reconditioned, it will occupy over 1,000 employees.

Burnley Express, 19 June 1937 page 11

The directors of the Lancashire Handbag Company are entertaining the employees of their Oldham and Burnley works to an outing at Blackpool on 10 July. Employees number about 1,000 including over 300 at Hargher Clough Mill, Burnley.

Burnley Express, 11 August 1937 page 7

Burnley’s Unemployment. July returns show another decrease, ‘New industries are now becoming busy, and the Lancashire Handbag Company is now employing 430 workers, mainly juveniles’.

Burnley Express, 5 March 1938 page 11

Advert. ‘Have you tried Segelman’s for clothes?’ Why not come to us and support the Burnley people whom we employ? No factory labour. Guaranteed to be cut and made on the premises under personal supervision. Fit and style guaranteed. 187 Briercliffe Road.

Burnley Express, 31 May 1938 page 17

‘Vogue for 1938!
12 and 14 CHURCH STREET’

Burnley Express, 16 November 1938 page 5

Man committed for trial at the next Burnley Assizes for alleged break-in of shop of M. Class Ltd, Phoebe Street.

Burnley Express, 22 November 1938 page 5

Annual meeting of Burnley District Scout Association
Reference to M. Segelman, badge secretary.

Burnley Express, 1 July 1939 page 7

Two packers employed at the Lancashire Handbag Company remanded for stealing handbags while employed by the company.

Burnley Express, 16 December 1939 page 8

‘GERMAN Jewish Refugee seeks domestic post; trained nurse. – Write Box 68, Express Office.’

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1939 page 1

Birth. On 6 December to Mr and Mrs Jack Prinsky (Joan Michael) a daughter. 12 Langwyth Road, Burnley.
[Not found in Births Index]

Burnley Express, 23 December 1938 page 10

Bridge drive at the Mechanics’ bridge room. Includes Miss Krengel.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1940 page 4

Mrs B.Cohen, 7 West Derby Street, Livepool, late of Burnley thanks for expressions of sympathy in sad bereavement.

Burnley Express, 24 February 1940 page 11

Wedding of Mr Henry Brener, Nottingham, and Miss Mary Segelman, only daughter of Mr M. Segelman, Burnley tailor and outfitter, of 7 Ennismore Street. Ceremony at the Francis Street Synagogue, Leeds. Will take up residence in Liverpool.
[Marriage. Mary Segelman March 1940 Burnley 8e 471//Henry Brener] Civil Registration

Burnley Express, 20 September 1940 page 15

Wanted. Housekeeper aged 40-45.Family, mother and son. M. Segelman, 7 Enismore Road, Burnley.

Burnley Express, 23 November 1940 page 6

Re Michael Netz
282 Manchester Road, Burnley
Messrs J. H. Howarth & Sons have received instructions to sell by auction the whole of the valuable household appointments.

Burnley Express, 11 January 1941 page 2

‘Home Guards off Parade’
Members of ‘H’ Company enjoyed a potato pie supper. Among the entertainers was Sergt B. Fagleman, comedian.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1941 page 3

Death on 2 February 1941 of Elec Prinsky aged 69 husband of Rachel, sons Sidney and Jack. Ousel Rock, Scott Park, Burnley.
[Death. Elias Prinsky March 1941 aged 69 Burnley 8e 465]

Burnley Express, 16 April 1941 page 1

Midday meals will be supplied to over 100 of the Manchester and Salford Jewish schoolchildren evacuated to the Nelson and Colne districts at a canteen to be opened next Monday at the Temple-street Methodist Hall. The charge will be fourpence for a three-course lunch.’

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1941 page 13

Forthcoming marriage. Zebulun Katz MPS son of Mrs Tilly Katz and the late Myer Katz of Leeds and Anita, only child of Mr and Mrs Morris Class of Leeds, late of Burnley.
[Marriage. Zebulun Katz September 1942 Leeds 9b 825//Anita(Annie) Class]

Burnley Express, 31 January 1942 page 6

News of the death of Mr B. Fagleman was received with regret among the Home Guard. Despite indifferent health he did useful work as Orderly Room Sergeant.
[Death. Benjamin Fagleman March 1942 aged 42 Burnley 8e 344]

Burnley Express, 31 January 1942 page 9

Obituary. The Late Mr B. Fagleman
Mr Fagleman took over his father’s business on the latter’s death 11 years ago and a few years later moved it from Westgate to more central St James’s Street. Popular as an entertainer in his younger years later he was prominent in Freemasonry and was a Past Provincial Grand Deacon of the Cheshire Province. An enthusiastic member of the Home Guard. At his funeral in Blackburn several members of the Home Guard were present.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1942 page 3

Sudden death on 23 January of Ben, son of Mrs Mary and the late Isaac Fagleman. Mourned by mother, 117 Albion Street, Burnley.
Also by aunt Fanny Fagleman and cousins in Newcastle
[Death. Benjamin Fagleman March 1942 aged 42 Burnley 8e 344]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1942 page 15

Obituary of Ben Fagleman.
For a number of years was Treasurer and Hon Sec of the Burnley Hebrew Congregation which he represented on the Jewish Education Conference in Manchester. Prominent Freemason and member of the Home Guard. Funeral at Blackburn was attended by many Lodge and Home Guard representatives. Tribute has been received from Rev E. Slotki.

Burnley Express, 29 October 1943 page 11

Burnley Scouts. Resignation of badge secretary, Mr V. Segelman, regretfully accepted.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1942 page 15

Engagement. Joseph, younger son of Mrs Harry Finkelstein and the late Mr Finkelstein of Broughton Park, Salford, and Hilda, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Solomon Blackston of 46 Bath Street, Southport, late of 15 Castle Hill Road, Prestwich.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1944 page 3

Birth on 25 February to Florrie nee Brown, Belfast, wife of Monty Jacobs, a son. 27 Eastern Avenue, Burnley
[Geoffrey Jacobs March 1944 Nelson 8e 270. Mother Brown]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1944 page 9

Engagement. Maurice Cagen MPS, eldest son of Rev J. and Mrs Rosenbloom(sic). Leeds, to Mona, only daughter of Mr and Mrs B. Black, of Leeds.
[Marriage. Maurice Cagen December 1945 Leeds 9b 1188// Mona Black]

Burnley Express, 13 May 1944 page 3

From 1934 to 1939 the Burnley population fell from 94,300 to 85,400. But the rateable value increased because of new industries in addition to that at Hargher Clough Mill.

Burnley Express, 24 June 1944 page 8

The Lancashire Handbag Company has option to purchase the Hargher Clough Mill. [difficult to read]

Burnley Express, 5 May 1945 page 3

The Mayor’s Ex-Forces’ Victory Centre Fund
A staff dance at the Lancashire Handbag Company resulted in a cheque for £66. Mr A. Krengel came from Southport with a personal gift of £25, thus totalling £91.
Miss Frances Krengel sponsored the event.

Burnley Express, 23 June 1945 page 8

Haberghan Mill, used as engineering works during the war. Will revert to cotton manufacturing. The present staff will be transferred to Harger Clough Mill resulting in the displacement of 300 workers at the factory which was also used for munitions.

Burnley Express, 30 June 1945 page 5

A soldier was found guilty of receiving a quantity of cloth handbags, stolen while in transit from the Lancashire Handbag Co’s premises in Red Lion Street, to the railway station. 12 months hard labour.

Burnley Express, 4 August 1945 page 3

In collision with a lorry on what was said to be his second time out in a car, Victor Segelman (35), tailor, of Minehead Avenue, was fined 20 shillings and £3. 15s costs for driving without due care and attention.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1945 page 3

Death of Ada Raisman, Leeds, mother of, inter alia, Dr Jack Raymond, Burnley.

Burnley Express, 20 January 1945 page 7

Two Burnley brothers who had not seen each other since before the war had a reunion in Brussels. Cpl Monty Blackston and AB Ellis Blackston, sons of Mr and Mrs S. Blackston, formerly of Burnley, now of Southport. Monty joined RASC at out break of war and went to the Middle East a year later, served in the North African campaign, came home in 1944, and then went to France. Monty, whose wife is in the WRNS, was formerly employed as a tailor in Burnley and Ellis has been a gunner in the RN for 4 years. He has been in convoys to Russia and has travelled widely. Pre-war he was a painter and decorator.

Burnley Express, 6 June 1945 page 3

YOUNG Couple require Unfurnished Flat, in Burnley or district. – Blackston, 16 Bridge-street.

Burnley Express, 4 July 1945 page 5

‘YOUNG Couple require Flat, no children, urgent. – Blackston, 16 Bridge-street, Burnley.

Burnley Express, 20 October 1945 page 9

Bespoke Tailoring Department, Leather Garment Manufacturers, 16 Bridge Street
Proprietor S. Blackston, tailor in Burnley for over 40 years.

Burnley Express, 10 November 1945 page 7

(Now Demobilised, ex Royal Navy)

Burnley Express, 23 March 1946, page 1

‘After six years of war …’
Ellis Blackston, Distinctive Painter and Decorator, 32 Bridge Street, Burnley.

Burnley Express, 28 September 1946 page 4

Sidney Blackston, High Class Ladies and Gents’ Tailor.

Burnley Express, 2 November 1946 page 4

Sidney Blackston The Hall-mark of Good Tailoring Ladies and Gents, 25 Bridge Street.

Burnley Express, 11 December 1946 page 4

In 1940 the Lancashire Handbag Company took up residence of the Red Lion Street School. Now being offered for sale by auction today.

Burnley Express, 14 December 1946 page 3

Now reopened. Morris Class, Plumbe Street, Burnley. The complete men’s outfitters.

Burnley Express, 18 January 1947 page 1

A. Simon (successor to Morris Class) 7 Plumbe Street. Gent’s tailoring service.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1947 page 2

Engagement. Hyman, son of the late Mr and Mrs M. Cohen Southport, formerly of Burnley, to Elsie, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Cornberg,Widnes, Lancs.
[Marriage. Hyman Cohen June 1947 Liverpool S 10d 1394//Elsie Cornberg

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1947 page 13

Southport. A Sefer Torah was presented to Rabbi Berman for a new Mizrachi settlement in Palestine. ‘Mr. A.Smith was thanked for his efforts in obtaining the Sefer Torah, through the trustees of the Burnley Congregation.

Will of Solomon Blackston of 57 Leyland Toad, Southport, died 24 May 1957. Admin to Bessie Blackston, widow, and Sidney Blackston, tailor. Effects £3,162 11s 10d.
[From Ancestry.co.uk. accessed 18.4.2015]

Burnley Express, 22 May 1948 page 1

Mr Louis Rosenberg of 165 Burnley Road, Padiham, is 80 today. Came to England 10 years ago when the wheel-grinding factory in Frankfurt of which he was a partner was confiscated and he was threatened with concentration camp. A year earlier his son and nephew, K. P. and J. P. Rosenberg had come to Padiham and founded the Lancashire Grinding Wheel concern.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1947 page 2

Death on 24 May, after long illness, Solomon Blackston. Mourned by wife Bessie, sons Sidney, Gordon,. Ellis, Monty and Eric and daughter Hilda (Mrs Fink). 57 Leyland Rd, Southport.
[Death. Solomon Blackston June 1947 aged 67 Southport 10f 572]

Burnley Express, 8 November 1947 page 6

Proposed closing down of the Hargher Clough Mill of Joseph Lucas and handing it back to owners, the Lancashire Handbag Company.

Burnley Express, 19 June 1948 page 5

Mayoress’s Fund for local charities. Bridge and whist drives. Bridge winners include Mrs Krengel.

Burnley Express, 24 December 1949 page 8

First annual dinner of Leather Garments (Burnley) Ltd. Mr Gordon Blackston was host assisted by Mr Eric Blackston.
[Incorporated 17 January 1947]

Burnley Express, 23 December 1950 page 4

Ref to Cllr Gordon Blackston as Managing Director of Leather Garments (Burnley) Ltd.

Burnley Express, 26 May 1951 page 2

New Councillors include Gordon Blackston.

Burnley Express, 5 April 1953 page 5

Lancashire’s Leading Wallpaper Store, Ellis’s (Paint and Wallpaper) Ltd, Bridge Street, Burnley and 12 Plumbe Street. Managing Director Ellis Blackston.

Will of David Flacks, died 22 May 1953 at Broughton Park, Salford. Effects £12,780 16s 8d
[Death. David Flacks June 1853 aged 85Salford 10f 477]

Burnley Express, 27 June 1953 page 6

Advert. S. Blackston, Burnley’s leading Ladies’ and Gents’ Tailors. Howe Street (our only address). Established 1903.
[Many adverts in early 1950s]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1953

Death of Joseph David Fink [born in Burnley in 1912] in Manchester on 24 June 1953. Husband of Annie, father of Hilda, Sadie, Evelyn and Rose.

Burnley Express, 19 September 1953 page 5

Cllr Gordon Blackston is Vice president of the Burnley Limbless Ex-Service Men’s Association.

Burnley Express, 25 December 1953 page 8

Burnley Mechanics’ Institute snooker and billiards final. Mr B. F. Krengel won the billiards competition.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1954 page 18

‘Reflections on Lancashire’. He refers to his article in the JC 20 years ago on ‘Lancashire Journey’.
He was right ‘to represent the Burnley community as packing its bags and moving across the mountains to Leeds. Burnley no longer has a Jewish congregation. Twenty years ago I saw the signs of its coming disintegration’.

Burnley Express, 15 May 1954 page 17

Cricket. A Burnley cricket XI includes B. Krenge[and many reports of his playing cricket]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1955 page 2

Silver wedding. Mr and Mrs Sidney Blackston (Goldie Hirsch) of 51 Deer Park Road, Burnley, celebrated 25th anniversary of wedding at Windsor Road Synagogue Leeds, 10 August 1930.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1956 page 1

Rose Heilbron appointed Recorder of Burnley. First woman Recorder.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1957 page 18

Councillor Gordon Blackston re-elected for 3rd time as Conservative representative of the St Andrew’s ward on Burnley Town Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1961 page 29

Gordon Blackston, a 52-year old Burnley businessman, who has been Conservative councilor for the last ten years, has been appointed JP. One of 6 children born and brought up in Burnley, he and his Leeds-born wife Lena and daughter Susan 13 keep a close touch with the Jewish community although Burnley does not have enough Jews to form a congregation. He is a member of the Southport (Arnside Road) Congregation and is a Life Governor of the Southport residential home for the Jewish aged.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1964 page 3

In Memoriam. Rachel Prinsky, died 14.4.1961. Mourned by family. 9 The Avenue, Branksome Park, Bournemouth. [Widow of Elias Prinsky]
[Death. Rachel Prinsky June 1961 aged 80 Poole 7c 652]

Will of Rachel, otherwise Rachael or Ray Prinsky, The Brunswick Hotel, Southport, died 16 April 1961 at Poole. Probate to Hilda Evelyn Share, married woman, and Samuel Isadore Prince, jeweler. Effects £17,116.10s.3d.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1964 page 50

Obituary of Councillor Gordon Blackston, a member of Burnley Council for 13 years. Died while speaking at a council meeting, aged 55.
[Death. Gordon Blackston December 1964 aged 55 Burnley 10b 780]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1966 page 27

Birmingham Ravenswood Group Secretary: Mrs Olive Blackston.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1969 page 2

Silver wedding. Monty and Olive [Rene] (nee Rothe) Blackston of Birmingham. Married 2 July 1944.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1970 page 2

Death in her 88th year Bessie Blackston, wife of late Solly, mother of Hilda (Fink), Sidney, Ellis, Monty, and Eric. Shiva in Blackpool.
[Death. Bessie Blackston December 1969 aged 88 Blackpool 10b 1607. Born 10.4.1882]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1970 page 6

Birmingham JNF Commission: M. Blackston, Treasurer

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1977 page 11

Birmingham AJEX: Elected M. Blackston Treasurer

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1981 page 12

Obituary. Sydney Blackston died recently in Burnley his home town. Was president of the local branch of the British Legion and has been president of the Chamber of Trade. Served for 8 years on the Town Council. A master tailor in a business started by his father Solomon, an immigrant from Romania, ‘who brought into being the first Hebrew congregation and synagogue in Burnley’’. This enabled the Blackston family of boys together with the very few other Jewish families in Burnley to obtain a full Jewish upbringing. At the funeral in Leeds over 100 mourners including many non-Jews.
[Death. Sydney Blackston September 1981 Burnley/Pendle 40 1015. Born 14.1.1908]


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