Margate Jewish Community

& Hebrew Congregation

Margate, Thanet, Kent





Various Newspaper Cuttings and References in the Press
to the Margate Jewish Community



Dover Telegraph, 17 December 1836 page 8, column 2

"Mr. Danofsky, of King Street, St James, Westminster, married 30 November at Margate to Mrs. Hughes, widow of the late Mr. Moses Hughes formerly of Albion Hotel, Dover."



Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1914

MARGATE.—The Rev. S. Fogelnest, local Jewish minister, 110, Northdown-road, Cliftonville, would be pleased to give lessons in Hebrew and religion to Jewish boys attending non-Jewish schools and colleges; boys prepared for Barmitzvah; highest references; terms moderate. Mrs. Fogelnest would be pleased to undertake the care of one or two delicate boys; motherly care and attention.



Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1917

An appeal has been issued for funds to assist the Margate congregation in its present financial difficulties. The war and hostile aircraft have driven Jewish visitors from the town, and there are only six families resident there to whom the synagogue can look for support. The appeal goes on to state "We are heavily in debt, owing over £100 to the contractor who fitted up and furnished the synagogue, and also a good round sum for rent, and in consequence we are faced with what is to us and all interested in these small causes, a very heartrending sequel to all our sacrifices and endeavours, and that is, to dismiss our esteemed and beloved official, Mr. Fogelnest, and close the synagogue. This we are anxious to avoid for other than selfish reasons. We have a good number of soldiers attending every Saturday morning, and in addition to their being deprived of this privilege, which they very much prize, there are a great number of Jewish soldiers lying wounded in the East Kent hospitals, and if Mr. Fogelnest leaves us these men will be without a minister, and will have no one to look to for the guidance and comfort that they so much need." Contributions may be sent to the Treasurer at the Synagogue, Edgar Road.




Isle of Thanet Gazette, 16 June 1928

See New Margate Synagogue - Laying of the Foundation Stone



Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1954

From a Correspondent
Jewish religious services have been held in Margate fairly regularly since about 1910. But that was not the first time Jews met there for prayers. A minute-book with a first entry dated January 8, 1902, shows that at a meeting presided over by Mr. S. Bonny and with the Rev. G. S. Belasco, of Ramsgate, as Hon. Secretary, it was decided to arrange services in the following summer; and at a second meeting in July a proposal that the Margate Hebrew Congregation be formed was adopted. An offer by the Rev. P. Wolfers, Principal of Margate Jewish College, to conduct the services was accepted, and it was agreed to hold them in the hall of the college. Thanks were expressed for the loan of a Sefer Torah from Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore. After holding services during the summer for four years it was decided at a meeting in April, 1906, that the congregation, "having made no headway and having no prospects of success be, and is hereby, dissolved."
In 1910 the increasing number of Jewish residents led to a move for supplying kasher meat, and soon afterwards regular services were started, first at the Margate College and then at the home of Mr. Bonny, Brooklyn Lodge, Albion Road. In 1915 Grassmere Lodge, Edgar Road, was equipped as a synagogue and was consecrated by the Rev. S. Levy, of London. The first minister was the Rev. Mr. Fogelnest. During the First World War only a few Jewish civilians remained in the town, and the services of Mr. Fogelnest had, because of congregational finances, to be dispensed with. But because of the number of Jewish Servicemen stationed in the district, religious services were arranged and were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Shandel, of Ramsgate. After the war the congregational fortunes revived. In 1928 the foundation-stone of the present synagogue in Godwin Road was laid and the following year the synagogue was opened and consecrated by the late Chief Rabbi Dr J. Hertz.




Isle of Thanet Gazette, 15 September 1972

Memorial Service to Victims of Terrorist Attack at Munich Olympics

Cutting kindly provided by Suzannah Foad




The Jewish Chronicle, Summer 2020


Cutting kindly provided by Susan Banyard




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Page created: 13 November 2010
Latest revision or update: 20 December 2020


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