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The former Corporation Street Synagogue
Congregation Data |
Name: |
Corporation Street Synagogue
also known as the New Beth Hamedrash(iii)
and the New Synagogue(iv)
Address: |
37 Corporation Street, Newcastle upon Tyne,
consecrated in 1904(v)
The synagogue was located in a somewhat shabby building on two floors
over a blacksmith's yard. The lower floor of the synagogue, with a
capacity for 140, being used by male worshippers and the upper floor,
with capacity for 100, being used by the ladies.(vi) |
Formation: |
The congregation was formed in 1904.(ix)
Amalgamation and Final Status: |
In 1916, the congregation amalgamated with the Newcastle Beth
Hamedrash, although both places of worship continuing in use, the
Sabbath and Festival services being held at Corporation Street and weekday
services and study at the Beth Hamedrash, and with High Holy Day services
held in the nearby Westgate Hall.(x)
Despite the amalgamation, both congregations continued to function for
some years with separate administrations. The end came in 1924, with the formation of the
Newcastle United Hebrew Congregation and Beth Hamedrash
(Ravensworth Terrace Synagogue), into which both congregations were
(Note: this was the second instance of the formation of a "United
Hebrew Congregation" in Newcastle, the first was
1880 merger
(Leazes Park Road Synagogue) and the third was the 1973 merger.)
Ritual: |
Ashkenazi Orthodox |
Affiliation: |
Congregation was unaffiliated but was under the aegis of
the Chief Rabbi. |
Spiritual Leaders: (To view a short profile of a
leader whose name appears in blue, hold the cursor over his name.)
Rev. L. Kopel - from about 1904
until about 1908(xiii)
Rev. Letovitch - reader and shochet following Rev. Kopel(xiv)
Rabbi Tarshish - from about 1909 until about 1912(xv)
Rev. Israel Brodie
- from about 1916 until about 1919(xvi)
Rev. Kraut
- reader and shochet from about 1920 until 1924(xvii)
Rabbi Y.M. Sandelson
- minister from about 1919/1920 until 1924(xviii)
Lay Officers:(xxi) |
1905-1906 S. Rosenberg
1906-1908 S. Cohen
1908-1909 M. Wiseman
1910-1915 B. Bromberger (Chairman)
1915-1924 I. Woolf
Vice President
1905-1906 A. Mickler
1905-1909 A. Erdberg
1909-1910 J. Caller
1910-1911 A. Mickler
1911-1923 M. Wiseman
Hon. Secretaries
1905-1906 S. Levinstein & B. Bromberger
1906-1907 S. Levinstein & E. Krawitz
1907-1908 E. Krawitz
1908-1909 M. Bergman
1909-1910 S. Levinstein
1910-1912 E. Krawitz
1912-1918 J. Weiner
1918-1919 L. Newman & J. Sherman
1919-1920 J. Morris & J. Sherman
1920-1921 J. Sherman
1910-1915 A. Lewis
Committees: |
The Corporation Street Chevra Kadisha, for the Hazelrigg cemetery, founded in 1909.(xxii) |
Information: |
congregation would have used the
Elswick Jewish cemetery and, from 1906, the Hazelrigg cemetery (for details, see
Newcastle Cemetery
Information). |
Notes & Sources
(↵ returns to text above) |
Newcastle upon Tyne Jewish Community home page
Jewish Congregations in Tyne and Wear
Jewish Communities of England home page
Page created: 14 June 2005
Data significantly expanded and notes first added: 22 February 2024
Page most recently amended: 10 March 2024
Research and formatting by David Shulman
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