Page created: January 2007
Latest revision or update: 7 February 2017

Marriage Register Entries of
the Manchester

We are extremely grateful to Terry Glasstone of
the Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society (M&LFHS),
with the co-operation of the Manchester Register Office,
 who indexed the following data on Manchester Synagogues' Marriage Register Entries


The following data has been compiled from the duplicate registers as deposited at the Manchester Records Office. It should be noted that only registers that have been completely filled, or registers whose use has been discontinued, are deposited at the Register Office. Registers that are still in use are retained by the relevant synagogue.

In many cases, registers have been discontinued because of the closure of the synagogue concerned. Often, in such cases, a note explaining the circumstances of the closure is provided in the final register and, in such cases, such notes are reproduced below.

It must be emphasised that the date of the first marriage noted in the register does not imply the opening date of the relevant synagogue. For many reasons, arrangements to perform marriages with the civil registration system may not have been made until some time after the synagogue opening.

Synagogues are identified below by the names by which they are known by the Register Office. Some of the synagogues may be better known by alternative names. The number that appears in parenthesis after each synagogue name is the reference number by which the synagogue is known within the Manchester Register Office and is meaningless outside this context.

Cheshire Reform Menorah Synagogue [532]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 5 September 1971;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 7 June 1998.

Manchester, Adath Israel Synagogue [517]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 19 May 1937;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 30 September 1956;
NB: Date of Last Marriage at Synagogue: 30 March 1948;

Manchester, Austrian Synagogue, Cheetham [519]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 21 February 1909;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 5J January 1955;
NB: Date of Last Marriage at Synagogue: 27 April 1941;
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the demolition of the Austrian Synagogue and no other premises having been obtained, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The other Register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 30JUN1956.

Manchester, Beth Jacob Synagogue [526]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 30 August 1925;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 18June 1967;
NB: Date of last Marriage at the Synagogue: 25 October 1964;
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the Beth Jacob Synagogue, Biscombe Street, Hightown, Manchester having ceased to be used as a place of worship by the congregation on whose behalf it was certified this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The duplicate register has been deposited with the Secretary to the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 8 July 1969.

Manchester, Central Synagogue [516]
(On the page before the first entry in the space for the Name of ... the Synagogue is stated “Fernie Street New Synagogue transferred to the Central Synagogue, Prestwich.”)
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 6 December 1892;
Date of First Marriage at Fernie Street Synagogue in Registers: 11 April 1894;
Date of Last Marriage at Fernie Street Synagogue in Registers: 25 December 1894;
Date of First Marriage at Central Synagogue in Registers: 6 March 1895;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 21 August 1977.
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the amalgamation of the Central Synagogue, Manchester and the North Manchester Synagogue, Salford, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are disused at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The duplicate register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 11 October 1978.
In fact any marriage from 1 September 1978 was registered at Salford.

Manchester, Chare Adam / Chevra Tillim Synagogue/s [511]
It seems that it had the following addresses at different times:
11 Fernie Street, Cheetham, Manchester;
48 Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester;
Stock Street East, Cheetham, Manchester;
78 Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester.

Date of First Marriage in Register: 15 March 1914;
Note: It would appear from notes seen elsewhere that the only Marriages to take place at the Chare Adam Synagogue were religious ceremonies only.
Date of First Marriage at Chevra Tillim Synagogue in Register: 25 January 1948;
Date of Last Marriage at Chevra Tillim Synagogue in Register: 21 November 1950
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 21 November 1950.
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the amalgamation of the Chevra Tillim congregation with other congregations into the Cheetham Hebrew Congregation this and the duplicate Marriage Registers are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The other register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 16 March 1959.

Manchester, Cheetham Hebrew Congregation, Synagogue [531]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 29 March 1959;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 02 February 1975;
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the Trustees of the Cheetham Hebrew Congregation Synagogue having ceased to avail themselves of the provisions of Section 43 of the Marriage Act 1949, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General, and the other register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of
British Jews.”
Signed and dated 04 September 1978.

Manchester, Chevra Kadisha Synagogue [524]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 26 May 1940;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 04 October 1964;
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the Chevra Kadisha Synagogue, Elizabeth Street, Cheetham, Manchester having ceased to be used as a place of worship by the congregation on whose behalf it was certified, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General and the other register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 12 October 1970.

Manchester, Chorlton on Medlock Synagogue [501/1]
Date of only Marriage in Register: 14 March 1915;
Note: After this entry there is a memo stating: This Marriage Register is closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General in consequence of a change in the address of the Synagogue.”
Signed and dated 07 September 1916.

Chorlton on Medlock Hebrew Congregation, 296 Oxford Road, Manchester [501/2]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 12 August 1917;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 29 October 1939;
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating: “In consequence of the fact that the Oxford Road Hebrew Congregation at 296 Oxford Road, Manchester 13 has decided to dispense with the office of Secretary for Marriages, these duplicate Marriage Registers are disused at this point by direction of the Registrar General.”
Signed and dated 23 December 1947.

Manchester, Great Synagogue [512]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 27JUN1838;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 20JUN1950;
Note: The next register in use was transferred to the Salford Registration District. There has also been reference to it as “Manchester Old Hebrew Congregation, Great Synagogue”.

Manchester, Heaton Park Hebrew Congregation, Synagogue, Middleton Road, Higher Crumpsall [530]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 26 May 1937;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 15 August 1999.

Manchester, Hebrew Holy Law (Prestwich) Synagogue [502]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 21 December 1892;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 17 March 1901;
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating “In consequence of the disuse of the Hebrew Holy Law Synagogue this duplicate Register is abandoned at this point, by direction of the Registrar General.”
Signed and dated 10JUN1901.
NB: See Manchester, Holy Law Beth Aaron Synagogue [503/2 - 503/7]

Manchester, Hightown Central Synagogue, Elm Street, Cheetham [529]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 4 June 1939;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 4 September 1962;
Note: At some time between 26 March 1950 and 12 October 1958 they moved to Elderberry Street, Cheetham. Or was the street name changed?
Note: After the last entry there is a memo stating “In consequence of the resignation of the Secretary for Marriages, and no successor being appointed this and the duplicate marriage register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The duplicate register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 27 April 1967.

Manchester, Beth Aaron Synagogue [503/1]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 17 August 1898;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 10 March 1901;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the disuse of the Beth Aaron Synagogue, this duplicate Register is abandoned at this point, by direction of the Registrar General.”
Signed and dated 10 June 1901.
NB: It appears that there was an amalgamation between Hebrew Holy Law (Prestwich)[502] and Beth Aaron Synagogue[503/1]

Manchester, Holy Law Beth Aaron Synagogue [503/2 - 503/7]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 26 May 1901;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 18 December 1932;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the disuse of the Holy Law Beth Aaron Synagogue, Red Bank, Manchester in the Manchester North Registration District, as a place of worship by the congregation on whose behalf it was certified, and the removal of the congregation to new premises called Holy Law Congregation Synagogue, situated in Bury Old Road, Prestwich in the Heywood Registration District, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are officially closed by direction of the Registrar General and the duplicate Register has been placed in the custody of the Secretary for Marriages of the Holy Law Congregation Synagogue, Bury Old Road, Prestwich, together with the duplicate filled Registers numbers 1 to 5 already in his possession.”
Signed and dated 01 September 1934.

Manchester, Kahal Chassidim Synagogue [527/1 & 527/2]
[Webmaster's Note - There were two separate congregations of this name, the earlier (presumably to which the records 1907 to 1937 relate), is now known as Adath Israel Synagogue, and the second (to which the records 1927 to 1955 relate), was originally known as New Kehal Chassidim Synagogue.]

Date of First Marriage in Register 527/1: 23 June 1907;
Date of Last Marriage in Register 527/1: 14 February 1937;

Date of First Marriage in Register 527/2: 27 November 1927
Date of Last Marriage in Register 527/2: 7 August 1955

Note: There is an overlap in the use of these two Registers over a period of 10 years.

Manchester, Kourlander Synagogue [504]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 31 December 1899;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 28 June 1904;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the Manchester Kourlander Synagogue having ceased to Exist, this duplicate register is abandoned at this point by direction of the Registrar General the other duplicate having been deposited at the Office of the London Committee of Deputies of British Jews, 19 Finsbury Circus EC.”
Signed and dated 25 October 1904.

Manchester, New Synagogue, 119 Palatine Road, West Didsbury [505]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 13 April 1921;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 28 September 1926;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the West Didsbury New Synagogue being discontinued as a place of worship, these books are disused at this point by direction of the Registrar General and the duplicate Register has been placed in the custody of the former Secretary of the New Synagogue, Mr Maurice Altaraz.
Signed and dated 11 Januaary 1929.

Manchester, New Synagogue/Beth Hamedrash Synagogue, Cheetham Hill Road [515]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 7 January 1890;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 4 July 1960;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the amalgamation of the New Synagogue and Beth Hamidrash, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, with the Great Synagogue, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by the direction of the Registrar General, and the other register has been placed in the custody of the Secretary (for Marriages) for the Great Synagogue, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester with the consent of the Board of Deputies.”
Signed and dated 25 November 1965.

 Manchester, North Manchester (formerly Brodyer) Synagogue [506]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 17 November 1895;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 29 August 1928;
Note 1: There is a Note on the flyleaf stating “The designation of the Synagogue to which this Marriage Register relates, was on the 27th day of August 1899 altered from the ‘Brodyer Synagogue’ Manchester to the ‘North Manchester Synagogue’ Manchester, and the Congregation removed from Waterloo Road, Cheetham to Bury New Road Cheetham.”
Note 2: The Synagogue is now in the Salford Registration District.

Manchester Congregation of British Jews (Park Place Synagogue and Jackson’s Row Synagogue) [513/1
to 513/11]
Manchester, Park Place Synagogue [513/1 to 513/3]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 17 July 1859;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 27 April 1941;
Note: Park Place Synagogue destroyed in an air-raid 1 June 1941.
Note: There is a memo stating “Owing to enemy action the duplicate marriage registers for the Park Place Synagogue, Cheetham were not available for some weeks and new registers were issued to the Secretary for Marriages. These registers are accordingly closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General.”
Signed and dated 7 October 1941.

Congregation hold services in the Houldsworth Hall, Deansgate [513/4 and 513/5]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 15 June 1941;
Date of First Marriage at the Houldsworth Hall in Registers: 11 January 1942;
Date of Last Marriage at the Houldsworth Hall in Registers: 8 December 1947;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 31 August 1948;

Congregation hold services in temporary building at Park Place then to Jackson’s Row Synagogue
[513/6 to 513/11]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 9 September 1948;
Date of First Marriage back at Park Place in Registers: 29 February 1948;
Date of Last Marriage back at Park Place in Registers: 8 November 1953;
Date of First Marriage at Jackson’s Row in the Registers: 8 December 1953;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 31 August 1999;

Manchester, Roumanian Synagogue, Prestwich [507]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 14 December 1902;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 31 December 1911;
Note: Stated to be “Closed”, but no explanation given.
[Webmaster's note: Having regard to the years given, it appears unlikely that this congregation was actually in Preswich, and reference is probably to the Roumanian Synagogue in Waterloo Road, Cheetham] 

Manchester, Rydal Mount Synagogue, Prestwich [520]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 27 June 1915;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 16 July 1951;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the amalgamation of the Rydal Mount Synagogue Congregation with other congregations into the Cheetham Hebrew Congregation, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The duplicate register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed and dated 16 Marh 1959.
[Webmaster's note: Reference to this congregation being in Preswich, appears to be an error.]

Manchester, Sellel and Psalms Synagogue [528]
Date of First Marriage in Register: 11 August 1935;
Date of Last Marriage in Register: 21 November 1948;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the Sellel and Psalms Synagogue Cheetham having ceased to be used as a place of worship by the congregation on whose behalf it was certified, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are officially closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General and the duplicate Register has been placed in the custody of the Secretary Mr AG Brotman, Woburn House, Upper Woburn Place, W.C.1.”
Signed and dated 26 March 1954.

Manchester, Shaare Sedek Synagogue [510]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 18 September 1928;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 3 November 1996;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the disuse of the Shaare Zedek Synagogue, Manchester, this register and the duplicate register are hereby closed. The duplicate register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies London.”
Signed and dated 29 June 1997.

Manchester, South Broughton Synagogue [523]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 19 May 1920;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 26 November 1972;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the South Broughton Synagogue having amalgamated with the Holy Law Congregation, Prestwich, this and the duplicate Marriage Register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The duplicate register has been placed in the custody of the Secretary of the Holy Law South Broughton Synagogue, Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Manchester.”
Signed and dated 7 August 197? (Indistinct date stamp.)

Manchester, South Manchester Synagogue [508]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 29 October 1873;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 9 September 1984;

Manchester, Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue [514]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 1 July 1874;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 25 September 1977;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue having ceased to be used as a place of worship by the congregation on whose behalf it was certified, this and the duplicate marriage register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General, and the other register has been placed in the custody of the Secretary for Marriages, Mr Albert Rodrigues-Periera, 3 Butt Hill Avenue, Prestwich, Manchester.”
Signed and dated 21 July 1983

Manchester, United Synagogue and Beth Hamedrash Hagodol [518]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 9 August 1908;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 19 March 1952;
Note: There is a memo stating “Registers and indexes transferred to Bury R. O. 01APR1994.”

Manchester, Warsaw Synagogue [521]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 9 January 1921;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 25 February 1958;
Note: There is a memo stating “In consequence of the resignation of the Secretary for Marriages and the dispersal of the congregation of the Warsaw Synagogue, Bell Street, Hightown, Manchester this and the duplicate marriage register are closed at this point by direction of the Registrar General. The duplicate register has been placed in the custody of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.”
Signed but not dated.

Manchester, Withington Synagogue (or Withington Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews) [509]
Date of First Marriage in Registers: 11 December 1907;
Date of Last Marriage in Registers: 16 July 1978;


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