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GEDCOM File Creation in Brothers Keeper 5.2f

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A GEDCOM file is a universal form of data that is recognized by most genealogy programs, and can be imported or exported easily.

  1. Start the program.
  2. Click on File.
  3. Click on Open List of Databases.
  4. Highlight the name of the database that you want to submit.
  5. Click on OK.
  6. Click on File.
  7. Move Mouse down to GEDCOM.
  8. Select EXPORT.
  9. Click on OK.
  10. In the dialog box, type a name for this GEDCOM file, such as "Burt".
  11. The computer will add an extension, ".GED".
  12. Direct this file to a directory of your choice, I put it on a floppy, drive A.
  13. In the Export Gedcom Options Screen, you should put an X opposite Include Submitter Info.
  14. Click on OK.
  15. Fill in Submitter Info.
  16. The GEDCOM file will be created.

Many thanks to Burt Schreiber for this guide.

Back to "Submitting your Family Tree".

Authors: Warren Blatt, Michael Tobias, Carol Skydell, Iris Folkson, Susan King, Tony Zendle, Gary Sandler.
Version 3.00   Last Updated: June 5, 2024   GS

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