Gross-Rosen (Victims and Survivors)Introduction by Peter Landé
BackgroundIn the 1960s Roman Olszyna, a survivor of Gross-Rosen, compiled a list of prisoners in Gross-Rosen. The list included victims and survivors and Jews and non-Jews. His 1971 published work "Oboz Koncentracyjny Gross-Rosen w Latach 1940-1945" (List from Concentration Camp Gross-Rosen for the years 1940-1945) was sent to the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen, Germany. This list is a sub-set of the entire publication. It does not claim to be complete but it is the largest list available on Gross-Rosen prisoners. Even more unusual, using information from other postwar memorial sites, he included the destinations and prisoner numbers where Gross-Rosen prisoners were sent in 1944. Other files in JewishGen's Holocaust Database that contain information on Gross-Rosen include:
The format is simple. The first column is Gross-Rosen prisoner #, the second is category of prisoner, then name of prisoner. Then date of birth and then fate where known. Information varies for each person listed. For example, Iszak Abraham was GR prisoner #43384, a Polish Jew, born 14/7/1925 and was sent on the Mauthausen where his prisoner number was 136452. A search of Mauthausen or ITS records might or might not indicate his ultimate fate as well as provide more information on him such as place of birth. On the other hand for Andreas Abraham, prisoner # 33002, the information is limited to the fact that he was a Polish Jew and died in Gross-Rosen on 25/11/1944. Several of the Gross-Rosen sub-camps utilized crematoriums in Görlitz – a locality which itself did not have a camp. An additional brief list of 43 names of persons cremated in Görlitz gives name and date information along with the Gross-Rosen sub-camp from which they came. DatabaseThis database includes 4,843 records of individuals who were at one time at Gross-Rosen; 4,800 records from Roman Olszyna's work, and 43 records from the ITS Görlitz list. The fields for this database are as follows:
Note 1: Camp Codes — The table below gives the camp codes used in this database, with the names of the camps.
AcknowledgmentsThe information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The original source material was Roman Olszyna's work, "Oboz Koncentracyjny Gross Rosen W Latach 1940-1945". Kurt Friedlaneder, a JewishGen volunteer, compiled the list. The source of the second short list is the International Tracing Service (ITS) collection, Gross-Rosen lists, #147. In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files. Nolan Altman Searching the DatabaseThis database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database.
Last Update: 16 May 2010 by MFK
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