Papers of Joseph Kessler (1891-1979) -- includes information from Britchaner Bessarabian Relief Association, Britchaner Relief in Israel, etc.
Related to: Brichany (Town),
Primary location where the society existed and operated: Israel; USA
Approximate years for which records exist: 1935-1979
Where are the records stored?: YIVO (New York)
YIVO Record Group: 1001
YIVO Box number: ---
American Jewish Archives call number: ---
Is there a memorial list or cemetery burial plot map?: No
Has this resource been examined by a researcher?: Yes, but the indexing was probably incomplete
Number of names indexed from this resource?: Approximately 401 names extracted from these materials (not including photo captions)
Some of the notable documents among the papers: 1937, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1947 dinner Jubilee Journals; etc.