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Photo captions of the Zgierz Yizkor book (cont.)

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Caption Picture Page
Chana Sara Frugel (nee Krimlowski) and Reb Yisrael Frugel zgi732s.jpg 732
The Frugel family zgi733s.jpg 733
Malka Gittel Fridman zgi734as.jpg 734
Grandfather David Waltman zgi734bs.jpg 734
The Cincinatus Family zgi736s.jpg 736
Chana and Yossi Zelgow zgi738s.jpg 738
Berel Zelnik and Chaya Gnendel Zelnik zgi739s.jpg 739
Reb Eliezer Korzerj zgi741s.jpg 741
[Kuperman family photo] zgi743s.jpg 743
Lula Rosenblatt zgi747as.jpg 747
Reb Kalman Rosenblatt zgi747bs.jpg 747
Yisrael Wolf Rosenblatt zgi747cs.jpg 747
Leah Ronia, Michla and Yitzchak Shmuel Rosenblatt zgi747ds.jpg 747
Mindel Rothkopf and Avraham Dov Rothkopf zgi748s.jpg 748
Rivka Leah (Regina) Shevach zgi748cs.jpg 748
Gedalia Rozman & Pessa Roznam (nee Schneps) zgi750as.jpg 750
Rozka & Ben-Tzion Lifschitz and their daughter Mira zgi750bs.jpg 750
Reb Shalom Tzvi Shevach, Chava Rachel Shevach (nee Holtzman) and daughter Perl Dina zgi753s.jpg 753
[Shevach family photo] zgi754s.jpg 754
Mrs. Chana Shevach (nee Zimmerman) zgi755s.jpg 755
Ratza Siedlowski (nee Sorzon) and Moshe Asher Siedlowski zgi756as.jpg 756
Miriam (Marishka) Siedlowski zgi756cs.jpg 756
Shmuel (Salek) Siedlowski zgi756cs.jpg 756
Max Siedlowski zgi757s.jpg 757

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty and Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 15 Sep 2004 by LA