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Photo captions of the Zgierz Yizkor book (cont.)

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Caption Picture Page
Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Leib HaCohen zgi643s.jpg 643
Nathan and Esther Malka Ader zgi644as.jpg 644
Daya and Zigmund Rosenstrauch, Shmuel Ader zgi644bs.jpg 644
Glika Itzkowitz and Reb Hershel Tzvi Itzkowitz zgi646s.jpg 646
Moshe Itzkowitz zgi647s.jpg 647
Mrs. Freda and Reb Yerachmiel Bornstein zgi648as.jpg 648
Rachel Bornstein zgi648bs.jpg 648
Elka Bornstein (nee Wolf) zgi649as.jpg 649
Reb Yitzchak Menachem Bornstein (Reb Mendel Shelditzer) zgi649bs.jpg 649
Margalit Bornstein zgi649cs.jpg 649
Miriam Bornstein zgi649ds.jpg 649
The Blanket Family zgi650s.jpg 650
Feiga Berliner zgi652s.jpg 652
The Borkowski-Baruch family zgi653s.jpg 653
Yoel Goldberg & Tzila Zvia Goldberg (nee Dnishevski) zgi655as.jpg 655
Yoel Goldberg & Tzila Zvia Goldberg (nee Dnishevski) zgi655as.jpg 655
Esther Erica Roter zgi655bs.jpg 655
[Group photo] zgi656s.jpg 656
Yosef Gotthelf zgi657s.jpg 657
Janek, Sara, father Chanoch and mother Esther Goldstein zgi658s.jpg 658
Chana Rachel Birenstock and Dvora Glicksman zgi662as.jpg 662
Shimshon Wolf zgi662bs.jpg 662
Chaim Baruch Gibralter zgi664s.jpg 664
Aharon Davidowitz zgi665s.jpg 665

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 15 Sep 2004 by LA