[Page 356]
zamordowani przez niemieckich faszystów jako bojownicy ruchu oporu [From left: Fajgele Majchel died before the war. Czesie and Mojsze Majchel soldiers of the underground. Murdered by the German fascists] |
i synem zamęczeni w Oświęcimiu [Meir-Jechiel Dromlewicz. Murdered together with his wife and their son in Oświęcim] |
Awrum Jechiel Krukowicz, Manie i ich synek. Wszyscy zamordowani przez nazistów [Etel Dromlewicz was in the underground in the most dangerous situations. Awrum Jechiel Krukowicz, Manie and their little son. All murdered by the Nazi] |
Jego siostra Chajele, jej mąż Welwel i ich dziecko Adamcze. Wszyscy brutalnie zamordow [Jankiel Goldfinkel, underground fighter against the German Nazism. His sister Chajele, her husband Welwel and their child Adamcze. All brutally murdered] |
[Awrum Szymon Sukne murdered with his wife and children] |
[Sane Dromlewicz murdered by the Nazis] |
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Updated 10 Sep 2010 by LA